《Star Gazer》14. Leave It All Behind


He sat in a quaint room, 4 solid walls with a window facing out to the road, a duo of curtains hanging open and allowing a view of the now pitch dark outside — one was a thicker material used to block light with a dark garnet color, the other a soft, white color on a much thinner cloth used to diffuse light. Luke felt himself sinking into the bed, mattress soft, but supportive. Atop its white sheets, a set of clothes had been laid out for him, dark-brown trousers, white long-sleeved button up shirt. Not as casual as the training clothes he had before, but not particularly cumbersome either.

The young man sat nearly naked, mostly dry as his dark hair dripped slightly onto his shoulders. Just the pair of black boxer-briefs he had brought with him survived the battle with little enough damage to keep them. He was surprised to find a working shower not dissimilar to the ones used in London, but engineered via magical enhancements that allowed the system a more modular design via what was described to him as a “mana stone.” Luke was no plumber, but a shower head that didn’t appear to connect to any water piping system yet still produced water at adjustable temperatures was more than a little abnormal to him.

He took a moment - in this quiet reprieve he now had to himself - to reflect on the key issues at hand. Primarily, Luke was most certainly not in London anymore. Where he was, this town of Haverton, was completely foreign to him. But that foreign nature did not extend to merely the locale, but to the fundamental aspects of how this world appeared to work.

Magic was real. He had seen it first hand, experienced in no uncertain terms the existence of people capable of wielding extraordinary power. That knowledge, for Luke, was more comforting than it was daunting. If he thought about how he had traversed worlds, then magic was a simple explanation that gave him hope rather than taking it. And even if it was a supernatural force like the Veil that had brought him here, then surely there were those who had done research into it and may have seen cases such as his previously. A way back home was not impossible because the previously impossible - to a person not of this world - was now possible. Magic was real.

But what did scare him was the fact that his appearance here was not random. Luke had not, by happenstance, drifted into a void of white mist and taken a coincidental trip across dimensions. Had he not seen what was engraved into the witch’s palm, he would have had the luxury of ignorance. But ignorant he was not. That was no mere coincidence. It was a fundamental connection he had to this world. And if it was somehow completely bogus, then he could rest easy. Yet, what terrified him, was that he knew he would never be satisfied if he did not find out. So, this place where he felt himself a fish out of water, was not a place that he could so easily abandon for the comforts of his home world. Luke had a purpose here, and - with its apparent connection to his father - he didn’t just have to explore that connection, he wanted to.

There was a knock at his door, the light tapping of a single knuckle against the hard wood outside of his temporary room.

“Hey Luke, it’s Nick. How are you holding up?”

“Uh, yeah, all good. Just finishing up getting dressed. Should be out in a minute,” he replied, sticking a piece of adhesive onto the clean wraps over the now tended-to wound on his thigh and securing them in place - as he had done to the rest of the fresh cuts on his body. He stood, sore already from the battle, and quickly stepped both legs into his new trousers and slide them on, slightly short at the leg, but a good enough fit around the waist.


“Great, no rush by the way. Just wanted to check in. Elena is setting the table now, but I was wondering if you were up a for quick chat while she finishes up with dinner?” Nick stood outside the door, unconcerned - truthfully - about the boy at all. However, what he did want was a moment between the two where no one would get in the way of his prying. Luke was in every sense a red flag. He was mysterious and, in Nick’s mind, that meant he was suspicious. Of course, he was grateful that Luke had helped bring Mia back home safely, but he had little care for him apart from that. Normally, Nick would have pushed for Luke to find accommodations elsewhere. Mia didn’t owe him anything just for acting in a way that any “warrior” should do. If he was a mercenary or some other freelance fighter - with the praise worthy skills he had seemingly put on display - then a sack of gold was surely better reward than hospitality. So, why then, did Luke acquiesce so quickly to Mia’s offer to stay with them instead of doing what all mercenaries do - ask for monetary compensation.

Luke thought the offer over for a moment, weighing the benefit and detriment of speaking to Nick now, alone, and trying to find any reason to deny him.

“Luke?” Nick called to him again, knowing this would certainly be his last chance that night to speak in private with him and understanding how little time they had to speak at all before Elena called to them for dinner.

“Oh! Right, yes. One second, let me get the door for you,” Luke conceded, pulling the buttoned shirt over his shoulders and arms through the sleeves, fastening just the center portion with one hand to keep a portion of modesty as he opened the door for Nick.

The spectacled man shut the door behind him, locking it and peering over at his niece’s so-called savior. There wasn’t much special about him outwardly, other than his well-kept build, no doubt form countless of hours of hard work and training. But he wasn’t the first muscled man Nick had ever seen, they were a dime a dozen around certain guilds and many broad lines of work. There was not much Nick could ascertain from just looking at Luke anyway. That’s why he wanted this time alone with him. To speak, of course, but more importantly, to shake his hand.

“First of all,” Nick began. Reaching his hand out to Luke and continuing. “I just wanted to thank you one more time for helping to keep Mia Safe.”

Luke reached out his own hand almost instinctively, the act of doing so when offered ingrained into him as proper manners at a young age and ever since. “No, of course. Just did what anyone would have in my position.”

Their hands met and Nick felt time almost slow. The lights dimmed around him in his sight, and an image appeared that only served - on this occasion - to create more questions, rather than answer any.

Lucas Pereira ???/Fighter - ?/4

Date of Birth - ???

Age - ???

Height - 186 cm

Weight - 79 kg

Occupation(s) - Amateur Boxer, Warrior

Strength - 17(-5) - 12

Dexterity - 16(-5) - 11

Intelligence - 10(-2) - 8

Perception - 15(-2) - 13

Fortitude - 14

Location - Home of Elena Herter, Haverton Stamina - 12/27

Status Effects:

Exhaustion - Strength greatly reduced. Intelligence and perception reduced.

Injury(5) - Dexterity greatly reduced. Stacks per vital area affected and severity of wound up to a number of times equal to the individual's Dexterity.



Fury Fist - Channels the user's elevated emotional state into physical empowerment. Punching things feels good! Every strike reduces the elevated emotional state, slightly lowering the effective power of subsequent attacks. Inflicts the Exhaustion status effect after extended use.

??? - ???

??? - ???

??? - ???

The lights turned bright once more and time resumed its natural course. Nick let go of Luke’s hand, the former none the wiser to the blonde’s prying mind.

“Hope you don’t mind if I take a seat here, still not feeling all that energetic after today.” Luke sat, looking up at Nick who stared back at him with a kindly grin, expert at hiding the myriad of thoughts running in parallel within his mind.

“Nothing a nice hot meal won’t fix, I believe. Please, go ahead.” Nick leaned back against the door. A casual movement, yet formidable. Almost as if indirectly stating that Luke wouldn’t leave this room without answering to Nick first.

“So, what was it you wanted to speak to me about?” Luke gave little though to Nick’s gesture, the genuine exhaustion of both his body and mind creating plenty of space for him to miss social cues he would have otherwise picked up on.

“Just a couple of questions I had for you to shore up my understanding of what happened today.” Luke nodded back to Nick as the blond-haired man continued. “On that path by the river, were you on your way to or passed Haverton, or where you heading up to the city?”

Luke wasn’t quite sure what that information would help Nick understand except for what suspicions he might, understandably, have towards Luke. Unfortunately for Luke, there wasn’t a clear answer he could give him. In truth, it was neither. But seeing as Haverton was a smaller town compared to the city form what he had pieced together. It would better serve him not to pretend that he was from here at all, and make believe that was just passing through and in the area recently for odd jobs.

“I was making my way up. I actually camped up away from the city last night doing some hunting for things I could sell around here, make quick money.”

“I see. Do you work up in city often?”

“Here and there.”

“And why do you think Mia and yourself appeared to be connected in a way within the Veil?”

“I’ve got no clue. Could be just because we were both alive? I’m not sure.”

“So you don’t think there was some special meaning to it?”

“I don’t believe we’re fated to be together, if that’s what you’re concerned about, sir.” Luke smirked, thinking Nick a concerned uncle more than anything else.

“Ha..” Nick chuckled artificially, though convincingly. “Maybe just a little, but you’ve assuaged those worries.”

“Good. I really was just there by coincidence and our meeting was by chance. Just happens that benefited us both in surviving out there,” Luke assured.

“I believe you. I think I can hear them out there getting a little restless, so we should probably head out to eat now.” Nick turned to open the door, stopping, just as he did in the doorway of the cabin before, turning over his shoulder to Luke at Luke as he rose unsteadily from the bed. “Hey, what do you about the word ‘Aegean’?”

Luke stopped for a moment, thinking to himself about the question. He did recognize the word, but only from its origin back on Earth. The Aegean Sea between Greece and Turkey. Other than that, he had little else knowledge of it, and certainly no with it’s relation to this world.

“Nothing. Never hear of that, to be honest.”

“Got it. Don’t worry about,” Nick opened the door and stepped out, holding for Luke as the pair made there way into the dining room and took their seats, Mia beside Luke and Nick beside Elena.

“How was the room, Luke? Comfortable, I hope?” Elena took a bowl of of what appeared to be salad. Lettuce, tomatoes, completely familiar.

Luke hadn’t thought much of the mention of dinner. His appetite wasn’t particularly existent with his mind so full of thought, but once he saw the dinner Elena had prepared, he realized strange dinner could have been in this unfamiliar world. Yet, it wasn’t. A stew that smelled of beef and potatoes. Bread, not freshly baked, but perfectly normal in appearance and taste. It was remarkable how unremarkable the dinner was, barring the taste of course. The taste was homely and absolutely fantastic.

“It was perfect. And this,” he pointed at this soup. “It’s amazing, Mrs. Kaufman.”

“Thank you. It’s Herter, actually, but just call me Elena.”

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It’s not an issue. I’m surprised Mia had the time to introduce herself at all back there. She hardy says it normally, let alone under the kind of pressure you two faced today.”

“It wasn’t that bad, mom,” Mia chimed in, ripping a piece of bread off of a larger loaf.

“It was, Mia. And it could have ended a lot worse if..” She trailed off, taking a moment to breathe in as Nick spoke up.

“If your mom hadn’t asked to come over and stay for a few days, the I wouldn’t have been here at all to find you, Mia. Then what would have happened?”

“Are we supposed to have predicted that Veil itself would have been stopped in its tracks by some… monster today?”

“No, Mia, but you going so far out of town when I’m not around, as I’ve told you not to do, is dangerous.” Elena’s look was stern toward her daughter, as Mia lowered her head for a moment, cornered by her mothers sound logic. Then, the younger girl stared over at Nick and back to her mother.

“Why did you ask him to come back? We didn’t need him before. Why now?” Mia’s eyes darted back and forth between them. Elena pursed her lips, making to speak before Nick interrupted.

“Your mother has extended business to attend to in the city. And as responsible as we know you are, we can still can’t leave you alone here for as long as she needs to be in the city. I was coming over to spend some time here, then you’d have a few days to yourself - as usual - before your mom came back a couple from weeks from now. It was supposed to be a surprise.”

“I don’t need a babysitter. He didn’t have to come.”

“But thanks the gods he did, Mia. You’re safe because of him.” Elena spoke up.

“I’m alive because Luke risked everything for us. Nick just cam in for the glory.”

“Mia!” Elena’s tone rose, bothered by her daughters lack of understanding.

“She’s not incorrect, Elena.” Nick turned to Luke. “Sorry about the commotion. We’re a dysfunctional family.”

“No, not a problem. Whose family isn’t? Though, if you don’t mind me asking, why not just take Mia with you? I’m clearly a stranger here, but when my father would go out on extended trips, we would often go with him back when I was a child. You know, they’d be a few weeks, sometimes a couple of months that he’d have to be away and he would just up and take us with him rather than being separated for so long.”

“Yeah, mom. Why not? Enlighten us.” Mia looked at her mom with a questioning stare, the clear irony in her tone leaving no doubt she already knew the answer.

“I… well the city is a very big place. And while I’m there, I spend most of my time and out of offices, not much time spent in my apartment over there. So Mia would be alone in an unfamiliar city… I just don’t trust it.”

“You mean you don’t trust me.” Mia rolled her eyes.

“You’re right, I don’t trust you, but it’s not your fault. You just inherited your father’s foolish spirit-”

“Don’t start!” Her tone was short. Mia looked up at her mother angered and annoyed.

“I’m sorry,” Elena apologized.

“You could move in with me.” Nick looked around, all eyes on him. Even Luke, who understood little of the conversation, was interested. Naturally, whatever they decided to do in their immediate future would help inform him of his living status the in the coming days as well.

“We couldn’t impose like that, Nick.”

“Why not?” He retorted casually. “If anyone knows my that spirit she inherited as well as you do, it’s me. Plus I actually spend time at home composing and can look after Mia, at least until she gets more acquainted with the city.”

“I don’t know, Nick. Do you have enough space for us?”

“Elena, my home was built for large family and there servants to live in. I have plenty of space.”

“Mom, come on. It’s perfect!” Mia’s tuned had changed at the prospect of living in the city. Suddenly, she wasn’t bothered at all at the thought of her Uncle baby sitting her. “Plus, Luke is coming with, so he’ll protect me when I go out into the city. We’ll be fine!”

Luke tilted his head at that last statement, taken aback at the proposition and the instantiation that he’d be with them still. “Wait, I am?”

“Of course. We’re not just gonna leave you here, city boy.” She put a hand on his forearm. “You’re stuck with us now.”

Luke turned to her, catching Elena’s smile as he did and looking up at the grinning mother. “You don’t have a place to stay, do you Luke?” She asked knowingly. “You can be honest with us. Plenty of young mercenaries like you don’t.”

Luke shook his head. “No ma’am, I don’t.”

“Hurt, homeless, and - most importantly - the man who saved my daughter’s life. The least we can do for you is give you a place to help you get back on your feet, Luke. You’re more than welcome to with us, if Nick is fine with it, of course.”

“More than welcome.” Nick assured.

Luke wasn’t sure why they were so kind to him. He had done most of what he had to save himself as much as to save Mia. They didn’t owe him anything as far as he was concerned. But he grateful that they thought they did. Because, for the first time in this terribly long day, he felt his anxiety break, and hope filled the cracks. He felt the hand on his arm grip him lightly, turning to see Mia’s brightly shining smile and sparkling green eyes.

“See?” She asked. “We’re not going to leave you behind.”

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