《What Game is this?》Chapter 4 - It’s all coming together…or not


“This is the Cathedral.” YouTouchMyTruelala said. They stopped in front of a Gothic Building. “And, this is where we part ways, Newbie.”

He felt a tinge of sadness. He always hated goodbyes. You might never know when you are going to see people again.

These guys were playful, but good people nonetheless. He hope he could see them again.

“Level up soon so that we can join some of our raids on the Last Kingdom.” YouTouchMyTruelala said.

“Sure. Thank you very much.” He took on his challenge.

“Next time talk with people around you before setting out in the field. You were in the Zoartian Ruins of all places.” Lalalala said.

“Will do.” He said, smiling at her.

He waved at them as their group went on their way. He was lucky for having people to help him in this unknown place.

He looked at the Building in front of him. The buildings’ style that has been seeing on old churches. There are even gargoyles on the top of it with excruciating details that it could be years before they could have built this whole thing. The marble has been darkening meaning it could have been a long time ago.

On each side of the Cathedral, there were heaps of straws. It stood out from the surroundings; the whole courtyard has an upscale city feel into it. And, there were no animals around.

What is it for? He thought.

A sound of an eagle came from above.


A large object landed at the straw. No. It was person came out of the heaps of straws. It was wearing a long black-silver coat that is tipped at the center.

“Hey! It’s your turn to leap!” The person shouted above them.

A cry of an eagle echoed. Then, the person above leapt off the Cathedral’s roof.

That’s dangerous. It was late to stop the person from jumping off. He could only watch it fall down below. The person- no- the suicidal person had fallen unto the straws and did a cartwheel. He was worried for nothing.


“Yeaaaah! Let’s do it again.”

That looks fun though

He was surprised that those people didn’t break their necks at that height. It seems that there are things that the people in this world can do that they can’t even imagine doing on Earth.

People here must have a good regenerative abilities. This is really a game.

The cloaked people began climbing the Cathedral’s walls. He chose to ignore them and went inside the church.

Now where’s the priest? He looked around. He can only see a delicate woman dressed in white clothing. The woman wore a thin embroidered mask that hides half of her face. Only, the dainty lips can be seen. He walked towards her, his soft platter of his boots can be heard in the silent place.

Above her inscription of ???? Lvl ???? was indicated.

“Excuse me, but where is the Priest?”

“Yes, my child?” the woman said. “I am the Priest.”

“I’m sorry, Priestess.”

“Nay, call me priest.” The person in front of him said, words firm. “Would you like for me to show you, my child?”

He was here to take the ultimate quest, not to judge. And, he had enough surprises for the day.

“Ah-no. No.” he refused profusely. “I’m here for the ultimate quest?”

“Hmmmm… That’s odd… I didn’t saw you being summoned here.” The priest looked at him from head to foot.

“I-uhm- went out , not talking to you. If you know the name ,DoughnutKin saw me and asked me to come here for the ultimate quest?”

“Hmm… all right. I must have missed you, my child.” The priest voice changed, it became more… sweeter. It sounded that this person might’ve recognized DoughnutKin.

He was quite relieved when the priest accepted his excuses. If not, he didn’t really know where to start explaining.

“This City has been in great turmoil, my child. Three Kingdoms has been wreaking havoc on our peaceful days. The first Kingdom, a Mighty Goblin and its soldiers lived. The second Kingdom, where formidable dragons and casters lived. The last Kingdom where the hallowed creatures lived. These three must be defeated to restore the City Zero’s peace.”


“Is there diplomacy in this world?” He asked. “I think if those are Kingdoms, there’s a way to talk and compromise with them.”

“Nay, my child.” The priest looked at the statue beside them. “As the Great Heroes once said, “They must know our peaceful ways by force! If that is an option, this should have been a Conqueror’s Simulation or Build-a-Kingdom Game, you doofus.”

The priest said it in a straight forward voice which he didn’t think this guy was joking.

“And who are these –uhm- Oh Great Heroes? Are they in the City?” he asked.

“The first people on this City. They designed this place.” The priest said. “They have long completed their respective quests and had transcended from this world.”

“The Oh-Great-Heroes didn’t defeat the Kingdoms?”

“They did, my child. But, the three Kingdoms are always rebuild from its demise.”

So much for the Heroes huh? He thought.

“That is why; we summoned people like you to be our new age heroes.”

There was a hint of a problem taking on his head.

“Is the Zoartian Kingdom included in the list of these Kingdoms?”

“Yes, it is the third Kingdom; where hallowed creatures reside.”

“You sure? They are not Elves?”

The priest mouth opened a little. His body lose a little bit of composure.

“They were until five years ago. Now, hallowed creatures are in the Ruined Kingdom.” The priest voice sounded surprised. "How did you know?"

He didn't know how to answer. I'm dumb.

"I was lost in the Zoartian Kingdom? Uhm- that was the place DoughnutKin found me. He taught me things about the Kingdom." He said hurriedly.

Please believe me. Please believe me.

"Oh yes. The player was a very helpful fellow. You can always can count on him." The priest's cheeks turned into pink hues.

This was getting complicated as he delved deeper. The Zoartian Kingdom’s quest was to save some of its remaining citizens. This City’s quest was to defeat the Kingdom where he got his first quest. He could only hope that the Hallowed beings weren’t the Zoartian Citizens he was looking for.

His gut telling him there was something important that happened five years ago.

“Thank you. So, I need to defeat those three Kingdoms?” He needed to confirm.

“Yes, that is the quest. It’s all the Summoned Heroes Quest.” The priest confirmed. “After defeating it, there’s a Heavenly Book of Champions on every Kingdom’s Throne room. Write thy name and this Cathedral will recognize your bravery, my child.”

“Of course, your efforts will be rewarded. This Cathedral will grant you a wish.” The priest smiled.

“Any Wish?” He asked.

“Yes, my child.” The priest clasped its hands. “Riches for your family. Reincarnation. Anything. Do you accept the Quest?”

He slapped his head. Accepting the quest from the Old Tree was not necessary.

Wait. That could be a good thing. He thought. There’s a possibility on not succeeding on the Old Tree’s quest. This could be a good contingency plan.

A plan B is never a bad plan. He thought, his spirits in full swing. All right. Let’s do this.

“I accept” he confidently replied.


Side Quest Acquired: I need a Hero

Quest: (1) Defeat the Three Kingdoms that threatens City Zero

(2) Write your name on the Book of Champions

Reward: One Wish

| Quest | Stats | Items | Map | Music / Sound (Off) | Minimize |

He did a double take on the floating monitor.

“What?” he asked, his eyes fixed on the monitor.

He grasped his hair with his hands and looked above. He wanted to scream real loud.

Side Quest? He screamed internally. This wasn’t even the Ultimate or Main Quest?

The smiling priest looked at him, not realizing he was having a mini melt down.

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