《Treachery Lurks》15. Siege of Surman
Florice grimaced and pinched her forehead to relieve some stress. Stress from the siege and stress from... My advisors! How dare they talk to me like that? I may be a woman but I'm highly capable to command my men. Sorry, my husband's men. She paused to correct herself and grimaced some more. I hope he survived. We may not see eye to eye in most occasions but I can't blame him on that. He's bloody surrounded with fools who believe that a woman's duty is to give heirs. That's it.
The former Hensfield reached out to her long brown hair and started to curl it.
'Tch!' She clicked her tongue loudly which caused the Surman servants to flinch. They're still here? It's probably unfair on them for me to unload my frustrations. She waved her hand and dismissed them all.
'My lady, please allow me to be blunt. You're a woman. You don't belong in matters of state and especially matters of wars and siege.' The irritated lady waved her hand manically trying to get rid of the image of the castle's castellan. Allure damn him! If I had Wendell here, he would probably whip him till he's bleeding red. After this siege Retus...
Who am I kidding! Wendell would probably do nothing to him just like he's done nothing when he'd harrass me whenever I organise the taxes!
Florice bottled her emotions as befit of an aristocrat and tried to calm down. She couldn't help reminisce about her childhood with Alex. The siblings would normally raid the library and read about all matters of 'importance.' They read it all from fiction to wars. She couldn't help herself crushing the goblet.
Me and Alex would always debate about history and the strategies and tactics of war. He would listen to me and I would listem to him. Well... Sometimes we would pull each other's hair, here and there. But he listened! He didn't dismiss me as a woman.
She directed her thoughts to his husband and tilted her head. I'm not sure about Wendell... In fact I don't know. He could be silently siding with his insolent counselors or he sympathises with me. Well he does let me do the minutae of governance. Taxes, trade etcetera...
She took a wide gulp of wine and nearly choked as a huge boulder hurled itself into the castle's walls. Vibrations shook the sturdy keep and chandeliers shook; dropping candles into the floor.
It's good a thing I ordered all flamable carpets to be stored in the cellars.
Florice stood up and brushed her dress of all the dust that fell from the ceiling and walked over to his husband's solar. She was instantly fixed by a glare coming from an annoyed castellan. By some miracle mandated by Allure, she didn't glare back and resolutely sighed instead.
"Retus we're being under seiged. If those invaders managed to break through we're all dead. And before you say that I don't have balls between my legs, therefore I don't have the right to listen and give any suggestions then your wrong!"
"Pray tell then my lady. What can you do to contribute? What advice can you give. My lady." He imperiously said with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.
"We're outnumbered nearly ten to one! At first it was four to one and the enemy seems to be reinforcing at a staggering rate within the past three days. They've also finished building dozens of ladders. It's mostly assured that they'll attack."
He scoffed at that. "We already know that your grace."
"Of course you do. I'm just reminding you of your duty -"
"To Lord Wendell."
"Don't interrupt me! Your duty to administer the lands surrounding the castle and protect Surman castle. I helped you with taxes and tarrifs, let me help you protect my husband's home... No, my home now!"
"I must admit. The numbers have been perfect. You, my lady, have managed to protect Lord Wendell's lands from tax dodgers and from swindlers. For that you have my thanks.
"However-" He paused and stared at the lady. "War and taxes are completely different."
Of course they are, you damn brute!
"That wasn't my point. You vouched for me. You vouched for my competence. I hope you'll listen to me because of it."
"I'm listening my lady. But please do be quick. I've got a siege to take care of."
Florice clenched her fist at that; dumbfounded by such arrogance. She couldn't understand how people like this existed. Her father and brother wasn't like this. They listened to her mother and her. But this... She grit her teeth and pushed down the angry retort. No it's not the time for that. Mom always says flattery is always the best tool for idiots like him.
"You do and also a siege to win. You've lead our soldiers to withstand numerous probing attacks. You've increased their morale and wouldn't turn their swords against us, when the winds turn against our favour."
Retus straightened his back at that in confused surpise.
"And the winds will turn against us. But I have a solution that would ease our manpower when it's comes to battle." She grinned and snorted a giggle.
Retus leaned in and beckoned for her to continue.
You don't beckon me! I'm the lady of this ancient castle! You can't just order me around like a servant. A cheer was replaced with seriousness and she tried to stare at the castellan neutrally.
"Do you know those carpets I had stored in the cellar maybe we could douse it in tar..."
Saunders looked at the castle. A castle built in to a cliff and surrounded with huge walls, towering many buildings seen in Francia. Murderholes and parapets, decorated with grotesque gargoyles, lined the periphery of the castle. He stared at the edifice and wondered how they were supposed to conquer that. Hundreds of Francians will die just to take this castle and save the... people. Saunders gulped down his guilt and apopletic anger.
We were supposed to save the people of Leidorf from noble's tyranny! We were supposed to spread the wealth that these lazy nobles hoarded for centuries.
But... We instead acted as barbarous bandits. Bandits. Thieves. Sometimes murderers... My fellow Francians...
He shook his head in disbelief. His father would never condone this. His mother would never allow him to join a band of brigands and bandits. They're both dead now. Saunders was relieved they were dead. They didn't have to see the atrocities committed by their faith. The looting. The stealing. The killing.
They could easily languish in the safe confines of 'Allure's Garden' if it existed. Not knowing the damnable hypocrisy that plagued the current Doctrine Worshippers.
He took a forceful bite at his jerky and tried to look at anything to distract himself. He noticed a group of people wearing brown cloaks and tunics and he couldn't stop himself staring at their crest. That symbol looks familiar. I think they're a new sect within the Francian Doctrines.
Saunders scoffed at that; not quite believing that zealots like them existed. Zealots that would force their faith upon each other. They believed in equality and Allure. Well, I only believe in equality. I guess I haven't seen any proof that Allure exists. I know it's dangerous but as long as I disguise my lack of belief, by reciting nonsense from the Historicales during congregation. Then I should be fine.
As much as he hated zealots, he much prefer them than the nobility and their 'Social Order'.
He looked at them and saw the captain of the Francian mercenaries speak with the agitated man bearing the overlapping three circles.
Before he directed his anger towards him, he quickly looked down and took another bite. He may not have raped, pillaged and burnt the houses of people we were saving! But he knew too much. He knew too much to be complicit!
Sensing his hypocrisy he closed his eyes and cringed. What could I have done? I'm new to this. Not new to fighting - dad taught me well. But new to killing and being part of a mercenary group. I was just a merchant's apprentice before this. So, I'm new. I couldn't have done anything. Those veterans would've eaten me alive. So I kept quiet. I kept quiet...
A man tapped him in the shoulders.
Saunders quickly stopped musing for excuses and looked up and stared at the man carrying a crossbow.
"Saunders, you alright?"
"I'm fine Gavet. Just eating jerky. Sometimes, you have to douse it with water to make them soft and sometimes no matter how much you boil it; it's still like leather armour. And I suppose I was eating leather disguised as jerky."
Gavet bellowed a laughter at that.
"I guess you need more firewood then." Gavet pointed at the pile of jerky. "To boil those. I wouldn't dare eat those, unboiled."
"Why? You have tough teeth."
"Aye I do. But it's too salty." The crossbowmen stuck his tongue out.
"Tough shit. We're in war."
They both stayed silent and contemplative at that.
"Say Saunders... Why did you join this group? I guess I just couldn't find the time to ask you and I blame those constant raids from the savages."
"Well. I'll answer that with two question to you. Do you think it's fair for nobles to lord over Allure's creations and basically enslave them? Do you think it's right when thousands are starving and those nobles get to feast in splendor?"
"No. In both of the questions. But is that it?"
Saunders brizzled in irritation at that and chose to ignore him. Gavet noticing his friend's body tensing up tried to change the conversation.
"You don't like what we're doing then?"
"No, I don't. And by the tone of your voice, I guess neither do you."
"At first I did. These were the people that willingly let themselves get enslaved. I thought it was Allure's will for them to see error in their ways. For them to suffer like we did under the Francian nobles. For their belongings to be stolen and their wealth siezed. I hoped I could even do the siezing. I needed the money... But then they started killing and raping..." Gavet shivered and sighed in resignation. He couldn't believe the people he looked up to were rapists and murderers.
They both and scoffed and glared at their comrades in arms. Gavet took the chance to whisper to Saunders. "Say... When the siege is won. Do you want to leave?"
Saunders was conflicted. He honestly wanted to leave. Wanted to leave a cruel and despicable bunch of people. But he just couldn't. The only belongings he has in this world are the things he carried on his back or wore. Chainmail armour and a tunic beneath. Trousers, his shields and his sword. My father's sword.
He just couldn't leave. He left the merchant troupe and they would never take him back in. I could always join another one... But they would probably be suspicious of me. I'm reasonably educated in commerce and they would think that I'm a spy from one of their rivals.
He wanted to leave but couldn't commit and settled with, "I'll think about it. If this siege goes bad then I'll leave."
Gavet looked at him suspiciously. "I didn't hear a yes... And the last bit might as well be taken as a no. With our numbers we could easily take this castle. They only have a hundred men! We outnumber them ten to one!"
"You never know Gav... You never know."
"As cryptic as ever."
"You've asked me a question. Now, It's my turn." Saunders directed Gavet a curious glance. He was with him during the fighting. He saved him when the savages were right behind him and in return, Gavet did the same. Gavet shot a man, wearing nothing but rags, on the throat with his sword closing in to Saunder's spine. Their ordeal and with blood, sweat and tears, they quickly became friends. Friends that knew nothing of each other.
"I'll respond as cryptic as ever. Like you." Gavet said cheekily.
"Where do you really come from? Your not Francian and you don't have that... accent - "
"Like you do?"
"Yes. I already told you why. Merchants and traders don't like peasant speak." He drawled out the last bit in indignation. Saunders always wondered why people who have earned too much suddenly forget their origins. Those merchants may be rich but in the end of the day they're still peasants. They forget it and get corrupted with wealth. Great, I'm sounding like those zealots now.
"I know you did. I guess I'm from the duchy of Lichtofen. Just east of Francia. I think I'm a bastard from one of those prominent nobles that you despise." He grinned at him and bared his teeth.
Saunders rolled his eyes and ignored his friends antics. "That's interesting. So you had a noble's upbringing then..."
"Not quite... But I guess I did. I never slept with an empty stomach and had servants. But that all changed when I was kicked out."
"Why were you kicked - "
A sudden blaring of horns alerted the camp.
Wait... We're sieging!
Saunders ran off to get his armour and put it on and grabbed his short sword and shield. It's going to be tough climbing those ladders with this shield! He hurriedly ran where his company of swordsmen are and stood, whilst calming his breath.
He saw Gavet doing the same and reloaded his crossbow and stood in attention in ranks in front of them.
The Captain dressed in black tunic underneath his steel plate armour rode across the ranks of Francian soldiers.
"Men of Francia! Worshippers of the true Doctrine! Now is the time we free the people of Leidorf from their slavers! Starting with this castle! We shall sweep this Duchy and the rest of the Empire with our sacred rage! Rage of being oppressed. Rage of being starved. Rage of inequalities! Today we shall send a very strong message to the nobles! A message of their blood on our steel!
"Sappers lay their walls with ladders!
"Trebuchets weaken their gates!"
A rapid sets of orders were fired and hundreds of people carrying dozens of ladders ran towards the wall, with pitiful amounts of arrows fired to stop them.
Trebuchets continued to hurl tonnes of stones towards the gate but it seemed to do nothing. Wait... The gatehouse seems to be buckling. This siege could possibly be won with less deaths.
"We've been assigned to assault the gate when it falls. Which would be a couple of moments from now. So best be prepared for that men!" His company leader ordered them.
He breathed a heavy sigh of relief thinking he didn't have to go up the ladders with his huge shield. And he watched the ladders being lain without any resistance.
At this rate, they'll take the castle before the gate collapses.
Hundreds of men rushed into the ladders and paused to sling their shields over their backs and started to climb it. A battle cry of victory was being sung.
Dozens upon dozens started to scale the walls when suddenly burning substances were thrown down at each ladder. Instantly burning the top of the ladder and engulfing dozens in a roar of flames. They thrashed and struggled trying to cling into the flame and throwing it away. Some managed at a cost of their red and pealing skin. Most kicked the person underneath and simply jumped off to their deaths, and further engulfing more people in flames.
Chaos and fear spread through the ranks as ladders started to burn. Men on top of them started a vicious melee with one another to get down. They were once comrades but now adversaries fighting not to die a heretic's death.
Several fire-plagued ladders collapsed into the ranks below and further spreading the fire.
Saunders watch on in wonder and fear and habitually prayed to the non-existent goddess for his survival.
That could have been me! He stared at the hapless man running away whilst desperately ripping away at his burning clothes.
The Captain gaped his mouth open but rapidly closed it and stood on his horse and signalled the traumatised trebuchet crews to continue firing at the gate. 'We could still win this if that gate fell!' He thought and muttered a quick prayer to Allure for victory.
A savage yell rang through the forest and immedietately alerted the besiegers.
"Savages coming from the east and south!" A scout shouted whilst panting and was rewarded with an arrow straight through his head.
Shit! More of them!
"Order the survivors from the wall and form ranks towards the east and south!" The Captain growled in anguish.
Surviving disciplined swordsmen formed ranks and a shield wall to face the threat. Hundreds of rag wearing savages battered across the shield wall and piercing the gaps with their daggers. Daggers struck the besiegers eyes and ears causing them to buckle and leaving gaps within the shield wall.
The crossbowmen took cover and shot at the enemy archers and providing some relief for the swordsmen.
Quickly, the organised shieldwall was replaced by a chaotic melee favouring the forest dwellers.
Out of the corner of his eye, Saunders saw his blond haired friend running away towards the middle of the Duchy.
Saunders suppressed the jealousy growing on him and steadied his breathing. I should be a crossbowmen in the next life. 'Allure's Garden' probably isn't welcome to disbelievers like me.
The gate opened not from the trebuchets but from the defenders sallying out. Heavily armoured men at arms charged down the slope and slammed into his company's swordsmen. A shieldwall was too late to be formed.
Disorder spread through the battle. Disorder that could be exploited.
Saunders sensing an opportunity slid out of the formation and tried to run towards where his friend was. He was met with a man at arms dueling with Gavet.
Gavet dropped his crossbow and pulled out a dagger and lunged at the man at arms. Remembering his training, he directed his stab towards the neck. The man at arms easily deflected and parried his strike, causing Gavet's upper arm to burn in pain.
He grasped his left arm and ducked the swing.
He continued dodging until he tripped on a root. Desperately, he tried to kick his enemy in the shin but was punished by a steel sabaton. His kick was swiftly ignored and a second later the experienced man towered over him and brought his sword down on him. 'Shit! I still have to take care of mum! I can't die now!' He hopelessly thought.
Saunders rushed over and stabbed the man on his neck, rescuing his friend.
"I saved you twice now and you saved me once. So you owe me." He held his hands towards Gavet and he promptly took it.
Gavet winced in pain as he crouched down to sooth his bruised leg.
"You shouldn't be kicking metal sabatons! You fool."
Gavet stared at him and laughed. "I was down. I had to trip him up for me to have some chance!"
"So, you need to be carried as well, Lord Gavet."
"Oh shut up! But... A shoulder should be fine. No carrying!
"Since you were a merchant, you should know your way around the Empire's capital for trade."
"I thought you knew where you were going. I saw you scurrying away towards Grey city. To the west."
"I was just lucky." He paused as he gazed at the dead man at arms and thought of the worse. "Now, take me somewhere that's not here please. By our plainness, we could easily be mistaken as travellers. Not invaders."
"It will be done Lord Gavet." Saunders smirked as he saw Gavet rolling his eyes.
- In Serial16 Chapters
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Thanatos Briar is a renowned detective not just in his country, the United Kingdom, but across the globe in the criminal/law enforcement world. A genius at only 19, he's solved dozens of cases complicated by the magic that inhabits today's society of spells, potions, witches, and technology. Follow his cases as he meets and befriends members of the soon-to-be Waurelt's Mystery Club! CURRENTLY: Case One - The Tree of DeathThanatos is called to Waurelt's Academy of Magic and Technology- the prestigious boarding school his younger sister was just accepted into -to investigate the gruesome murders of several of its female students. Working with roommate Jonny and student council president Rebecca, the three must get to the bottom of this killing spree before the school's students and reputation are dragged to hell.
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