《Treachery Lurks》12. A Gathering at Harkon's Town
Seirun watched the parade of levies marching through the wide streets of Grey city. A sea of green flooded its streets as thousands crowded the sidewalk, filled the tavern balcony and climbed the red tiled roofs. Many peered over their windows and watched with pride. Starving and desperate refugees cried with joy and chants of 'kill them all!' The Hero clad with steel plated armour with the Leidorf's crest carved into its chestplate proudly waved, on top of his horse, as the ecstatic crowd threw red roses at him and his soldiers.
The blond haired boy couldn't contain himself and ran down the gate towers and ordered someone to fetch him a horse. He travelled towards the gate and waited for Ser Elvaughn.
"Seirun." A commanding voice reached out to him.
"You will promise that you'll behave. I expect you to follow Ser Elvaughn's order. His word is the Law. Understood?"
"Yes father!" He petulantly scoffed at that. "I already promised two days ago. I'll also keep men at arms close to me aswell."
The Duke suspiciously looked to him. "Seirun please be careful. Don't treat this like your flights of fancy."
"How do you know what my 'flights of fancy' are! You're not even there for me most of the time!" He shouted in unexpected anger and was quick to realise his mistake and followed it up by, "I'll be careful."
Albrecht looked over towards his son and sighed to himself. He willed himself to ignore his previous outburst. "As long as you know. My Court Counselors adviced me that sending you out was a bad idea. You're my heir and son. I can't have you dying off. I can't have you crippling yourself either."
Seirun bit back his trembling irritation at that. All he cares about is those damn lowborn he likes to listen to. Not once has he listened to me! He didn't even show up to my first duel. He didn't even care when I sprained my leg falling off a horse. He's just too busy quill pushing at dozens of parchments a day and listen to those fools instead of paying attention to me. I guess now he is. I guess he doesn't want me to die. I guess he doesn't want me to be crippled. No... Seirun slumped in sad resignation. He doesn't want his HEIR to die and be crippled. He doesn't care about his son. I guess, after this I should be glad to go to Deorum.
A familiar sound of horses thumping the ground came towards him.
He saw Ser Elvaughn and several dozens of men at arms astride on horses.
The young man smiled at him. If only he was my father.
The knight dismounted and knelt in front the Duke and ceremoniously said, "Your grace, your army is ready."
The Duke sternly gazed at him and looked back towards the green cloaked levies and his armoured cavalry force. He noticed an odd amounts of horsemen being too lightly armoured. 'Must be Romen's agents.' He turned his gaze back towards the ageing knight.
"You've done well Ser Elvaughn. You had two days to drill them into shape and they look well disciplined. It's only right I expect victory from them!" He shouted at the end and caused dozens of soldiers near them to straighten their backs.
Albrecht galloped past the kneeling knight and positioned himself at the front of the army. "Your here to fight. To fight for your countrymen who lost their homes, sons, daughters or wives. And to fight to stop anymore orphans and widows weeping for their parents and husbands! So I order all of you. To march south as liberators and to march back as heroes!"
A deafening roar travelled across the wide streets. Levies roared and banged their halberds into the crowd. Ordinary folks cheered and raised their clenched fists towards the skies and chanted, "March back as heroes!" Kids sat on top of their parent's shoulders beemed at their duke and waved happily at him.
Seirun looked on and begrudgingly cheered. He looked over towards the happy crowds. My father likes those commoners more than me.
The army continued to march on and Seirun trotted behind Ser Elvaughn, not even bothering to look back.
They marched on for two days. For two days Seirun dueled with men at arms and Ser Elvaughn and observed the levy's training.
On the second day they were met with soldiers emblazoned with two standing foxes with a sword in the middle. Seirun worked his mind to remember something the geezer said. That must be the Huntsman army. My demented former lecturer never liked them. What was his name again? Koppenhams? Koppinghamms? That was his surname, I think.
Ser Elvaughn trotted towards them with Seirun following.
A youthful looking man stood at the front of the army in ornately carved armour. Golden foxes emblazoned his chestplate and removed his helm. Long dark brown hair, tied up in a neat pony tail, and teal coloured eyes glared at Seirun.
That must be Erdin. As much as I loath his father, at least he trust his son to lead an army. Unlike mine. The Duke's heir squinted his eyes and looked harder. He looks like Herin. Well... I guess more masculine and older. And taller too.
Seirun grinned at that and remembered his first ever friend. I only met her once but she didn't give shitty excuses to not come with me. She looked to me as if we're equals. He didn't know whether to be angry or glad at that. Come to think of it, I haven't informed father of my deal. That'll get him to pay attention to me! He mentally kicked himself for forgetting. I wonder if Chancellor Lonsdale informed him?
"Lord Huntsman. It's always good to see the Duke's honourable and steadfast vassal come to his time of need." Ser Elvaughn greeted with a slight bow.
"The Huntsman are forever loyal to Leidorf." He looked at Seirun again. "We are only doing our duty and so we have come as a host numbering a thousand men."
"Those thousand men will be needed. I thank you again in behalf of his grace."
Erdin nodded at that and lead his host to join ours.
He stopped in confusion as he saw men in tattered brown tunics, with strange arm bands of three circles overlapping, were lead away. He found it odd how they had manacles around their necks, wrists and feet. They were hobbled together and looking parched and starving. Out of curiosity he approached them and was stopped with guards with... Two axes crossed over each other. This is the crest of Alex's house! He's here!
He excitedly looked around but didn't see him and curtly ordered the guards. "Where's Alex. Where's your lord?"
The guard looked confused at first but saw the characteristic Leidorf blond hair and panicked. "Umm. mi-milord. He's right over there!"
The young man kicked his horse on a gallop and went over to Alex.
"Alex, your here!" He reined his horse to an abrupt stop, spewing dusts of gravel around.
The flustered Baron accidently pulled the reins too hard causing his horse to sway about.
"Y-Your grace! You shouldn't gallop at other people like that! What if you bashed into me!" He chided.
Seirun couldn't help but grin at that. "You shouldn't humiliate me in front of Ser Elvaughn then!"
'What is this brat on about?' Alex thought to himself and chose to safely placate the wayward heir instead. "Your grace, I don't know what I did that to offend you but you have my sincere apologies none the less."
"As long as you know! Why are you here?"
The Baron huffed a sigh. 'He's probably coming up with a witty remark regarding our house.'
"I've come to aid my people against these invaders."
The young boy looked around and sneered. "You've at least surpassed my expectations. You have fifty well armoured men at arms and half of those are horsemen! I didn't know a baron could be this rich?" He asked in sincere curiousity.
Alex looked at him and was shocked. 'At least he didn't say anything bad about me this time. I swear to Allure, if he calls me a peasant again...'
"I've read your letter and I was suprised that you were going to delay my studies. You've also hinted that you weren't going with me to Deorum to continue my studies."
'Of course I did. I have a barony to govern and thousands of people that rely on me. I can't just keep pilling on my duties to my mom!'
"So I decided to inform Count Huntsman about my idea."
Alex with a sinking feeling knew what he was going to say next.
"I told him how you were very competent and knowledgeable. You should be honoured."
'Of course. Of course... I hope Lonsdale refuses!'
"He agreed that I should continue my studies with you! So you shall come to me in Deorum!" Seirun boisterously stated with a huge smile on his face.
The Baron forced himself to smile along whilst internally straightening his stomach out. "Your grace! I'm h-honoured!"
Seirun triumphantly stared at him and suddenly remembered the manacled people.
"Why do you have your men guarding them." He pointed at the malnourished bunch.
"They're raiders. We've managed to capture them alive."
"What! Are they the ones we're about to fight?..." He asked with clear disappointment visible on his face.
"No you idio- They've been captured two days ago and now their prisoners." Alex grimaced at them remembering their unnerving defiance. They refused to talk despite how hungry and thirsty they are. 'Well they're no longer my problem. The Duke's men should be able to make them speak.'
"You've fought against them! Tell me how it went!" Seirun demanded with stars in his eyes.
Alex vaguely retold his story to his student as they marched and camped outside of Harkon's Town.
Ser Elvaughn sat inside his tent and glared. He slammed his fists into the table remembering the mayor. That ungrateful bastard! We're here to protect them but they refused to hand in their food! Saying they've run out! How could they run out of food! There was no reported sightings of raids happening here! He took a huge breath and slouched in his seat.
Suddenly a man with a dark hood hiding his face stepped in to his tent.
The knight instinctively grabbed his short sword and pointed it at the man's throat.
"Who are you and why are you here!"
"My lord please lower your sword. I'm one of Lord Romen's agents."
The knight sighed and sheathed his sword and sat back down.
"My lord. These are the maps that we drew." He handed several pieces of parchment to the armoured behemoth.
Ser Elvaugh quickly glanced at the maps. He probed the maps with his fingers and started shooting questions at the agent.
"... Those are the deer paths we've discovered. They're wide enough for six people to stand abreast from each other. The west forests have more of these.
"The plain is flat my lord. It hasn't rained here for a few days. So it should be dry."
Interesting. Interesting. You have my sincere gratitude Romen.
"Romen mentioned he has a few suprises for me but he didn't mention any of them. This can't be the only suprise." He stared expectantly towards the agent.
"My lord, that would be correct. He has given you about two-hundred horse archers."
That's useful. That should distract their heavy cavalry for a bit. Maybe delay and halt their momentum
"You can leave now. I also expect, nay order your other agents to lead some of my men to those forest. East and west."
"How many are we talking about my lord?"
"Where are those damn francs!" An irritated man with a deep scar running down his right eye shouted."We were supposed to meet here! Where the hell are those damn heretics!" He screamed again with spittles flying at his unfortunate subordinates.
"Milord- Captain. We've just received a raven from them this morning. They report that their supplies are being burnt and being attacked by the forest's natives."
"Those are veterans from the Heresy! How are they getting bogged down by mere militia!"
"You need to calm down Harbert." A feminine voice echoed through the tent as the red haired lady entered. "I can hear you from outside the tent."
Harbert frowned at the woman and berated her. "How can I calm down Beth! This is your idea to split up and attack through that forest."
"You seem to forget the main goal of this campaign." She responded with a pointed stare.
The one eyed man growled at her but let her continue.
"The Surmans are an ancient and prestigious house and they hold the eastern borders. I hear Wendell is the last of the Surmans. He has no heirs and the rest of his family tragically died.
"What would happen if we killed him? Who gets to rule that land? Other houses who descended from petty kings would fight and squabble over it. Settling ancient grudges and so on. Hopefully this'll further destabilise Leidorf."
Harbert looked shocked at her female colleague for divulging this much secrets out in the open and was quick to reprimand her. "Beth be quiet-"
"They already know. They're loyal. Loyal soldiers of Armoth!"
Harbert looked on suspiciously and demanded proof.
Swiftly, his subordinates showed a branding of the three circles on their forearm.
Harbert heaved a sigh of relief at that and fixed Beth another stare. "How many of our mercenaries are following Armoth and don't count the ones you've seduced and converted?"
Beth curled her lips at that. "About a quarter. The rest seem to have Francian sympathies."
The Captain tilted his head in confirmation and continued back towards the matters of war. "Have they encircled and started besieging the castle?"
"Yes captain. They've started it two days ago."
"Good. Any news on the Duke's army?"
"They started to gather north west from us. Near Harkon's Town. They number roughly seven thousand and are lead by the Hero of Almagh."
Harbert scoffed at that and dismissively retorted, "I can't wait to fight against him! We all read and studied the battle of Almagh. We should be able to defeat him despite being outnumbered! Their untrained levies are no match against us!"
His men nodded enthusiastically at that and a couple of 'hear! hear!' have been cheerfully chanted.
The one eyed captain stood up and puffed his chest. "Men! We are this close! This close -" He expressively held his hands close together- "at achieving the dreams of all Armoth devotees! No longer shall we hide and mutter prayers beneath our cellars! No longer shall we be burnt at that stake for our beliefs. We march on and confront the Allurions and they shall be killed and their survivors sacrificed!
"We pray to Armoth to grant us strength to push through and win! Armoth may you accept this sacrifice!
"Bring the prisoner in!"
A man with a white robe wearing the blazing sun of Allure as a necklace was pushed into the tent. His mouth heavily gagged and feet and hands tied up.
The Armoth devotees held the priest of Allure at the bloody altar. His chest facing upwards and body bent.
Beth took out a dagger with the Armoth yellow jaguar as the pommel. An ancient and undecipherable text engraved into it's bronze blade. She held the dagger on top of the man's heart.
The priest writhed in fear and desperately gargled beneath his gag. His widening pupils stared at the bronze dagger.
"Armoth, may you accept this sinner's beating heart. May you accept this worthy sacrifice and grant us victory." Beth said and lifted the dagger into the air and thrust it back down towards the man's chest.
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