《Treachery Lurks》10. Disastrous Courting
Seirun looked confused as he tried to analyse the Chancellor's face. His aristocratic sterness suddenly gone and replaced with an unpleasant shock. He didn't know whether to be glad or confused at that. I just accepted her daughter's hand in marriage. He should be glad that the future duchess has Huntsman blood! Why is he making that face? I've never seen him in this state before! He openly threw puzzled glances at the count.
"You should be glad I accepted the deal. Now, I get to have Alex as my vassal. "The devious youth tried to cheekily add in.
"Your grace, it's not fair to add in a condition that we'd agreed wouldn't be possible. You also conceded Hensfield's vassalage." Lonsdale sprung up from his stupor and quickly recovered, and put the Duke's Heir scheme down. 'That suprised me. I almost broke down in front of the heir! In front of a brat! Allure forgive me for my arrogance! I didn't think he would accept.' He mentally chided himself.
Damn. He's quick. I almost got Alex's taxes for my self! It would be nice to have more money to go to the consort's house and privately source my drinks. That thin peasant has been removing every bit of my beverage around the palace!
"That's fair enough my lord. In exchange of Alex coming with me to the Deorum, I shall marry your daughter." I always found it odd how I've never met his daughter. In fact I don't know her name. He dug further into his memories. Everytime I visit the Great Hall to take part in my father's court I always never see a pretty lass. Are the courtiers hiding their daughters from me? Is the chancellor also doing the same? A full prong of paranoia hit Seirun as if the whole weight of the universe fell on him. Why? I'm handsome enough! Those consorts called me cute and therefore I am!
"My lord, I present Herin of House Hunstman." Both Seirun and Lonsdale was brought out of their paranoid musing and inner politiking respectively.
Seirun perked his ears and looked back rapidly which startled the Chancellor. He was genuinely curious of who was going to come in. Finally, a woman that has social status. She must be more beautiful than those consorts because her birth has been willed by Allure her self! The 'Divine Right of Nobility' is what Alex would've repeated from those boring historical tomes.
A youthful girl came in with an orange dress patterned with flowers and red belt tied around her waist. Smooth dark brown hair scraped her epaulets and light blue eyes stared at him. Much more refined than those consorts. He then rudely appraised her and looked down and up, and scrutinised her breast, hips and shoulders. Less developed than those consorts. I guess she's gorgeous in a way. He stared back into her face. Slightly freckled with high cheekbones. I guess she's lacking in a way. He then glanced back to her chest.
The young Huntsman reciprocated and glared back at him. Her face turned into a nasty frown and then fear... Fear? 'At first I thought he was looking at me like that guard. But... I don't know. Who is he and what's he doing in pappa's solar?' She gave a questioning look to her father.
The Chancellor glared at the young man and nearly strangled him. 'No... It's tempting though. I tried so hard to hide her away from him'. A growl escaped his lips. 'Serin and I tried so hard to politely decline feasts and social gatherings whenever Albrecht would bring him!'
Lonsdale promptly stood up and walked to his daughter, "Your grace, I have the pleasure to introduce you my daughter Herin. My eldest daughter and similar to your age." He attempted to say politely.
Seirun, ignoring the rude tone of the Chancellor, politely introduced himself, "My lady." He ceremoniously took her hand and kissed it, adding a quick inaudible sniff. Lavendar perfume? Definitely more elegant than the consorts. "I'm pleased to have met someone so beautiful as you. It's a suprise I haven't noticed you yet. I don't believe we've ever met." The young man pointed an accusatory glare at the Chancellor.
Herin quirked a smile and politely said, "No. I don't think we've ever met before. Who might you be my lord?"
"Not a lord. Next time say 'Your grace' for propriety's sake. I'm the Duke's son and heir and your future duke. You should be honoured to meet me. " Seirun arrogantly stated and was about to say 'your betrothed' but remembered he didn't have the power to arrange it himself. His father did. And if looks can kill, Lonsdale, would've murdered Seirun in multiple of ways.
She gave him a subtle frown. 'So he's the infamous prick. Looks like the rumours and gossip of him are real. I shouldn't have scolded Delais for calling him a 'pompous dick.'
"Your grace, I'm truly honoured to have met you. It's truly a shame we haven't met sooner."
Sarcasm flying over his head Seirun responded, "Let's take some time to get to know each other. You're probably my first friend who's a girl." The boy got depressed and his previous haughtiness gone. Friend? I've never really had friends before. Not counting those men at arms. They're too lowborn for them to be acquainted to me. The lordly heirs only took time to spar with me and would avoid me after I put them to the dirt. A small glimmer of hope emerge out of him. I guess I could count Alex... NO! He laughed and poked fun of me in front of the Hero of Almagh!
Herin took a resigned look at his father knowing she can't refuse without putting the Huntsman family on the bad side of the duke's heir. Her father returned it and muttered, "I'm sorry."
"Your grace, It would be my honour to accompany you. Let's go somewhere quiet. The palace gardens maybe?"
Seirun brightly smiled at that and unconciously reached out and gripped her hands, causing both the Chancellor and her daughter to flinch and start to fidget.
"You actually said yes! That's amazing! The other boys would always make up excuses. Well your clearly not a boy, since you look like a dainty version of a consort."
'Oh, so the rumours really are true. He truely is a shameless scumbag. I can't believe I used to cry and whinge about not going to feasts with him around. I have to say sorry to mamma and pappa.' She grimaced in thought.
"Well! What are you waiting for? Lets go." He grabbed her wrist and started to lead her out of the solar and into the gardens. Leaving behind a contemplative Chancellor.
'It's only been two days since I started to really know him. He's more than suprised me in far too many occasions. Perhaps I shouldn't have lost interest in him when my spies started to whisper about his unsavoury hobbies'. He heaved a sigh and took a glance at the amount of work he's going to do. 'Parchment diplomacy is boring.' He thought as he stamped another letter with the Leidorf's seal. 'Herin is going to be fine. She's a strong girl and kind too. But Serin is not going to be happy!'
The brute forcefully led me to the gardens right beside a charming fountain, sculpted in amazing white marble. Rubies decorated where the water came out from giving the fountain a mesmerising red tinge.
She suppressed several violent sentences to say to the boy similar her age.
"Your the first friend I've ever taken to the gardens. In fact your the first friend I've ever taken to anywhere! The fact that you suggested the gardens is truly an amazing coincidence." He boisterously said.
"You never had friends before?"
As if a knife stabbed him in the gut he poignantly responded, "No... Everytime I put in effort to make a new friend they just avoid me."
Sensing that she broached a painful subject, she quickly turned the conversation back. "You said you wanted to see the gardens. I'm sorry your grace but I have to be blunt. You don't seem to be a person that likes looking at flowers and plants."
"You would be right. I didn't come here to see the boring plants."
I knew it. Now to see your real reason why. I don't know why I'm suddenly this curious. This damn wretch admitted to having a sinful 'partnership'. What's wrong with me! Focus and calmly ask the question.
"Then why did you choose to be here then your grace? Your reputation as the best swordsman and horseman across the duchy, nay across The Empire precedes you. I would think you would like to be in the sparring grounds."
Seirun smirked at that and puffed his chest. "I was tempted to. But I refuse to make the same mistake again. Unless you want me to perform for you my lady. I'll gladly name you as my champion whenever I win a duel."
What 'same mistake'? Best not to ask. Watching two people bash each other is tad bit unrefined. Though I would be interested to watch. Best not to show my interest and just let him continue.
"I came here because of the statue. My mother would always carry me here when I was younger. I would just stare at the water spewing out of the fountain. I remember trying to climb into the fountain and attempted to grab the rubies. But I always slipped and fell.
"Mother would say the rubies are there to 'magically' create water out of thin air. So I really wanted it for myself so I could randomly wet people with it."
Herin couldn't help but roar in laughter in that. "That's ridiculously childish. I can't believe you fell for it."
Seirun's cheeks reddened at that and rebuked, "I was a kid back then! Come on I'm sure you believed in silly things back when you were a kid!"
"Never. My mom would always say that I'm precocious."
He didn't believe that but chose not to pry further. He noticed she mentioned her mom. "What's it like having a mother at your age?"
Thats a ridiculous question. How am I suppose to answer that? Good? Hmmm.
"I guess mamma is amazing when she gets us to be like a family."
"How so?" Seirun asked in curiosity.
What's with these questions?
"She would always force us to break our fast together as family. She would encourage us to talk about what we've done yesterday and what we plan to do today." I kinda rambled, but honestly I don't know what to say.
"Father would always be late to meals. So most of the times I just finish it without even seeing him in the dining table." He depressingly said.
He continued, "Your probably wondering why I asked those questions. Honestly I was curious. My mother died about eight years ago. I was seven years old."
Herin's stomach wrapped itself together and she struggled in immense amount of guilt.
"I'm so sorr - ."
"Don't bother saying sorry. I was the one who asked."
A servant came in and gracefully disrupted them, "Many apologies your grace -" He took a bow at me -"my lady but his grace here is summoned by the Duke. Your grace, the Duke is currently in his solar and wants you there as quickly as possible."
"Of course. Well then my lady, it's been fun listening to you! I hope we meet up again soon." He genuinely beamed at her.
"There's no problem. It's been an honour meeting you, your grace." She said this time with no sarcasm.
She stared at the boy as he walked away. He's weird. Looks like all the unsavoury rumours about him are real, but I can't help but be more curious about him.
Seirun allowed the herald to announce his presence and entered the solar. He was greeted by an odd look from his father that he can't quite put his finger on. He saw Ser Elvaughn next to him and I beamed at him.
He was gestured to sit near the map that showed the entire duchy.
"Seirun, you will only observe and not say a word. You're only here to learn tactics and strategies from Ser Elvaughn and occasionally me. Understood?" The Duke said with a hint of finality.
The eager boy fiercely nodded.
"Good let's start. Ser Elvaughn?"
"Your grace, I have gotten information from Romen that a professionally led army is invading from the south. The number of that host is four thousand, and it seemed they bypassed the Eastern 'Trapped' forest entirely. Though they sent a force of a thousand to probably besiege Surman castle. This is the only reason I came up with explaining how their progress to link up with the larger host has been halted.
"We have sixty-five-hundred men ready to go by tomorrow and I suggest we march and give battle to them here."
The knight pointed at the map.
Seirun zeroed in the location and noticed a vast field of plains with two sides of forest surrounding it.
"You've picked a flat terrain. This makes their already effective heavy cavalry more lethal. Can our levy squares even stop those charge. The poor horses may have blinders on and may charge through our ranks without any self preservation. Twelve-hundred pounds of a horse galloping at thirty miles per hour... That'll put any disciplined ranks in disarray!"
"Your right your grace but we could always slow them down and skirmish them with our much lighter cavalry."
"How many men can shoot whilst riding on a horse?"
As their conversation lasted till the sun went down, Seirun listened with exceptional attention. I'm learning from father and the hero himself! How many can boast that!
The Duke noticing the light from the sun disappearing called the meeting off.
"Ser Elvaughn this seems to be a very simple and generalised plan. Don't you have a more specific course of action?"
"I'll have to see the terrain my self If I could add tiny changes here and there. But, your grace, no plan survives contact with the enemy. So it is essential for plans to be simple so the commander can easily adapt based on the tide of battle."
"Well said. You're truly deserving to be called 'Hero of Almagh'."
The Castellan suppressed a wince at that and habitually thanked his lord.
"I expect victory and I trust you on that." The Duke gravely said.
"Of course your grace!"
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Elena Lee, the daughter of the pharmaceutical tycoon, has been tormented by nightmares since she was six years old. In those dreams, she meets a strange man. It looks like he is trying to save her or... to kill her. But what will the girl do when the man from her dreams suddenly appears before her eyes in reality? *** *** *** Flames devoured the remnants of a fallen plane. The pilot's voice was no longer audible. Slowly falling white snow reinforced the feeling of complete hopelessness. "Lena, run!" "But…" "I said, RUN!" Taking his words as an order, Elena's legs, not listening to the desires of her heart, carried her away from this place as quickly as possible. Out of breath, but finding the strength to run farther through this dark forest, she heard nothing but the knock in her chest. Suddenly, the ground disappeared under her feet, and the body lost its balance. "Oh, and who is this hiding in here? Did the little mouse decide to play with the big cat? Oh dear, as I said, you can not hide from me. Neither in this life nor the next one." Elena's heart sank in horror. She has just lost the last chance to survive.
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In the year 2080, a group of fanatics believed that the world was going to end. In order to save the human race from extinction, a man named Damian Hunts created a time machine and travelled back in time to the Cretaceous Period alongside his fellow believers. They built a massive city on the continent of Laramidia, and named it Viadon. To keep their future generations from travelling back to a broken future, Damian and the Founding Families destroyed the time machine and created a their own version of history, completely leaving out the fact that they had time travelled, and that the Mass Extinction would happen thousands of years later. Two-thousand years later, the future generations of Viadon have no idea of their ancestors pasts, but things start to unravel quickly as Time Travelers come to warn them of impending doom. Vocabulary:Laramidia: was an island continent that existed during the Late Cretaceous period (99.6-66 Ma), when the Western Interior Seaway split the continent of North America in two. Disclaimer: I do not own the artwork used for the cover, all credit goes to it's original creator.
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A botched kidnapping sent Damon into the other side of the Earth. upon arrival, Damon found that he was no longer only human…he was also something else. Problem was, the locals of that world couldn’t tell him what he was either. Thrust in this unknown world with no idea about what he is and the knowledge that everything he knew and believed in were just lies; threatened to consume and break him….All the while searching for the kidnapper's true purpose for his little sister, who might also no longer be human due to his fault. To make things worse he had no talent for cultivation. Something practiced by almost everyone in that world. Who were the people who tried to kidnap my sister and kill me? Why call me trash; even though I can easily suppress people 2 levels above my own? And most importantly why would I receive a blessing better suited for someone in the world of wizards? What?! I can’t summon a spirit beast to make a contract, but I can summon a female’s panties while she’s wearing them? What?! I can increase my strength as long as I commit good deed?! Why is teasing girls a good deed? And can I trade in my pervert guide for something better?! Why would I have such a difficult time controlling my innate power? Its supposed to listen to me! Its one thing to turn my eyes silver but entirely another to throw 'holy light' on my head and shoulder-- I'm not an angel! A pair of buggered shoes and a bumpy road ahead is a pain in the rear for Damon. but fortunately, with the help of his pervert—…amazing Guide (old turtle) he is able to scre—…turn things around. As a disciplined yet passionate human, Damon will not let his powers sabotage his plans no matter how much people misunderstood him.
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will contain; fluffs, smuts, maybe angst.
8 145