《Treachery Lurks》5. A Chancellor's Daughter


Herin slowly opened her eyes and glanced towards the window. She quickly frowned in irritation. Must be the maids. She heaved a sigh exaggerately. Her first sigh of the day. As much as I appreciate them doing their job, I prefer to sleep a bit more. Maybe I should scold them for putting the curtains to the side. Maybe not. That'll be quite unfair to them.

The youthful woman got up from her bed and called for her maids. The maids routinely shoved a wooden tub right in the middle of her room and started to pour warm water inside. She took off her nightgown and unceremoniously dunked herself into the tub and squirmed in delight.

Nothing beats having a bath right after you wake up.

She mused and tried to remember her schedule for the day. Mhhm... I got a harp lesson right after I finish breaking my fast with my family. Then embroidery and more court etiquette lessons. The last one should be fun! Her face took a mischievous form. Madam Aikley gave her permission for me to help my younger twin siblings in various mannerisms. This'll be an amazing chance for my revenge. You don't pull pranks on me without me forgetting about it. I have a grudge and I'm willing to act upon it.

Someone knocked in her door and she bid them to enter. An elderly woman entered her room with grey hair tied up into a knot, and bits of wrinkles starting to form in her forehead and wearing a maid's uniform. Herin with a flicker of recognition was suddenly confused. What's auntie Emma doing here? Is she going to help me dry and dress herself? She's the head maid why couldn't she just order someone to do it herself?

She was brought out of her confusion by Emma's quick cough, causing her to snap back and stare to her. Emma informed her, "The Count and the Countess won't be breaking their fast with you milady."

Why is she always this formal and strict. She's basically family! Wait... "Did something happen to mamma and pappa?" She worriedly questioned.

"I'm afraid both are quite busy."

"Of what?"

The head maid ignored her with a bell, and moments later three more maids showed up and started to the dry Herin. "Herin I'll explain more about it at the dining hall. So get dressed up and head there."

Herin just nodded, too dazed to do anything else as she pondered why her parents weren't going to join them. Not once have they missed the first meal of the day with us. Mamma always stressed out that such gathering everyday in the morning is good for the family. 'So we can take time to bond with each other,' she always says to us. Especially to my older brother Erdin. Erdin has grown quite distant to us as he assumed his duty as the Steward of the county of Huntsman.

She was led by one of the maids to her expansive wardrobe. Hmm... Which dress to pick. Something to compliment my hair this time? She looked around across the wardrobe and pointed at the orange dress with dark brown epaulets at the shoulders. It was embroidered with mesmerising circles that formed several flower patterns. The epaulets has the same colour of my hair. Let's wear it for the day.


The maids expertly fitted the dress into her and one of them asked the young lady, "Milady, do you want a corset on?"

"No thanks, I'll stick to a belt ribbon instead. Make it red and tie it to my waist."

"At once milady."

After she finished dressing up, she headed to the dining hall. Where she was welcomed by a huge crest right on top of the doors that led to it. A crest consisting of two standing foxes looking at each other from the side and with a golden sword right in between them. Our family's crest. I'll never get used to it. Looking at it always maks me proud. Proud to be a Huntsman!

She saw her younger siblings; twin brother and sister milling about in one of the chairs. Probably plotting to prank me again. What will it be this time? Pulling a rug under my feet. Herin glared at her siblings which caused them to burst in high pitch giggles. Calm down Herin! Your nearly sixteen and their only eleven. Your older. So act a bit more mature. She took her seat directly opposite them. Paying them no attention, she looked around and noticed her brother hasn't arrived yet. She continued looking until she spotted Emma, followed by servants carrying plates full of food.

As the servants laid the plates and the food in the table, Emma stood next to the master's seat and waited for their attention. "Your parents won't be breaking their fast with you. And it looks like Erdin won't be as well." Emma said in a resigned tone.

Herin looked to her siblings and saw them rapidly stopping their excited bustling, replaced with shock and confusion. Looks like Emma didn't tell them in advance.

"Why?" Herin asked for them.

Emma looked torn on whether she should answer the question. 'Should I be telling these to kids?' She thought and decided to answer for their sake. She took a gentler form and answered, "Your parents and your brother are all busy preparing the county to fight."

"To fight who!?" The twin-brother, Anders, eagerly asked in a high pitch tone.

"Just a bunch of rabble, full of greedy evil folks that rather steal and take things from others." Emma answered back cheerfully, disguising her disgust.

"No monsters?" Sarah added with disappointment.

"No monsters, just evil people."

"Monsters don't exist Sarah. Your eleven. Please act your age." Herin chided her twin sister.

Sarah pouted at that and pinched her brother to get his attention. She started to point at me and whispered something inaudible to Anders. Anders cracked a grin.

Hmm... They're scheming something again. I probably should be on my guard for the rest of the day. She scowled at her siblings, frustrated that she can't hear their whispers. Allure please give me better hearing! Herin prayed fruitlessly.

The Head Maid witnessed the bickering and nearly snorted in laughter. Her face relaxing and any previous sterness gone. She called for their attention again once the servant finished their task. "Everyone, the food is ready so make sure to tuck in. Andras and Sarah back to your seats!"

The recalcitrant twins hesitated but obeyed in the end.

Herin dug into her meal. Usually mamma would lecture the twins and pappa would be boasting about his achievements. And I would do my best to get my introverted older bother, by two years, to be part of the discussion. Herin finished her meal in awkward silence. She had nothing to talk about to her younger siblings other than nonsensical bickerings. She excused herself from the table and went out to go the stable.


She got on one of her favourite carriage, with ornate decorations displaying her family's crest. Herin sighed in relief as she sat. Can't wait for the harp lesson. Better yet, the twins won't be able to target me there!

"To Madam Jenna's manor please." She requested her driver.

"I'm sorry milady, I'm new here. Where would her manor be located at?" The driver pleaded the young lady with more specific instructions.

"It's quite alright. It's at the north-west of the city, next to the market's square."

"Understood milady."

The young lady opened a window to gaze at the city, but her view was obstructed by one of the men at arms, astride on a horse, bearing the Huntsman livery. "Excuse me good man? Would you please move out of the way?"

The startled soldier quickly muttered his apologies and reined his horse to slow down, out of her view.

Finally a better view. As the horses trodded across the wide streets of the city, she could see numerous carriages going to and fro and occasionally some horsemen. The streets were full of colourful market stalls with people buying exotic goods from across the Empire. Rich or poor blended together to form one bustling city. Cranes with pulleys littered the streets as the foreman hauled goods into and out of transport carriages.

Grey city seems to be a bit more busy. It's usually quite overcrowded but not this. Usually horses can easily gallop across the streets with barely any risk of bumping into something, but now we've basically grinded to a halt. More carriages as well. I wonder what they're transporting. More goods from Deorum? More of that sake from the far east? Or the famous buttered ale from the duchy of Lichtofen?

Are they even merchants? She questioned as she saw a bunch of of men hauling wooden crates off their carriage. Wearing the standard green liveries of the Steward's servants. They must be working for the government.

Are they preparing for something? Then she remembered what Emma said. It can't be bandits. Something else maybe. She scoffed dismissing the train of thought entirely.

As the sun rose towards noon, she began to impatiently tap on the arm rest. Thank Allure I got out earlier. Otherwise I'd be late. She took another look towards the city and to admire the architecture to pass the time. The carriage slowly passed an endless row of grey five storey buildings. Each had ground floors either packed with shops full of novelties or taverns. Herin pinched her nose and swiftly closed the window as they passed one of the taverns. Looks like pappa was right. That drunkards don't know where to piss. It seemed like he spoke of experience.

She opened the window again and looked up. The edifices looked orderly with contiguous patterns that were chiselled into the walls. Blocks of balconies we're in every floor above ground floor. Full to the brim with hung up clothes. That looks like a man's undergarment! She quickly averted her gaze and blushed.

Finally, she arrived at her destination. And exited her carriage. She stretched her arms upwards in an unladylike manner. She quickly remembered the scoldings from Madam Aika and promptly stopped.

At the entrance she saw her friends. She waved at them and went towards them.

"Good morning Herin." The dark blonde girl greeted.

"Hello 'Rin!" Cheerfully shouted the red head girl.

Herin greeted them back and looked at the red head girl, Delais. I wonder why Del is so cheerful today. Then she glanced at the blonde. Yuna seems a bit irritated.

"I'm suprised to see you here so early. I thought I would be the only one arriving on time."

"It's because 'Rin, my driver didn't pass through the market square today. It was too busy. Did yours?"

"I guess he did. He is new so I guess I could forgive him. And you Yuna. You don't look well."

"I saw these desperate group of people in the streets. They say they fled away from an invading army! I thought they were suffering from delirium and hallucinations so I pitied them." Yuna paused and took a heavy breath in an attempt to stop herself wriggling and fidgeting. "I ordered the carriage to stop and gave them money. I was a proud of myself for at least contributing something to Allure, but a larger group came and surrounded my carriage, aggressively asking for money as well. They looked just as tattered and pitiful than the first group.

"It's when I ordered the driver to go on his way that these brutes stopped the horses." Yuna twiddled her fingers and took a few fearful breaths. "I didn't know what was going to happen to me." The petite girl started to weep.

Both of her friends sprinted to her side, with clear panicked face; assuming the worse Delais embraced her and bluntly told her, "What did they do to you?"

Yuna wiped her eyes and nose with her napkin and stopped weeping. "Thank you for worrying about me, but thank almighty Allure that nothing happened."

They both released a breath that they were unknowingly holding.

"My family guards were able to drive them away."

Something is happening and I can't quite put my finger on it. Herin stopped and contemplated. More transport carriages. Barely any merchants on the streets. People fleeing what seems to be war. Government workers hauling supplies. Lots and lots of it... No this can't be! Her stomach lurched to the side and her muscles became stiff as a statue. She ran. She ran towards the carriage leaving her friends who looked at her with bewildered amazement.

She impulsively ordered the driver to head to the Grey Palace. I don't care if he's new! Everyone should know where the Grey Palace is! The driver shocked by her changed of demeanor, quickly whipped the horses to a trott.

Is the Empire being invaded?

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