《Treachery Lurks》Prologue


Seirun of house Leidorf drunkenly stomped his feet in frustration, calm down I can't afford to show my temper towards father's court. I was scheduled to be accompanied by a pair of consorts with ample bosoms and I rather be with them rather than here! Allure damn them all! Seirun silently cursed.

Slowly, with a lack of finesse, Seirun stumbled towards his father's throne. Courtiers were quick to give him a scorching glance of glee. Those lowborn are too enthusiastic, I wander why? Honestly, why does my father associate himself with these fools! Seirun was quick to retaliate and was somehow infuriated with the lack of fear these commoners showed.

"My son, it seems I have called for your presence in an untimely manner, but I sincerely hope you still have your wits to atleast understand what is expected of you in your future duty," the Duke almost snapped in an intentionally raised voice.

The Courtiers eagerly listened with exceptional foresight.

"Father please forgive me for my misconduct. I was not informed in advance about my appointment to your most Grand ducal Court," Seirun relished from the odd quirky movements coming from father's vassals and courtiers.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't been forewarned. You as the heir to House Leidorf should've been by my side everytime I hold court."

Seirun tried to duck and weave from his father's disappointed gaze but it seemed to hit him as if lead by Allure's divine providence. I did attend several dozens of occasions but it seemed to be a waste of time. These peasant rabble do nothing but yip and yap and do nothing to better themselves, and instead extend their misery towards us, the Nobility. Seirun petulantly ranted within his mind.

"As a father, I confess my negligence on instilling a sense of duty and honour upon you, my heir. So the time has come to fix my mistake and send you to serve in Deorum."

The capital city! I hear it's a place full of riches and beautiful women. I just hope that the consort house is just as grand as the one here.


"You will serve in the Court of Intrigue. Working under the spymaster of the Emperor. Yusley is a good friend of mine and I'm sure he'll take good care of you, and mold you to be my heir."

Spymaster? Yusley? I'm actually excited! Not only do I have Deorum's wealth to live off of and I get to work with the Spymaster. No doubt this job could be for me. I get to stab and swing my sword towards the enemies of Allurion. It's a shame that I'll have to do it in the 'dark'. Deeds like this deserve to be wildly seen during the light so I can reap praises where ever I go!

Self assured by his future, Seirun let out a heavy breath nearly breaking into fits of laughter. A wide grin adorned his face and he quickly clamped down his visible emotions with great difficulty.

"Father, I thank you for this opportunity and I promise to not let you down!"

Duke Albrecht's authoritative mask of stoicism nearly buckled after seeing his son smile. Stop. I've spoiled him too much. Hopefully, the capital and Yusley will be good for him and force him to take his future duties seriously. I wouldn't have to do this and I still think it's a bad idea, but seeing my son drinking himself to death or maybe contracting lover's pox from those whores he keeps was just too much! 'Consorts' he calls them as if it makes it better! At least he can swing his sword and ride a horse much better than I can. The Duke mentally congratulated himself for raising a martial minded son, but he knows that isn't enough. He knows his faults and weaknesses; his son constantly fails to build connections with important people rather he burns them instead... 'Needless flattery is a waste of time' he says and no matter how many times I rebuke him, he still clings on to this madness! He doesn't even care that my courtiers, his future: vassals, knights, servants, stewards, castellans, all hate him.

I pray to Allure and my long departed soul mate, Elaena, to give me strength so I could live longer to see our son flourish. The intensity of my prayers seem to increase as my blond hair seem to slowly turn grey, and my eyesight continue to be more foggy as time passes.


The Duke resumed his stance, emitting an aura of authority, and shifts his gaze back to his son.

"You will depart within a week from now. Provisions and equipment for your journey towards Deorum are being prepared as we speak."

"I'll excuse my self then," Seirun responded and promptly left the Great Hall ignoring all the shock gazes aimed at him.

Duke Albrecht let out a sigh of disappointment. I love him but I really should've disciplined him more often. He doesn't seem to pay to attention to his court etiquette lessons... That's going to be a problem. Albrecht quickly summoned a servant and instructed her to instruct the etiquette tutor, to drill Seirun of the importance of adhering to etiquette especially if surrounded by nobles in Deorum. I swear to Allure that I will sit by his side to ensure he learns his manners. He's representing House Leidorf in the capital, for Allure's sake!

He was suddenly interrupted by his musings by his chancellor. Ah yes... Back to taxes and tarrifs and merchants complaining about both.

A dozen petitions later and the Duke was struck by hunger as the sun hit its highest point in the sky. He called out his wayward son for lunch and was surprised to see him well motivated and sober and without those two whores following him.

As they both dined, Seirun suddenly thought why he was being sent to the Court of Intrigue and blurted out a question towards his father.

"Father, as much as I like the idea of working for the court of Intrigue, surely it would be better if I joined a knightly order instead. Like the Templars of Allure and Order of Deorum."

Albrecht nearly choked on a piece of venison as he started to laugh.

His son frowns and asks, "What's so funny?"

"Clearly you haven't been paying attention to your lessons regarding knightly orders."

Seirun tried to hide his blushing cheeks but failed utterly. I should've paid more attention to that peasant. What was his name again? Pretty sure he's a baron still too lowborn for me to care.

"All knightly orders are obviously made of knights that swear upon Allure to uphold the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. All knightly orders are bound by these three vows, so knights can fully devote themselves to fighting for Allure and uphold Her justice." Albrecht skeptically said knowing not many knights uphold those vows anyway.

Seirun blanched at the mention of chastity. Fuck that, who would willingly subject themselves to that torture.

"Your my only living child and my son. That makes you my heir and will inherit this Duchy after my death. So, I can't have you joining knightly orders despite how martial you are." The Duke said with finality.

"This seems like a last minute decision father."

He noticed. That perception will prove you well in that court my son.

"You're right. I've just received a letter from Yusley, my long time friend, about vacancy regarding his court."

"What's the vacancy?"

"He hasn't told me, but I trust him to take good care of you. Maybe give you more direct guidance to further expand your set of skills."

Hmm... How on earth is my father friends with the Emperor's spymaster? Wondered Seirun. Well he is a Duke after all. It only makes sense he gets respected.

"I almost forgot to tell you that for now and until you depart, I would be inspecting your Court etiquette lessons. I expect you to polish your etiquette and refine it."

"But I was —"

Albrecht interrupted, "Being drunk is no excuse. And being drunk during the middle of the day is stupid. You've embarrassed yourself, me and House Leidorf in the Great Hall. I expect that you'll not make the same mistake in Deorum."

Seirun squirmed within his seat and gulped. He has never seen his father like this before.

"Yes father."

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