《The Return of the Universal Tamer.》Chapter 5-These are the rules that govern Sky Colossus


The Tamerian power of taming was a complex entity on its own. It was a power that god had given them based on their faithfulness and lack of snivelling towards his designs. Due to this, the tamers were awarded with a myriad list of abilities. The definition of taming in the world of Reverie was the ability to subdue or control any living or existing entity that was driven by instinct, stimuli or anything bound by fixed laws such as the laws of physics and so forth. This however did not include mind control of other human beings because of the emphasis of free will of man, which was predisposed in him by the Sentient One. However, one could deter carnal desires if reason wasn’t being put into practice. Thus, in short, the Animorphs who were the Tamerians' sworn enemy were at a disadvantage, for their humanoid hybrid concoction with animalistic genetics made them easily follow their baser instincts. Therefore, anything that was bound by the laws of nature and an affinity for its baser instincts could be subdued by a tamer.

In the field of taming, there are 4 types of tamers: elemental tamers, technological tamers, Animorph tamers and hormonal tamers. Elemental tamers can make use of fire, gravity, lightning, water, and air, but cannot conjure it into existence. Tamers are simply limited to the present medium within reach and would be useless if they were left in space, for they would have nothing to control. Technological tamers can control the flow of energy in any machine and control it based on its set of commands. Animorph tamers can subdue the enemy race by weakening their resolve; making them lose their will to fight, usually when the Animorph is purely savage. Lastly, the most controversial of them all was the hormonal tamer. Though humans had the power of choice, they were still creatures that reacted to stimuli. It was believed that a male or female tamer could make anyone who they desired fall in love with them by manipulating their hormones. This could also be applied in a different sense to make someone lose interest in you by depleting his or her libido, a form of forced menopause. However not a lot of people took this lightly due to it being boarder line mind control. These were the daily complaints of house wives who believed that they only stayed in abusive relationships because they had been jinxed.


The final account on how the Tamer system works lies in how the selection process and scouting for tamers amongst the majority of normal humans was conducted. Natural potent hereditary tamers were the rulers of the land and dated back to the time the Sentient One had augmented them. They were the pioneers that founded the 4 federation states of Tameria. Their blood, sweat, and tears, engineered the world into what it was: a prosperous cosmopolitan with strong elements of an archipelago. However, there were some cases of strong tamers being found outside of a specific family line. In the olden archaic days, new born babies were put into a cage with a tiger to see if it could subdue it unconsciously. The babies that passed had the tiger tamed and lived, but those that could not evoke subjugation were mutilated in front of their hopeful parents. Such was the pressure behind identifying these superb individuals, but as time went on, new discoveries were made. Those who were not innately born with astonishing strength could now attain high levels of skill by hermitical meditation and specialised training, which required a lot of discipline and concentration. It was believed that these types of tamers had to work 5 times as hard to get the same result as that of an innately potent tamer who gained outstanding base strength even when they were stationary all their life. Their efforts were commendable, but sadly, those who were born into families of royal lineage usually had the upper hand. The value of potent bloodlines, the pure breed of Tamerian elites, was something that created a division even among the chosen people. Not everyone could be born equal and arranged marriages were influenced by wealth and good genes. Though there are some who have done exceptionally well in the battlefield, till this day only a few of them have ever been awarded any commissioned ranks. The undying natural selection had dealt a heavy blow on these types. Those who were fed up with their limitations reverted back to their civilian life, actually benefitting and getting more recognition than what they did during their tours. In an oligarchic military state like Sky Colossus, getting to the top was like bungee jumping, most of the time the rope would snap. This is what Kudzai had been brought up to believe, something that his father reiterated to make them know that they were carved out of a silver spoon and their life was cereal for the taking. However, the aspect of taming which separated the elite from standard tamers was their personality. Kudzai knew this all too well as the son of Moses Mhike. Taming was the power of subjugation and the tamer had to have a certain demeanour: narcissism, authority, egotism, despotism, and dictatorship. Those who exhibited such high amounts of the control freak and elitist trait were refined and powerful beings. Luckily, for Kudzai, instead of following this bleak path to personal decay, the demeanour of confidence, optimism, and self-belief was also another alternative aspect that propelled tamers into god tier levels of power. This is what Tendai had inscribed into him, saving his brother from turning into a monster.

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