《A Champion's Rise》A Test of Might and a Fiery Promise
Chapter Twelve
"GCK! Wat?! Wat the fuck was dat? W-w-wat? B-brother?! URGH!"
The human had no time to waste. Not even a second after he smirked, hearing the faint thunk of two skulls colliding, he was already kneeling over the headless corpse in front of him. In its two spazzing hands were the only two things that would give him a fighting chance. I was lucky with that ambush, and I'm still not too sure if I can take these fuckers straight on! That's where...
These come into play! He flicked aside fingers in their death grip, not even bothering to register the fact that it felt like someone took over his body just then as he mysteriously--yet expertly-- ran the two rusty blades through his fingers. It didn't feel like it was necessarily him that made that motion. Truth be told, he felt as if he was a clumsy man at heart.
Whatever it was in his hands was obviously not. He could roll with it, though, as there was no time to bother with the circumstances he was stuck in. He set his sight on the frightened rat that had stood by while his brothers fought. Putting his back into it, his eyes dilated as the last of his energy in his heart was set ablaze. He was quite a ways away, but there was something in him that assured him that wouldn't be a problem. His dark eyes and
Squeezing the hilt tightly and sending a Hail Mary to whoever could've been listening, the human gave a mighty grunt as he gave it everything he had. The lack of food and water made it hard, but his arms pulled through. Coming in from his side, with a flick of his wrists, he sent one of the blades flying towards its petrified target.
He stayed leaned over on his knee as he maintained deadly eye contact with the rat, his eyes wide with both murderous intent and concentration. The pose was elegant and full of bravado, something that felt completely off to the human, epsically as the battle for his life had just begun. Theatrics didn't seem necessary, not now, but this overwhelming sense of pride that woke up in his heart demanded he did nothing less, and so it was that he followed through.
But the pride he felt as he unleashed such magnificent toss... didn't feel like his. However, it was possible... it felt like someone else's. The human, however, couldn't care less. It gave him the confidence he needed to make a gusty throw like that, and that was all he concentrated on.
That was ALL he could concentrate on.
The rat was as still as a gargoyle as the knife flew towards his face. Almost like the human's eyes suddenly became like that of a gorgon in old tales, his expression was of fear and confusion never changed, making something deep within the human feel immense delight knowing it was responsible for such petrification. The knife was nearing its target now, its jagged edges causing a haunting whistle to sound off in the air as it approached. He watched and watched, and then... watch it flew right over the rat's head in a glorious fuck-up of a trajectory.
The human's eyes shot open as the pride built up within him crumbled to a million pieces immediately. His jaw was nearly at his knees as an odd sense of disbelief and an all-too-real sense of embarrassment and wounded pride brought him to his hands and knees, watching the small blade become nothing more than a small dot in the sky. Even the rat seemed confused by how monumental that accident was.
As the rat turned back with a confused, stressed gurgle and a curved eyebrow, whatever it was that guided his hands to make such an intricate and now embarrassing toss retreated back into the dark corner it came from to cry itself back to slumber. The human shook his head as clarity came back and, with it, the determination to kill. Whatever it was inside was gone now, and with it, control over his body once more. What in the fuck was THAT? W-whatever, man. He got back up, shaking the rest of the mysterious intruder from his mind as he now stood at his full height, shoulders pushed back in a display that seemed to work, intimidating the lesser rat he threw the knife at. I've still got THIS one left!
But as he looked around, he knew that his element of surprise had been all but blown. Now exposed for the last two rats to see after his unbelievably inaccurate toss made him reveal his hiding place behind the rock, he was all but endangered. The rat that SHOULD'VE been dead by now were it not for the monumental mistake that just occurred lunge forward. Not too far away from where it sat, its weapon, a small, quickly-scrapped-together spear.
The human gritted his teeth as he brought his arm, armed with the last of his blade, behind his head. His eyes squinted until one of them was shut, granting him the eagle vision he needed as he gave it all he had in the form of a mad, desperate dash. I can't let that fucker get to that spear! If he gets that while the other recovers from the head... I'm FUCKED!
Due to its slippery nature, the sand allied with the human, which sped HIM up while keeping the rat struggling to get a proper foothold to propel himself forward. Frantic crawling forward meant that the rat was all but exposing himself. The human spied the weak points in the shoddy metal plating barely hid underneath their red bannered clothing. It seemed formidable enough, but as it was with armour, there was always a chink to exploit.
That universal fact was still staying true, much to the human's relief. Right underneath the armpit, as the red banner flapped in the wind and was moved aside from the rat falling down onto his face just inches from the spear... was a spot of patchy fur. That's it! Opportunity presenting itself, the human slid to a stop, comfortable enough with the distance he closed to steady himself for yet another toss.
One arm out with his two fingers, index and middle, aimed directly at the armpit, the human wasted no time. Giving a slight one-two hop, he threw his entire back into it as he gave out a resolute scream. The human wondered what made screaming before doing anything give it that extra oomph, but he was happy enough; it was another reminder he was still human deep down.
This time... the knife met its target. The knife impacted the rat just as gnarly fingernails clamped down on the rotting leather that the human noticed made up the hilt. Even the human seemed surprised-- though not exactly displeased-- with how hard he threw the blade for as it slid in between the flesh, metal, and bone that defended the rat's most important organs.
The rat was sent tumbling, throwing up disturbed sand and soon enough, blood in his wake. "Burgaw! Gragh!? Hrrnn! Oooooh..! GAAAAH!" The pained gurgling and coughing were like music to the human's ears, a victorious cheer beginning to grow in his throat. Holy shit, I actually got him! That's... two of the bastards now! "HaHA! Yeah!"
He watched as the rat-man still had enough strength to prop himself up onto one elbow, giving him just enough space to weakly tear out the knife before he fell back down with a grimace the prideful part of the human couldn't get enough of. He wanted to do nothing but wallow in satisfaction watching another member of the cruel band writhe and yowl in the same pain no doubt the rat caused thousands before. A bone-chilling growl reminded him there was no time. "YOU?!"
Oh, fuck. The human's head nearly snapped off as he brought his attention to the most daunting challenge finally presenting itself: Big Boss' replacement. His appearance wasn't the thing that made all the hairs rise at once: it was more the knowledge of knowing what was INSIDE him that made the human instinctually take a step back.
Though the small rat was just below his shoulders, from where he stood in front of the burning ship, the human could see the wires once hidden by the dark of the cave exposed clearly by the light of day. With a side glance to the shuddering, nearly dead subordinate and a look behind his back to the headless corpse that kindly gave him his knives, he noticed it: just how ghastly they all looked, wires and steel bulging from tacky second-hand surgeries and field repairs. Unsightly beasts of rusty steel and abused flesh, the human's lips pulled back, knowing that they at least didn't bother trying to hide their souls from the worlds around them.
Their soul was laid bare for all of existence to know just how damn ugly they were. They embraced that, and the look in the replacement's eyes didn't hide anything from the human. And as the human saw every single bit of depravity in his eyes, he had no choice but to find that as disgusting... as it was as respectful. And here's number three...
The rat stomped forward, every step forward making the human go back as already he was concocting a plan to deal with him. But no matter how he tried, he couldn't help but bristle in anger as the rat's voice IRRITATED every bit of his ear. "You LIVE?!" His pace increased, making the human nearly stumble back. Shit! I need just a little bit more time! The replacement made the most awful chitter the human had any before, waving at him with a hand bruised beyond anything he had seen before. "You shoulda ran, LONG-LEG!"
In the replacement's hands was a ghastly, one-handed axe. Where the rat got it from, the human gave up wondering about it pretty quickly, but he correctly assumed that it had the same amount of passion put into it as the ship highlighting the rat's body with its flames.
Just like the shoddy, second-hand metal plates that made up what he could barely call armour-- they just covered the front of their body and nothing more-- their weaponry was as equally unimpressive as their protection. How it's even staying together, I have no fucking clue. But whatever happens...
As the rat spun the axe in his hand, bringing it up to his eye to admire his handicraft, the human gulped, noticing how it had no immediately noticeable imperfection. If there WAS one thing that drew the human's attention, it was the ONE thing-- and most important-- aspect of the axe: the blade. If that thing hits me... I'm done for.
But that sense of urgency only made him clench his fists tighter as he met the replacement's enraged snarl with his own. His eyes, too, did not hold back his intention for the filthy abomination of scrap metal and corrupted flesh as his entire face was scrunched up in the tightest grimace he could make. That's only if I don't do him in FIRST!
The air went silent as the last of his brother's gruelling struggle against his death came to a slow, pained close. With his convulsing over with, the only perceivable sound was the burning ship that, with their constant pacing and circling, had managed to end up between the two as they stood in front of each other, eyeing every single little motion made.
The human flinched but regained his composure as the replacement rested the axe of his shoulder before stepping forward with only one leg, sneering at him in hatred and resentment. "You'll PAY for this, beast. Those lackeys were going to be MINE, DAMN IT!"
Up until now, the human thought he had reached the peak of his anger.
Up until then, of course. Then the rat decided to open his mouth. His mouth hung agape before it shut painfully. What did he just SAY?! I'LL PAY?! BEAST?! ME?! You dare call ME the beast for finally EXTERMINATING YOU PESTS?!
His hands shook in disbelief before he dug his nails into his bloody palms, and his shoulders squared back as he barely held himself from lunging right then and there. He towered over the rat, relishing in the split-second fear that flashed across the rat's eyes as white runes started to reveal themselves all over his bloodied body gradually. It wasn't as explosive as a reveal like when he tried crushing the little one or when he burst open the door in the former mountain.
But just enough that it made the dark in the human's eyes that much more frightening as the growing light further heightened the contrast. Instead of retreating further... it was the human that started to close the distance. After a couple seconds of running and they would be face-to-face. They both knew this battle was inevitable: one of them was going to be dead before the other left the planet.
But neither was scared. For though the roar of the flames was deafening with its intensity... Indeed, its crackling was NOTHING compared to the unbridled fury the two aliens felt simply being near each other. That much was abundantly clear as the human raised his two fists up, his face with an intensity that made the inferno a candle. "Come on then..."
The rat made the first move. As the human went in with a shoulder charge that took the rat off guard from how quickly he was now on his feet, it didn't matter in the end. A quick slash from his axe would be all he needed to put down the killer of his crew; he saw how weak the human's body was back then. All he needed to do was swung for the thick neck, and it'd be done before any of them knew it. He could take a shoulder; he's had worse dealt with him from Big Boss.
But the human anticipated this, his eyes flashing as all of a sudden, the towering giant shrunk himself down into a squat. His feet twisted in the sand as his teeth ground themselves into near dust. The effort it took to go from a full sprint into a dead stop was beyond anything he felt before. But the plan still worked. Narrowly dodging the axe that wooshed right over his head, his grimace slightly turned into a victorious grin as he was now put in the perfect position for the uppercut of a century. I got you now, you little shit!
The rat being taken aback was an understatement: from the mighty Unkes mercenary to the primal Yakgra Hunter, all these beings shared a common trait. They all threw their weight around like they were invincible, their ego the same size as their stature. And maybe that was the case most of the time as they thrived in the hostile galaxy they called home. In most cases, they WERE unstoppable. But there were times where such arrogance led to their untimely end as size alone couldn't stop a hidden blade or an axe or two from behind from peeling apart a throat.
But here was a being just like them in terms of stature, not only aware of his own weakness but WILLING to lower himself JUST to kill him? The shock on just how DANGEROUS the home-wrecker before him had become was substantial enough it gave the human time he needed to prepare his attack.
"Hrn!" Shifting his feet in the glowing sand, the human only lowered himself further into his lunge-dodge as he dragged his fist through the sand and right by his feet. Right before the momentum could be lost, he turned his body as hard as possible with a sharp grunt. The human cried out all the strength he had as he launched his fist up into the air. A flash of white, and without warning, the human felt his arm go faster than he had any intention of it going. But...
Damn! If it had connected, without a doubt, the rat's head would've joined the rocks in orbit. Both of them knew this, and that's why the rat gave a shocked gasp and the human, a curse under his breath, as the foul creature leaned back just in time for the fist to skim right past his white chin fur.
Though he put all of his strength behind that, the human was no less determined than he already was. He grunted in the effort as he maintained his balance, bringing his fist down onto his knee as he pushed himself back up to his full height. He never broke eye contact with the startled rat, snarling lowly as he wiped away the spittle formed by his vocalizations.
I have to admit it. Though these rats are stupid, this rat sure isn't as dumb as I thought. At least, in battle, that is. Though he was still recovering from his near-death, the rat was already regaining some of his composure. The human hadn't done a lot of fighting so far, but even he knew that was a bad thing to happen. He won't fall for the same shit twice! I gotta keep him MOVING! And more importantly: how do I get rid of that fucking axe?!
The human looked around without moving his head, always keeping his foe right in his eyes. There wasn't much around for him to use. The rock with the midget's corpse was far away enough that going back would only give the rat time to throw the axe right between his eyes. That meant there was only one thing that could help him. It's a long shot... but fuck it! HERE GOES!
And so, right as the confident glim in the rat's eye was beginning to come back, the human gave the rat pause as he once again did something that took him off guard. Instead of charging right at him... he retreated. It made the rat visibly relax... and that was exactly what the human planned for.
Smirking in satisfaction as everything was coming together, it wasn't long before he was right where he needed to be. Yes! Okay... He slid right by the corpse of the brother he killed with the knife, thankful for the surprisingly sleek wet sand rolling him along towards his destination: the spear. He didn't question how he was doing this, all these movements, but if the human had to say, it was nothing more but muscle memory allowing him to be as smooth as he was. Or perhaps... Gah, I can feel something in that damn mist, calling out to me, giving... advice..?
Bah! Not right now! Fuck that! This is no time to THINK; what am I doing?! Stay focused; this is it! Either he dies right here and now, or that damn axe isn't gonna be a problem! The rat realized too late to be able to do anything more than raise his axe in self-defence. The human betted on the cybernetics in them, not only raising their strength but also their reflexes. If that bastard preparing himself for a block is anything to go by, it seems like I was right! Okay, okay, OKAY!
Spinning on one knee, the white runes once again glowed brightly as he stared down the horrified rat with the spear already prepared to be thrown from where he kneeled. The sight of the human's eyes and his face glowing white below the layer of his own blood was beyond ANYTHING he saw before. The dark in his eyes was highlighted by the white of his eyes, such a sight taking the rat's guard down for a split second. Someone or something's getting SKEWERED!
The human took advantage of this mishap and more. Where the rat seemed confident enough before, seeing the malice in the human's eyes and the defined, exhausted muscles steeling themselves for the fight ahead must've initiated a psychological battle as well. One that he seemed to be losing if the quivering of his lips was anything to judge.
But the time for mercy was long over. If that sight belonged to ANY other creature... perhaps the human would've stayed his hand. But this rat was deemed unworthy of such a virtue nearly the moment they met. Which meant that, with his arm squeezing as tightly as he could, his muscles rippling and expanding with the power of hate and adrenaline fuelling his exhausted body beyond its limits... he threw. "HHHHHHHHRRRRRAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!"
Giving it all he had, once again putting EVERYTHING into it, his back and arms BURST into a light bright enough that it even overwhelmed the human's vision. Temporarily blinding the rat, he had no chance of noticing how the speared seemed to be in the human's grip at one moment... gone the next. Though if you blinked, you wouldn't have missed it, it was an impressive sight nonetheless. Lacking the talent and expertise most masters of the throwing arts have, what propelled the weapon as far and accurately as it did was not grace... but rather raw power.
It soared through the air, but not for long. For it met its target in only a few seconds... the axe. The distinct sound of metal hooking and scrapping against one another was oddly disappointing for the human, for he knew what it meant he would see when he was done rubbing his eyes. TCH! And here I was hoping for a dick-shabob.
The time did come when the two foes' pupils finally dilated back after the human's flash of light. The human had to close his eyes again as his own nutrient-starved headache grew worse when his eyes throbbed painfully. But I'll have time enough to mope about afterward! Where did that axe go?!
Shielding his eyes from the fire that seemed much brighter now, it didn't take long to be made aware of the location. Like when one positions a movie disk in the sun just right, the human winced before he smiled with a victorious fist bump. "YES."
Right in the ship's hull behind the panting rat, who was grabbing a torn shoulder that was obviously a necessary victim in terms of the axe's deflection: the spear lodged right in the thick metal hilt of the smouldering axe.
Right where the flame was brightest. The rat and the human both came to the same conclusion simultaneously, though both feelings were mixed. That axe wasn't going to be in use ANY time soon.
The human saw the rat look down beneath his clothes, then back at him, and then back down his clothes. Thanks to the rat not bothering being the least bit stealthy about it, the human concluded pretty quickly that he had a weapon, perhaps two, underneath there. Like the pipsqueak back there with his knives. Once again, the human secured his feet, holding himself up on the tip of his fingers as he prepared to get right back to it. But unlike the little bastard, I won't be giving him the chance!
And with that, he was off. Dashing off like he had some starter blocks holding his feet off, the human was closing the distance quickly, something the startled rat was very aware of if its slight stumble signified anything. And right towards the most dangerous fight of my life. There'll be no weapons, nothing I can do to even the playing field! Just me and that bastard...
The rat, after a split second of fear, steeled himself as well. His claws went up, and just faintly, the human saw disgusting, rusted wires pumping themselves full with fuel to power his body. He gets it, too... which means this is really happening... Time itself seemed to slow down, though he was all too aware he was going to be face-to-face with the powerful rat that would soon become his first of many victories... or HE would just be another hopeful idiot that thought they could change the galaxy.
Out the corner of his eye, the human looked at his own fists, and though he was beginning to understand just how strong he really had become... there was still a part of him that was afraid he wouldn't be able to take even one in a direct fight.
But his lips remained firm, and his arms pumped with renewed vigour. But it's too late to change my mind! This is happening, and it's all or nothing, motherfucker! "HHAAAA!" The human sparked white for just a moment, not enough to give him any extra power it seemed to be giving him, but just enough to set his heart ablaze.
The rat returned that with his very own cry, though the human wasn't too sure if it was just the nearby ship's volume that was nearly deafening him. The rat's voice seemed... off. What had changed in it, the human wasn't sure, and quite honestly, he couldn't care enough to think past the insane gurgle coming from the mass of gnarled flesh, twisted metal, and protruding wires underneath a thick red coat.
If he wasn't a deranged murderer then, he was most certainly now. Something undoubtedly broke deep inside the rat after the spear took away his axe and sliced his shoulder open to the metal frame in his joint. The last of the rat's facade, the drapes hiding the last vestiges not yet exposed... were ALL gone.
The human wanted nothing less. Just means that when I toss your ass into that fire, it'll feel all that much more satisfying! Another killer lit up in flames...
The rat was making his desire just all that much easier as, for whatever reason, he kept on backing up closer and closer to the ship. The heat was outrageous, but nothing burned brighter than the rage and determination in the human's soul. Whether he had the same intentions or not, it was all the same to the human. He still knew exactly what he had to do if he was going to win this one-on-one.
And it was going to hurt like a bitch. Just the way they should be! Just the way it needs to be! Thanks to the roaring flames and the intense heat nearly lighting him on fire from its presence alone, the last of the fluids in the human's body escaped him, and just for a second, he felt his world shift and obscure, tilt and threaten unconsciousness. His body tried to consume any nourishment still left in his stomach, but alas, the recent trauma all but left his body screaming for any sort of fuel. His chiselled physique meant that not even the skim fat reserves he did have could be of any use.
The only thing that kept him on his toes and kept his fists clenched was the strength of his mind and will alone. And those too would soon be put to the test. Feet fail me not, cause this is it! Let's DO THIS!
This time around, it was the human that went for the first strike. It took the rat by surprise how the human didn't try to do any under-hand tricks like he did with his powered uppercut like before. If the human wanted to get his head crushed so easily, he wouldn't object. But nonetheless, it caused the rat to click his rotting buckteeth in worry. Just what was this human planning? Surely he could see the cybernetics?
What was he planning?!
His roar of resolve slightly worried the rat, especially since he still managed to sound confident in his survival. The human went in for a tackle, and due to his large wingspan, the rat had no means of escaping his grasp. Right before they collided with a dull thump, the rat was taken aback when, at the last second, the human sprang off the very balls of his toes. It propelled him forward like a spring being held down for a thousand years, and thus, the rat could only swear in his native tongue when HIS plan was all but ruined as the human successfully wrapped around his arms with a death grip.
Whether it was instincts or a quickly thought-out observation on the human's part, he wasn't too sure. But the consequences for the rat were made abundantly clear as he soon found himself letting out a pained gasp feeling the heavy human slam him into the ground with all his gathered momentum. His plan to clasp both fists together and break the human's spine in one swift blow was all but ruined.
In a moment of distraction, the rat felt fear once more. Now the rat had to find himself a way out of the mess he was stuck under. He didn't remember the human being as agile as he had become, but it was beginning to prove just how troublesome he had magically become. The human was straddling him far too quickly to catch the exact details, but the rat could easily tell something about the human was different. The human had been large before; that much had been true.
But as the rat noticed with a certain smirk out the corner of his eyes every time the human's fists just missed his face, it seemed like SOMETHING had happened to him that caused him to grow more muscular; defined. His forearms, fueled by the purpose to see his head reduced to paste, were thicker than the last time he saw his lithe, malnourished body trembling in pain. This was obviously NOT the same human they hunted with careless laughter.
Not that would help him in any case! Their strength MAY be equal now but his speed? Lacking! It's like fighting a drunken baby!
Finally, welcoming his fingers wiggle as it meant the shock his body went through being tackled as hard as it was was finally over, the rat pulled as hard as he could with his shoulder. I don't know what this DUMBASS thought when he tackled me, but whatever it was...
He'll regret fucking with THE Big Boss!
The human let out a shocked gasp when he felt the rat, with a pleased growl, finally slipped one of his pinned arms free of his knees that was holding him down. With lightning-like speeds he had no hope of keeping up with, the rat snatched his forearm after it was deflected by a quick bat of his hand. The human could only stare in silence, and the rat gulping nervously as the deflected fist left a hole in the ground. Both of them figured out what would've happened if the rat didn't manage to free the hand for his deflection at the last moment.
A helluva shorter fight.
"Tch!" The human had no time to react when he felt the rat's legs below him curl up and twist. Before he knew it, he found himself on a death roll with the rat screaming nearly as loud as he was. Though their combined roars were nothing compared to the nearby flame, especially as they made eye contact after finding themselves flipped from their position, it made their hot blood erupt into action.
The human didn't give in just yet, though truth be told, his nerves were on fire with fear. But DON'T give in: not YET! STICK WITH IT! Even though his strikes were expertly dodged during the roll and returned with blows into his torse that cracked his ribs, he still found the vigour inside to roar back during their painful tumble.
As the rat kept their tumble going, the rat growled in pain as the human slugged him once or twice in the face before he returned the favour. The human was in no better shape. With every grunt of pain from the rat, a rib or a tooth was lost in the human. The wet sand below them was a stick and flying as the two struggled on, both of them trying equally as hard as the other to flip their opponent over to get in a few strikes.
To the two strugglers stuck to each other in a flurry of limbs knotting them close, it felt like an eternity of pain and adrenaline, each punch only growing subsequently stronger than the last as the fight went on. But in reality, their little tumble actually only lasted longer than half a minute. But the human knew what damage had been done was going to be hard recovering from.
D-D-DAMN..! Once again, after he screamed in the rat's face startling him long enough for a quick adjustment of his position, he wasn't even able to land a single blow this time before he was once again grabbed and thrown on his back. He grunted in pain as he went up to block his freshly bloodied face. Even when he put his forearms up to block the savage assault from the manically laughing rat, the force of the rat's strikes was enough to shake and grievously bruise every single bone in both his arm and face. I-I-I can't keep this shit up! Damn it, it HURTS! I was hoping that if I acted fast enough and took him by surprise, his damn strength wouldn't be a problem! But it's not that just that, damn it!
The human saw a brief moment of inaction through his swelling eye as the rat caught his breath. He took the chance to scream and spit out the blood pooling in his mouth as he, giving it all he had left in his anguished body, threw out the quickest right jab he could muster through the agony. "G-GAAAH!" The fucker's reflexes are out of this WORLD! Even if I feint an attack or two, he sees right through it!
Further proving his point, though it was a close call, the rat gave a quick grin as he simply tilted his head off to the right, letting the powerful glance right on by. In the most gruelling attack yet, he didn't return the punch with his own like most of their exchanges so far. Instead, with a snarl that managed to surpass any sense of fear the human had felt up to this point, the rat simply clutched his fist before he could bring it back.
Gurgling in pain, the human couldn't scream in agony, feeling his right hand being turned into a literal bone meal in the sadistic grip. He was simply too busy trying to survive, and so his body did what it could to ease that burden. It simply ignored his pain. Damn it, damn it, damn it! I... I gotta get out this before I fuck it up some more!
Fuck, this is going to SUCK.
The human had to think of a solution that would get him out of the situation he was stuck in before the damage to his hand could become irreparable. Already he could feel his fingers and knuckles bending at angles once thought impossibly unnatural. Not only that, but he could feel the blood dripping down his arm as his skin broke from the jagged shards of bone.
And it came as quickly as the dread that followed with it. "F-fuck you!"
In a split second of confusion caused by the human actually speaking again, the rat looked down. Without warning, the human reached up with his other hand, so the rat flinched in a quick reaction. His grip loosened for just a second, and that was all the human needed to grit what little remained of his teeth. Once again, he was surprised by what the human decided to do.
Let alone what he did next. Here go-"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" In the act of pure insanity and desperation, the human nearly passed out from the stabbing pain of his hand scrunching up. He underestimated just how weak the rat's grip had become. When he pulled down with all his might to escape the grasp of the rat, his hand didn't slip free like he hoped.
Indeed, he only made it worse. Bones were nearly dust now, and his flesh was pierced by what little was spared from the decimation. It was a process he was glad there was a metallic bonfire behind him for. If the feeling and sight of his hand becoming a wrinkled, fleshy mess being wrung out were enough to make his swollen eye open in shock, he couldn't even imagine what his reaction might've been if he was able to hear it.
His knuckles desperately tried to make the excruciating process as easy as it could've gone, which wasn't enough. As he pulled with such strength, his hand nearly lost more than half its width during the process. The rat, completely baffled by the self-deprecation the human was putting himself through, didn't even bother to take advantage of the silence that came with his hand finally slipping free of his grasp.
They both could only just stare at what could only be loosely described as the remnants of a human hand. Due to it spurting blood in an unrhythmic manner, the two killers were slowly but surely having their last articles of clothing being positively drenched. The shock was just so much for the human's body, he could literally only do one thing, and that was to just hold his mangled hand by the wrist and stare. "Oh, God! F-FUUUUUUCK!"
By the time the rat--and human-- gained enough of their senses back, they didn't even wait a second before continuing their assault on each other. "Damn i-it!" The human tried moving out of the way, but there wasn't much room to move despite freeing his hand. The rat, now free an extra hand, slammed down as hard as possible with a wrenched, gurgling scream. But because of his effort, as the human fought the agony of feeling his bottom jaw reduced into paste and dust, he saw an opportunity to enact his plan. The FUCKER stood up! "HRRRN!"
The human couldn't see how far he was able to launch the rat-- being hooked across the face by a fist with the force of a sledgehammer behind would do that-- but he knew he bundled his legs up. The rat looked down just in time for him to feel his ribs rattle from the force of two long legs pushing him away. Not even his cybernetics could make him move fast enough to avoid it. "BUR-GAAAAA!"
The extremely slight relief the human felt hearing the rat being sent quite a distance was completely overwhelmed by the anguish he underwent seeing the remains of his molars floating out of his mouth in the torrents of blood. "Huuuugh... Haaaaa... Ooooooh..." Fuck, this is bad.
The human's remaining hand somehow managed to relax enough that he sensitively patted his cheek, his dry eyes unable to produce a single tear no matter how desperately they wanted to. Like someone opening and closing a pair of white-hot scissors in his head, the pain was close to unbearable.
"You..." His raspy, gravelly voice simply whispered that out, but the aggression behind the hushed exhale paled in comparison to how hard his fist was clenched.
The human's bloodshot eye-- the other one now leaking immense amounts of fluid from the trauma it suffered-- trailed away, his entire face twitching as a certain fight-or-flight instinct started to kick in. He didn't dare grimace; truth be told, he knew it wouldn't have been a nerve-wracking sight, what with all of his lower teeth now scattered here and there on the wet, oily sand.
He knew when he first made that suicidal mad-dash for the tackle what was to follow. He knew that there was really no chance of making out of this unscathed. But from what he saw with the remains of Big Boss and the probable cause of his gruesome remains literally inside of him, he knew that there was really no other choice but to literally throw EVERYTHING he had at this. But I guess I fucked the pooch. I knew it was going to hurt... He propped himself up on his last good arm before staring down at his mangled left hand. His eyes began to twitch even more aggressively before he looked over to where the rat was already getting back.
He panted heavily due to the pain he was in, and if the weak throbbing around his damaged bottom ribs was anything, he knew the alien inside was suffering just as much. He didn't even bother wiping his mouth clean after he wobbled. Whatever was smeared away was just immediately all in vain, with another pulse of blood erupting from his missing teeth.
The shock should've made any other human collapse. And the human knew that he really wasn't that different, near-superhuman strength aside. But the reality of life, especially his, was often more bizarre than fiction. God, what is it that's keeping me moving? Fuck, is it this damn alien inside me or the orb? I... I can feel and see the black in the corners, and yet... I just won't die, let alone PASS OUT! What has HAPPENED TO ME?! It just doesn't make sense!
It was like the human's natural limiter put on his body through thousands of years of human evolution was suddenly... lifted. It was like he only REGISTERED the pain, but he didn't really FEEL it. It stabbed and tore his brain into pieces, and yet his vision did not blur; his brain didn't lag behind, and his rational thinking was all still there.
But yet his body suffered. But it did not care. The pain nearly took me out then, but yet here I am, in a position where I'm actually WORSE OFF, functioning better! It wasn't like this before, not when I first encountered these little shits.
The human let out a small moan as the rat just pounded his own chest before already returning to continue the fight. Fuuuuuuuck, I felt his ribs crack; how in the FUCK is he still moving, man?! More terrifying than the rat running at him with an extremely obvious plan of attack-- his fist was behind his head, ready to be thrown the moment the distance was closed-- was the fact that the human's strength... was beginning to wane.
The remaining eye of the human stared down at the limp, right arm hanging and willed it to rise. And while it did, the human swallowed a lump of blood nervously as by the time it got back up in front of his face, he could practically smell the rat's horrendous breath on him. Not NOW, damn it!
Whether he was simply opportunistic or just that sadistic, the rat went right from the human's eye. Even with his faster reaction time, even that was not enough for the human to let out a pained grunt as sharp, metallic claws dug into the very outer layer of his swollen, black eye. And it didn't just stop there. Without a moment's hesitation, the rat caught his retreat with a nasty gut punch that finished the job that was cracking all his ribs. "GRCK!"
And yet, he didn't succumb to the pain. Even then, I'm barely keeping up! The human's eye barely kept up with the blurry fists swung his way as he kept swerving back towards the flaming ship. Of course, in the rough shape he was now in, the human had to suffer through continuous blows that rocked his entire body.
"Da!" The human grimaced to the best of his ability. However, it was getting hard to formulate any expression with how bloodied and bruised his face had become, let alone his mental faculties being as compromised as they were. The human blocked an incoming blow with his left forearm, though with the rat's strength, it didn't do much in the way of protection considering how it was simply turned into a blunt weapon that smacked his face HARD. The way the fight was heading only confirmed the human's paranoia to be well placed. If it weren't for my ambush... I would've become literal mincemeat in SECONDS! And that's why...
He dared to sneak a quick look behind after a well-placed step and trip sent the rat's punch right towards the ground. Not too far away again was the burning ship. He couldn't concentrate for long as his attention was brought back to his current situation, with a fist to the hip being his alarm. That's why this HAS to work! I just need to get a little closer, and I'll be able to grab one of his kn-! "HHHHUUUUNNN!"
The human was caught quite off guard when instead of another volley being sent his way, the rat snickered to himself as he quickly booted the human right in the groin. He was sent tumbling and tumbling, unable to even spit out the sand entering his mouth with each subsequent roll. "Tututututu!"
By the time he stopped, his entire body, now wet with bloodied, oiled water, was caked in sand. With a pathetic flop, his already spinning head was now in a state of vertigo. Using both of his elbows, the human barely managed to get his core activated enough for the spinning to cease. Oddly enough, even as his blank, emotionless face was near touching the flames, the human felt no worry in that regard. In fact, even as the sand in his mouth stuck to the inside of his lips and cheeks, he couldn't help but find the whole thing humorous. Well then. Guess I got closer after all...
Which means that...
"TWOOOOO-LEEEEEEG!" The human's bloodshot eyes exploded open again, right before he fell unto his back as he turned over in fear and anxiety. The rat was nearly on him, and the human gulped as he saw the protruding wires beginning to glow hot red from overuse. It gave the rat the final strokes of evil needed to complete the demonic canvas that was his body. The human, however, did not give in to his fear this time, as he pushed himself up unto one knee. He only glared back at him with as much ferocity as he could muster. "DIS IS OVE'!"
The human only broke the eye contact for a second to stare down at his right hand, clutching a pile of the last untouched by the water and oil. Yeah, you're right about that. The rat took that glare as an insult and then some. Gurgling on his blood from broken teeth and ruptured wires, the shrill shriek that came from the rat was, by far, the most irritating, bothersome noise the human had the displeasure of hearing.
The rat looked like he was about to burst; the wires reflections of his blistering soul as they were pumped full of the fuel that powered his piston-charged limbs. How the rat moved when the tunes and metal holding his disgusting flesh together started to sizzle away at him from the temperature, the human didn't want to know, nor did he have the time to ask. If before the human thought he was moving fast, he was vastly mistaken. More like a red hit blur than anything else at the moment, there was barely any time passed when the rat was nearly on him with two simple hops toward him. Christ, what in the fuck?!
There was no time to waste. If the human missed with the trump card, then that was that: the end of his mighty tale ended before it could even begin. But if I make this, if I get this bastard before he can land one last blow..!
I win!
With the rat using the last of his reserves, the human knew it would only take one last raged enhanced bound forward until the rat was close enough to finish his torment. The human had no more thought: all of his body, mind, and soul concentrated on the plan and nothing more. I didn't expect the fucker to get FASTER, though! I need to time this PERFECTLY! I won't have room for ANY error!
His fist clenched the sand even tighter as he saw from the corner of his eye how the rat's leg was bundled up, prepared for the last bound that would set him upon him. But his concentration was set only in one place: the rat's eyes. I just need him to miss ONE MORE TIME! From how low I am and how fucking spastic he's become, I SHOULD have a chance to grab whatever the hell he was trying to get out back then! The human sent a quick prayer up, though he didn't dare rip his attention from the rat for fear of missing the opening that may or may not spell his doom.
God, I just hope whatever it was is SHARP!
He would find out soon enough. In a blur of motion, the human leaned back, letting his weight carrying him down. As he did so, the rat made his final move. Almost directly parallel with the ground itself, the rat launched off the balls of his clawed, exposed toes. And whether it was because the planet had a lower gravity than most, this was the most explosive launch yet. And with his strong, glowing-red right arm, he went to grab the human's throat. Seeing the piercing, red hot claws with the intent to kill sent a surge of adrenaline in the human's heart.
Because this was exactly what he was hoping for. He can't move out the way now! This is it! For his arms were too tired, the human didn't even bother attempting to raise them above his head; rather, he instead threw his entire body onto its side in one swift motion, keeping his arm rigid until it was too time to unleash his 'secret weapon'. He fell onto his back, completely defenceless as all he could do now was wait and see if his idiotic, brash, rash prayer actually worked. All I need...
The cloud of dust in the air served its purpose, almost frighteningly so: the rat looked more like a demon with every passing millisecond, the dark outline being punctuated by the red glow of burning internal and external machinery. But in that horrifying visage of dry sand blocking the clear sky was evidence that the plan was to come to fruition.
The rat's eyes were squinted. Even with all the rat's augmentations, even with the years of natural-born cruelty carrying the beast this far... all it would take to bring it down was some pocket sand. Is one second!
The rat's claws WERE to meet its target. But something in the human ensured him that victory was his despite all evidence being to the contrary. A Resolve to see it through exploded like a mighty bomb from deep within, and so, the mysterious white runes made their brief return debut. The blinding light in his eyes, coupled with the dust blinding the rat, made the grasping claw meant to tear his throat asunder... miss.
The human moved his neck at just the precise moment he needed to make it impossible for the rat to change his trajectory. Where he was was not where he was now. Feeling the air whoosh right by his mangled eye, a cloud of leftover dry dust exploded into the air as the heavy claws rammed the ground beside him. And as the large, deadly paw grasped the only small rock and now wet sand, the human and rat could only ogle in bewilderment.
The rat, stupified by what just happened, seemed to revert back into a mindless child. It was like he knew what was to come next and so, did the last thing his mind told him to wonder. How did I miss him? He only lifted his hand to left the sand wash out around his fingers, confused.
But for the human, this brain blast was everything he was betting on. H-HE ACTUALLY MISSED! He internally put his thumb on his chin, completely befuddled as he looked away at the ground beside him. I didn't expect that shit to work. But after that introspective nanosecond, he didn't waste a single second. What remained of his jaw steeled itself; the blood pooling out his mouth was halted as his cut lips pressed together. His eye was lit up with a Resolve to push through the agony, and it was barely enough for him to hold himself up with his ruined left arm.
But it's enough! The human's entire right arm flexed, and with the minuscule surge of power manifested in that crucial moment, he was able to will his arm high enough to stare at the runes caking the entirety of his hand. The sun behind the rat did the exact opposite of what he expected to happen; instead of making them harder to make it out with the rest of his tanned hand, the bright light seeping between fingers and around palms only punctuated the markings. His single eye was graced by a single warm ray from the distant sun, and like before... everything made just enough sense.
Not just THE markings. MY markings. The one thing that I can confidently say... is mine. And mine alone. The means to take back... my LIFE..! His eyes flicked away and back towards the rat's chest, his heart thumping harder with every passing moment. Though it felt like an eternity to him, in the painful reality he experienced, barely a few seconds passed him by.
Which meant that he still had plenty of time to win this fight. All the hair on his beyond stood up as, for what he hoped would be the last time for a long time, he let out as much ferocity as he could in his last scream. His body did not flare white like it tended to do without warning, but to him, that would not matter. The sensation of his heart being set ablaze was all that he needed. "HOOOOOOOOOO!"
Pushing off his left arm's wrist, for his hand was nothing more than a painful, mushy blob, the human took the rat off guard with the headbutt of the century. The rat could only give a grunt of pain as his bloodied nose was thrown back without warning by the human's blunt head. And as he threw himself back to stand on his knees, the loose, large red banner he wore around his shoulder was caught by the rising breeze. The human's eye went wide as when the rat went to clutch his nose for any measure of relief, he was nearly blinded by the sun above reflecting off a shoddy knife stuck in a belt that had obviously seen many better days.
The entire thing was nothing really more than a piece of shrapnel sharpened at one end and dulled at the other, once again showing that the species seemed to only care for functionality and not much else.
There it is! He reached for it without hesitation, almost like it called to him. The rat had not a clue what was happening, for though his eyes were still blinking out the dust, now he had to blink away tears and the blood that had exploded from his nose. That meant that the human could easily slip the blade from its belt and bring it back to himself triumphantly. He had to go for the blade itself, but compared to the rest of his body, the slight wince it caused was nothing.
"Hrn?!" the sound of it being unsheathed finally made the rat keep his eyes open, despite the grains still torturing his sockets. It was only then when the rat looked down to see the human staring right at his face with a look that could kill that he knew: it was too late to do anything.
There was nothing more satisfying than holding it up to the sunlight, this representation of his determination. Though hardly beautiful in any regard, there was something about it that he found... admirable. It felt good in his hands as he flipped it around, the sharp end pointing right towards the exposed, patchy stomach of the rat straddling him. Using the last reserves of his core strength after their little rolling session, the human let out a mighty scream as he held himself up. Blood erupted from his mouth and between cracked teeth with each strained breath, and his eyes were bulging as he drove it forward.
His left hand, now free of his painful job holding him up, had no time to rest. Immediately being put to work again, it found itself behind his right hand. In a split second, where it once glittered in the sunlight, it found a new home in the dark confines of the cybernetic abomination. "GRCK!" The human did not know whether the species natural blood pressure or just a side effect of his 'augments' had a play in what seemed to be gallons of blood spewing onto his bruised core. But mostly, he did not care, for he didn't even stop there.
"GRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAGGGHHHH!" For the rat, having his bowels ruptured as savagely as they were was beyond excruciating. For the human... there was nothing more euphoric than seeing the fear and agony he felt moments ago appear a thousandfold on the monster's face. YEEEEEEEE-AHAHAHA-EESSSS! He didn't expect it to feel so good, and perhaps that was because the odd feeling that appeared when he threw that knife came back at that exact moment. But whatever the cause, he was about to dispute it. With a twist of the blade MEANT to be painful, the human rose up and screamed into the rat's chest with all the power left in his body. "IIIIIIIIIIIII...!"
He roared as he leaned back, his left elbow hooking around the clasp where the rat's banner was held together. He ripped it off and let it flutter away in the wind, thankfully not going to where the flames would've incinerated it. It'd be a shame to lose such fine attire AFTER WHAT I HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU!
It happened in a moment so fast not even the human was aware of it. And for a moment, the rat didn't even know what happened to him...
Until the gash caused by the human tearing his chest in two appeared. Through ribs of bone and steel, the dull edge tore through. Muscles and wire did the blade sever and split into two. From the base of his gut and right through his left shoulder blade: that was the path of ruin.
The rat's face was emotionless, but only for a moment before his eyes went bloodshot from the pain and his face scrunched up in a painful mixture of fear and distress. From his mouth exploded the last act of annoyance and disgust the human would have to suffer through. Thankfully, he kept his mouth and eyes closed so he didn't have to taste the putrid mix of tainted blood and oil coming from the ruptured arteries spewing forth.
The rat collapsed, the shock of such a grievous injury causing his hands to push the gash together in a pathetic attempt to hold off his inevitable death, even though it was now said and done. The human fell onto his back, rolled onto his side, and breathed heavily through the nausea of pain. He watched with distaste as his prey writhed and moaned like a worm cut in two. I... did it! The spur of the moment rush of hatred passed by alongside the mysterious, bloodthirsty feeling, and so, the human got up onto his knees and panted like his life depended on it... which it very well could've been considering how lightheaded he felt.
But that awful state would only last a second. Through his pants and the sound of blood from the two killers pooling from their respective bodies... came a plea. One whose audacity TRULY boggled the mind of the wrathful human, whose only response was to slowly turn his head to stare menacingly. You're kidding me... Did he..? His face was shadowed by the sun behind him, and to the rat, the dark face with no texture nor feature to discern from... apart from the bright white eyes exuding pure hatred...
It was like the Devil had finally come to collect his soul. And yet, even as his killer stared down apathetically at him, his audacity made him say it again. "H-h-help me... Please..?"
The human remained motionless, only continuing to stare at the whimpering beast in front of him. His legs quaked and shook, yet his heart was fueled by nothing more than negative energy as he stood to his full height. Help you? After that, which YOU'VE DONE to ME?! To how many countless people BEFORE ME?!
The human's hand began to tremble, his finger shaking not from exhaustion but rather from disbelief inside after hearing such an audacious plea. How DARE YOU, of all living things, ask that? I have no doubt about it: you've heard this exact sentence said hundreds of times before, haven't you? And you think that even after all of that and this, I'LL be the one to break this EVIL cycle you started? No...
His body screamed, screamed so loud it nearly caused him to let out the pain in an outcry of his own. But this time around, he held onto his composure while he leaned down to push himself up slowly with his fist. He felt a cinder land on his shoulder blade, reminding him of what needed to be done and soon if he was to live. What a pathetic coward you are; evil as they COME. All your life has been nothing more than senseless, THOUGHTLESS death and destruction everywhere you go, no doubt. And yet, even as you lie here dying the death something like you deserves, you don't pass on with your dignity intact?! You're not going to own up to your actions?!
The rat was perplexed as he made his way over in confident, limping strides. You truly are evil, aren't you? You've committed all these horrible atrocities, and yet, even after all that shit you've done... you expect mercy?
His head slowly turned to the nearby ship spewing cinders and then back to the horrified rat. Oh, no. But I'll help you. I'll help you on your way...
It took the rat until the human came by to pick him up by his scruff that he understood that little motion. "W-W-WAIT!" All the respect the human once carried for his foe vanished in an instant. His hands went up, and his stomach curled inwards-- at least as much as it could with how it threatened to spill OUT now-- as he put on a pathetic display of surrender... Something the human would not heed.
The human's only response was to drop the rat down onto the ground to crack the rat's sensitive nose with his heel to shut his pleading up. But even then, the whimpering only got louder as the rat approached his fiery grave. "Please, n-no!"
The human locked his eye with the rat's dulling features. His thrashing was slowing down, and that only made the human's approach that much easier. He turned back to the inferno caused by the rat's failure, and he smirked slightly, considering just how ironic this felt.
Soon enough, the human stood in front of the inferno. He hoisted the limp body up and perfectly balanced him to make him stand up for a second or two. It was all he really needed. And deep within the dimming flames... the pike upon which he decided to be the best place to put such a sinful ornament.
I should feel bad for doing this. Such an awful way to go. The human, rapidly lacking the strength to stand due to the pulsating waves of nausea and fatigue sucking him dry, backed up. So I'll make a promise: after you, I'll never subject another to something like this again. Besides, I don't think I'll ever meet someone quite as evil as you again.
The human's left leg tensed up, and soon enough, his foot was at level with his hip, and it remained there for but a second. And the only way to fight fire is with fire, after all.
And then, before the delirious rat could even notice, the bare bloody foot caved in whatever ribs he had left. One last spurt of blood escaped the rat's mouth as with a painful shriek, the sharp pike penetrated through the rat's open gash.
The mysterious sadist in him was immensely disappointed that such a climax was as... uneventful as it turned out to be. The rat seemed to nearly die the moment he entered the inferno. But it was not all without satisfaction. For but a split moment, before the human had to shield his eyes from a gust of flames causing him to trip backwards... he saw it.
Fear. Not for himself.
But because he just didn't understand what the hell that human was.
It was the last thing the human wanted. There had been enough of that already that he was sure of. But I have to say: to see it from the likes of him..?
The human stared as the fur and flesh melted away from the engulfed cadaver, not once blinking until the flames gave their last efforts of life. He did not feel glee nor satisfaction...
No, at that moment, watching as SOME FORM of justice was served in the galaxy he was sure was scarcely enacted... he felt some sense of purpose. It feels right.
His arms wobbled suddenly, and he collapsed back with no trace of grace. But it was fine for him. He closed his other eye, wincing as the adrenaline faded and left him more vulnerable than ever. He let the hot air nearby wash over and around every limb, kissing his wounds in such a way that the pain almost seemed nonexistent.
And with what little teeth he had left... he smiled.
For on that day... was his very first victory.
And as he looked over to the nearby body of the rat killed by his knife and the bothersome midget he hated so, he felt the alien inside him urge him back onto his hands and knees to crawl forward. The hole underneath the scarcely armoured rat's armpit, all the sudden, looked oh-so entrancing.
So him, huh? Fair enough, considering I fucking butchered the other one... "Hrrrrrrn..." Groaning, he barely got his right arm below him, let alone his legs. The loss of blood, the lack of food, and the unimaginable thirst made it very difficult. His head was spinning, and the adrenaline and resolve that kept his focus faded quickly. But even then, as he felt the alien writhe passionately and urgently, almost like it was preparing itself for something... he chuckled under his breath.
Because he knew that this wasn't going to be the last time he would feel such agony.
But this also wouldn't be the last time victory would be his.
For he proved that his ambition was capable of carrying him far beyond what he thought possible. His will gave him the drive to conquer the fear that had nearly ruined him.
He collapsed just mere feet away from the deceased, intact rat. Before his vision blurred into the nothingness from his body when he felt the alien in him directing the tendrils holding it in place around his heart to his back... he went into the void confident of one thing.
Looks like my plan worked...
- In Serial51 Chapters
Accidentally a Shrine Priestess
Sophie Birch wakes up to a strange blonde woman claiming Sophie promised to be her “priestess” and honestly the whole thing goes downhill from there. Classes? Levels? Mana? Wait – on top of all of that, this place doesn’t even have coffee?! In which our heroine wakes up in a fantasy world and wishes she had spent more time playing video games instead of reading all of that romance manga. Accidentally a Shrine Priestess is a cozy progression fantasy story with very light LitRPG elements. Updates on Saturdays ~9AM PST.
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For February's Rain
Once hailed as a worthy sole successor to the famously righteous Immortal Master Ning Shan, the disgraced Immortal Chen Xi, Wan Yu, finds his end in the hands of justice, after the demonic sect betrayed him and handed him to the disappointed masses. Supreme Leader of the Frozen Dragon Sect Ye Xiyang opened his eyes 17 years in the past and smiled. "Aren't you going to help me?" Wan Yu raised an eyebrow and continued to chop wood. "Aren't you asking for a bit too much? You're a man older and stronger than me, if you really want my help then help me with these logs first." "Ah, but you're the sole disciple of the just Immortal Master, why do you pick and choose who to help?" Clear eyes twinkled with amusement and exasperation. "Because people like you exist, what do you think? So, are you helping or not?" This work contains LGBT characters and gay main leads.
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My Travels Through Another World: A Dragon's Tail
Summary: Main character wakes up one morning, as a giant lizard. The story follows him as he slowly figures out where he is, and tries to find how he wants to spend his life. It's a story full of face palms, and misconceptions! I mainly use Wordpress, so the more up to date version is on meanderingotaku.wordpress.com Though... I promise I will catch this up! The next time the writing slows down again. On a final note... I have someone helping me edit and proof reading right now, and I'm trying to look over everything AND write at the same time... so eventually >.> Not because I'm lazy!
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draco's the type ☹
❝ honestly, if you were any slower, you'd be going backward. ❞ - draco malfoy. draco's the type of [...][highest ranks]#460 in humor.#328 in humor.#430 in humor.
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Wrong Number
Peter accidently text Tony Stark.*I forgot my password 4 my account so I'm using my twins.My original account is kiela1707 please follow me and my sister account.Hope you enjoy!!!!! *
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What Happens Now: Sequel to Adopted by Thomas Sanders And The Sanders Sides
It's been a year since Aricka Sanders graduated from high school. Now, her and Dan are facing a new challenge:College. "Dana" as her and Dan were dubbed, both got into a great college. What happens next?Find out with me!Come along for the next installment in the series!
8 71