《A Champion's Rise》The Last Human's Recollections
Chapter One
How'd this happen to me?
Where... am I?
These were the solitary thoughts of what might be the last human in all of existence. Those two thoughts were the only thing that resonated in the human's despair-riddled mind, the haunting emotions of hopelessness and confusion echoing endlessly in his barren skull.
That, and the empty drips and plops of the water droplets falling around him in the dark cave he suddenly found himself in. Huddled in what he assumed to be a corner because he wasn't too sure of what it actually was due to the various spikes poking into his back uncomfortably. His head hung low in a hazy defeat though why he felt that way was beyond him.
The human's shaky and, just noticing this when he brought them up to his dull brown eyes, bloody hands dragged through his long, dirty black hair. His breath was short as his entire body ached, though why and how it did, he couldn't remember for the life of him. Strange, tattered rags barely covered his body, let alone protect him from the miniature shower from the strange, almost alien rock formations jutting out in all directions. It seemed that the more his consciousness came back to him, the more his dismay and bewilderment kept growing and growing.
What am I doing here? Where is HERE?! Confusion and anxiety were beginning to give way to frustration; his shaking hands finally found it within themselves to squeeze tightly in his hair, ripping out a few strands of his battered hair along with it.
His voice was gravelly like it had been years since he last spoke. But by the way that his throat felt clear of any blockage or anything that might hinder his ability to speak whatsoever worried him; the human knew that he had probably been speaking less than a few hours ago... but he just couldn't remember what he said. "God, damn it, what is going ON WITH ME?!"
Echoing around the vast expanse that was the cavern he found himself in, his own voice repeated on a fading loop, almost like he was taunting himself. But the taunting would soon be the very least of his worries, as his problems would soon not just be mental... but physical as well. A series of guttural chitters and growls came from deep in the void next to him. He froze, his body going tense for whatever reason when he heard the extremely distant conversation explode with activity before going quiet again.
His legs felt like there were a million pounds on them, yet due to how much his instincts were warning him that those sounds were definitely NOT from a friendly party, the nameless human soon found enough energy within himself to get up. His muffled grunts were thankfully not loud enough to garner more attention from whoever was looking for him, which meant that he had the time to experimentally start waving his hands around if only in a desperate bid to scope out the mysterious room. What the HELL are those guys?! Sure as fuck don't sound friendly, that's for sure.
The human nearly gasped in surprise when he, after dragging his hands over the grimy rocks covered in a slimy substance of God-knows-what, almost fell over after leaning on the cave wall for so long. Absent-mindedly flopping his hand around in the dark both in front and behind him, it was clear that the reason behind being able to hear that sound was because there was a tunnel right next to him, enveloped in the void. Could I have come from there? This could only mean that they can come from there as well.
Hearing a rock or pebble being kicked in the distance, it was followed by a swift yelp of pain accompanied by what he could only guess were mad jeers and jabs. It didn't take long for the human to start backing away with a pounding heart when he realized that they were getting near him. Shit! Why do I gotta move so soon? I'm so... tired, man. God, damn it, did I do something to them to make them so PISSED OFF?
Holding his breath when he heard them pass by another tunnel, their alien chitters and snarls grew brasher with every second he stayed out of their sight. He urgently started to feel his way around the room. He had no recollection of running in, and now he was looking for a way out. Struggling to remember the events that lead to this, he winced in discomfort and pain, collapsing onto a nearby wall because of the increasing pounding in his skull. Argh, it's like my mind is covered with... MIST? I-I can't remember shit!
He must've made a sound as he spun around with wild, fearful eyes hearing them get closer, their mindless chittering finally focused and as one. Cursing underneath his breath, he couldn't even find relief in the light that came with them as it meant that his time of solace from the crew of vengeful aliens was coming to a close. Looking down at his bare chest and the scantly covered rags he could only charitably say existed as pants, it wasn't long before he took a long stride. However, the human instantly regretted it as the burning exhaustion he felt doing it, which took his mind off staying silent. His mental resistance failed him as he hocked up a warm thick liquid from his body, which was only revealed to be blood when a shaky light shone over him.
The human rose a hand up to his mouth and wiped it enough to see, thanks to the mad aliens approaching him with their bright light illuminating all dark crimson stains all over him. Wh-when did this happen to me? Finally, beginning to see the unfortunate circumstance his body wa found in, it seemed like his body decided to get over the shock of the giant slashes and gashes littered over his entire, surprisingly well-toned body, which only made the discovery worse. "W-what?!"
Pins and needles emerged from nowhere, destroying not only his concentration but the instinctual wall that was set up, which prevented him from making noise. Immediately, he covered his mouth and let a terrified whimpered out as the rat-like chattering got closer. Knowing that his time was up, he immediately bolted, the heavy blood loss symptoms only affecting him slightly as renewed energy appeared in his muscles. But sprint as he may, the distance between them was becoming shorter and shorter with every second.
He could barely hear them, but when he heard the excited, bloodthirsty chitters magically turn into comprehensible warbles, nervous hums turned into erratic breathing as the paranoid fear he held for his unknown pursuers turned out to be true. "We're cooooooming, Tall-Leg! It'z 'bout time to PAY UP for whatcha did!"
Looking over his shoulder, the human blinked furiously as a strobing light threatened to overwhelm his already racing mind and heart. They can SPEAK? Better fucking yet, how it is that I understand them?! A second voice came after as the beginner of their little conversation tripped, which basically confirmed it wasn't just those two when three other voices grunted in annoyance. "Ain't so tough and mighty, now, ain'tcha, you Grawmi-bait! You can't run foreva!"
Itching on the top layer of his skin, on both sides of his neck actually, bothered him just enough for him to scratch at it frantically midstride. But when he heard a metallic scratching, he nearly stumbled in surprise. Oh, what now!? Flying around a corner, the human nearly fell over as he felt something whiz by his ear right after he stumbled, his gut feeling telling him he should be glad it missed him. The fuck is on my neck? God damn, this itching sucks!
Oddly enough, now that the human managed to put some ways between the group and him, the accented, simplistic and murderous rambling shifted back to animalistic chitters and snarls, which only caused the human to become more dumbfounded by the second. I can only understand... from a distance? When was I able to do that? His thoughts, running amok with no leash to rein them in, distracted him long enough for a potentially fatal error.
Stepping down, a solitary spike jammed its way through the flesh and bone of his feet. "FUCK! AAAAAAAAARHHH! Oh, my fucking-errrrr!" The subsequent shriek that unexpectedly came from the human's mouth as he fell down with pierced foot in hand, writhing and rolling in pain, actually gave the vile aliens behind him pause.
They seemed to be scared by that sound, like some incident before left a mark on them. The nervous smacking of lips and the ceasing of their approach gave him a slight bit of hope as he got back up with a pathetic limp, adrenaline fading with every pulse. Still, after a few moments of whimpering, they only began to let out a despicable chorus of approaching laughter and jubilation when the coast seemed clear of whatever threat they were expecting.
Tears of despair started flowing freely down his face, their ruckus of shoved bodies hitting cold rock swelling in his ear as even the singular sound of his singular covered foot on the stone became overwhelmed. "Shit, shit, ssss-haha-hit! Come ON!?" He soon came to a crossroads of multiple eerie tunnels, which may have been a boon in escaping his pursuers in an earlier time, but he wasn't so daft and stressed as to think he could do that when he had as bad of an injury like he had now. Damn it, where is the exit? The fucking exit! Is there even one?
More clanking and smacking came behind as the combined sound of them hurtling towards him sounded like a horde of giant rats was descending upon him, triggering a prial flight instinct in him when he turned to go down the tunnel on his left. But as he stood with his back against the wall, and the aliens finally burst into full sight, maybe that comparison wasn't far off.
There was a good six of them, at least. All took the general shape of snivelling, snorting, ragged rat-people, though obviously weren't direct cousins to the rodents back on his home planet. They weren't tall, not compared to the human's six-foot-four, which meant that they stood only at shoulder height, but their combined number might as well mean he was a baby. They had ears that dropped like the large, domesticated dogs back on Earth through the holes their crudely shaped metal helmets allowed. Bright red cloth draped over all their bodies seemed to reflect the light shining forth from barely-attached shoulder-bound flashlights. They all had some sort of dark-brown symbols on them, which might've acted as a sign of sorts for them to identify others with, though what it actually meant was certainly the last thought on the human's mind. Crappy metal plates served as some semblance of armour though it only covered their torsos, which left most of their exposed patchy bodies mercy to the cold, damp air around them.
With a massive scar going down from its empty eyebrow to its mangled buck-teeth, one particularly unpleasant one stepped forward confidently with a twisted piece of metal that could only be called a weapon in name alone. "There's the Gwarmi-bait! Right where I told you he'd go, you IDAMIS, heh heh heh."
The shifty rat person looked the human up and down with a devious look that made him gulp tensely, his body going tenser when a disgusting forked tongue rolled over the nearly non-existent chin of the rat's snout before she breathed huskily. "Oh, but does he have some MEAT on him. Before we gut him, I wanna have some fun fir-OW!" A swift slap to the back of the head stopped her from approaching the obviously petrified human, as another equally miserable-looking alien stepped up with an accusing point directed at his slouching partner. "You dim-Kanc! I SAID he would take a left, NOT YOU. You always do this!"
The human watched this childish exchange continue with a bewildered expression, the situation still grim though now slightly comedic. The fuck is this? The hunched-over alien growled through its two large teeth, coming back up slouching to deride her aggressor with a hard poke on the chest. "Why shouldn't I? Ma dropped you years ago but it's been clear that was for the best: no one listened to you before anyways!"
Raising a pointy stick wrapped in a bizarre leather all the way to its dull point, the two barely held themselves from completely forgetting the human and lunging at each other with gnashing teeth and reckless swinging. Sensing an opportunity as all eyes started drifting from him to the argument ensuing, the human SLOWLY shuffled away, wincing with every hop he took. Holy fuck, holy fuck, please! Just a little bit more and I should be good..!
It was only thanks to the effort of one who was obviously taller than most of them, standing right below the human's chin instead of JUST at his shoulders and collarbone like the others, that a miniature civil war didn't break out. Taking both of their bare, scaly, rat-like tails in hand, he tugged up and made the two shriek in fear and pain when they made eye contact with the one responsible. "Quiet, you two! Can't you see that the humie's escaping!?"
Simultaneously, all their beady little dark eyes turned to stare at the human, who looked like a deer in headlights. The distance he put between them during their idiocy was barely anything more than a few feet as he kept stumbling due to feeling lightheaded. The human gasped, now going back to a full limp-sprint, which finally provoked the group's reaction. "F-fuck sakes!"
There were a few snarls of displeasure seeing their prey try once again to escape, and most of them moved to finally seal the deal and put an end to him for whatever reason they held. But they all held back and looked over their shoulders, confused when the slightly taller one, who was obviously rambunctious pack's leader, started darkly chuckling until it grew into a full-blown laughing fit of malice. "NyahahaHA! Ah, it's over, fellas, take 'er easy."
Taking another step towards the human with confidence to spare, it only stripped of any of his. The larger rat saw this in the human's expressive yet small, brown eyes and made a cheeky, toothy grin full of malice. "He ain't goin' nowhere."
They stepped aside tentatively, their body language clearly showing that they weren't sure this was the best idea. The unpleasant one stepped up, cowering when the bigger one glanced down with authoritative ire, though it wasn't as intense as it was when the tails were grabbed. "B-Big Boss? H-he-he's gonna getaway!" Big Boss walked past him, stopping for only a moment to swipe a rather gnarly set of claws at the minion's face, giving the human an idea of how the alien got its first scar. "You wanna try again, Garu-bait?"
Cowering away and patting away the blood covering its grazed eye with a mix of relief and terror, the repulsive rat that made a comment about the human's body shrunk back into the mass of his uncaring brethren. "N-n-no, I DON'T! Please, Big Boss, I ain't mean it like dat!" While she said that, 'Big Boss' was already winding up another blow until he must've seen something in the beady eyes as he just put it down and gave a huff of dismissal... and satisfaction. "Dat's what I thought, whore. Now, you!"
Pushing the smallest one there-- he was barely up to the humans' groin-- forward, he nodded towards the human while taking away the spear. He wanted Big Boss to give order with a whimper, though he still reached out like a beat child wanting its toy back. What the fuck is he thinking?! To that, Big Boss seemed satisfied again, seeing that particular fear again, only to grin wider as the human had an exaggerated expression of anxiety on his face as well.
Reaching down, he surprised everyone when he just gave a small pat on the flinching head of the smallest one there, flicking his own towards the human with a devilish grin. "You go have some fun, eh? Ha haha ha!" The laughter that came up from his belly was as equal parts horrid as the soul it belonged to, though it was only amplified as the rest joined in.
The horrible sounds shook the human's twitching body as, all of a sudden, flashing images and maybe even memories he had of the same laughter racked his mind and soul.
He was... somewhere; it was close to being a desert just like the ones on Earth, but it still felt... off: it was like it was artificial, made with an exact purpose though what it was was beyond him. He was face-down coughing up, his entire body aching with pain somehow going far past what he felt now, which seemed impossible considering how miserable he was. He was about to push up to see his surroundings when, suddenly, he was lifted by his torn shirt to stare eye-to-eye literally with a gigantic cyclops-like alien.
Now that he was up, it was clear why everything didn't seem so natural: he was stuck in what could only be described as a gladiatorial arena. Alien bones from leftover fights were everywhere, only outnumbered by the number of cracked rocks and scattered weapons.
Grand, golden walls kept everything nice and secure, their height so dizzyingly high that it automatically shut down any yearning for escape. From atop, aliens mocked and jeered from above, laughing voraciously at what was going on below. The tears of pain and blood covering his eyes blurred his vision enough that the details were blurred, but the one trait he did notice was their absurdly long necks and skinny fingers.
The cyclops pulled him close and started to whisper, though the words were completely drowned in the uproar of their audience. Why... why am I here? Who is this guy? Those were the only thoughts he had while the rest of the words continued to pass through one ear and out the other.
But the images soon came to an end as the cyclops dropped him to his feet and held him in place. A single foot went easily over the width of his two feet next to each other, and it was followed by a large hand painful squeezing his head. "How about this!? If he lives... HOW ABOUT WE GIVE HIM A REMATCH?!"
That seemed like the needed punchline to the grand, evil joke that was being said as after that, the thunderous applause and mocking approval nearly ruptured the human's ears. The cyclops let out a few of his own loud chuckles, obviously enjoying himself as well. "Well, you heard them!"
The human winced and began to moan when the enormous fingers started to press into his skull like fingers in mud, the excruciating pain already urging him to pass out. "Let's see what you're REALLY made of!"
The human heard a large fist pushing through the air before everything... went black.
Then he came back.
Bringing both of his hands up to grab his eyes, he moaned and whimpered in despair, which gave his chosen opponent the courage to look back on his teammates who were urging him on with a thumbs up before he licked his chops in anticipation. Mechanical whirring started up inside the ratling as he approached the unaware human, who was only just recovering from the flashback. The uncertainty of the flashback and the curiosity he felt searching for the mysterious sound short-circuited the human. Wha..? What... are these?! It's so... damn... LOUD! Wait... what is-?!
Feeling a tap on his knee, the human wasn't even given time to gasp in shock before he felt his teeth nearly go down his throat. The ratling jumped up, clocking him with strength no one of his statures should come close to having. "Peekabo! HAHAHAHAAHAHH!"
The cackling only grew louder when the human fell like a sack of bricks face-first into the ground, only waking up from the sudden trauma because of the collision making his nose produce the most awful crunching sound in existence. Oh ho ho, God, fuck! Letting out a cry of pure agony, not only did his entire body throb with cuts, but now his face and foot felt like they were lit on fire.
Defensively, he crawled up as far as he could from the tiny hopping menace, obviously enjoying the praise from his peers. "Sta-stay away!" His pleas were only answered by a singular moment of pause before the taunting grew even worse. They hung on each other, desperate for air, when the tiny one made a horrible imitation of him cowering on the ground.
The verbal abuse struck a nerve in him, his fear beginning to ebb away when a stupid kind of pride made him growl below his sobs of excruciating pain. How could they? How... DARE they! He pushed himself up slowly, just slowly enough that the crowd full of hate didn't even notice him through their jeers and jests. The little one was doing a bow of sorts like he had finished a proper good play, though to call it proper would be an insult against the definition. Because of that distraction and the other teary eyes being covered by wiping hands, no one saw how the human looked.
Standing as far as he could, literally towering over the little rat, he snarled through the snot, tears and blood coming out off his face and onto the ground below him. "You..." The venom in the voice gave EVERYONE pause-- even Big Boss-- the small one turning around just in time. Clenching his fists as hard as he could, he raised both of his arms above his head to slam down on the rodent. The beady little eyes sunk into the puny rat's head when he realized what was about to happen, which only perplexed the human more because it looked like the rat had seen this happen before. What did I do to them to deserve THIS!?
The human felt a little pity when the small rat-man let out a squeak of fear as it raised up its arms to protect his head... until the human coughed up a little bit of blood that went down the wrong tube, reminding him of the cruelty he alone inflicted. "You cruel BASTARDS!"
A spark of SOMETHING-- thought it wasn't hot, rather being UNBELIEVABLY cold-- ignited unimaginable energy that spurred his arms to slam down with a snap. Only an afterimage, and what he could swear were sparks of white coming from his body, which lit up the crossroad with a brilliant glare. However, he gave up trying to understand how and why that happened, only concentrating on the immense satisfaction. Yes! Finu-fucking-lly! I did it; take T-tch?! N-no way...
The filthy rat SHOULD have been facing down on the cold, hard ground just like the human was a few seconds ago, better yet having a cracked skull. Logic dictated that when a man of his stature and power swung as hard and passionate as he did, the receiver would be damaged in ANY sort of way. And yet... I... I put so much POWER behind that! So... how is he still STANDING?
The human knew that it was no illusion defying his very eyes-- the earlier scrap between the two was evidence enough that even if they had the skills to use some, their intelligence wouldn't permit them the knowledge to do so. That was why he was so baffled to see that not only was the tiny rat still standing but worse yet, completely unaffected by the smash.
Having his words-- and thoughts-- taken from him in the shock, the human could only start to feel overwhelming despair when he noticed that ratling finally took notice of this as well, also seeming confused as to why he wasn't reduced to a red pulp. It didn't take long for the desperate rat, shamed for being attacked in front of his brothers and sister, to strike back with ten times the fury. "Weak Fraki-bait! I kill you."
The human heard the sound that resembled gears turning tightly again, which confused him more than the first time he heard it. Wobbling back in delirium-- the pounding in his head was at an all-time high, especially after that initial punch-- it gave the rabid rat long enough for him to wind up a nasty punch. The hell is it coming from? OH, SH-!
Before he could even raise his arms, he was launched back like he was hit by a car, wincing at feeling thousands of little rocky pinpricks stab into his back, indicating any further escape attempts were now... impossible. I-I-I can't die... not like this to a little shit like that, at least! Gagging up some blood as he felt multiple organs close to popping, the human clenched his fists one last time. "S-shit!"
The human weakly pushed off the wall and nearly fell over because of it, going for one final punch against his foe. But as his daze worsened, he swung him onto the floor with a thump and a puke, causing the uneasy looks of the ratling's comrades to fade back into rambunctious, derisive laughter at the pathetic display—all except one of them, who only rolled his eyes in disappointment.
Big Boss stepped forward to the ratling's side, making both the human and the ratling itself falter from fear and apprehension. "You never know when to quit, now do ya? Oi!" Before the human came even close, Big Boss picked the ratling up and brought him to his face. "You got your fun, but I'm bored. This Tall-Leg ain't nearly as fun as I thought he'd be. I'm finishin' 'im up."
Nodding weakly after he was dropped, the ratling cowered as far as he could from him with a feeble squeak. "Y-yes, Boss! Gut the git!" Big Boss barely seemed to notice the encouragement as he ripped a shoddy, pointed club from another of the crew's hands, using the light from his flashlight to use it as a mirror, absent-mindedly picking at his teeth in boredom.
Frantically stepping aside to not invoke any ire from Big Boss, the ratling stepped aside with a panicked squeak when Big Boss stepped forward. Oh, God... If the little shit was that strong, then..! The human was only just getting his bearings back by being struck by someone half his size, so the dread he felt when the biggest one stepped up was overwhelmingly terrifying.
Big Boss snorted when the human pressed himself up against the wall with every step forward, obviously not as bored as he said he was. "This gon' feel real damn good, humie. Though I oughta thank you; if Fren was that weak to die to you, you oughta be a blessing in costume for getting rid of someone so puny." To this, the human's eyebrows rose in shock. I... killed their friend. "Th-that wasn't me! I swear!"
The female rat stepped forward and accusingly pointed her sword again. "The fuck it was, ya stupid Bragy! I saw with me own eyes Fren being smushed proper by you!" While she looked to be the only one actually upset by the death, everyone agreed with their own sinister curses and nods directed at him. The human shook his head again, his eyes clenched up as he realized what he did and what that meant: he really had no chance of getting out of here. "I... I... I can't remember... doing that!"
Big Boss gave a roar when he swung, the human only dodging in time just to see a massive dent in the wall where he was just standing. Now on the ground, he was safely away enough to stand back up and clench his fists in defence. Big Boss snarled, obviously not enjoying that he missed in front of his crew, especially if his eyes going back between him and the human were indicators. They almost seem... nervous? Maybe now is the time! C-catch him off guard!
Without a moment's hesitation, due to him being literally pushed up against a wall, the human put everything he had into one last punch. Big Boss looked unimpressed and huffed. It was like the swing was as slow as they usually are in dreams, and as quickly as it was swung, the human was caught by the forearm.
The odd mechanical gearing sound came back, but this time around, the human knew exactly where it was coming from due to being nearly face-to-face with the ugly alien rodent. It's coming from... inside them?! Ho-oooooOOOW! Though it did satiate the human's curiosity, it didn't matter where it came from, as that was the least of his problems.
He was beginning to associate the sound with unbelievable pain as just then, his thick forearm was being reduced to mincemeat and bone powder in Big Boss' vice-like grip. The human let out an inhumane sound, the combined screeching of pain, anger, and fear inexplicable to describe. Snot and bile ran down his chin and cheeks, the pain upsetting his stomach to the point of no return. "Oh, my fu-hahaha-ck. Please, I wasn't the one who DID IT!"
"Oh, boohoo! Ain't that a shame? Shut up about it!" Lowering his limp body down, he was just in position for Big Boss to repeatedly kick him in the face, each painful groan only growing in volume with each repetition. "Me and my crew here KNOW what we saw, Tall-Leg! But you know what? After I saw you crush that weakling, I thought you'd be a good fight! But now... I guess I was wrong about that. Now I gotta do THIS!"
Throwing the human to toss and turn on the ground, he sobbed all alone as the others cheered for Big Boss's-- albeit easy-- victory. Raising up his club, Big Boss let out his own roar of superiority as he brought down the club to the right of the human's head. "H-huh?"
Big Boss chuckled maliciously, licking his lips when he saw the combined expression of shock and horror the human had when the hole beside his head appeared. "Eh, just wanted to let you see what your face is about look like. NYAHAHA-HUH?"
The human and Big Boss looked to the hole beside him, noticing that instead of it being just more rock, it was just an all-empassioning void below him: so deep that even when the flashlight peeped through... there was nothing. There was a cave below us this entire time? Looks pretty... fucking... big too.
The revelation gave the human an idea, an EXTREMELY stupid idea, but one nonetheless. A spur-of-the-moment plan that only began to show just how desperate the human was. No longer was he a thinking man, but an animal, driven for nothing but survival. It was as embarrassing as liberating: to be driven this feral by creatures like that while showing them that humans... really don't give up that easily. Huh.
Upon that realization, the entire cave around them shook, like something large was just unlocked and was causing the cave around them to collapse. Big Boss and the other rat-men let down their guards for a second, which was all the human needed to catch them off guard. Here's hoping this works! "HEY!"
Big Boss snarled at his own men, wondering if they were the ones to say that, but when he saw them all simultaneously lift their hands up in peace, he readied his club for an attack on the human, slamming it down right where the human USED to be.
Big Boss was taken aback when he saw that the human had rolled to the left, now effectively putting two holes and making a dipping point in the cave as the ground rumbled underneath the weight of the human and Big Boss. It was like the entire cave had been unbalanced with each of the grand smashes, especially when the weak floor had been struck as hard as it was. "Huh? What?!" The human, through all the puke and tears, sweat and blood staining his face, grinned in uncertain victory, for even he didn't know if this was going to backfire or not.
Regardless, that peculiar cold spark ignited in him once again, lasting longer this time as his skin almost seemed like it was GLOWING white underneath his tanned skin. Wasting no time, he rose his other arm, the other being effectively reduced to a wet noodle. Right before he followed through, he made sure to catch Big Boss's eye before he made an extravagant motion with his middle finger.
This little action-- useless as it was cheesy-- gave the human the determination he needed to make through. Slamming down between the two holes, it was like he did a reverse table flip where instead of everything flying UP, they fell down into the void below. God, please WORK!
Big Boss's growl echoed off the walls as he fell right beside the human into the blackness. "YOU BAStard..!"
The crew was far away enough that they didn't fall deep with them, and they certainly didn't make an effort to save Big Boss before it was too late in case they somehow fell in too. But they did let out a cry that echoed in all their ears, regardless of the person's vertical position.
"Boss man!"
So this is where the chapter ends, whoever finds this story. Now, I do pride myself on reading the English grammar system and all that jazz, so I hope that the punctuation was used appropriately and such. But as you, my most valuable reader, may have noticed... I have basically just started writing. When COVID hit, and everyone was locked up, I was so immensely BORED. I'm sure everyone did the same thing, but I found myself a hobby: writing!
I... honestly haven't had this much fun making something of my own in SUCH A LONG TIME. I have been thinking of this story for SO very long and to say I'm passionate about fulfilling this little series I have planned out is an understatement; I literally can not stop thinking about it. New ideas and old constantly fade in and out, all so this story (hopefully) becomes the very best it can!
But the fact still stands that I have little to no experience writing. I don't even know if what I put down was enough to keep your interest long enough to see this bit... I hope it was.
So, finally getting to the reasoning behind this little monologue of mine, I favour asking all who come across this story to do one thing...
Fucking... RIP INTO IT. If you have even a single bit of honest and helpful criticism beyond "lmao this sucks, get off dogwater kid." I would LOVE to hear it. This is a pretty daunting way to begin, but I feel as if I have the determination to follow through with it to the end; truly, I do! I don't want this love child of mine to be just a mediocre story that fades away as quickly as one reads it. I want this to be... an inspiration.
I know no tactics or writing technique that might make this a fantastic story to read, but I'm hoping all who see this DO! In a way, this might very well become your very own story if you want to assist that much.
I had already made five chapters by the time I made this account, and apart from just going through with Grammarly, I don't think I will change THAT much as I want all of y'all to see what you would be working with if you are interested, see if everything or just something needs to be changed. I originally started in Wattpad as I thought to myself, "Yeah! This is an awesome way to begin. This IS the biggest online reading site out there, right. Here we go!"
I have four views. Meanwhile, a Technoblade/Dream fanfic has 230 million views. Yeeeeeah, I don't think that website is much for people like me, hahaha.
Regardless I will be leaving a note like this during the fifth chapter where things are finally done getting set up and all that jazz. I may not have experience, but I DO have the hope and passion for this. Even if this story remains unknown and saw by no one, I will try my damndest to make this little book/series of mine an entertaining read...
Here's to hoping it'll be a good ride, boys! :)
- In Serial89 Chapters
The White Horde (Revised)
The rewritten version of the same ongoing story, recast into Past Tense and lightly edited. Inspired by the intrigue, drama, and destruction whispered to us by ancient history, this story is set in a world where magic is slowly dying, and decadent empires struggle against each other as well as against the barbarian hordes pushing ever westward. The story is told from the viewpoints of three people whose actions will change the fate of nations and empires alike: Amazonia. More than just a female gladiator but a champion of the arena, she will win her freedom at a price: to become a Reaver Knight not seen since the days of ancient Babylonia, with a mission to save the empire that enslaved her from destruction at the hands of a rival empire, the Sasnayams. Wysper. A Celtic priestess stolen away from her homeland by Muzen, high priest of the Sasnayam deity Yun-Kax, she possesses a mana node like a second heart inside her body which Muzen rips out each time he 'sacrifices' her to their god to appease the masses. Despite her strong will, everyone has a limit, and Muzen's actions have driven Wysper close to the edge of suicide. Greywolf. Son of the infamous Shadow-walker, Ghostdog, and the Celestial Asena, who was once revered as the Wolf-mother goddess, but now guards caravans for drinking money. His boring life will change when his impulsive act puts Wysper's life in danger, yet saving her risks his death, or enslavement at Muzen's hands. And all the while, the White Horde sits on the edge of empires, biding its time...
8 98 - In Serial14 Chapters
Witches & Knights & Unicorn Fights
[2022-06-04: Currently drafting Act II - been on a hiatus trying to edit all the typos and continuity issues out of the first 12 chapters. Will start posting again in a few of days, probably at a chapter-per-week rate] Once upon a time, Maeve Morgan decided to be born... but she doesn't quite remember why. The other day, a voice told her to tell her own story... but she's not so sure just where to start, or quite when to stop. Maeve Morgan just wants to be left alone on her island, really, to shingle her roof, and maybe catch a Gnome someday. Meanwhile, in another Timeline... Bardlii Noonstar embarks on a mission to chronicle the adventures of a common hooded rat, which the Sentient City of Owl claims is destined be the Realms' next greatest Known Hero. And somehow, all of this will become connected. Which of our narrators will untangle this curious knot, by bravely and kindly advancing the plot? (Contains occasional swear words of the PG-13 variety)[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 140 - In Serial69 Chapters
Eodem: a Rifle and Sword Adventure
After a routine planet-fall on an Earth-like planet near the farthest recorded reaches of the frontier, a group of United Federation of Earth colonists looking for a new home has stumbled into a planet that is described as a "Fantasy World". Complete with Dwarves, Elves, Dragons, Orcs, Monsters and shockingly other Humans... A brave Special Observations Group code-named 'Stryder Group' must survive in this new world with their guns, wits, genre savviness and a few good cans of Spaghetti sauce.. (All cover photos on every chapter are not mine. They belong to their respective owners)
8 206 - In Serial24 Chapters
The Matrimony Book#2 (Completed)
Aziah And August Are Back With More Drama Than Ever !! Yall Ain't Ready For This! This Is A Sequel To The Matrimony So Make Sure You Guys Read That First To Understand This One Don't Forget To Leave Comments I Love Seeing What You Guys Think READ NOW
8 177 - In Serial44 Chapters
True Insanity
Selfish. A tyrant. A madman. They called him many things but he ignored them. The man simply did not care what people thought of him. He did not care what they thought of the changes he was causing. He had one goal. And for that he was ready to ignore all morals. He would do anything for the betterment of humanity. He could only laugh when people who had once called him a genius and tried to make him use that genius for the sake of the world were now calling him insane for doing so. But when one tires of life, tires of fighting, ties of goals. The only thing left for him is to leave behind all that he has achieved thus far and move on. And so he did. But what lies after death? Was it heaven? Hell? Nothing? Or maybe... maybe it was just another life. If it was the fourth one... he hoped that this one would go easier on him.
8 154 - In Serial54 Chapters
Chasing the nerd ✓
Meet Rachel BrodyEverything comes easy to her. She has it all. Fame, money, boys. In one word popular. A Goddess amongst commoners. She is even the Queen in her own land as everyone say. The Rachelland. When she wants something she would turn the world upside down until she gets it.Meet Noah CooperHe is a very privite person. Always keeps to himself and hides behind his glasses. He is nerdy and he owns it not caring what people will say.He just wants to stay invisible from people like her, to stay focused and work his ass off to reach his goals. No distractions.You know they say when people make plans God laughs from above. a car crash will bring those two together. And he will be the one thing she's ever wanted that badly but she can't have.Or can she? (This story is not edited so bear with me with grammar errors, missing words etc! After I'm done I'll attend to it! Thank you!!!!)Highest ranking #1 in #collegeromance (05/10/2020)#1 in #glasses(07/12/2019)#1 in #chasing (15/05/2020)#1 in #popular (08/09/2021)#5 in #lovestory (08/09/2021)#1 in #millionaire (07/10/2021)#4 in #thewattys2021 (28/10/2021)#1 in #love (31/01/2022)
8 109