《Crossing Over: Chronicles of DxD》An Unexpected Meeting


S.Sesa: Watch out!

Sesa: Huh!


Sesa got hit all of a sudden, he was pissed that he couldn't test his Mimicry ability given by the so called sacred gear. While lost in thought a ball shot through the air, it hit his face then bounced off. As the victim, he stumbled a couple of steps backwards. Balance couldn't be kept so Sesa fell.

Sesa: What happened? I thought my presence was camouflaged...or was it concealed?

S.Sesa: Hehe..just because no one aims a gun at you, you shouldn't expect that a bullet won't hit you even if you are in line with it's path.

Sesa: So it was a genuine accident?

Sesa found himself on the ground holding the side of his face. After making an inquiry from Second Sesa, he pulled himself up. He looked in the direction the ball came from, 'It's them', Sesa thought surprised at people approaching him.

????: You ok, my guy? That brother got two left feet.

????: You didn't brake your neck, that's good. We'd probably be charged with murder otherwise.

????: No shit

Sesa: It's fine, I wasn't paying attention either.

????: Don't I know it, it's too damn expensive.

????: We're really sorry, we didn't expect to play so rough.

????: Hey! You can call me Matsuda. You look like them foreigners. I know the girls like that shit.

Sesa: I just arrived.

????: Knew it! I'm Motohama and this is Issei.

Issei: Hey man. Sorry about that, I'm not very good with the ball.

Sesa: No prob. You all go to Kuoh Academy, right?

Matsuda: HELL YEA'! Kuoh Academy used to be an all girl school, now it's co-ed...HAHAHA... In a month or something we'll be 2nd years. You know what that means, my guy?

Issei: The seniors have to give guidance to the juniors...HAHAHA.


Matsuda: HAHAHA!!!

S.Sesa: (HAHAHA!!!)

Sesa: Hehe...he!

Motohama: Hold up! Milf at four o'clock!

Sesa: ...

Issei: WOAH!!!


Motohama: sshh!! ...W59, H87...

Issei: ...

Motohama: ...

Issei: Hey! You missed the important part.

Motohama: Sorry about that. I have to upgrade my glasses when I see the optometrist again. I can only measure 'B' up till 88.

Sesa: So she's off the chart then.. hmm.


Surprised, upon coming to the new world and the very first people that Sesa meets is them. Matsuda, Motohama and Issei, the pervert trio in the flesh. Why are they playing ball at the park? 'Wait, Matsuda was jock previously. Do jocks play ball? I can't remember ', Sesa puzzled while looking at the three ogling at the many shapely aunties in the vicinity. Plus there's Issei and in his arm is the Heavenly dragon. 'Ugh, this is to embarrassing', Sesa thought. He could feel the unkind stares crossing over his position. Certainly becoming a fouth member of the 'perverted trio' is not an aim. Even if he activated 'camouflage' ability of the mask, Matsuda's loud ramblings could very well nullify the effect. Have to get far away.

Sesa: Hey guys! Sorry to cut our meeting short but I have an important engagement to attend to.

Issei: Going already? We were planning to go to Motohama's house to watch Momo Momozono later.

Sesa: Ah..er.. sorry about that.

Matsuda: MY GUY! If you want some porn movies this brother can hook you up.

Sesa: Ah... hahaha... Next time, next time.

Motohama: Hey, wait! How we gonna meet again?

Sesa: You'll see me at Kuoh Academy.

Sesa was back pacing, moving further and further away from the pervert trio, even so they still kept talking to him. Soon he waved his hand and followed up by turning his back to the three. After making some distance Sesa activated 'Concealment' and 'Camouflage', disappearing far away from the park. Sesa activated his abilities without manifesting the mask, how was that possible? Second Sesa replied saying that the mask is always active, it is deceptive like that. The unmanifest state only uses half the power.


S.Sesa: I have a question.

Sesa: What is it?

S.Sesa: How come we appeared in this world before the main story begins?

Sesa: Dont know. Could be something to do with the stone coffin.

S.Sesa: Possible.

Sesa: Very possible .

S.Sesa: I just thought of something.

Sesa: What is it?

S.Sesa: What if we weren't supposed to appear at this time. What if... erm... Gasper peed himself and out of embarrassment lost control of his sacred gear, reversing time.

Sesa: ....

S.Sesa: ....

Sesa: Possible

S.Sesa: Very possible

Sesa: Does Forbidden Balor View have a rewind button?

S.Sesa: ....hmm... ah... push the left eye for forward, push the right eye for rewind.

Sesa: Hahaha!!

S.Sesa: Hahaha!!

Sesa: Hey! Do you think that when we were coming here we crossed paths with Great Red?

S.Sesa: He can turn dreams into reality, right?

Sesa: Right.

S.Sesa: Right... So you dreamed about coming to this world?

Sesa: Dont know, but it's possible.

S.Sesa: Very possible.

Sesa: Yeah!

S.Sesa: Well this is fan fiction, how'd you expect a couple of horny teens to understand the logic of these delicate matters.

Sesa: Hahaha!!!

S.Sesa: Hahaha!!!

Like this, both Sesa exchanged their theories, going from one possibility to the next. It was still day time as they moved through the streets in town. Looking around, Sesa wanted to get an idea of the place as he had to plan ahead for what's to come. He took all the theories they had come up with and threw it at the back of his mind. They are not important now since he is already here, better to leave his fate to whoever's writing it. Right now there are more important things. Place to stay, food to eat and money.

Sesa: Where shall we begin?

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