《Twisted and Intertwined》Chapter 10: Let's go to the Marsh
Amarath, Loh Quarter (Hira 8th day of Jade 603 R.T)
A large explosion could be heard coming from Amarath School of Divinity. The residents of the Loh Quarter was shocked by the large explosion however return their attention to their task because having living next to the academy they have become adapt with the peculiarity that happen at Amarath School of Divinity and its area. As long as the incident doesn’t affect their businesses and daily lives they couldn’t even care about what is happening in the academy. The explosion had occurred at the right wing of the academy blowing off a large portion of the academy right wing. Enforcers already prepping to investigate the explosion.
In the main building, the explosion had caused the wall to disintegrate leaving a large hole where the wall should be with some of the floor around the wall melt into unidentified gooey substances. The room wall built with reinforced structure also enchanted materials so that it can handle a substantial amount of magical outburst from within or outside of the room. That is why the academy deemed it to be the perfect to hold the summoning class for the students. However the sturdy structures was blasted to smithereens by the earlier magical burst. Alone inside the room, a figure of a young child is standing in the middle of the havoc while observing the destruction he had caused to the room. Not a scratch was found on the boy’s body like he was just been born to this world. A smile without any remorse or regret started to draw itself on the naked child’s face. High Magus Fredrick and his summoning students were lying on the cracked, tilted floor scattered all across the room full with burn wounds. Faris being the centre of the explosion was thrown to the end of the room suffering the most damage on his body. The most frightening thing is that the students are all conscious despite their almost fatal injuries.
The child thread lightly on the floor as if playing not to step on the crack walking towards Myra who summoned both him and the flaming hound. Equipped with a face full of glee, he strode towards the limp body of the young mage trying to finish her when there was no more obstacles in his sight. As he reach the mage, he lift the mage up effortless by her neck with his right hand and started to admire his prey with ravenous eye. Myra’s breathing is scarce and her mana had already depleted. She tried to resist the kid’s strength however her body refused to obey her instructions.
“Fryl love to play. But Fryl doesn’t like be bound to a weak master like you.” The monster in the form of a young kid said before drawing his left hand to thrust through Myra. His finger nails started to elongate itself becoming razor sharp ready to pierce through the girl’s body.
“Hel…me…”Myra’s plead for help escaped her small mouth as tears started to roll from her eyes. She was scared. She was scared that she couldn’t meet her parents again. She was scared that she couldn’t spend more time exploring Amarath. She was scared that she couldn’t achieve her ambition that is see the world.
“Sorry princess, no one’s gonna come.” Fryl said as he motion his hand to thrust the girl.
“Black Deity that govern the hole, Sink and weave. Ultima Bind!!” A sudden voice coming from the door area followed by a ghastly figure passing through the scattered students towards the monster binding it in place. The hand that started about to thrust Myra stopped mid-air as the figure started to bind itself on the monster and slowly changing to a thick black ooze. Fryl squirmed as he tried to free from the rapidly thickens black ooze but to no avail.
“I’m glad I’ve made it in time.” The headmaster of the school was standing out of breath in front of the used to be door of the room. Rootbeet the Immaculate is a considerable large man with a full head of black hair which was rather odd considering he’s been living for 150 turns already. Straight a few seconds after that, several high magus appeared at the scene of carnage and gasped at the picture that present themselves in front of them. Sia, the last one to arrive scream in surprise as she saw what had happen to her friends.
“Calm yourself little one. They all can be cured. Now what we are going to do with you?” Rootbeet walk slowly towards the restrained monster as his group of high magus scattered themselves giving first aid to the burned victims. Myra was quickly drawn away from the vicinity of the monster after the monster dropped her to the ground. Observing the amount of damage done to the specialised room, Rootbeet calculated the amount of money needed to repair the room to its previous state while giving out a sigh.
“What are you?” Rootbeet asked the monster with cold murderous eyes. His eyes changes from the usual brown eyes to a cold reptile slit. Normal people will cower at the sight but the boy just stare at him indifference while remaining silent to the question. He gripped his hand signalling the black ooze to compress deliberately squeezing out a loud groan from the boy. He released his grip and ask again.
“What are you? Let me rephrase that. Who are you?”
“Fryl. They call me Fryl.”
Thirn (Hira 10th day of Jade 603R.T)
Ashia woke up from her deep sleep early in the morning. Her hand searches the other side of the bed for warmth but she quickly remembers that her husband was out on a conquest away from the village. She rub her head as she sit on bed revealing a beautiful adorned pair of horns on her head. She started to perform her morning ritual after giving thanks to the gods and walk slowly to the back part of the house to prepare breakfast.
A repeating swinging sound could be clearly heard from the backyard of the house. Ashia knew truly well who was making the sound that she couldn’t bother to look outside to peek. It was her son; Lsyn practicing with his axe. He had done that numerous time before that it no more surprise Ashia when she woke up in the morning. She quickly return to the task at hand and walk approaching the stove right in the middle of the kitchen. She observed the cold stove and started to literally blow fire to ignite it. After that, she strode to the small coop at the edge of the kitchen. She open the cage just to close it immediately after catching a considerable size horned rabbit from it.
“You look delicious. I’ll bet your meat is tastier than yesterday’s rock chick.” She said as she teased the flailing horned rabbit that trying to escape her grasp. She flicked the twitching rabbit nose before chuckled by herself walking towards the knives.
Lsyn was doing his normal routine in the morning when he heard a faint sound from the kitchen of the house. Ah! Mom is up, he thought to himself. His routine which he had done since a few turns ago consists of stamina building regiment as well as his small axe weapon proficiency. Due to his small stature compare to the other demon kids, he had to switch his primary weapon from a broad axe to small axes. This saddened his hulking father as he really wished for Lsyn to take over his broad axe once Lsyn grown up. His body show maturity from the last time as now he has the physique of an early teenager. His height reached 160 cm and already almost reaching his mother’s height; 180 cm. His body started to show the accumulation of muscles from rigorous training and sparring sessions as well of a few scars from his childhood skirmishes and hunting expeditions with his friends on his pale grey skin. However his growth are nowhere near the other’s growth as now they are walking behemoths among the villagers. It is considered a blessing towards the village with the emergence of new blood to succeed the older generation.
“998….ugh…..999….ugh…1000.” Lsyn dropped the axe down as his hands was becoming numb from swinging. The smell of morning horned rabbit stew started to waft into his nostrils. His mouth started to salivate and before long he started to clear his training tools and rushed to the kitchen. There, his mother was stirring the cauldron where the delicious smell originated.
“What’s for breakfast?” He asked with a bright smile on his face.
“You already knew what we will be having, don’t you? Now go wash your hands and breakfast will be served momentarily.” Ashia replied.
Lsyn went in to the main house and Ashia served the dishes on the table. Lsyn returned to the table and take a seat at the small round table. Ashia taking a seat and started to hand out a portion of the stew to Lsyn. Lsyn trying so hard to maintain his drool inside his mouth, gave out a puzzled look when his mother hand him the stew.
“Only this?” Lsyn added with a sly smile as he gestured to his portion.
“Finish it up and you’ll get more. Furthermore, your father is returning today. I’ll need to clean the house so play outside today but not too far from the village.” His mother scooped some of the stew to her mouth as she finished her talk. Lsyn unable to control his hunger anymore gulped the stew raucously. Ashia just smile watching his son ate the stew she make.
“Mom, when can I use magic?” Lsyn asked while he’s clearing the table after he had taken his breakfast. His hand swiftly scooped the empty bowls in front of him and brought it to the backyard. His mom walking alongside him in silent trying to find the right word for to explain it to him.
“Magic for most demons are talent that bestow by the gods. Like the story your father told you about our tribe broad axe, the magic will be given to the demons when they reach their 8th turn. We usually held it in a ceremony called The Raising. The head shaman of the village; the old pervert who live at the end of the village, don’t tell anyone I said that will hold The Raising in the middle of Crusa, whether on 13th, 14th or the 15th day of Cressila.” His mother informed him as they reach the well located in their backyard.
“So, your fire breath is bestowed by the gods?”
“Yes, on my 8th turns. Slica bestowed me my talent with fire breath and I used it in many battle fields till I met your father.” Ashia started blushing remembering her first encounter with her husband. Lsyn handed the empty bowls to his mother and started to wonder what kind of magic will he be able to use once he reached his 8th turn.
Later that day…
“Hey, you guys wait for me!!!” Lsyn was running toward the group of young demons at the edge of the village. Comparing him with them is like the fairy tale of David and Goliath.
“Who invite the pipsqueak?” The largest of them with a red skin glances to the small demon and look back at his companions with displeasure. There were 3 of them with humongous bodies. Their own broad axe was wrapped neatly behind them.
“Well, he might have heard it from me. I didn’t mean to tell him. I’m sorry Gon.” The dark skin demon timidly answered the rhetorical question. His horn protruding from the side of his head curled like a ram’s. Gon, the red skin demon look menacingly at the dark demon and pushed the slightly smaller demon making the later dropped to the ground. His single horn protruding from his forehead glowing red under the bright daylight.
“That’s what you get if you spread anymore information to unnecessary individuals.” He strained on the word individuals highlighting the person that are striding fast towards them. The other demon; clad in his pale green skin just smirk at the fallen demon without a thought of helping him. All of the three demons was over 180 cm tall with a broad shoulder with many scars displayed on their body. Apparently, since Gon the largest of them all he was crowned as the alpha of the young demons’ group.
“Gon, I heard from Cruff that you guys are going to wonder outside the village. I want to come.” Lsyn approaching the group without any idea what had transpired just a few seconds ago. Cruff, the dark demon was already on his feet removing any dirt stuck on his attire when he was dropped by Gon.
“I don’t think so, right Drim? We are going quite far from the village and I don’t think a small one like you can handle yourself out there. Go back to your mother tits.” Gon was mocking Lsyn for his physique while getting a nod from Drim the green demon. Drim who is self-appointed Gon’s right hand man was 195 cm tall demon with three horns adorning his head.
Straight after the slander thrown out by Gon, Lsyn facial expression changes to a scowl. Then, he disappeared from their sight. Not soon after Gon was downed by the small demon.
“Fuck you. You think you’re the only demon in this village?” Lsyn said while holding two small axes on both his hand. Gon who was dumbfounded by the attack quickly get up on his feet and reaching his gigantic broad axe from his behind. His face shown an incredible rage and steam can be clearly seen seeping from his engorged horn.
“Drim, better make room. I’m going to kill this fucker.” Drim retreated slightly with a slight fear on his face. Cruff unable to stop Gon’s wrath just retreat to mek room for the duel.
“Arrrrrrrrr!!!!” Gon charge with his broad axe upwards high enough to block the sun towards Lsyn. His large physique does not hampering hius speed at all. He was charging like mad bull with an incredible speed and landed the large broad axe with a large upright swing. The ground shattered and splattered all over the place.
“Is that all?” Lsyn uninjured by the first violent strike taunted Gon further with his hand gesture saying ‘get it here’. Gon further enraged swing the broad axe sideways and using the momentum from the swing he continue to land a barrage of attacks towards the small demon. Due to his small body and his slightly higher agility, Lsyn manage to doge all of the attacks with a small margin. Then, he planned his counter attack as soon as Gon stopped his attacks to regain his stamina. However, he had made a miscalculation in his plan because Gon was not stopping or even slowing down his attacks at all. Now his attacks become sharper and some of them manage to land a few chips on Lsyn body.
“Damn.” Lsyn jerked backward to create a distance between them. Gon close the distance without any difficulties due to their different size and leaping stride. Lsyn braced himself in receiving the full blown attack from the hulking beast.
“Bam!!!!” A thunderous sound coming from the collision between the two demons and Lsyn being the smaller and the receiving end of the tackle flown hitting the trees with a loud impact.
“Arrgh!!!” He screamed as he tried to get back on his feet after the powerful impact.
“That’s what you get when you mess with me!” Gon exclaimed as he can see victory was not that far from his reach. He steadied his axe once more and getting ready to finish the fight. He leaped forward holding his axe down with both of his hand. Lsyn aware of the impending attack swerved himself to his side. Gon swing upwards towards Lsyn previous location causing the large tree to be uprooted and flown to the sky. It was Gon’s favourite move. The two swing finisher that his family are so proud of. Once the enemy was flung mid-air, they will do a downward swing of their axe with their full strength to kill the enemy. Gon landed the second swing so hard that it send a shockwave to the area. The shockwave also reached Lsyn causing him to blown away from the area pelted by the dirt that spread from the attack.
“Okay!!! You won!!! Happy?” Lsyn conceded their bout. He realized that his speed couldn’t match with the demon’s strength. He should devise another strategy to fight this ridiculous strength next time. But now, he must admit defeat.
A smile crawl on Gon’s face. His broad axe is still lodge in the upturned tree cleaving the tree almost half. Drim appearing from behind one of the tree also grinning triumphantly event though it wasn’t him that was fighting. The pair approached Lsyn and out of nowhere a punch to the face by Drim was awarded to Lsyn.
“That’s for being insolence towards us.” Drimm spoke with his snake-like voice.
“Enough. He already learnt his lesson. Come on, get up on your feet. We’ll take you along then since you’ve shown enough guts to oppose me.” Gon returned to his broad axe and yanked it out from the tree without any difficulty. Lsyn rubbing his face sheathed his axe to his waist and started to regroup with the demons’ youngster.
“That’s a good exercise.” Exclaimed the large red demon.
“Yeah, so good that you have to destroy Mama Olin’s Gunya Tree.” Lsyn gave his remark to the group. Cruff who was hiding already within their group circle. He was a bit of a coward even though he has an enormous body.
“So, where are we going?” Lsyn asked as the group started to move towards outside of the village.
“To Rastha Marsh.”
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kumpulan sajak, puisi, dan quotes yang terlintas dalam otak, pikiran dan hatiku. happy reading all😊
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