《Twisted and Intertwined》Chapter 8: Gemini
Amarath, Amarath Kingdom; Loh Quarter (Hira 8th day of Jade 603R.T)
“Ne…ne….What class do we have next?” A bunny-eared girl was jumping around her friends along the corridor of their academy. Her giddiness was her best trait along with her charming smile that could melt any man. Her greyish pelt looks so smooth and easy to pet adding to her charm.
“Hmm…I think it is the Summoning class by High Magus Fredrick.” A boy with a short auburn hair replied to the beast man question. The boy aged of 10 turns was comparatively smaller from his other companions. Carrying three books with him, he paced with the group towards their next class. Amarath School of Divinity offers a 5 turns extensive magical training compare to the other magic academy which cost their student a period of 8 turns to complete their training. The academy manage to shorten their academic years by introducing an entrance exam which greatly shorten the period. The mastery of a basic magic spell elemental barrier offers the student a 2 turns of training as the basic spell requires the prospect student to master a basic mana mastery and mana absorption which are the hardest and the longest period of the magic training itself. They opt to introduce this exam to cover the shortage of high wizards and high magus that employed as lecturers in the academy as well as to introduce a flexibility and freedom to the system as practiced by the academy according to the principal “Magic is Fluid; mouldable and shapeless. It’s infinite and a finite magic are only creatures with no imaginations”. However, the shortage of teaching personnel didn’t affect their performance as the best of magic academy in the continent.
“Summoning class huh? Why do you think they didn’t teach us summoning in our first year here? I mean, if you can already summon a familiar to assist you in mana manipulation, then your spell casting will be doubled or even tripled in its efficiency and its outcome.” A boy with a blond hair carrying the same books asking his companions about their upcoming class. The boy; Ramsay Jasper is 17 turns of age. He had awaken his magic potential at 12 however he only manage to enrol into the academy after 2 years trying to master the entrance exam spell. His green eyes and appearance suggest that he comes from a commoner family.
“I think having a familiar depletes most of your mana usage in maintaining the familiar.” The nerdy girl suggest her opinion on the matter. Her round glasses are obviously a tad too big for her as the glasses keep slipping to her freckled cheek. She keep trying to maintain her glasses on the level of her eyes while holding on 3 books for her upcoming class. Her long red hair are tied in braid behind her head keep swaying as she tried to accomplish those two tasks at the same time.
“I think having a familiar can cause a mage to neglect his mana absorption training and this cause the disruption in the mage mana absorption when he can’t rely on the familiar.” The bunny-eared girl chirped in her opinion with regards on the matter.
“I agree with both statements. I think we can ask High Magus Fredrick later during class about the summoning. Furthermore, having assigned to teach us summoning, High Magus Fredrick must be a master in summoning familiars.” The boy with short auburn hair clearly mismatch by his age and his maturity ended the discussion and lead the small group to the class designated
Later in the class….
The class was rather big considering there was only 8 students attending the class. Situated in the far end of the right wing of the school, the class was at least 3 times the usual lecture hall they’ve occupied for any other classes. No apparent chair or desk accommodated inside the large space and just as they entered the room, they noticed the four other students that attending the same class was already inside. They gathered at the front of the class; a place where they assume the front end of the class due to a board was hanging on the wall of the room.
“Say, this is summoning class by High Magus Fredrick right?” A chubby boy among them asking the other 7 students for confirmation of the class. He already put down his books on the ground and sitting on the ground with a bored expression on his face.
“Well, according to the schedule we received in the morning, this whole day is allocated for a summoning class with High Magus Fredrick.” Answer a bespectacled boy producing his black ivory wand out and swishing it on the space in front of him. Literally, out of thin air a display screen appeared in front of him and he quickly adjust his glasses before taking a look on the screen.
“Confirm, today’s class is with High Magus Fredrick at the Warrick Room third floor. See….” He pointed on the display and show it to his other classmates. The others just nodding after watching the display shown by the boy.
“Hello there!!” An old man appeared from the door they just entered. Stroking his short black scraggly beard, he marched towards them and quickly appraised all of them with one glance. He then flick his hand and a set of large table and a chair appeared in front of him. On top of the table clearly piles of papers have accumulated making the large table look messy and untidy. The students were dumbfounded by his action just now but quickly regain their composure and started to ask the newcomer question.
“Pardon me, are you High Magus Fredrick?” The boy with the spectacle ask the old man with a timid voice. The boy with his dirty blond hair and brown eyes behind the glasses is bringing a small bag bulking on his side. He is having difficulty reaching for the old man as he was covered under mountains of papers on top of the table.
“Yes. Yes, I am. So what do you want?” A voice from behind the pile answer his question.
“Well, this is the summoning class and we hope that you can teach us how to summon a familiar.” The boy replied.
“Oh, that’s right. No wonder I felt so out of place here.” The man stand up and appeared from behind the table. He walk to the side of the table and gave a look to all of the students before starting his class.
“Thank you for reminding me….hmm….Mister Farthling I think. Gideon Farthling is it?”
“Okay. Let’s start the class. Sorry for the awkward first impression but you know that we are understaffed and eeeeeeeveryone is sooooooo busy……busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy aallll the time. Well! Aren’t you gonna sit down?” He snapped his finger and 8 appropriate chairs and tables arranged in front of the board in 2 horizontal rows. He gestured his two hands ordering the students to take a seat in front of them.
“Well, take a seat then.”
The students quickly shuffled to the seat and started to open their book and notes to start the class. Quilts and inks started to be put on the table as they prepared to receive a lecture from the quirky high magus.
“Hmmm….who said that you are going to need that all thing?” The magus asked. A wave of surprised looks run through the class. He smiled satisfied with the look on his respective students. He enjoys making people uncomfortable and enjoy watching them squirm on his palm. Ahhhh! I am a masochist! A self-revelation come upon him as he watch the students put away their writing utensils. He clapped his hand and started the class.
“Okay. Mister Farthling. Can you tell me the types of magic potential exist within a person?”
Gideon Farthling; the bespectacled boy scramble to tidy his table and adjusting his glasses before answering the question directed to him.
“Well, there are two type of magic potential that exist within a person. The first one is the most common among humans and beast men; the blessing. The blessing as the beast men known it as the Gift, is a common awakening of a prospect mage to their magic potential. They are introduced to their element during the awakening and later can further hone their potential with identification, manipulation and absorption of the mana of the element in the surrounding. These mages manipulate and absorb the surrounding mana to cast a spell whether the spell correspond to their element or not. However, a mage that have the affinity with the element can will cast a more powerful spell of the element compare to the one that don’t have the affinity with the element.” Farthling stopped to take a breath before continuing.
“The second ty-“
“Thank you Mister Farthling. You can stop and take a seat now. Guso, yes, I saw you yawning. Please continue what Mister Farthling’s explanation.” High magus Fredrick stop Gideon and directed his instruction to the other beast man in the room. The owl beast man straighten up his back surprise by the high magus remark. The owl beast was rather large compare to the bunny-eared beast man even though they’re of the same age. His figure is more warrior-like rather than a mage and with proper training he will become a very frightening warrior mage. His brown and white feathers brazenly decorate his head and the wings that attached on his back.
“Sorry, Instructor Fredrick. The second type of magic potential is the essence. The essence is a rare form potential which it contradict the normal elements that displayed through the gift. The essence is sort of like an upgrade to the gift where it is more powerful and potent than the gift. The essence type of magic doesn’t follow he normal rule where the spell of the essence doesn’t absorb the surrounding mana to be cast but they disrupt the mana causing it to bend according to the essence structure. The essence is quite powerful however, the spell of this type of potential is limited to two per each essence and each of the spell consume mana and chip it’s user mana potency after each usage.”
“Thank you Guso. You can be seated. I hope you all are aware of your own magic potential. I started this practical class with an introduction to magic potential because summoning a familiar is directly in respond to your magic potential. In this class you will summon a familiar that will help in increasing your mana absorption and your potency in spells directly related to your element.” Fredrick explained to his students about the usage of the familiar. He, himself has one familiar that constantly help in storing mana for him to cast numerous spells that he casted for his usage.
“I’m sorry for interrupting Mister Fredrick but why is it that we are train to summon a familiar in our third year? Isn’t it more effective if we have familiars since our first year to help with mana absorption and spell casting?” Ramsay Jasper aske the high magus for an explanation for the peculiarity that occurred in their academic system. Seating next to him is the Prince of Drummend, Faris nodding to the well-timed question asked by his fellow classmate.
“A good question indeed Mister Jasper. And does anyone in the class has any idea on why does this class is not held in your first year but instead in your third year?” High Magus Fredrick ask the room while encircling the students. He seems to be enjoying himself thought the student. They have a fair share of strange lecturers since their first year. There was High Wizard Gremrill who keeps on sniffing people during classes, High Magus Dreywas that sometimes comes to class using his underwear only and last but not least Miss Tabitha who always hitting on the boys in class.
“I think having a familiar depletes most of your mana usage in maintaining the familiar.” The redheaded girl gave her opinion. Her glasses started to droop again for the umpteenth time now and it started to pluck a nerve on Fredrick. He reached for the glasses and set it on the table next to her.
“Thank you Princess Keera. For the love of me, I don’t know why you are using those glasses. Anyone else want to add in their guess?” Fredrick starting again.
“Umm….I think that having a familiar can cause a mage to become careless?” The bunny-eared girl said as she rose her hand to the air.
“Thank you……mmmmmm…..Sia, you know you can lower your hand now right?” A questioning look was given by the high magus. Does she knows that she’s 18 turns already? He questioned himself internally for the bunny tribe beast man.
“Well, for decades, the answer given to you is considered correct until this genius in front of you here disprove it. The true answer is that Familiars are vile, prideful creatures that link to your magic potential. It feeds on your mana absorption before it will give mana to you. Well, that means that it won’t bow down to low weakly mages. If we hold this class in your first year, you’ll get eaten by them literally or worse yet they’ll feed on your mana potential and give you a mana exhaustion causing you to enter a state we called a living dead. A puppet that follow all of the familiar whim. So, since you guys are all have been taught to control your mana assumption and absorption then it is safe to teach you without making you into a living magic slaves.” Fredrick smiles as he said the statement enjoying the grim face on Ramsay Jasper and a few others.
“You understand now? You need to show that you are the master and then the familiar will acknowledge you as its master.” He added briefly.
“Okay, now let’s get to practice. The spell’s incantation is “Oh Servants of the Gods, tap into my potential and vow to me for eternity”. Okay, I’ll write it down on the board and go work in pair. Like any normal spell, you need to absorb mana before casting and recite the incantation at the start. It may not be working for the first time however you must be careful. Now here’s the twist. You have to fight it to show that you’re the master. You can work in pair in this large room.” He said while writing the incantation on the board.
Shuffled into pairs the students now already trying to adjust the distance among themselves. The pair was;
Prince Faris Irvin ( Drummend Empire ) and Myra Tyr ( Noble )
Sia ( Bunny tribe beast man ) and Gideon Farthling ( Commoner )
Princess Keera Sirvin ( Amarath Kingdom ) and Oberon Kausar ( Chubby noble)
Guso (Owl tribe beast man ) and Ramsay Jasper ( Commoner )
“Let us begin. You’ll go first.” The prince said to the timid girl. The girl has a long, beautiful dark blue hair with pearly skin to complete her picturesque figure. The girl was a turn younger than him however according to Miss Fraulent she was one of the record holder for the shortest time to pass the entrance exam which was in 4 days. She is the daughter of a noble in Valdrath, a city located at the far north of Amarath Kingdom.
“Okay.” She said while extending her hands. In the school using magical items to enhance your spell casting is optional. However the usage of relics greatly improve their mana efficiency and reduce the time for spell casting.
“Oh Servants of the Gods, tap into the brilliant flame of mine and vow to me, Myra Tyr until your ashes feed my flame.” Myra Tyr recited the incantation in full concentration ignoring the prince doubtful stare as she altered the original incantation. Mana clearly gathering around her as the incantation is recited. Then, a magic circle open in front of them followed by an immense heat that quickly elevate the entire room temperature. The other students stopped their training and shocked by the sight that happening in the room with them. High Magus Fredrick who was busy behind his table clearing the piles of work stopped and quickly rushed towards the pair.
“What have you done? It was not supposed to be this intense.” He asked the pair. Panic clearly shown in his face.
“She altered the incantation.” Faris accusatively pointed to Myra.
“I just perfected the incantation. The incantation suggested by High Magus Fredrick was too vague.” Myra replied to her panicked instructor and partner as 2 figures started to emerge from the magic circle.
“Oh god, a gemini. Class, come here we need all of the strengths here to subdue this type of familiar. Sia, quickly go to the headmaster office and ask him and the others High wizards to get here ASAP.” All of the students huddled as they see the pair that formed from the silhouettes.
A small kid probably 10 turns in age wearing a dirty and torn clothes while dragging a long chain appeared from the first figure. The movement of the kid was rather awkward proving that the chain was far heavier from what it looks like. Next to him, a large fiery black hound breathing fire from its mouth appeared with its glowing yellow eyes.
“It’s seems we have been summoned Gyl. Fryl thinks that he is bored. Fryl want to play.” A voice come out from the kid. A loud roar coming from the hound as the pair caught sight on the terrified students and high magus.
“Let’s play.” A sly smile appeared from the kid as he effortless flings the heavy chain directly to the group.
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