《King Merc》King Merc Chapter 7


Dang I left but there's still an hour to go till school ends an mom would be Furious if I came early without Momo said Mercus.

I could wait at Ling's but I told Momo I was going home so what to do what to do said Mercus?

I could see Dad for an hour an pick Momo up he should be close by.

(Mercus started walking to the leaders district)

Momo whats your family name said Jake.

Lun said Momo

"My names Momo Lun my big bro Mercus Lun".

Ok nice to know my full name is Jack Brie. Head of the Brie family son of Julius Brie said .

"I promise to help you an your brother for trusting me."

Jack whispers who does he know stronger then us.

Momo knows who its is but says maybe he found a master.

So you dont know either I hope he at least strong or a leader of some clan or sect said Jake.

Why you say that said Momo.

Those two aren't gonna take it well that they got rejected by real talent in front of everbody said Jack.

Jack said it just loud enough for Zed an Tangbo to hear.

Jack do you now the boy or his family maybe you could talk to them said Zed.

Nope never met him or he's family in my life said Jake.

(Mercus got to the leaders district)

Mercus stops he should be in the general office or the army info office he said to himself

He walk to office but officers start rushing out the door an step over Mercus.

But a man dash a saves Mercus.

Go... Go Yin said Mercus

Clumsy as ever I see said Go Yin

"Your looking for your dad he's in the study room".

Ok said Mercus.


(Mercus rushed to the study room)


The few people that where in in the study room stood up in shock.

Son is that you,what I tell you about yelling in the study room you need to be quiet said Marcus's father.

Mercus gets close to his father an say can you train me.




What made you ask that said Mercus's father.

I took the Ki spirit energy an magic tests and did good in all 3 said Mercus.

Mercus's father looks at Mercus energys an see there not dormant anymore.


"If I train you what are you willing to go through."

Everything said just say you'll train me an I'll keep my word father said Mercus.

Mercus's father chuckled an said Let's meet Momo at the others at Ling's.

(To be continue)

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