《Nine Paths Of Asura-Edited To Chapter 13》Chapter 9- The Nine Paths And Perfect Harmony


"You dare to use a higher existence as a brick?! I ought to let you drown and become one with this festering pool! I have to applaud your audacity though...still, I should really punish you. Whatever, it's fine! You'll suffer enough on your own anyways." The voice became a little sadistic towards the end. After it finished speaking, the handle of the black sword once again expanded and crawled up his leg in the form of a great spider. It jammed its fangs into Lineir's mouth and extended a red line from its abdomen to the surface of the pool like some sort of strange alien. Wrapping its legs around his face, the spider ensured that Lineir received a steady stream of air. The creepy arachnid had to work hard to force oxygen in and out of his lungs because Lineir was too busy writhing in pain to be bothered with something as simple as breathing.

"Listen to me, Kiddo. The pain you are feeling is inevitable. It is the result of all the changes I have painstakingly carved into your body, and you must endure it! I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do for you. Even if you pass out, this pain is so severe, your mind will still suffer in your dreams. The number of forbidden techniques and transformations I have started within you is enough to cause any 'expert' in this continent to salivate. If they knew, they'd fantasize about tearing your body apart to read like a scroll. These techniques were never meant for someone who hasn't even touched the door to immmortality. One of them is even an unnamed technique which is rumored to have originally been a scripture from the Nine Paths of Asura. If you survive this, you will one day have the ability to touch both the Heavens and Hells. So you must survive!"


Lineir was wracked with such terrible pain that he would not remember any of this, but a faint few last words trickled through his roiling subconscious,

"I haven't seen blood like yours in any plane. Please survive...or I won't have any chance..."

Pain, pain, and more pain, shot through his body. Lineir didn't stay conscious for long. Unfortunately, the voice was right, and he was unable to avoid the pain even when he passed out. The poor boy dreamed a vicious dream where he was tormented by unspeakable agony and couldn't wake himself no matter how he tried. In this dream, he was lying on his belly and in front of him, was his sister, a hundred swords buried in her bloody body. As usual, she was smiling.

"Hello brother, didn't I tell you not to go into the Deadzone? Because of you, now they've killed me! Disobedient children need to be punished!" With that she pulled out a sword dripping with black blood from inside her body and stabbed him in his left calf.

"Don't you ever consider your family!" She pulled another sword from her body. This one stabbed into his other leg. Then his arm. Then his other arm. His chest. Every part of him was pierced through ninety-nine times and yet he could not even cry because she stabbed him through the eyes. With every stab, her smile stretched a little until it wasn't a smile anymore, it was a grimace of horrid suffering. Lineir was terrified and cried out,

"Please sister, I never meant for any of this! I just wanted us to be happy together! To protect you when I took away our father and mother! Please, you can cut me as much as you want! Your little brother deserves this! Just don't be so sad!" With that, he grabbed the last sword in her chest, pulled it out and stabbed it into his own.


"Ahhhhhhk, just don't doubt me! That's all I ask. I only wanted the best!" With that, though his eyes were pierced through by swords, Lineir knew that his sister was smiling again. Presently, he realized the pain was gone. Also gone was his sister. In front of him was a girl...no a small woman, who was far surpassing his sister in every way. She was the definition of a Chinese beauty with long black hair to the waist, and a figure which neither man nor woman could not help but to admire or envy. The contrast between her jet black hair and fair skin was like that of pure yin and yang, striking yet perfectly in balance, and the contours of her body were as flowing and natural as a waterfall. Those who gazed upon her would feel as if they were gazing upon a miracle. Like how rain falls, gathering and flowing down the mountainside before being born again, her beauty was a cycle with no end from head to toe. It sounds crazy, but this is what Lineir's eyes were treated to.

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