《Alphas & Omegas [Dropped]》Chapter 11- The Mirror Room
Note to the reader: *.......* means he's saying that in his head.
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Chapter 11
I met up with Mia, Lisa and Vincent after school let out. They told me that starting tomorrow students wouldn't have to wear their uniforms until they are officially out of the tournament. It was good news for me since the uniform I wore today was shredded thanks to that April girl. The camera pen Lisa gave me was also destroyed, but I broke that myself during the fight. It was smashed to pieces in hopes that she wouldn't give me another one. I still didn't know why she wanted me to wear a camera, but it made me feel a little paranoid.
Vincent:"So how did your fight go, Cyrus?"
Cyrus:"Well she cut up my uniform, but wasn't really a problem. She did make this transformation that gave her a monstrous look."
Vincent:"So she was a shapeshifter?"
Cyrus:"Not sure."
Vincent:"I didn't get to fight. The higher ranked omegas will fight last. The schools wants to get all the weaker omegas out of the way first."
Cyrus:"I've got a fight tomorrow."
Vincent:"Do you know who it's against?"
Cyrus:"Yeah someone named Gerald."
Vincent:"Never heard of him. Must be ranked rather low."
Cyrus:"He's ranked C."
Vincent:"I only know the names of all SSS ranked omegas."
*I know the names of all ranked omegas in the city.*
I allowed the suit full control over all my memories so it increased my capacity to remember things. I stole the list of all ranked omegas in the city from the supremes computer. I didn't know their faces or powers, but if I had a name I would know their rank. I knew Vincent and Lisa must have been ranked in a different city because their names weren't on the list I got. The list has probably been updated by now so I should take a look at it some time. We went to Vincent and Lisa's apartment to talk about our plans. I had to get a chair from the dining room since there weren't enough seats in the living room.
Lisa:"Shadow is a cautious person so he will probably try not to draw a lot of attention to himself so we should look for someone who's around C to CCC rank. He will probably let himself lose in the tournament after a few fights."
*I guess I'll see how far I can go in this tournament.*
Vincent:"We'll start our search by making a list of all C to CCC ranked students that only win two fights. They will be our main suspects."
Mia:"That's amazing!"
Lisa:"That's not all. We can further lower the number of suspects by excluding all the students who don't match the height and weight requirements and check if they moved here within the last five years."
Cyrus:"Don't you think there's the possibility that some of your information was wrong."
Lisa:"We know it might be wrong, but the people who fit the profile will be the first ones investigated then we'll move on."
Cyrus:"Ok. So what should Mia and I do?"
Lisa:"After we narrow down the list you two will help Vincent and I investigate each person."
Vincent:"Right now there's nothing to do. You're free to do whatever you want until all the C rankers have fought about five battles then we'll make the list."
The talk about shadow was now over so we moved on to chit chat.
Mia:"I'm planning on ranking up during this tournament."
Lisa:"I'm sure everyone plans on doing that."
Mia:"I've been training and strengthening my scales. I'll need it when we find shadow."
Lisa:"You're not the one who will be fighting him."
Mia:"We never know what may happen."
Cyrus:"I'm gonna go get changed back in my apartment."
Vincent:"Ok. We'll be here."
When I got to my door there was a package in front of it so I brought it in and opened it. Inside I found the wallpaper I ordered, but it wasn't normal wallpaper. This was specially ordered and what I planned to put up in the storage room in order to stop the pulse my suit emitted. I changed clothes and put the wallpaper in my closet then went back to join the others.
Mia went home after a few hours and I left too. I took the wallpaper down to the storage room and began putting it up. When I was done the room was covered in silver wallpaper that reflected everything. I decided to call this the mirror room. I had a reflective curtain made with the wallpaper that I hung over the door. Since there were no windows the door, walls, floor and ceiling were the places that had to be covered.
I placed my cellphone outside the door then went in and closed the curtain. The curtain was wider then the door and almost blended in with the wallpaper. I activated the suit then deactivated it. I checked on the cellphone and saw that it was fine.
Cyrus:"I guess the room works."
I wanted to celebrate my completion of the room, but there was work that had to be done. There was still one more omega that could manipulate memories left that I needed to visit. This one had to have some answers for me.
*********7 Years Ago/Cyrus POV********
I ran as fast as I could. I was on a treadmill with wires connected to me as my mother and father watched with a few other people.
Man:"It's amazing. This speed is beyond anything we expected."
Mother:"The children have all adapted better then the adults. Three children and one adult survived the experiments and Cyrus here is the best of them all."
Father:"He's far better then the others. I don't know why, but he's able to take everything we've done to him."
Man:"Will the others be of any use?"
Father:"We will move forward with the experiments using Cyrus. We will find a use for the others."
Man:"I'll be back for an update in two weeks. I hope to see even more progress."
Father:"Yes sir."
The man left then mother and father walked over to me.
Mother:"Ok you can stop now."
I jumped off the treadmill to run over to her and all the wires came unplugged. I stopped a foot away from her.
Cyrus:"Did I do good mommy?"
Mother:"You did great Cyrus."
She ruffled my orange hair which made me smile.
Father:"Ok it's time for you to head back to your room. Harry take Cyrus back to his room."
One of the scientists that's always with my mother and father led me to my room. I shared the room with my brothers and sisters. Lately a lot of them have been leaving. I only have four siblings left. There are three brothers and one sister and I'm the second oldest. My oldest brother lives in a separate room and I've been fighting with him recently. He told me that my mother and father aren't my real parents. My first memory was me waking up to see my parents standing over me while I'm lying on a table. I was given the name Cyrus Thompson which is the last name all of my siblings have.
They told me that they were my parents and that I lost some of my memories during one of the experiments that they're using to make me strong. My older brother is always fun to be around. He plays with us all and was much nicer then the other older siblings. I'm glade they all left, but I still felt a little sad. I made it back to my room and went in. Inside I found my three younger siblings. Two boys and one girl were all in different parts of the room. Since I was 10 it was my responsibility as the oldest to take care of them. The older boy was called Harper and he had green hair. He was the weakest, but because of that his body was still in pretty good shape.
Harper:"Cyrus you're back."
Cyrus:"Of course I am. I'm not gonna leave you like our other siblings."
Harper smiled and gave me a hug. The second boy was named Eric and had blonde hair. In the beginning he was doing good in the experiments then his body gave out. He couldn't move very much anymore so he was lying on his bed, but when he saw me approaching he looked very happy.
Eric:"Brother. Welcome back."
I kneeled down next to him and picked up his hand.
Cyrus:"Don't worry. Mom and dad will make you stronger soon."
Eric:"As long as you don't leave us I promise to get stronger."
Cyrus:"I won't leave."
I could see the joy on his face, but soon the drugs kicked in which put him to sleep. He needed strong painkillers since his body wasn't able to take the experiments. I walked over to the bed across from his and sat down. The last sibling was a 9 year old girl who was now blind. She was the favorite for the experiments for a while. She took everything and became stronger, but eventually lost her sight. If she could see then even I would probably lose to her, but without her sight she's helpless. The two of us had a good relationship since we both had orange hair. Her name was Rita.
Rita:"Is that you Cyrus?"
I took her hand so that she could feel I was there. She firmly grasped it which really hurt since her strength was far greater than mine.
Rita:"How'd it go?"
Cyrus:"They said I did a great job."
I quickly pulled my hand away so that it wouldn't get crushed. I could see that doing that saddened her so I put my arm around her shoulder. I knew she liked to feel that people were still around her.
Cyrus:"I'm still here."
I was the only one who got this close to her since she would accidentally hurt people all the time. Harper would talk with her while I'm gone, but he won't let her touch him. He's scared of her strength, but he does care about her. We all care about each other.
The next day Harry came to get me for a new experiment. I was told that all experiments on my siblings would be stopped for now. Harry brought me to a room with no windows and a heavy steal door. The only thing in the room was a cylindrical tube with no bottom hanging from the ceiling. There was a camera and speaker in one of the corners of the room. A voice suddenly came out of the speaker.
Mother:"Cyrus. Take off all your clothes and step under the tube."
I did what she told me and stepped right under it then it started coming down around me. When it touched the ground I was inside of it.
Mother:"Now relax and try not to think about anything."
I closed my eyes and tried to push all my thoughts to the side, but then I started feeling a tingling sensation. I quickly opened my eyes and saw a gas had filled the tube. I was breathing it in and my mind started to become muddled. I couldn't remember what was happening, but I felt like I needed to escape so I began to pound on the tube. It was surprisingly durable and only slightly cracked. I suddenly lost all feeling in my body and passed out. I don't know what happened next, but when I woke up I was in a bed all alone. The room I was in looked similar to the one I shared with my siblings, but was a little different. It only had one bed in it and nothing else.
After a while of me staring at the ceiling someone finally came in. He was looking at some papers in his hands, but when he looked up and saw me looking at him he dashed out of the room.
Someone:"He's awake!"
A few minutes later father walked in.
Father:"Cyrus do you know who I am?"
Cyrus:"Yes. You're my dad."
Father:"Good. Now how do you feel."
Cyrus:"A little weak. I can barely move my body."
Father:"But you can move a little right?"
Cyrus:"Only a little."
Father:"That's good news. It means the experiment was a success. You just need to rest, but when you're feeling better we'll begin the next stage of the experiment."
I didn't feel like talking much since my throat hurt. I ended up staying in that room for a while. When I was finally able to walk again I noticed something was different. I was noticing things that I never put much thought into until now. I started to understand what was going on around me. I was just some lab rat that they used and it was the same for my siblings. I found out that the recent experiment increased my intelligence which was why I no longer felt like a little kid. I now understood what my older brother was telling me. We must have been all kidnapped and held here for tests. I was furious so I confronted my mother and father who were obviously not really my parents.
Cyrus:"Who are you people?"
Father:"We are the ones who'll finally take down the omegas with our research and you Cyrus are the product of it."
Cyrus:"I want to know who I really am. Who are my real parents?"
Mother:"Your parents are dead. All of you are orphans."
They had no reason to hide it since I had no where else to go even if I decided to escape. I forced a deal on them. If they take care of the siblings I have left then I'll continue being their guinea pig. They seemed to expect this and excepted the deal. I had my own room now, but I still went to visit my siblings all the time. I hadn't visited my older brother in a while so I decided to go see him. He is always forced to wear a collar that severs his head if a button is pressed. A small remote was given to everyone who works here that activates his collar. No one cares if the button is accidentally pressed since my older brother can heal from any injury. It takes time for him to heal after losing his head so that's the best way to stop him. All you have to do is drag his corpse back if he tries to escape and put a new collar on him. I entered the room and saw him sitting on the bed.
Cyrus:"Hey Tony."
Tony:"Cyrus.....it's been a while."
I sat down in a chair across from him. I was still ten so I had to lower his chair which was set to his height.
Cyrus:"I found out the truth about this place."
Tony:"You seem a little.....different. I'm guessing a new experiment."
Cyrus:"They increased my intelligence."
Tony:"So that's it. You seem more mature. You also look a little depressed."
Cyrus:"I lost the ignorance of childhood. It's depressing knowing the truth."
Tony:"You're a strong kid Cyrus. I've been here for a while and I've seen kids older than you break mentally before their bodies had the chance to."
Cyrus:"How did you end up here?"
Tony:"They found me walking around in a daze and must of thought I'd work as a test subject. It must have been a surprise when they found out that they can't kill me. There experiments don't work on me, but they have been studying my regeneration ability."
Cyrus:"I wonder what my real parents were like."
Tony:"I'm sure they loved you very much."
Cyrus:"What were your parents like."
Tony:"Mine? Well....they were good. They loved me and I never had any problems."
Cyrus:"Sounds nice. Wish I was born into your family. Then we could be real brothers."
Tony:"I already consider you family along with the others."
Cyrus:"Some more have died since the last time we saw you. Eric, Harper, Rita and I are the only ones left, but I'll protect them."
Tony:"You're not alone. If I can help then I will."
Cyrus:"They're ok for now. If I need anything I'll ask."
Tony:"Ok. Just don't forget I'm here to help."
Cyrus:"Thanks. I gotta go now. They told me that I get some kind of suit today."
Tony:"Come by after you get it. I'd love to see it."
I left and made my way to the room where the next experiment would take place.Back to Main Page
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