《A Real Life》Chapter 8: Hunting time!
Author's note:
#2: I've nerfed the forest's level suggestion down by a bit since it would be illogical for a level 1 basically useless cat to fight against somewhat level 20 wolf who can tear off his head in one swipe. Other than that, enjoy the story and please tell me if anything should be change about the series.
Asylium's outskirt
Day 03, 09:25:44
Pvt. "Black"
1st Assault Division, Neutral Mercenary Corps.
"Listen up, little kitty. As I've helped you before, you should do something to help me in return, right?"
Who is the little kitty here?!
Even though he thought like that, the other part was true so he could only slowly nodded to the girl as he confirmed it.
"Good. Then tell me, what is the most important thing in combat that you need?"
Being thoughtful for a while, he then quickly pulled his board out of the pouch. Grabbed a piece of coal that he kept since the morning, he began to draw something on the board. He could have used words instead, yes, but he didn't want Alice to know that he is smart (more than her, or so he thought). Happily doodled for about a minute, he held up the white board once again, which now had a potion-looking objects on it. He didn't forget to add some more bubbles inside the potions so they would look more real.
"Good thinking. Supplies are one of the necessities that are always required on the battlefield. Without supplies, you won't be able to fight against the enemies, and you won't survive long enough for reinforcements, if the is one in the first place."
Someone clearly plays too much FPS here.
Held out some herbs in both of her hands, she said to the cat.
"This green pointy leaf is Lara leaf, use for curing bad status up till level 10, which include weak poison, sleep, paralyze or charm." The last word she spoke with a slightly different tone. "Believe me, charm is nasty. Better stay away from it. And the grass here is the Lesser Silver Grass one, which is more common than Silver Grass, but they can't be refined into potions due to bad quality."
Clapped her hand together, she continued with serious face.
"However, supplies aren't the only thing you need if you want to keep your dear life. The most important thing is you need to have a strong heart to rush into the enemies without fear, to strike the panic into them. This is the basic tactic on the battlefield, surprise is an advantage that guarantee to flip the side of a battle."
So basically you meant rushing in without any tactical plan?!
"Other than that, keep your senses open at all time. We don't need an ambush to be killed in one pitch of sound, since our level is a bit low compare to this location."
The cat had figured out earlier that, if you aren't in a party or be friend with someone, you can't read some details from people. Even if you are, detailed information will still be hide if that person wished to. While he was being carried around, he had checked her level and surprised that she was only level 8, despite already had a class.
Therefore, it should be one of these three conclusions: Either that you can learn to be a class at a level lower than 8, may be level 5, or you can pick a class at any time you want, or you will need to fulfill some conditions to unlock a class.
Since he was a casual gamer, his logical was leaning toward the third options. Nevertheless, it was too soon to give out a concrete conclusion right now, thus he could only played his role as a normal cat by then.
"Ahem!" Alice slightly coughed once to get his attention, "That's it for the shortened theoretical lesson, we don't have much time since I wanna go back earlier than 6 p.m today. I'll give you 3 Lara Leaf and 3 Lesser Silver Grass, try not to use that in one go. That's all I need to say, now we should start moving."
I've played games much longer than you, missy. Let's see who is the MVP instead.
The cat thought that while sneering secretly.
Somewhere else,
"Ange. are you sure this is the place?"
A dark hair boy asked his fellow companion that simple question. He had a black broadsword on his back, and was using the binocular to look around at the surrounding. The place they were standing on was a cliff of a high snow mountain. The cold wind was cutting through their skins, not to mention the snow was falling hard as ice on their head. Saw no sight of the destination, he was annoyed and turned around to ask his friend again.
"Ange, there is nothing look like the Lion Valley around here! Heck, I don't even see how can a lion can live in this kind of weather..."
"B-But there must be some kind of Snow Lions around here! I'm sure of it! The instruction indicated to this place as the destination after all!"
A green hair elvish girl shouted back to him, her left hand waved the map around. While being taller than the boy, she sounded extremely childish and tried to protect her theory.
" You kept saying about the Snow Lions all the way till here! Have you ever seen one before, you idiot?"
"Idiot!? Hey, I know that I'm a tiny bit slow, but I'm not stupid! For your information, I have never seen one before, but since the instruction pointed here, there must be some, right?"
With a hopeful tone, the girl pointed at a location on her map.
"Gimme that."
As he forceful snatched the parchment out of the girl's hand, he carefully skimmed through the details. Searched for any related information on the page, he looked up to the elf.
"Do you know how to read a map?"
What do you see me as, a kid!?
"Of course I know how to do it! Here, let me show you."
Straightened the map out, she said while pointing on several points on the drawing.
"We started from here, our starting town! Then we only need to walk down about 3 days worth." She traced her finger to another location. "From here to here, how could I make a mistake when it was that easy?"
Asked with a somewhat trembling voice, the boy asked the girl again:
"Then how do you know where is "down"?"
Looked at the boy beside her like he had gone mad, the elf explained.
"What's with that strange question? While you opened a map, it's a common sense that you put the south upward, so we need to go to the north if we want to go dow... Wait, what's with your face?"
The boy, who was trembling heavily and having a hand on his face, slowly dropped his hand aside. With a clearly full face of despair expression toward the elf, he walked step by step to where she stood.
"Hey, what's with that expression, is there anything wrong with your head? ... And why are you looking with that murderous gaze?! Stop right there, mister. I meant it.... Stop where you are! And don't pull that big sword out to scare me, it won't have any effe..."
"That was dangerous! I'm not kidding, don't *swoosh* try to *chop* slice me! Help, anybody help! There is a crazy *swipe* killer right here! Heeeeelp!!!"
The scene of a running elf and a furious human chasing after her can be seen clearly by every animals inhabitant inside the area.
North Asylium Forest
Day 03, 10:31:58
The green scenery once again entered the view of a certain prideful cat who was being put into a bag with only his eyes peeked out (at least he wasn't being hugged any more). The girl stopped on the way to collect some herbs a little bit, and she would casually told him various stuffs once in a few minutes that he didn't really care about. Just for fun, he would "meow" once in a while to role play a normal cat.
Skill aquiredSkill name:ActingLevel:1Progress5.04%Description: Pick up an act that can deceive people so beautifully that they won't know your true nature. If being practiced to maximum effects, even your parents won't recognize you.
A non-combat skill? This one looks pretty nice, but the problem is, how can I act anything beside a normal cat? Meh, it would be much better if I have the shape of a human instead.
Closed his window sneakily, he didn't want Alice wonder why a normal cat can scroll the air like it was something touchable. She didn't pay any mind and still was playing with her staff, really, what a simple girl.
"Here we are, at the battlefield site." Still role playing a captain, eh? "Private, prepare to dispatch. Remember, eliminate any hostiles in the area without thinking a second thought. It's us, or them."
Mission Update: Eliminate all hostiles in sight in the area (and recover the materials)
Don't encourage that girl, status window!
As they arrived at the forest, Alice put the cat down the road and pulled out her staff, prepare for whatever would come next. Since they still walked on the main stone road, they didn't meet any strong monsters and animals in particular. Even then, the cat still felt like someone was watching them, like a certain bear that he met before. However, since he was traveling with another person, he felt a little better about the situation compared to the last time.
"Hey kitty, look what I found!"
Turned around to check on the kid, the cat found her hugging a level 1 brown squirrel in her hands. Looked like she found it on the side of the road, and now he had a substitute to be squished instead. Smiled ear to ear, the cat cheerfully continued to walk without a care.
"Who's cute little squirrel?" *poking poking* "He's soft, and look at these long teeth! I bet it will feel good if I touch this spot.. Owie!"
The squirrel after being poked for a while, became enraged and decided to take a bit out of one of Alice's finger,
"Catch him and beat him up, kitty!"
The cat immediately pulled out his board and draw a quick message:
Serve your right, you animal bully.
"Meanie! I would just do it myself then."
Holding her short staff toward the escaping squirrel, she said with a small voice:
"Frost Crystalize."
The squirrel suddenly stopped with a hard break that it fell face first forward. Scarily stared at its feet had enclosed in the ice, it tried to crawled forward, but to no avail. The ice slowly engulfed the squirrel bit by bit, after a few seconds all left behind was a small statue of ice.
"Now then, shall we continue the quest?" Alice went by the cat and picked him up again, while the black cat still looked at the ice squirrel.
Not like he was scared, but instead he kinda wanted to have an ice cream.
"Why are you standing there? The wolves won't kill themselves, you know."
Reluctantly removed his feet off the spot, he turned back and resumed the walking (trailing behind Alice, since she walked much faster than before). The girl wasn't in her best mood, he concluded, since there were several ice squirrel statues on the way he went. By the way, his levels gone up by four, even when he didn't do a thing... Maybe he can reach level 8 with this speed, such a beautiful life of a leech.
Played around with his character points while still walking, he decided to tried his mmorpg style when he was back on Earth. It was one of the unique way to play, but since this style require a lots of luck, he couldn't reach the top of the leaderboard in any of these games. However, since his luck was the dominated attribute right now, maybe he could play like that. However, he also didn't have a suitable weapon right now to test it, so no go for now.
So I will put 7 points here, 2 points over there, 1 here and 2 p... Oouf!
He slammed his face into Alice, didn't notice that she had stopped for a while ago.
"Ah, there you are. I was wondering where you disappear to."
Said the girl who ran straight ahead without a care to her little companion.
"Alright, now we can either go in silently and drop them one by one, or use full force to clear them all in one sweep. Your call."
Battle option:
1, Going in sneaky beaky like.
2, Rush, hack and slash.
3, Run away like a boss.
Option 3 is out of question, I'm not the type who go all the way to the entrance then turned back. Besides, we can't actually "die" here in the first 6 months, so why need running? Between the two remaining, the first one seems better, since I can understand the enemy beforehand. Option 1 that is.
Held his index finger up, he indicated his choice to the girl. The thing he wondered is, why a human would listening to an animal instead of her own thought?
"Going quietly then, try not to make any sounds" Alice whispered to the cat, even when there wasn't anything nearby.
The cave was relatively deep inside, but it wasn't as dark as he thought. There was some gaps here and there on the ceiling of the cave, made observing a whole deal easier. On the other hand, if they stepped in the light, they would be spot immediately.
He liked the air over here, damp and slightly wet with the smell of the old moss grew inside the cave. It was better than walking outside in the heat of the middle summer. There were some small blue mushrooms around, he wondered if he can eat them or not.
Arcane Mushroom Type:Healing itemDurability:1/1Quality:?A small mushroom.
His "Status"'s skill level was a little low to check on the mushroom just yet, but he still pocketed a few of them just in case he would hungry anytime soon.
Alice put a finger up front of her pink lips. Followed her gaze, he could see 3 black wolfs busy chewing their prey (a deer, not a person, thank god) a few steps ahead of them.
Monster status: Name: Black WolfLevel:7Status:[/tds][td2] Eating [/td3]Just a common wolf
It is stupid, however
Its bites hurt, a lots.
Level 7, above him three levels and below Alice's one, last time she said that. Since they are busying with the meal, they can launch a surprise attack on them. Pulled the dagger Alice gave him before out, he prepared to jump in whenever Alice decided to. This girl, she already formed two small ice shards span in her hand, aiming at the wolves' heads. The second the shard left her hand, he dashed out of their hiding place.
The wolves who were being sniped in the head were dead instantly, with the critical hit, flanking and backstab statuses happened at the same time. The cat swung his dagger to another wolf's next, but with his low strength, the wolf didn't quite dead yet.
-8 Backstab!
The wolf was surprised by the sudden attack, but it still could howled to alert its friends. The howl echoed between the cave's walls, and was answered by several howls back right away.
So much for going in silently.
Spun his dagger in his right hand, he stabbed the wolf's throat once more time.
+13% Exp.
Seven wolves left. His health and mana hadn't lost even one point, so he guessed that he could still win without the surprise element for now.
Four more wolves rushed in to replace their deceased friends' places. Alice stepped inside the battlefield, casting an Ice Wall to stop them on the track, resulted in two of them got stunned by hitting their faces on the wall. One of the other wolves jumped on the cat, hit him with a swipe. Held the dagger forward to block the damage, the cat still flew backward, slammed himself on a cave wall.
-21 hp
One hit and my health drop by two third! I need to avoid that next time or else one crit and I would be gone like a wind!
Quickly chewing a grass, his health rose by 15 hp. Not much, but that would keep him going for a while. Stood back up, he dashed to the wolf once again. The wolf was determined to give him another swipe, but he ducked beneath his claw to avoid the attack, then jumped aside as the wolf tried to bite him. Slice the wolf on the side, he succeed in reducing the wolf's health by 17 health. Not to lose a second, the wolf jumped on him this time. Kicked the surface under his feet, the black cat pulled back just in time to avoid a body slam. Used the dagger as a level, he plugged the short dagger down and slingshot his body toward the wolf. Put out his claws as his natural weapons, he quickly slashed on the wolf's head.
-14 -13 -16 -10 -17
+13% Exp.
Finished the wolf with a jab to the eyes, he stepped on the wolf proudly. Then, he remembered about Alice and turned to the left to check on her. The number of wolfs in her field by then was four, however, one became a frozen statue, while other three were attacking on her. The little witch didn't have time to prepare her spells, she was clubbed the wolves using her wooden staff, but looked like she was going to be overrun in any second now. Since he hardly defeated a single wolf by himself, he doubted he could help her somehow with the little dagger. Then, he smiled.
It's time for my secret weapon.
Pulled out his whiteboard he persuaded Alice to buy it for him, he already had this idea since the beginning.
"Arghhhh!" (Lion Roar!)
Skill Notice
You have succeed in making an unique skill![td2]Skill name:Lion RoarLevel:1Exp:15%[tr]Using an extremely loud sound to distract and stun the enemies. Can cause ear bleeding, and can friendly fire sometimes.
+50% to stun enemies up to 3 levels above the user. (5 seconds)
+30% to cause bleeding (2hp/ sec for 10 seconds)
Using his sharp claws, he scratched the backside of the board skillfully (as skillful as a cat can be). A loud "Screeee" sound echoed between the walls, left two wolves in a daze whereas the last one was bleeding out. Took the chance immediately, Alice clubbed the bled out wolf to death in two hits, while the cat closed his distance with the wolves.
Take this!
Drove the dagger onto a wolf's back, he was aiming for another backstab bonus. Still, the wolf regained his consciousness in time and twisted his body out of the harm way. Slashed back with its claws, it aimed for the cat's head. With his impulse, the cat couldn't stop to avoid the attack completely, he tried to parry the claw instead.
The wolf's claw impacted on his short dagger, stroke out a white spark between them. With the cat's low strength, he couldn't hold it tightly and the dagger was flung out of his reach.
Damn it!
Without the short dagger, his damage output was downed by almost 30%, and he couldn't aim for critical body parts such as neck without the thing. In such moments, he was somewhat relief that he still had his claws to fight against the enemies.
Rolled back a few steps to avoid another claw, he noticed that even with a parried attack, a partial damage was still transferred to him. Chewing another glass (the taste was kind of bitter, he didn't really like to use this), his health immediately jumped back to 80%. With only one grass left, he would need to be careful or else.
Glared back to the growling wolf, he began to think how to attack it efficiently. He couldn't use his dagger for now, neither his board, since he would need a few seconds to prepare the self-made skill again, and who can surely said that the wolf would wait for him to do it? No, he wouldn't dream about that.
Impatiently growled, the wolf didn't want to wait for its opponent anymore. Sank his knees down for a little bit, he used the elastic force to ran up and ready to pounce on the cat. For the unarmed cat's side, he felt like he couldn't dodge this pounce, it was too fast for him. There was nothing to lose, he quickly pulled the board outside and sprinted to the running wolf. With full force, he flung the board.
Eat this!
He slipped. His right foot stuck in a single small trench on the ground. The board, however, flew straight to the pouncing wolf's head. With a surprised hit on its face, the wolf was going in a daze and missed its target by a hair's breadth. Even with his painful leg, he wouldn't drop this opportunity.
Curled his hand into a fist, he used all his strength to punch the soul out of the wolf!
Your right arm is broken! This injury won't be heal by herb and potion.
-15 self-damage.
+13% Exp.
Owiiee, that's hurt...
Hugged his right arm with a piercing pain ran through his body, he sat back down to take a breath. Like what the status said, he ate one of the leaf to try, but the only thing that go away (partially) was his pain. He could still moved his hand, but the pain would came back to him.
"Look out!"
Turned his head around just to see a wolf ready to chew his head out, he shuddered. The cat forgot that the fight was still going on! No way to run anymore, the cat accepted his fate and closed his eyes, ready for the incoming pain.
#3: Sorry for the long wait! I was stuck on some real life problems, and got this delayed more than I estimated. By the way, when I came back, I got a new 0.5 stars rating for the story without any comment :| . It's good that somebody reviewed this story, even the rating was somewhat bad, but it let me know that I need to improve the story. Therefore, I would try best to write better ^^. If anyone like to review, please put down some words so I need to know what to improve!
Best regards,
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