《The Main Character Legendary Origin Stories: Broad-Spectrum Assassin》Living Memory: The Hero's Epic Journey Ends: Assassin's Truth
The world of my past fades. The mist around us clears as it is sucked into a pipe held by my fungal captor, simply known as Kuu. She was the one who initiated this journey into my memories. I slowly come into awareness, recognizing the others one by one.
The small deity looks at me in daze. Her energetic will having her bob side to side. DereDere may be my only chance at surviving this encounter.
The one in the white cloak is Betrayer, my nemesis. His expression is impossible to read. The man who was once my guru has achieved a mastery over his abilities.
Muttering to herself next to him is an angel who wears her own shadow as clothing. She has puppy ears of darkness and is the elder sister of my dear daughter. My pudding puff calls this girl Luna but most know her as Shade.
The fruit-scented fortune teller with the sour attitude was once a friend of mine. To think I forgot about Fruity and the Produce Pirate. Now that her mind has been fragmented, she’s hardly recognizable.
The last of my captors is TomCat, the sister of three brothers who were all rebels. Her eyes are glazed over. Looks like she’s still processing information.
I feel my own form. I’m still in tatters. Not enough time has passed to allow me to rejuvenate. But my memory is so clear now. Everything that happened is so clearly in my mind.
Is this a result of that strange memory mist?
DereDere perks up. “Happy ending! Happy ending! Yay!”
I can’t help but feel her warm energy. To think this gentle heat was once toxic to me.
She looks at me with a scrutinizing gaze. “When is the sequel? The Deity demands to know what happened to your daughter after she hopped worlds!”
“I’ll tell you all about it if you help me escape. You can even experience it yourself.”
“Ooooh!” DereDere bounces up and down with anticipation, creating a surge of electricity.
Luna looks up. Her emotional body is caked with uncertainty. “The Hero of Destiny’s journal is with my sister. She’ll be here shortly. Sent Yuki to find her and he’s reliable for a hero.”
I turn to Betrayer who is as still as a statue. “What you did to WarWolf…it imprinted on me. Even when I forgot all the details, just being in your presence ignited my hatred for you. It’s a burning feeling and with my memory restored it’s stronger than ever.”
“The past is holding you down. You’ll never open the door to the future like that,” he says, not moving a centimeter.
Kuu starts dancing around. “Ah but the past is the heart of the future’s body. Memories are the blood that give it function.”
TomCat sobs into her hands. She tries to growl to cover it up but ends up breaking out into tears.
My body moves to comfort her, but is too weak.
DereDere grabs the CatBoy general’s head and smothers it against her chest. “The Deity accepts your tears as an offering.”
TomCat pushes away. “I felt it. His last moments. I felt so many things.”
They didn’t just peep on my past, they lived it through me. Even my most intimate moments are no longer secret. I feel so embarrassed.
Shade bites her lip. “I felt it too. But we need to stay focused. How did my little sister get back to Earth?”
DereDere rubs TomCat but then her ears perk up. “No spoilers allowed!”
“Ignore her!” Luna glares at me. “What happened after that? I didn’t know she had left.” She wipes her eyes. “I thought she was killed. When her book faded from my hands…I thought my sister was gone.”
DereDere looks up at her and then at TomCat and nods. She speeds back and forth between the two, offering them her divine comfort.
I steady myself as best I can, trying to form a solid shape for strength. “I…don’t remember. It’s all a haze.”
Kuu stops mixing herbs in a wok and turns to Shade. “Shall we embark on another journey through the blood of the past?”
“We’ll just figure it out when she gets here.” Shade glides on her shadow up to me. “I thought you kidnapped her.” She gulps and bows. “Thank you for protecting my little sister.”
She’s the ringleader and she feels indebted to me. Perhaps I can escape this twisty predicament.
TomCat pins DereDere down, stopping the onslaught of emotional support. She growls at me. “Well you better remember something! Luchador Espada is he alive? And what happened to Matador Muchacho after you left? Did that nasty old man have you track them down and kill them?”
“Don’t remember.”
“Urrgh! Well someone has to know. Don’t you have an Archivos on your side?” TomCat asks Luna aggressively.
“He’s running late.”
“Then I’ll go get him.” TomCat growls.
Betrayer releases some calming mist on TomCat. “All secrets reveal themselves in time.”
Shade turns to him with flushed cheeks. “You mean like how you’re Annie’s grandpa! When were you going to tell me? And how about the fact that you tried to kill my sister! Kept that secret a long time, didn’t you?”
“Oh that. Forgotten. I tend to forget unnecessary things. I decided to allow her to live. It’s irrelevant now.” He folds his sleeves on top of each other.
“Urrrgh! Well I’m never forgetting!” Shade hisses at him.
“Does the shadow puppy want some Divine daijobus too?” asks DereDere with a tilt of her head.
“I want a damned apology!” She grabs Betrayer. “You said we wouldn’t keep secrets from each other. I even told you my tickle spots!” Her voice cracks.
Betrayer scratches his head. “Oh, must have forgotten that. Wasn’t important.”
“Then what the hell is important?” She growls at him with teary eyes. “Aren’t I important to you?”
“What’s important is our mission. You’re of vital importance to me.” His tendrils become a web that pulls her into a hug.
“Yeah. We got the information. Let’s review it when the rest of the team arrive.”
DereDere speeds off.
“Shit! She’s getting away! I had my shadow holding her but it must have went lax when you pissed me off!”
“Your rage is spicy,” says Betrayer with warmth.
Shade blushes.
DereDere returns with two others. The glasses brat who used to work with Mortal’s Militia and a hero of some sort.
The glasses brat is holding his face which is covered in blood. “What just happened? Where are we?”
The hero pats the brat’s shoulder. “We’re back with Shadow Truth. Shade, can you heal him? Some Elfizonian warrior smashed his glasses into his face.”
“I will smite that impure filth as soon as I can see.” The brat slams his hand against the cave wall. “Oww!”
“Come on, sweetie. Just lie down and Shade will take care of you.”
TomCat steps in the way. “First I want answers! What happened to my brothers? Do you know anything?”
Shade pushes her aside with her shadow. “Calm down kitten. Spectacles can tell you what he knows after I get him to stop whining.”
TomCat shrugs. “Yeah, that’s fair.”
Shade’s shadow crawls into the brat’s face and fills his pores, pushing out the glass. “Healing your eyes will take time. I’m a combat angel, not a medic.”
“Then get your sister!” he yells.
Shade looks up at Yuki. “Did you find my little lamby?”
“I did and she’ll be here soon. Just needs some time to grieve. Her hero died.”
TomCat shudders. “He’s gone. But, he’s the Hero of Destiny!”
Betrayer looms over her. “Destiny is not an all-powerful force. It is another lie of ISEKAI.”
Luna glares at him. “You even said that my sister was a Child of Destiny.”
“Oh that. Well that’s different.”
TomCat grabs the Archivos brat. “Do you know where my brothers are?”
“I don’t even know who they are. I can search the mindscape, but I need to be of sound mind. Until I get new glasses, I can’t do anything.”
TomCat grins. “Great! We’ll just pick some up at the next town.”
“Ha! An Archivos’ Specs are like a wand. Special prescription energy concentration spectacles. That’s the acronym by the way. Funny thing about acronyms. They don’t exist in my kingdom. See acronyms are for lazy people and simpletons who can’t deal with using the entire name for something every time.”
TomCat twists his arm. “Get to the point.”
“Owww. Special prescription energy concentration spectacles focus both an Archivos’ eyes and his mind. And each one is custom forged. There are so many procedures involved in their creation!”
“Where can we get you new glasses?” TomCat rolls her eyes as twists his arm.
“Only at my kingdom! We have special examiners who do Spec tests.”
She releases him.
The Archivos brat spits in disgust. “Ugh, my tongue feels all slimy because of that filthy acronym.”
Shade pets TomCat’s shadow, making the CatBoy shiver with goosebumps.
“Eeesh, that feels weird.” TomCat’s tail coils.
“Sorry kitty. No time for a detour like that.”
“Can’t your RiftRipper take us?”
Betrayer moves to TomCat. “It’s impossible to teleport there. The kingdom of Akashia is beyond our reach.”
The Archivos sits up. “And I’m not allowed back unless I bring back Glasses Kid. But I decided to just kill him instead.”
TomCat growls. “You killed the only one who knows where my brothers are! Wait, if he’s dead then…” She rushes to Fruity’s side. “If she dies, I’ll rend your flesh from your bone. Glasses Kid linked their bodies with some weird parasite.”
“Fret not! I’m alive!” Glasses Kid walks into the cave. He breathes in the air. “Ah, so much history here.” He turns to Shade and Betrayer. “A spot of great importance to you both.”
TomCat picks him up. “Look here, twerp! You’re going to tell me what happened to my brothers.”
Glasses Kid shrugs. “I was gone for four years. There’s no way of me knowing. Most likely Old Dude sent some assassins after them. Which means they are very likely dead.”
TomCat slams her fist to the ground and cries. “I could have done something. I should have saved them. I’m going to kill that Old Dude! But damn it! Wood Primordial’s are immortal.”
Glasses Kid grabs her chin and lifts it. “Look outside. All that remains is ash. Looks like your old boss figured out a way to kill them.”
Shade looks outside. “He’s right. The village is dust. This is fantastic news.”
“Indeed. I’ll commit it to memory,” says Betrayer.
Shade snaps her shadow’s fingers. “Alright, the whole team is together now. Kitten, kill Glasses Kid so we can discuss our plans.”
TomCat turns to shade with clenched fists. “If you kill him, Fruity dies. I won’t let that happen.”
“Actually I have a question for him. Did that RiftRipper who worked with you eat Tumble? Did she kill my baby sister?”
“Nope. She got her power years before that. Made friends with her hero’s angel and then killed and ate them both. It was very exciting to witness firsthand! That’s actually when we first met. I was so annoying she didn’t want me to join her friends inside her mind.” Glasses Kid laughs arrogantly.
“Then she’s still out there someone.”
“Or dead.”
Shade glares.
Glasses Kid steps back. “What it’s just a possibility.”
DereDere hops on Glasses Kid’s shoulders and leans over to gaze into him. “What about the ginger girl? Where is she?”
“Okay…I have no idea. I’m ashamed to admit that I’m truly stumped on that one. Even the ISEKAI earth branch offices were unable to locate her.”
DereDere bites into her clothes. “This mystery must be solved!” She hops off him.
TomCat removes his glasses and then hits him in the back of the head. “He won’t overhear us now and without these he can’t access the mindscape, right?”
“A very clever kitty indeed.” Shade grips TomCat with her shadow and rubs her body. “You get a reward.”
Betrayer turns to Kuu, who is having an out of body experience. “I’ll surmise what we now know. The Pure Portal can only be opened with a sacrifice of a RiftRipper with at least one-hundred souls inside. It must be carved by another RiftRipper at the Chrono Fissure. Even then, there is a risk of obliteration.” He turns to DereDere. “That Ginger girl was obliterated by the portal. We cannot suffer the same fate. We’ll have to head to Archai after all. We need to uncover more information on Pure Portals. Glasses Kid will come as our hostage. Assailant will be the sacrifice we make to open the portal.”
Shade picks up the Archivos brat. “Why didn’t you tell us you witnessed the Pure Portal opening? Why didn’t you tell me what happened to my sister?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” He shields his face.
“Forgetful shrooms! Weren’t you paying attention?” asks DereDere.
Shade glares. “Tch. This is all Glasses Kid’s fault. How I wish I could have his own shadow enter his throat and steal his breath.”
Betrayer pats her. “Business before personal.”
“I know. I know.” Shade stops. She stares at a spot beyond my range. I feel her energy soften.
“Big sis!!!” Stalker flies into her sister, knocking her over. “I never thought I’d see you again.”
Wait, her real name. I remember it now. Does that mean the hero truly is dead?
Shade turns away from her sobbing sister. “It has been a long time.”
DereDere hovers over my daughter. “Hand over the hero’s journal so the Deity can imbibe in the second act of the sacred ceremony of story time.”
Annolette wipes her tears. “I can’t. He’s dead.”
DereDere’s face darkens. She holds herself and trembles. “Storytime is dead?”
Shade gets up off the ground. “Hero’s die. It’s part of the job. You shouldn’t get so attached.”
“What happened after you were taken? Did you find mom?” Annie snuggles her sister. “We have so much to catch up on.”
“I took care of myself. And I thought Yuki would take care of you.”
Yuki lowers his head. “I told you I was kidnapped. Annie is strong enough to take care of herself. You’re together now, so I guess I was right.”
Annie hugs her sister tightly. “We are together.”
Shade tries to keep her sadness and relief buried but I can sense it.
She loves Annie dearly. Then again. It’s impossible not to.
Shade turns away. “We can’t go looking for your mom.”
“What do you mean?”
Shade turns to her with tears in her eyes. “If we find her, then the Archivos’ will find out through the mindscape. She’s only safe if we never find her. Only after ISEKAI burns can we finally be reunited.”
Annie wipes her eyes. “I…I lost Tumble. A RiftRipper came in when the Mortal Militia’s base was ambushed and she…she’s gone.” She sobs against Shade.
“The RiftRipper didn’t kill her. She’s still out there somewhere. When we meet with you mom I’m sure we can track her down.” Shade grabs Annie’s hands. “We need your help to take them down. You can fulfill your destiny of destroying ISEKAI.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re a Child of Destiny. Your mother told me. I…can only do great things with your help. I’m not special.” She cries as her shadow holds her.
“I never knew. The Hero of Destiny…he was supposed to end the war. Then ISEKAI could become a force for good. That’s what I wanted. But that’s no longer possible.”
I focus my energy to speak. “Annie.”
My snuggle muffin gasps and turns to me. Fear and dread coat her like muck. “Daddy?” Her voice rings with pain.
“I’ll survive. And we can still stop Flam. We don’t need the Hero of Destiny. We can still win without him.”
Annie hugs me, my black sludge defiles her sacred dress. “Daddy. What happened to you?”
Shade swallows and straightens her back. “We need him to open a Pure Portal.”
“What? Why do you even need a Pure Portal?” She points at Betrayer. “He’s been using you.”
Shade shakes her head. “He hasn’t. Look, if you join us then we’ll find another RiftRipper.”
“You’re going to let him go now!” yells Annie.
I muster my strength to form the smallest hand. It grabs onto my angel’s pinky. “I never got a chance to show you this place.”
“Huh? Daddy, don’t talk like you’re gonna die. Luna, help me heal him.”
“Only time can heal a RiftRipper. There’s no Wood Primordials nearby so there’s nothing we can do.”
“Shade, I want to show her something. Can I?” I ask weakly.
“Yeah…that’s fine.” Shade nods.
I slowly move deeper into the cave.
Annie follows along, sending me all her positive energy through her pinky.
I feel so much sadness from her. She truly cares deeply for me.
I take her to the stone slab of the assassins.
Can’t remember the true name. Are my memories fading again?
I release her hand and point. “You’ll find my name here. This is where I first became an assassin. Close your eyes and feel it.”
She beams at me through her tears and places her hand on the slab. Guided by my energy she finds the inscription. “Weech. Was that your name? It’s such a cute name.”
“I used to be really cute. You’d hardly recognize me.”
Annie hugs me. “You are still really cute. Hey, a Weech is the first animal my mom ever showed me. I was just a baby then. She told me to be wary of them cuz I was extra susceptible to cute things.”
I reach out to grab her pinky but my hand is too weak.
It keeps going through. Why can’t I touch her? Why can’t I feel my daughter?
Annie tries to smile through her tears. “I feel your love, Daddy. I feel it.”
“You don’t regret meeting me, right? You enjoyed adventuring with me.”
Annie falls to her knees and hugs my core. “Yeah and we’re going to have many more adventures. So stay with me.”
“Okay. Pudding plum…a voice in my head wants me to tell you something.”
“Sure thing.”
“He wants his sister home safe and sound. The tomboy catgirl…I forgot her name.”
“TomCat? Umm yeah. We can bring her to Earth together ‘kay?”
“Yeah…that’s nice. Oh and tell White Knight I’m sorry for forgetting about him. Apparently we were really close.”
“Silly Daddy, apologies have to come from the person who is sorry.” She sticks out her tongue playfully.
“Hey, the names of my other classmates are there too. On the slab. War…ummm. I can’t remember. I can’t remember her name!”
I can’t remember any of them. Everything is vanishing and I can’t hold on. I’m so scared.
Annie’s voice pierces through the darkness. “I’ll say every name on the slab until you remember. I want to hear all about them! I want to know all about your cool assassin life!”
Annie’s voice cracks. “Daddy. They’re all animals.”
“Oh, they are. That’s cute.”
If I go away, they can’t use me. Betrayer…he loses.
“Dad! There must be like thousands of animal names on this slab! I can use this for my Monsterpedia! This is incredible! I’ll add any I’m missing to my journal!” She crouches down and hugs me. “I can accomplish my dream! It’s all thanks to you! This is the greatest gift of my life!” Her energy drops. “My journal…must have misplaced it.”
Thank you for letting someone like me…have a chance to be a father. My parents died so I could become strong. I want you to become strong too.
A figure walks past me but I’m too weak to discern who it is. “Here, Sis.”
Annie opens the journal with shaky hands. Her hand trembles and tears drip down her notebook. “I’m writing them down right now Daddy.”
You were my…guardian angel.
I wipe my tears and drop my journal.
I hug his core. I try to put the muck back on it. “His core is the real him. Why don’t I sense anything?”
My sister puts her hand over her mouth. “I’m so sorry.”
I look up at her but can’t see through my tears. “Everything is dark. First I went colorblind…then Main died…and now that Daddy…everything is dark.”
“I’m so so sorry.” Luna cries.
“Help me! We have to heal him! Help me!” I yell.
Luna crouches down and puts out her hands.
“Lick them! Our saliva heals, remember.” I slobber all over my hands.
Luna does the same. We then hold them out again.
Why isn’t anything coming out?
“I…can’t use my energy. Luna…I’m broken.” I grab onto my sister and sob.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m here for you.”
I unleash all my tears and misery onto her.
Denial is supposed to be a stage, right? Why did I skip it? I should be in denial right now. I shouldn’t be hurting.
I lift my head and lash out at the first person I see. “Why didn’t you protect him! You say you’re a god, right? Then save him! Heal my daddy!”
DereDere lowers her head. “The Deity…I…can’t help. Was too late.”
I turn to the RiftRipper in the white cloak. “You! You’re the one he hates! Did you do this! Did you kill my daddy!”
“I only meant to incapacitate him. This is…not what I wanted.” Tears leak from him.
No! You don’t deserve to cry.
I stand up, letting my rage guide me. Water comes out from me and lifts me into the air. “Die!” I fire shot after shot into the monster who took my daddy away.
As my water beams tear him apart, I turn to TomCat. “You! You wanted this too? Is that why you’re here with them?”
“He killed my brother. I thought he killed them all but maybe their alive. And yeah, I wanted to kill him, but I don’t…I don’t know how I feel now.”
“Main trusted you! Daddy trusted you too! You don’t deserve to live!” I sharper my water beam and fire it right at her head.
White Knight teleports in front of it and DereDere emerges from his chest, eliminating my attack. “What in the glorious name of Durga is going on here?” he asks, looking up at me with terror.
“She let my daddy die! Move or you die too!”
How dare he protect her!
White Knight looks up at me. “You know for the first time ever, you look ugly.”
He removes his helmet, revealing long locks of yellow hair and a scar-ridden face. “Revenge isn’t who you are! Assailant is the greatest RiftRipper I ever had the honor to work with. He said your cuteness kept him going. Well right now you’re ugly. He wouldn’t want that.”
“It doesn’t matter what he wants anymore!”
Shade reaches out and touches me.
“Get away! You killed him too! You’re not my sister!” I yell, firing a water bullet near her feet that pierces through the cave floor.
Kuu exits her trance. “The one who ended the shadow man’s tale…is you.”
“How dare you!” I shoot at her but her mist melts my attack. “You were involved too, weren’t you? Did you poison him, traitor?”
A kid with glasses sits up. “You did. He was weak. Very weak, but his condition was steady. Kindness is like poison to RiftRippers. Sure in his normal state an angel’s energy is calming. But calm a RiftRipper when they’re in critical condition and…they die.”
I…killed daddy?
My energy erupts out of me, shooting upward and causing the cave to collapse.
Everyone rushes out.
I deserve to die.
Something slams into me as I form a water dagger.
“Bad friend! No die!” yells the Static Huntress, twisting my arm.
I see someone in the back get buried under the rubble.
I fly to his side and lift him to his feet. “Moron! You should have headed to the exit like everyone else. Why didn’t use your barrier power?”
“Had to bring you back somehow.” He smiles at me with a bruised face.
It doesn’t hurt so bad right now. I thought everything would be pain from now on.
White Knight lifts us both up. “He was so brave, that my ability didn’t even activate. If he was afraid, I would have gotten in the way and protected him.”
I look toward the voice but I can’t see through my tears. “Daddy said you’re a great friend…and he’s sorry for forgetting you before.”
“Friendship is something eternal. No doubt he gave his life away so those fiends couldn’t complete their dastardly plan.”
“Yeah, he was always willing to give. He just…gave to much this time.” I choke on my tears.
“And he will continue his legacy of benediction! That valiant assassin lives on in both us! We are his living memory!” White Knight places his hand to my heart.
I put my hand atop his. “He’ll be with us forever.” I wipe my eyes as I see the moonlight from outside.
A full moon.
“Are we going to track down those criminals and bring them to justice?” asks White Knight.
Yu-ki turns to him. “She needs rest. I’m not leaving your side ever again, okay? So don’t ever worry about that kay.” He smiles with watery eyes.
I look up at them. White Knight is carrying me. The Static Huntress is wiping my tears. Yu-ki is holding my hand. Even Dandy is trying her best to cheer me up by popping out from White Knight’s armor and making funny faces.
They’re all here for me. I still have someone.
Glasses Kid scurries up to us. “I got his core. They can’t use him like they planned to now.”
I hold the core to my cheek and send it my warmth.
I’ll be okay, Daddy. They won’t let me stay sad.
I look up at them and smile, sending a wave of relief through all my friends. I look back at the cave. “I left my journal in there back with the slab. Buried everything, didn’t I? I’m a real screw up of an angel.”
White Knight shakes his head. “Not to worry. You’re twelfth hero can retrieve it.” He hands me to Yu-ki.
“Wait…I don’t need it anymore. That was a childish dream. I’m an adult now.” I hop out from Yu-ki’s arms and stand up on shaky legs.
I hold out my pinky and a pink string appears. It feels so familiar.
My eyes tear up with joy.
“Does that lead to Luna?” asks Yu-ki.
“Nope.” I smile and hold the string to my face.
Tumble. She’s alive.
“Go wherever decide,” says the Static Huntress with a big grin.
“Let follow it and find my little sister.”
“Tumble? That’s hers.” Yu-ki beams at me.
I turn to him and smile. “Yeah. It’s her.”
Yu-ki bows. “Then we are at your command.”
I turn to them all and grin. “We’re going on an adventure! But first I gotta fix up my hero.” I grab Yu-ki’s hand.
It’s so warm. He was my first hero. My first love.
I look over the horizon.
I wonder if Racheal is okay too. Every day after I crossed over to Earth, I prayed for her, Tumble, Momma and…Luna to be safe. My prayers worked for Tumble. Maybe they protected her too.
I look up at the moon and at my friends again.
If she is alive, then we’ll track her down together too.
Annolette, Yuki, White Knight, Dandy, Glasses Kid, The Static Huntress and others will be returning for The Main Character!: Archetypal Anxiety
Assailant will not be returning
The Main Character!: Archetypal Anxiety 1st chapter releases Fall 2020!
Did you like Racheal and want to see more of her? I know I adore her! If you want to discover what happened to my goth girlfriend after she crossed over to Earth, you can find out in a special chapter!
It's available only in the ebook and print versions of Broad-Spectrum Assassin and to all Patrons as well.
Also if you want to help shape this guardian angel's destiny and support her friends, then join the Patreon subscription. There are bundles of perks!
Oh! If you enjoyed my daddy's story then you'll love the Of The Exps serieis (5 sci-fi/fantasy books are currently available in eBook and print form on amazon).
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Alexander McCarty is an animal born on Earth who actively seeks freedom for his fellow animals. He enjoys watching anime, playing video games, reading books by other independent authors, being an activist, writing anime-style stories, and living a vegan life. Having graduated from college with a focus on Asian and Religious Studies, he now spends his time as a writer and as an abolitionist vegan advocate. He listens to any and all comments, suggestions, reflections and criticism.
Please contact me with a link to where you placed a review for any of my books (Of The Exps/ The Main Character) and I will answer any single question as one of my characters for FREE. If you do a review (and point out where) in addition to submitting fan art, I will write a FREE short 2–4 page story (with my characters) in a scenario of your choosing. =(:3)*
Bloggers who wish to review Exp 8: Rebellion of the Exps or The Main Character: The Hero's Epic Journey Begins Part 1 or Guardian Angel may request "Review Copies".
Stalker's Special Message
Animals have families just like we do! You wouldn't want to hurt an animal if you didn't have to, right? Great news! You don't have to. You absolutely have the power to live Vegan! Vegan living means no buying animal products whether they are food, clothing or cosmetic related. It also means not supporting places that exploit animals for entertainment like zoos and aquariums. Be my hero by living Vegan and inspiring others to do the same!
If you need resources, the ones below are the absolute best.
In this world there are the victims and the victimizers. If you believe it's wrong to harm the innocent, then don't do it. Animals of all species have cherished families. Freedom is their birthright. I don't want Main's fans to cheer on his heroic acts while hypocritically contributing to needless animal exploitation and death. Be your own hero and live with integrity. Live vegan.
If you need resources, the ones below are the absolute best.
- In Serial1063 Chapters
Edge Cases (Book 1 Complete!)
Rare classes and powerful skills are helpful. Too bad the system doesn't seem built to handle them. What even are all these errors? Our team of outcasts and adventurers will have to rely on their trust - and the bane of all stories, healthy communication - just to survive, let alone understand what the system is doing. Because they're quickly realizing that it's doing something; to people, to monsters, and maybe even to the gods themselves. And their goal isn't just to survive; it's to make things better. It's a good thing they're not doing it alone. --- Edge Cases is an attempt to take the LitRPG genre and the overpowered MCs trope and write a story where numbers aren't everything. Sometimes it takes trust, support, and just a touch of being very, very clever. Expect a mix of action, slice-of-life, friendship, and ominous worldbuilding. Updates M-W-F at 6pm EST. Cover art by Alovck of Artstation, and typesetting by jessessey right here on RoyalRoad.
8 228 - In Serial9 Chapters
Gods and Men: A litRPG Adventure
Hi, my name's Bart but you can call me whatever you want. Anyway, I don't want you to click away from this. Yeah, that's right, follow the sound of my voice and continue reading. Bet you want to know how I got stuck inside of the internet don't you. Well, it is a long and tragic tale that starts very simply. With the release of a game. Not just any game mind you, it was the release of the first ever full dive VRMMORPG, cliche sounding I know but bear with me as I thought the same thing. Any explanation on how it was released is beside the point just know that it was and I, just as any self-respecting gamer would be was extremely fucking hyped for it. The game was called 'Legend Has It' and the allure was that you would get to play as a god or spirit and interact with a vibrant world of NPC's. So I began to play, eager to experience this for myself, little did I know my life would change forever. So sit back, relax and let me regale you on how I got myself stuck in this predicament, for it starts with a boy, a game and a battle between gods. Ominous I know, let's get started.
8 131 - In Serial18 Chapters
Building a nation and make its citizen happy
I just going to enjoy the life in another world
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Sengoku Visions II
Tamara Swift again finds herself thrown into an obscure reality, but this time she lands far from the sanctuary of Kai Province. Struggling to cope in the face of terror, she closes her mind and crushes her heart, but will the process end up destroying her? A mysterious woman, the lure of battle, and her beloved Saizo lost to her, Tamara rushes headlong towards a dark fate. There is only one who can save her, only one who can return her heart.
8 100 - In Serial50 Chapters
Unleashed ↠ Elijah Mikaelson
"Are you mental? We have locked these kinds of people here for hundreds of years for a reason""I know; but she is our last resort"In the years when New Orleans had been under the control of the Mikaelson's, the city had been split into the different supernatural factions; sending everything into chaos. In a desperate bid to gain the upper hand and/or form alliances, Elijah and his family sought to find the kind of people nobody ever talks about.They stumbled upon only one though; a witch who could not practice magic unless she took it from another. She had been pushed out into the outskirts of the town for being different. However; that was not the only reason, and the Mikaelson's would not find out until it was much too late.Now, with a combined threat to the Mikaelson family, they need to make the decision whether it's worth risking unleashing what they have locked away for years to finally defeat their enemy.Cover by @-scarspetrova
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Soulmates/ Jolby
Colby Brock has known he's a werewolf since he was eighteen, and ever since his father told him the news he has been anxious to meet his mate. A mate, the reason for every werewolf to live. What happens when Colby discovers that his mate has always been around? How will Colby's mate react?
8 139