《The Fiery Fox》Interlude - The Creatures of the Forest


An excerpt from "The Creatures of the Forests: Emerahl" by David Flattenborough

first draft

Blah blah, narration on learning about creatures of the forest. Blah blah about being so many we can't cover 'em all or you'd be reading for a week straight so we cover the big boiz(?), say sum(?) about king of forest but not literally becuase no one animal could ever hope to rule Emerahl. Except there are dragons, but we'll talk about them another time.

Yes John we'll revise that, this is just the first draft and I don't want to waste time at the moment, and you don't need to scribe everything I say, only the points relevant to the book.

The strongest of the magical animals in the forest, the "big critters" so to speak, are the Firefoxes, Dream Owls - also known as Reapers by most other races - Shadowfoxes, Phoenixes, Unicorns, Demon Bears, and Ghost Wolves, also known as the pirates of the forest.

Firefoxes are the masters of the flames of the world. Almost all Firefoxes live in the Emerahl.

Firefoxes are born with one tail. As they age and gain stronger control over their flames they evolve and grow more tails, with nine tails being the maximum. There have been very few Firefoxes throughout history with nine tails.

It's interesting to note that the tails they grow aren't based on their age. Firefoxes typically follow a respected culture based on their number of tails, and it's quite possible for a Firefox to never reach anywhere near nine tails. The general average number of tails at a Firefoxes death are seven, but it's interesting to note most Firefoxes won't grow another tail with the final fifty years of their death, which is to say Firefoxes generally live most of their lives with four to six tails.

There has been speculation that a larger number of tails will add to a Firefoxes lifespan, but this is pure speculation. To this day nobody has been able to approximate the lifespan of a Firefox, and as such it is currently listed as 100-1000 years.

It's worth knowing the Firefoxes are sometimes known as the Enigma of the forest, for each one varies greatly in personality, and we know so little of them other than their absolute control over fire.


Dream Owls are masters of space and the mind, at least that's what we think. Often called Reapers by humans and most other races, because they seem to kill for little reason if irritated. Most of the other magical creatures are more forgiving and it would take a large offence to spark a rage, other than those magical creatures who have a great vendetta against a race.

As a result of the reapers reaping there is limited knowledge on them.

I personally find the title somewhat innacurate, for although the creatures are incredibly deadly they seem somewhat more difficult to anger.

I deeply suspect that lying is what causes them seething rage, but this is purely personal speculation based on personal experience and it should not be treated as word of law.

The Dream Owls are quite respectful and proper in their ways, and intriguing beasts with a deep want of knowledge that matches the most devout human scholar.

Although, personal anecdotes are not anymore accurate than the information learned from the masses, as such if you meet a Dream Owl you should be respectful, do not lie, and attempt to depart from them as quick as possible without causing offence.

Shadowfoxes are similar in a way to Firefoxes but with flames that embody darkness and cold, rather than light and heat.

Shadowfoxes are denizens of the dark and generally despised by the other magical animals, MISTAKENLY, as they're actually very friendly. This is common knowledge amongst humans. It's a most interesting factoid.

Human forays into magical animal politics was met with a brick wall, including any attempts at changing the hate towards Shadowfoxes. It's unsure if this is because the Elders of the magical beasts are aware of something we humans are not, or perhaps only the younger generation holds this deep hate towards the Shadowfoxes.

Do you think that makes sense John? Is it easy to understand. No matter, I suppose we can always revise it. Let's continue.

Phoenixs are tricky and playful. All races of the world, magical and non, have yet to pinpoint what makes a Phoenix a Phoenix. No John, lighting any bird on fire doesn't make it a Phoenix.

I thought you graduated from the School of Study on Magical Beasts and Otherkin? Nevermind. Now where was I. Ah yes,


Masters of the fire of life, Phoenix are suspected to be able to live forever. The Queen of the Phoenix race, Phoenix, is rumoured to be millions of years of age; because she claimed she was herself. At least the earliest records we have in history of the Queen of the Phoenixes are of the same Phoenix, Phoenix.

There has been debate that a Phoenix, when rebirthed from their ashes, is effectively born completely anew and their lifespan is renewed. This hypothesis is generally accepted among the majority of scholars as accurate, however it is also acknowledged that this would mean a Phoenix upon rebirth is effectively as strong as a newly ascended Phoenix. The problem with this is the strongest Phoenix rules the Phoenix race, this is known because Queen Phoenix told us herself. Upon rebirth she would be at her weakest, and surely overthrown by other Phoenix.

I speculate this is a mystery that will remain unsolved for the ages, as it has remained unsolved for thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years.

Unicorns are odd creatures. They seem to be incredibly united, undyingly loyal to their leader.

As a result Unicorns have a tendency to go through extreme changers when a new leader emerges from the pack, as their word is law.

Each new leader is always followed by a change in the ways Unicorns act and how they interact with other races, whether magical beast or not.

We know nothing at all about Unicorns' lifespan, whether or not they can truly die as there is much speculation that they are immortal, and also where they live.

To date, most "information" on Unicorns is purely speculatory in nature.

There are claims that Unicorn horns carry great benefits to people, but there is no proven cases of using a Unicorn horn for anything.

The only thing we know for certain about Unicorns is that they are incredibly strong creatures with great prowess over magic. It's certain that they have a control over space that rivals Dream Owls, albeit they are completely different kinds of control over spacial magic.

It's also known for certain that Unicorns are masters of Ancient Magics, and as a result it is advised to never attempt to fight a Unicorn.

There is a popular child's tale that talks of a human that angered a Unicorn greatly. The subsequent curse put on him ultimately brought about the downfall of City Green, now known as the Cursed Green.

Demon Bears are very protective of their young, called Demon Bears because when enraged they transform and turn into "demons".

Supposedly, have demonic blood in them.

This has forever remained a point of contention among scholars from all races, as it has yet to be proven and Demon Bears when questioned, fall into a great rage and transform. This has been the driving point behind scholarly factions claiming they have demonic blood in them.

I suspect it might be a piece of Ancient Magic, or perhaps they're related to Werecreatures, but I would never dare ask a Demon Bear for I quite enjoy living.

They're frank and straightforward creatures, and dislike mischevious activity, which brings them into conflict with mischevious beasts, such as Ghost Wolves.

Ghost Wolves are ghostly haha! I thought that was funny John.

Ghost Wolves, also known as the pirates of the forest.

Masters of stealth and seemingly barely real. These creatures are, in a way, similar to owls and shadowfoxes but different still. Shadowfoxes can literally consume light and alter the world.

According to Great Mages, Ghost Wolves literally skirt reality. Nobody knows, yet, how they do this. They are a most mischevious creature, more intent on causing chaos over anything else.

Ghost Wolves and Demon Bears don't like each other much due to the mischevious nature of the Wolves and the upright nature of the Bears.

Wolves normally move in packs. They are one of the few races that will fight amongst themselves over virtually nothing; almost all other magical beasts will only have a conflict among themselves if there's a great reason behind it.

I think we'll leave it there for today John, I'm parched. Would you like to join me for some mead at Scholar's? Wait, are you still writing? I told you to only take down what's relevant to the book, why are you writing quicker now, this is part of what is not relevant! Don't write faster, stop writing! Honestly, John.

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