《Magic Zero》Chapter 02: His Status
Light shines through the opening of the ceiling and glitters float in the air as light was reflected by the dust particles.
Dust particles continued to circle around the Sacred Palace even though the chaos from the summoning has already died down.
The summoning of the Hero was a success.
There were two figures in the middle of the platform.
Nia and the summoned Hero.
Nia didn't move and only stared at his hand extended to her.
She was too surprised to even think what she should do.
The white-haired Hero smiled awkwardly and began retracting his hand.
"Oops, seems like my hand was not needed..."
"Just as I thought, you-"
And it seems like he has reached some sort of conclusion about her.
"Wait, don't misunderstand!"
Scared that he thinks she's a weird woman, Nia quickly grabbed his hand to get up.
"Hm, misunderstand?"
"Yes, whatever you are thinking now is totally wrong."
"Oh, I see."
Nia was relieved because the white-haired Hero was an understanding person.
"Here I thought you were just an unfortunate girl who tried to teleport me here but was pinned down by your sister and because she still failed to stop the teleportation so I am here which leads to the current situation where you are too surprised to move an inch."
"Since that was my misunderstanding then, in the end, you are just a weird girl with that sort of fetish."
"Wait, just how amazing is your imagination? I don't even know whether to compliment you or to call myself stupid."
Then Nia made a forced smile while one of her eye brows was twitching.
"But I must hear what sort of fetish did you think I have?"
Not noticing her angry tone, the white-haired Hero answered her calmly.
"A floor fetish."
"A floor fetish?"
It was an unexpected answer.
"A person who loves the floor so much that when the person gets on the floor he will go 'Haa, haa. Floor my waifu.' and do some other dangerous things."
“There’s no way such ridiculous person could possibly exist!”
And I didn’t even do anything weird to the floor!
Having heard Nia’s response, the white-haired Hero shook his head.
"Don't underestimate this vast world. There are many different kinds of people in this world and we could get many different kinds of perverts in this world."
"Just what are you saying?"
"I meant to say that I wouldn't be surprised to see one or two perverts panting on the floor as I walk through the street."
"I will be totally surprised and will not hesitate to call the guards to arrest anyone panting the floor."
"Hey, don't be like that. People have the rights to enjoy what they enjoy."
"First think about the law before that!"
"Law exist to be broken"
"Guards, arrest this lawbreaker!"
"Wait, I haven't done anything!"
"Your intention was clear enough."
"What, you saw through what I was thinking this whole time?"
The white-haired Hero was surprised just like someone has seen through his thought.
"Things like ‘because this is the different world from mine so I could go into a brothel without any legal issues’ or ‘because this is a different world then it’s very common to find big-breasted women walking on the street’!"
"Guards, take this thing to the cage it belongs to!"
"Wait, am I being treated like an animal? Hey, am I seeing it wrong? Your eyes look totally serious."
By this time the Sacred Palace has become clearer as the dust was mostly dispersed.
Nia saw there were many onlookers gathering at the entrance.
The guards and the servants came to see for themselves the cause that opened up a hole in the castle.
They were surprised to see the fourth princess of Yuvian standing with a man in strange clothing underneath the said hole and Princess Sherri was shaking the shoulders of the unconscious Hero, Kazehaya Shinji, by the side.
Nia realized she needs to get to the point with her Hero otherwise the onlookers will misread the situation.
"I am running out of time so let's stop this pointless discussion."
"Don't call it pointless... Hm? Hoh, I see what you mean."
The white-haired Hero gave a quick look at the entrance and was able to grasp the current situation.
This made things easier for Nia.
"I'm glad you understand. Now I let me tell you who you are-”
"Hey, there's no need for someone else to tell me who I am. I don't have amnesia."
"Wait, that's not what I mean!"
Scared the white-haired Hero might misunderstand her again, Nia decided to get straight to the point.
"You are a Hero summoned by me and your power is needed to save our world!"
"Oh, that I already know."
It was yet another unexpected response.
"Why are you so surprised?” The white-haired Hero also did not expect Nia’s surprised expression. “I thought you already know I'm a Hero of the past."
"But according to the records none of the Heroes should know... Hm, 'of the past' ?"
Nia picked up something weird in his words.
The white-haired Hero’s mood became even better because she noticed the key points in his words.
He laughed.
"Hahaha, that's right! I'm a great Hero in my past life!"
He declared as loud as he could and he swung opened his black coat with his bandage covered right arm in an exaggerating manner.
"Behold the reincarnation of the mighty Hero, 'Dark Ice Master'!”
All the onlookers, who were confused at first, were dumbfounded by the terrifying name.
But the white-haired Hero did not stop at this point.
“After regaining my memory, I have remembered I once fought in a world dominated by dragons."
He looked up as if staring over a distance and began recalling the incident.
"Brave warriors fell one after another as they challenged the mighty creatures and the human race was on the verge of extinction."
He clenched his fist.
"Because of my enormous magic power, I have promised my loved one not to fight as many deaths will result. But I decided to break the oath and join the battle to aid the humans."
He then placed his left hand over his eye-patch covered eye.
"The battle was tough and I wouldn't have won if I wasn't chosen to be the master of ‘The Eye of the Wicked' which holds most of my magic power. Even though it’s strange but I am still chosen to be its owner even after I was reincarnated to the current world..."
Everyone quietly listened to his story and were all amazed to see a living legend right before their eyes.
A man who challenged dragons.
A man with enormous magic power.
A savior!
Under normal circumstances, the onlookers would not have bought his story.
Their strong impression of him came from his appearance after the large red pillar that not only pierced the ceiling of the Sacred Palace but the sky.
His story was further made believable with the famous Hero of Yuvian, Kazehaya Shinji, lying unconscious next the unknown man.
Though, there was one person with a different view on this white-haired Hero.
Nia did quietly listened to his story like the rest of the onlookers.
She totally understands what he was talking about and the reason he brought it up.
She once has picked this knowledge up from the records about the Heroes from the country called Japan.
The white-haired Hero continued to talk about his amazing powers and achievements but he failed to realize the dead stare from Nia.
"...Unfortunately my current body cannot control the power of the Eye so I sealed it with this sacred artifact tha- H-Hey, wait, stop pulling my eye-patch! I won't be able to control this power without my eye-patch!"
"You just called it an eye-patch did you not? So it is not an artifact but just a normal eye-patch! Hurry up and take it off so we can stop your out of control delusion!"
"Watch your manners when you talk to this mighty Hero ‘Chaos Night Knight‘! My carefully thought setting isn't just a delusion!"
"At least be consistent with your setting! And wait, you just admit that all of those stories were just your setting! So you are just like those chuunibyous who always drown themselves in their childish fantasies!"
"Chuuni-what? And wait, I don't want to be called childish by some brat like you!"
“W-What?! A-a BRAT?!”
Nia was shocked to be called a brat.
Then her face quickly turned red in anger.
"You dare call me a brat! I will have you know that I have already turned fourteen!" She proudly placed her hand on her chest and declared, "Now, as a full grown adult, I am blooming with features of a fine woman."
"No, before you call yourself a woman don't you think you are still lacking in some departments? Like your flat ches- Toh!!"
A fist landed heavily on his stomach.
The impact forced the white-haired Hero to collapse on his knee.
As a natural response, he wrapped his abdomen with his arm.
Meanwhile, Nia…
"Oh, my. I think my hand just slipped. Please forgive my clumsiness, Teh Hee."
…stuck her tongue out with a cute expression while she swung her left hand up and down.
The white-haired Hero, slowly, looked up at her with a weak smile.
"Before I make a comment about your punch, there are some things I wanted to ask."
"Hmph, go on."
"Why is my vision covered in blood red stains?"
"H-Huh?!" Nia was shocked. “Does it not mean…”
‘Your HP is critically low?’ was what she was about to say.
But before she could finish the sentence, the white-haired Hero says something even more shocking:
"Why am I also seeing my grandfather waving his hand on the other side of a river?"
"Hey, don't fall asleep! Wake up!"
Nia, also got on her knees, grabbed his collar and raised her left hand high up in the air.
*Pachi* *Pachi*
MESSAGE Slap deals 2 damage
Slap deals 1 damage
"Oh, no! I totally forgot our level difference!"
"Aaah, even grandmother is also there... Okay, I will be right there..."
"Wait, don't follow them!"
Nia doesn't know what to do anymore and wrapped her arms around his head to support him.
Tears began to flow down her cheeks.
"A healer! A priest! Someone please help him!"
"So I'm going to die soon... Haa, dying in the arms of a young girl... I have no regrets..."
The white-haired Hero rests his head in between Nia's breasts.
"Tsk, only if this brat's bewbs are bigg-"
MESSAGECritical hit!
Fist of the Judgement deals 24 damage!
The Unforgivable Pervert was defeated.
Gain 30 Exp.
Gain 0 Gold.
The white-haired Hero collapsed on the ground.
Nia placed her right foot on the white-haired Hero’s head and raised her left fist high up in the air.
It was her victory pose.
“Please refrain from doing such things again, Princess Nia.”
“I apologize for my actions, Arch-Bishop. There won't be next time.”
“Then please stay in your room and wait until the King is ready to have an audience with you.”
The Arch-Bishop left leaving those words behind.
Nia let out a big sigh.
Nia had made a big ruckus in the castle to summon a Hero.
The Arch-Bishop was ‘kidnapped’ and tied up by Ul.
The corridor to the Sacred Palace was remodeled by Ul to contain traps to prevent other people to disturb the summoning.
Then, the summoning created a large red pillar with enough force to punch a hole through the ceiling of the Sacred Palace and knock Kazehaya Shinji out.
In the end, both Shinji and Ul were injured.
The Arch-Bishop was freed by the other women in Shinji’s and Sherri’s party.
Even though the Arch-Bishop has forgave the trouble I have caused but I can sense more trouble coming from the King.
She then looked at the door to her room.
The unconscious white-haired Hero was in her room resting on her bed.
Nia really do mind to have a strange man sleeping on her bed but she was at fault to hit him until his HP ran out so she feel she has the obligation to take care of him.
Aa~aah, now I have done it...
And she also regretted to have knocked him out.
He probably hate me for hitting him.
It will be a big problem if the white-haired Hero does not offer his service as a Hero under her.
What should I really do now?
Nia sighed once again and opened the door.
“Yo, Princess, welcome back.”
The moment Nia entered the room, she was greeted by the white-haired Hero in a care-free manner.
Nia was dumbfounded.
She did not expect to see the white-haired Hero to regain consciousness this quickly and she, also, did not expect to see the said person to be flipping through books on her table.
The white-haired Hero noticed her expression and closed the book in his hand.
“Hey, what's up with that stupid face of yours?” He asked with his head tilted. “Did you eat something that upsets your stomach?”
I feel so stupid to even care about him.
Nia was irritated by the white-haired Hero by causally saying rude things.
But he does not seem to be angry at Nia.
It was as if the fuss this noon between him and her did not happen.
Did I over-think things?
Nia was not able to make a conclusion yet.
She still does not understand how this man thinks.
I know being a chuunibyou he will say strange things.
But his actions are really out of hand!
Nia was really irritated with the white-haired Hero digging through her belongings.
He’s a man and he was in Nia’s room.
A woman’s room.
Shouldn’t he at least show some delicacy?
Nia could not help but ask:
“What are you doing?”
“Reading the books lying around of course. What else do you think I'm doing?”
“That is why I am asking you ‘what you are doing’. Do you not know it is rude to scratch through other people’s belongs?”
“Fufufu. Now that you have asked then I shall answer your curiosity.”
The white-haired Hero grinned.
No, I did not ask you out of curiosity.
Even though Nia kept her retort in her mind, her cold stare was very apparent.
But did not stop the white-haired Hero to flip open his black coat in an over-exaggerating manner.
“I am the possessor of 'The Eye of Madness' and nothing can stop me from my pursuit for knowledge.”
He declared in an arrogant tone with and placed his left hand over his left eye.
“Haa…” Nia let out a big sigh as she took a seat opposite him. “You can stop your inconsistent setting, you know. I already took off your eye-patch and that red lens from your right eye.”
Nia has done some research about chuunibyou's and she knew they will get embarrassed when they were pointed out for being stupid.
Well, not that she has actually seen one but she has seen this type of situation in many black-and-white picture books.
“Oh, is that so?” Unexpectedly, the white-haired Hero was rather calm. “*Phew* I can finally drop this tiring act.”
“If you think it is tiring then do not even start it... Hey, wait! Why are you putting them back on?”
The white-haired Hero grinned after putting on a red lens and eye-patch over his left eye.
“Ha! Don't get me wrong, little Princess.” He said after he placed his bandage covered right hand over his left eye. “The eye-patch and the red lens are both new spares I kept in my pocket.”
“I did not ask you where they came from!”
Suddenly, the door was swung opened and a man covered in bandages, from head-to-toe, quickly rushed into the room.
“Your Highness! There's something I need to tell you!”
“W-What is going on?!” Nia was startled by the unknown intruder. “Wait, this voice. I-is that you, Ul?”
From the voice, Nia recognized this mummy was Ul.
Ul was panting really hard, it seemed like he had ran as fast as he could to get to Nia’s room.
Nia knew Ul was injured when he was holding back Shinji and Sherri from disrupting Nia’s summoning of a Hero.
But, judging from the amount of bandages used, Nia did not know he was this badly injured.
Ul even had his whole face covered in bandages, maybe his heavy panting could partially be caused by suffocation…
Still, Ul should be in the infirmary to recover his wounds which was located far from Nia’s room.
For an injured person to go through all that running means…
There’s an emergency!
“Are you here to report something serious?”
“Yes, Your Highness! The thing I am reporting in is a serious business.”
Ul took his monocle out of his pocket and put it on his right eye.
“I need to tell you that a person needs his character trait at all time.” He placed his right hand over his monocle in a similar manner as the white-haired Hero. “Just like my monocle.”
“That's something I don't need to hear! It’s nothing serious at all!”
“H-How could you say that, Your Highness? Even though I immediately ran from the infirmary the moment you asked the Hero about his red lens and eye-patch.”
“Wait, you heard us talking about it? Just how good is your hearing?!”
Looking at them, the white-haired Hero shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.
“This can't do, you two. There's something very important to discuss so you two can't just fool around.”
“You are the last person I wanted to hear that from!” Nia quickly turned her anger towards the white-haired Hero. “You are the one who is fooling around the most!”
“You don’t get it, do you?” The white-haired Hero pointed at Ul.
“The situation has changed the moment Sebastian came in.”
“It's Ul.” Ul immediately corrected his mistake. “I am sure Her Highness did mention it not too long ago.”
"Oh, okay..."
There was a moment of awkward silence before the white-haired Hero made a soft cough.
He proceeded by patting the top of a stack of books on the table.
“After skimming through all the documents and books in this room, I have one important question to ask and I think it's the perfect time to do so since all three of us are present.”
Having heard that, the other two people agreed to hear what the white-haired Hero has to ask.
“Me, the Hero summoned to this world; Little Princess, the princess who summoned me; and Ul, the butler who serves the princess.”
"It is not Little Princess, my name is Nia." Nia did not hesitate to correct him. “I am sure I have wrote my names on the cover of the books.”
"Oh, okay..."
Wait, even though this is a fantasy world but this girl writes her name on her books?! What is she, an elementary school kid?
Another moment of silent stares occurred in the room.
The white-haired Hero coughed awkwardly after being corrected by Nia and continued as if nothing has happened:
“Now, since all the actors are present…” He’s tone became serious. “I will ask my important question.”
Suddenly, the atmosphere around the room became tense.
Nia gulped at his instant change between his moods.
She's someone who can read the atmosphere after all.
Then, the white-haired Hero pointed at Ul again and asked:
“Why is he also wearing bandages? I mean that's totally overlapping with my character trait! Especially he's got more than I have!”
“Which part of your question is important?! All the build-ups till this point have all gone to waste because of your stupid question! And there’s no way you could come up with a question like that from the books either!”
Nia snapped.
“And wait, did you just say 'skimming through'? Why are you acting as if you knew the world? You didn't even take your time to read the books in the first place!”
Nia began picking up the objects near her and throwing them at the white-haired Hero.
The white-haired Hero dodged them with ease.
"Don't worry, with my 'Eye of Eternity' I can remember all the things I have seen...” And with a small voice, he added: “…maybe..."
"Again with this?! And I heard that! Even if you muttered that I definitely heard you saying 'maybe'!"
“Huhuhu!” Ul laughed. “Don't get me wrong, white-haired Hero. I did not wear the bandages to compete with your character trait.”
He opened his eyes.
“There's no need to get serious when you say something stupid!”
“You were hurt? How?”
Nia and the white-haired Hero asked him almost simultaneously.
“White-haired Hero, do not get jealous when you hear the cause.”
Ul placed his right hand over his monocle, exaggeratedly swung his left arm outwards and declared proudly:
“I was hurt because I got caught by the traps I set!”
“That’s not something to be brag about!”
Immediately, Nia retorted.
And on the other hand…
“Uwah, this butler is weird...” The white-haired Hero gave Ul a look of disgust.
“Do you even have the right to say that?!”
Suddenly, right after Nia’s last retort, a transparent window appeared before her.
MESSAGENia has gained the title 'Master of Retorts'.
It's all thanks to your countless efforts to make this world better.
This title grants you 20% increase towards your retort.
“Just what kind of title is this?! What does the effect even do?”
It seems her retort does not discriminate (due to the 20% increase).
The two other two clapped in delight.
“Looks like you have earned yourself a title. Hm, how should I put it...? Well, good job, Princess.”
“Congratulation in getting a new title, Your Highness!”
“I don't need a title like this!”
Nia threw the message board down and began stepping on it.
The white-haired Hero laughed as he witnessed the scene.
“Haha, you really don't have the atmosphere of a princess.”
“More like, Her Highness acts like a spoiled child.”
She picked up the cracked message board and was about to throw it on them.
The white-haired Hero quickly made a gesture to try to calm her down.
“Hey, it was all a joke. Please calm down and put that thing with sharp edges down. I really do have questions that could only be answered by you.”
“Can I really believe you on this?”
Nia find it difficult to trust this Hero's words because he only say stupid things.
The white-haired Hero noticed this so he gave her a nod with a very serious expression.
Nia sighed from tiredness and put the message board down.
“Haa...Finally we can move on with our important discussions. So what are your questions after all?”
“Ah, it's about the disappointing size of your breas-”
The cracked message board was thrown at him.
A being summoned from Japan, located in a different world, to save this world in the time of crisis.
This world has been thrown into chaos by the Demon King.
Therefore the goal of Heroes are to kill him and stop his evil plans.
“And this is why I was summoned?”
“Yes, we need your power to save the world.”
With a determined face, Nia answered the white-haired Hero’s question.
After calming themselves down, the two finally sat down to explain the purpose of Heroes while Ul serves them tea.
The white-haired Hero sighed:
“I can't really get motivated for such a cliché reason.”
“Huh, what do you mean?”
“Look, the setting of ‘Oh no, the Demon King is going to destroy the world! Please save us!’ setting has been overused by many people already. I mean, can’t we go with something more exciting? Like the Demon Queen asks me ‘Hero be mine!’ and I will say ‘Alright!’, and we take on the world by climbing over a hill.”
“Just what are you talking about?”
“No, it's just me talking to myself. Don’t worry about it.”
The white-haired Hero waved his hand to indicate that he wanted to move on with the topic.
“There's another question I would like to ask.” He pushed towards Nia a book with black and white pictures. “Can you read what's written on this?”
“Of course I can read a manga.” Nia proudly puffed up her modest chest. “I took my time to learn Japanese after all.”
“Oh, I see...” The white-haired Hero nodded with his hand under his chin.
Manga, huh? Comic books from Japan.
And another thing I noticed is…
“The auto-translation for written languages doesn't work backwards.”
“That's not entirely true. It's all because of the blessing bestowed upon you. Just like every other Hero summoned to Yuvian.”
“Hm, is that so…?”
The white-haired Hero doesn't seemed to understand.
Then, Nia explained the concept of the language blessing every Hero possess.
There is only one language being used in this world.
The advantage of this was that everyone will be able to understand each other even if there were racial and cultural differences.
Heroes are beings from a different world.
They acquire a blessing when they are summoned that allow them and this world's residents to communicate verbally, or so-called auto-translation, for both beings.
But the flaw to this blessing was the Heroes being able read the written languages of this world but does not work for the residents if they were to read the languages of the Hero.
Therefore the residents will need to learn Japanese if they wants to read something like a manga or anything from Japan.
“And that's about it.” Nia took a sip of her tea as she ended the explanation.
“I think I saw this somewhere.”
“Yes, it was written in one of my notes.” Nia pouted in disappointment. “But you just skimmed through a person's hard work.”
“Don't worry, Princess.” The white-haired Hero grinned as he placed his hand over his left eye. “I won't forget anything I see with this eye unless I'm not interested in it.”
“I thought we agreed to stop that cheap act.”
The white-haired Hero clicked his tongue when he was coldly brushed off by Nia.
But he does stop his 3rd rate acting.
“But now I have another question for you, Princess.”
“What is it?”
“It's about the Status Plate.”
“Is there anything else you want to know about the Status Plate other than it being able to display a person's personal details and parameters?”
“No, not really. I just wanted to know how people other than you were able to read the names of the Hero?”
According to Nia's paper, the white-haired Hero understands that a Status Plate was the identity card of this world.
Once activated, by dripping a drop of blood on the unused plate, the Status Plate will only display the details of the owner.
The name of the owner will remain in its original form which it came from.
So it's Japanese in the case of the Heroes.
“Don't worry, the Status Plate has an effect to let other people understand its content even if its contents were displayed in a different language.”
“That's very vague.” The white-haired Hero frowned as he was not convinced with such abstracted explanation.
“Well, it is magic after all.”
“Is it really all right to use that as a reason?”
I know this is the world of magic but to use it to explain things like that is a bit…
Even though the white-haired Hero questioned Nia, she gave him an unexpected response:
“Since we are on this topic, why not show me your Status Plate?”
“Ah, you are avoiding my question!” But the white-haired Hero did not buy that. “This means you don't know how this magical-like thing works!”
“S-Shut up!”
*Pon* *Pon*
Nia bang on the table twice to hide her embarrassment.
Her face was red and her actions proved the white-haired Hero was spot on.
“It's not adult-like to nitpick on every small thing!”
“I don't want to hear this from some brat with no manners!”
“S-Some brat... with no manners?!”
Nia slowly raised up from her chair with a shocked expression.
She could not believe her ears.
Then she became angry and slammed the table once again.
“Who are you calling a brat with no manners?!” Her hair was standing up like a cat with its tail stepped on.
“Which princess slams the table like a spoiled brat except for you?” The white-haired Hero pointed a finger at Nia’s nose.
“Uwoooo! It's bent! It's bended in the wrong direction!” He was shocked after Nia twisted his index finger. “What were you thinking, you damned brat? Don't you know it hurts?”
“Hmph!” Nia turned away and ignored his insults.
“Ignoring me now, huh? I see. So not only are your bewbs small but you are also small-minded.”
“H-Hey, leave my chest out of this!” Nia’s face became red. She wrapped her hands around her chest and tried to avoid the white-haired Hero's gaze. “And they are not small you pervert! T-Th-They are still developing!”
“Y-Your Highness!” Ul panickedly called out to her.
Not even waiting for a response from either of the two, Ul quickly fit himself between Nia and the white-haired Hero.
With a determined expression, he loudly declared:
“I will be troubled if your chest develops any further!”
Nia’s fist slammed into Ul’s face and sent him flying.
She did not hear him thanking her because her anger has already reached the point where her small body could not handle.
“You…! You two! ...Waaaah!” And she began to cry.
“Ah, aah… Her Highness is crying…” Ul looked at the white-haired Hero with a ‘shame on you’ expression. “Look at what you have done.”
“Me? Why are you looking me? You were the one who finished her off!”
“You don’t get it do you?”
“Huh, what do you mean by that?”
The white-haired Hero cocked his head.
Ul sighed after seeing his clueless face and shrugged his shoulders.
“The person who dealt the most damage were the one who made Her Highness cry.”
“And that person is you!” Immediately, the white-haired Hero answered.
“Now, you have the responsibility to cheer her up.”
“’Objection’! That’s very unreasonable!”
“Stop yapping and get on with it.”
Ul pushed the white-haired Hero forward.
But he only has a confused expression on his face.
The white-haired Hero looked back at Ul:
“Even if you say so but what am I supposed to do at this point? I don’t know how to stop a br-, a girl from crying.”
“Worry not, you will receive support from my experience.” Ul said softly so Nia does not hear him. “At this moment, you should give her what she wanted to see.”
Really? If you know that then why aren’t you the one doing it?
And even if you told me that, I still don’t know what this brat wants!
The white-haired Hero showed that he has no previous experience with such situation before so he does not know what to do.
Noticing that, Ul used his hands and drew a rectangular shape object in the air.
That was the biggest hint Ul could give.
The white-haired Hero was not an idiot and immediately understood Ul’s hint.
“I see, the thing she wanted the most...”
The white-haired Hero closed his eyes to recall his previous conversations with Nia.
And the most possible answer popped up in his mind.
‘Since we are on this topic, why not show me your Status Plate?’
The white-haired Hero opened his eyes with an expression like an adventurer who found a treasure in a ruin.
That’s right!
That’s what she wanted!
It’s that simple!
Satisfied with the answer he found, he grinned and praised himself a few times for his cleverness.
Then he held out an object with his left hand.
And that object was another spare eye-patch from his pocket.
“Uwoooo! My arm! I heard it crack!”
The cracking sound came from his bone when Ul hit his arm.
Ul gave a smile to the white-haired Hero who was in pain.
“Oh, my. What were you thinking?”
“No, what were you thinking?! Breaking someone's arm so casually!!”
“Please do not get so worked up, I only wanted to return this to you.”
Ul gave the white-haired Hero a Status Plate.
“Hey, I'm sure this was supposed to be in my pocket! You thie-”
“I was sure there should be an unused Status Plate stored on the shelf but now it's gone missing... Should I call the guards?”
“Y-Yes… I totally remembered that I haven't introduced myself! Ahaha, I'm such a klutz!”
After laughing it off, the white-haired Hero hurried to Nia and do what Ul wanted him to do.
“Hey, Princess. Will you stop crying if I show you my Status Plate?”
He lowered his head and asked her in a sincerely tone so she won't feel offended.
She turned her head away.
This brat!!
Being turned away has made him angry... even if it was expected.
That's right, the white-haired Hero expected this to happen and he already have something prepared.
“Not interested? Is that really so? Aw~ what a pity... even though I was going to show you something great.”
Nia said nothing and she showed no interest at all.
But the white-haired Hero does not stop there.
“Oh, I think using the word 'great' is not enough to fully describe this. I mean the stats on my Status Plate is totally amazing.”
He couldn't see her expression with her face turned away but the small tremble of her shoulders betrayed her.
Ha, she took the bait!
“Ah~ aah. Too bad our Princess doesn't want to see this.”
Nia, who has her attention caught, wanted to say something but then stopped by her conflicting thoughts.
After witnessing this, the white-haired Hero laughed a few times in his mind and continued to wear a poker face and pressed on further.
“Well, I guess I will just keep this AMAZING Status Plate a secret so people won't get too AMAZED after looking at it and become too JEALOUS of it.”
“...e see it...”
Nia finally said it!
The moment she saw the white-haired Hero putting his Status Plate into his black coat she decided to swallow her pride, lowered her head and squeezed those words out of her mouth.
But of course, he wouldn't show her so easily after witnessing her action.
This looks fun.
“Eh, did you say something? Sorry, I really didn't hear that.”
Nia's face became a little red and her head lowered a bit further.
It's not like the white-haired Hero asked that on purpose, he really did not hear what she mumbled even though he already knew what she was trying to say.
But seeing how this little girl was behaving he couldn't help but to want to bully her more.
“... me see it...”
“Mn... you spoke too softly... Can you please repeat that?”
Her voice became even softer and to hear her the white-haired Hero, exaggeratedly, lower his body to get his left ear closer to her.
“...Please... can you let me see it... ”
Nia said it with a teary expression because her embarrassment level was over the maximum.
But she still managed to muster her courage and said it loud enough so the white-haired Hero could hear.
That's right, he definitely heard everything she said clearly because he was very close to her.
There was no way he could deny it even if he wanted to press further after looking at Nia's expression.
“Of course, Princess...”
The white-haired Hero has no choice but to answer her.
“You can't!”
“Wow, this is really amazing!”
Nia praised the white-haired Hero after she has taken a look at his Status Plate in her hand.
Standing beside her was the white-haired Hero with a swollen face.
He grinned and rubbed his hands continuously.
“I am glad you like it. Hueheh... Ouch...”
Though the pain from his face really was not laughable.
His tone has become more polite after taking a beating from Nia.
The way he showed Nia his Status Plate was like a salesman presenting an item to his potential client.
“Of course I would like this! Your parameters are way higher than Shinji's when he first started!”
Nia looked down at his Status Plate once again to experience the joyful feeling as if she has hit the jackpot.
NameGuilty Sin Rekaerbwal TitleBearer of Another Eye OccupationHeroRaceHuman Level1HP|MP1/66 | 99/99 Strength68Intelligent57 Vitality102Wisdom96 Agility84Luck10
“Now I can't wait to see Sherri's face when I show her your Status Plate.”
Shinji's parameters were all in the fifties when he first arrived.
Nia's sudden pause caught the other two men’s attention.
They noticed she wore a difficult expression.
“Ah, sorry. I just find it embarrassing to be unable to pronounce my Hero's name.”
“It can't be helped, Your Highness.” Ul, who has taken off his bandages, gave his comment. “Languages from the other world are very different from our own.”
“I know that. But it is incredible to summon a Hero like him so as a princess who summoned him...” Nia looked back to the Status Plate again at the name section. “At least, I need to know how to say his name.”
And she began to read what's written in that panel.
“Guilty Sin Reka... Rekae... Rekaebral...”
But it seem like she failed at doing so.
Seeing her like that 'Rekaerbwal' decided to give her some help.
“Princess, it’s pronounced like this. Guilty Sin Rekaerbwal.”
“Even if made it sound easy. I still do not know how I say it…” Nia sighed. “I know Japan has weird naming sense but your name is really weird.”
“Oh, seems like you can also see the charm of my name.”
“No, I only think your name is hard to pronounce.”
“The double sins in my name enhances the rebellious meaning of my name,” Ignoring Nia’s retort, ‘Rekaerbwal’ started to explain the meaning behind his name. “And putting the last word in the wrong way makes this name even more chaotic.”
“Huh? Rebellious...? Chaotic...? What are you talking about?”
“Hmph, you know what I'm talking about.”
'Rekaerbwal' smirked while looking at Nia as if looking at a comrade.
After a moment of silent treatment, he suddenly blushed and gave her awkward side glances.
“D-Don't make me say such embarrassing things twice.”
“If you feel embarrassed talking about it then don't even start it! And stop wiggling like that! What kind of maiden in love are you...? Wait... the last word of your name...”
Nia suddenly froze for a second as she came to a realization.
He said he put it in the wrong way… as if it’s wrong way around?!
That means!!
“Doesn't that mean your name is just 'Guilty Sin LawBreaker'?!”
“You got it!! Congratulation, Princess!” ‘Lawbreaker’ clapped his hands. “Looks like you have potential to come to my side.”
Nia does not know what he meant by his side.
Though she really does felt stupid for trying so hard in pronouncing his name that was spelt backwards.
“Just what kind of parent would name their son something like that?” Nia asked.
“It’s cool, isn’t it? It's a name I thought up for my fantasy setting.”
“What?! So it was you who came up with that ridiculous name! Why are you introducing yourself with a fake name! And wait, how is it possible that the Status Plate was displaying your fake name?”
“Oh, I found out that the name panel is editable so I decided to change it.” 'Rekaerbwal' scratched the back of his head embarrassingly but a faint smile of joy can be seen on his face. “That's why I wanted to show it to you.”
“That is truly amazing!” Nia was shocked in awe.
This was the first time she ever seen the name on the Status Plate was changed.
Nobody has ever done something like that!
With this discovery alone, Nia was sure this Hero will become famous.
The Hero noticed Nia’s admiring eyes, he became delighted.
“So you also think it’s amazing.” The Hero smiled. “My name that is.”
“No, I was not referring to your name at all. But talking about it, I do want you to do something about that fake name of yours.” Nia gave a smile equivalent to his. “Please, change it back.”
“I said change it back!”
“You can't just do that!” The Hero was desperate, it almost felt like he was begging for his life. “You can’t do that to my five minutes of hardship to come up with a name that legit!”
“It really does not sound like you put any effort into that name at all! And even if it's five hours of your hardship, I will still make you to change it.”
Nia gave the white-haired Hero's Status Plate back to him.
“Or else that name will remain a laughingstock in our history for at least a century and you will die from embarrassment even if you are living your afterlife.”
“It sounds weird the way you say it but I think I get your point.”
The white-haired Hero operated on his Status Plate and, in no time, he handed it to Nia.
“There, Princess. I've changed it back just as you have requested.”
“Thank you. I'm glad you understand...”
Feeling relieved, Nia looked at the change at the name panel.
NameThe World Ender, Armageddon TitleBearer of Another Eye OccupationHeroRaceHuman Level1HP|MP999/999 | 999/999 Strength999Intelligent999 Vitality999Wisdom999 Agility999Luck666
Nia angrily threw the Status Plate on the table.
“Did you really understand what I just told you?!”
“Of course I do.” 'Armageddon' picked up his Status Plate and returned it to Nia. “I changed it back like you told me to do.”
“Then tell me why is the name panel displaying another ridiculous name on the same level as Guilty Sin Lawbreaker?”
“It's Guilty Sin Rekaerbwal.”
“Like I care!”
“Well, you see, 'Armageddon' was the first name I came up with before 'Rekaerbwal'.”
“Are you kidding me…” Nia felt like she was about to faint. “At least come up with a normal name!”
Nia gave another glance at the Status Plate.
She was even more shocked to have found something even more ridiculous than the fake name.
“Why did the parameters change as well? Just how are you doing this? This is ridiculous!”
The change in name displayed on the Status Plate was already shocking enough and now even the parameters displayed also changed.
And of course only one person in the room knows the reason for that.
“Huh, what's ridiculous about that?” 'Armageddon' gave her a look as if such ridiculous thing was a common occurrence. “Doesn't the parameters change to fit the name of the person?”
“There's no such convenient thing in this world!”
“What, there isn't?!” 'Armageddon' drooped his shoulders in disappointment. “And here I thought there was a mistake so I filled it in myself.”
“I know that it's everyone's dream to have an overpowered status but...”
She threw the Status Plate at 'Armageddon'.
“At least show some humbleness for being a Level 1! What’s with the incredibly high parameters?”
“Hey, there's nothing wrong with Armageddon being a little rule-breaking. Right?”
“Parameters of 999 is a little rule-breaking?! That's a lot more rule-breaking than Lawbreaker!”
“Hey, did you notice only my luck is not 999?” 'Armageddon' became excited at this topic. “Want to know the reason why my luck is at 666?"
“I see...” He was depressed to be immediately shot down by Nia. “Lets go back to the topic. Armageddon is someone who can destroy the world.”
“No, this is not the topic we should go back to. And plus, by coming up with a name does not grant you the ability to destroy the world.”
"Haa, you don't get it do you?" He sighed as he shook his head. "Well, I don't expect a small girl like you to understand the romance of teenage boys going through puberty."
"Say what?!"
Nia was irritated by his impolite tone and raised her fist.
Afraid to once again experience the near death situation, 'Armageddon' lift both his hands up to stop her from delivering that deadly physical attack (fist).
"Okay, okay! I-I get it! I just need to change the Status Plate back to the original, right?"
He quickly operated on the Status Plate and gave it to Nia.
"Now, there shouldn't be any problem with my Status Plate." He said with a confident smile.
The Status Plate with his real stats were:
NameMyst TitleBearer of Another Eye OccupationHeroRaceHuman Level1HP|MP#$%^&^%$#@ Strength@%#%&%$Intelligent+=*^%##@ Vitality&%$&$#==Wisdom@#[email protected]$^&$ Agility+_%#$%##Luck#$%^&^$$^#&*
"Who are you kidding?!" Nia snapped. “There’s nothing but problems on this!”
"Wa-Wait!" 'Myst' held out his hand to prevent Nia from executing her deadly punishment. "I'm sure the Status Plate is displaying my real name so why are you still angry?"
“If that is really is so,” Nia closed in on him. “Then where is your family name?”
“It’s true that my given name is Myst!” Myst answered wholeheartedly. “I hid my last name just for some privacy.”
“I see, I can overlook that.” Nia dropped her fist. “And what about the other things?”
"The other things?"
"The parameters! I'm talking about the parameters!"
Nia pointed at the fields on the Status Plate that does not seemed normal.
"What are you planning to do with a Status Plate if we can't even see its parameters?"
"Ah, don't worry. It's not like the Status Plate is broken."
Myst took out from his pocket a pen filled with black ink.
He spun the pen with his left hand as he explains.
"The parameter areas are just badly smeared with this one's ink. So it will be fine once we wiped the ink off the Status Plate."
"Then why did you not do it in the first place?"
"Ahaha! I would've done that if I could.
“Huh, what do you mean?"
Seeing the confused face of Nia, Myst decided to do more practical explanation.
He took the Status Plate from her, pulled out the lid of the pen and scribbled on the Status Plate.
“Well, we call this pen a permanent marker in our world. By permanent marker we mean...” He wiped the surface of the plate and showed Nia the result. “I can't wipe off things written with this pen.”
“Then stop adding more to the Status Plate!”
A fist landed on Myst's face!
The impact shot him flying into a wall and the only thing left behind was his Status Plate.
His head landed the floor, stream of blood was gushing out like a fountain.
Nia was not worried about Myst but rather the Status Plate lying on the floor.
“Just what are you doing to the important artifact of this world?!”
Nia shouted angrily at Myst while wiping the surface of the Status Plate with the sleeve of her white dress.
It seems like she really cared for the Status Plate as she paid no mind to the black stains appearing on her sleeve.
Then a voice came from behind her.
“If I may, Your Highness.”
Looking back, Nia saw the owner of the voice was Ul.
Ul, who was quiet this whole time, offered to clean the Status Plate.
“I have spoken to the other Heroes before, thus I know a way to deal with this type of situation.”
Ul gave an assuring smile.
Nia decided to hand the Status Plate over to Ul after seeing that smile of his.
He may be a fool all the time but at times like this he does show his capability as my butler.
“Your Highness. I am done.”
“That was fast!”
Nia was surprised at the unexpected speed at which Ul was able to complete his task.
Taking that as a compliment, Ul gave a smile of satisfaction in return.
“It is only natural as a butler to achieve the best result in the shortest time.”
Ul gave a slight bow as he handed the Status Plate to Nia.
PantyPanty PantyPanty PantyPantyPantyPanty PantyPantyPantyPanty PantyPantyPantyPanty PantyPantyPantyPanty PantyPantyPantyPanty
“Just what sort of result are you trying to achieve?!”
A fist in the stomach sent Ul crashing into the wall and landed next to Myst.
Even though Ul thanked her but Nia did not hear it because she was distracted by the content Status Plate.
“What is this I'm seeing?! A ritual for conjuring? Just what are you trying to conjure?!”
“Huh? That was strange. ” Ul, up on one knee, held a permanent marker in his shaking hand. “I thought the problem would be fixed if I write something more noticeable than the mess.”
“What you must fix is the mess in your thinking! And don't join the other idiot in scribbling on the Status Plate!”
“It seems like I was the curse from this permanent marker.”
“That's not a good enough reason to write another curse on the Status Plate!”
“No, you are wrong about that Your Highness. What I have written was not a curse but...”
Ul opened both his eyes as he declares.
“My regret for being able to retrieve Your Highness’s freshly-washed panty that was carried by the wind today!!”
“Don't shout something like that aloud!”
A foot was driven into Ul's face to shut him up.
When Ul was thanking Nia for the special treatment, she was called by the other man lying on the floor.
“Hey, Nia.” Myst turned his head to see her. “I suggest I activate another Status Plate since the current one is beyond fixable. ”
“It's all thanks to you two idiots!”
Nia glare daggers at Myst who proposed an alternative solution.
Myst felt chills coming down from his spine.
He even jumped up, literally, from her stares.
“Woah, calm down. We can't go anywhere if we keep circling around same problem.”
Nia paused a bit because she also think Myst was correct.
They have been on the same problem for a while now and nothing could be done because the other two idiots were just fooling around.
Then, after a sigh, Nia decided to accept Myst's suggestion.
“Even though it is a bit of a waste but I guess it cannot be helped.”
“Then please wait a moment.”
Myst found another empty Status Plate and placed it on his forehead.
The Status Plate was then activated by absorbing the blood running down his forehead.
After the activation process was completed, Myst handed the new Status Plate to Nia.
“Here, it's all done.”
“Something wrong?”
Did you not find it weird to casually use your blood from your bleeding forehead?
“It's nothing, don't worry about it.”
Ignoring the confused Myst, Nia looked down at the new Status Plate.
And a surprised sound escaped her mouth…
In the throne room.
“I see, so he is also a Magic Zero.”
King Victor Maginus spoke with an indifferent tone.
He yawned and laid back on his throne.
In front of him were five people summoned to have audience with him.
They were Princess Sherri, Hero Kazehaya Shinji, Princess Nia, Myst and Noble Thomas.
They were gathered in the throne room to discuss an unexpected occurrence that happened in the same afternoon.
The summoning of a new Hero, Myst.
Both Ul and the Arch-Bishop were not present, even though they were directly involved in this matter.
Arch-Bishop has excused himself as he was needed to be present for the repairs of Sacred Palace.
So Thomas was summoned in order to hear the matter in his place.
Servants were not allowed to be in the throne room, so Ul was not present and Nia was fully responsible for his actions.
“Not only is he a Magic Zero,” The King adds. “His parameters are also...”
He once again looked down at the Status Plate in his hand.
NameMystTitleBearer of Another EyeOccupationHeroRaceHumanLevel1/1HP|MP66/66 | 0/0Strength3Intelligent0Vitality4Wisdom0Agility4Luck0
“Also near the very bottom.”
At first, the King was excited to hear the phenomenon that occurred when Myst was summoned.
But he became skeptical about it when he heard Myst was knocked unconscious by Nia.
Now, having confirmed the truth about Myst with his Status Plate, the King was very disappointed with Nia.
Nia had remained silent for a long time since the start of the meeting.
She was the first one to find out about Myst’s stats.
Nia couldn't find any words to respond to the King and kept her head down unable to face him.
Nobody could see the expression on her face but one can see both of her trembling hands gripping tightly on her white dress.
She felt the atmosphere in the silent throne room was heavier than usual.'
What should I do next?
Earlier, Nia did mention Myst’s finding of editable name field on the Status Plate.
But the King was more concerned about Myst’s stats.
Then the silent was broken by a laughter.
“Hahaha! A Magic Zero summoning a Magic Zero?” Sherri laughed. “Don't you think it makes a lot of sense, Nia?”
Nia didn't respond to Sherri's laughter but only lowered her head further.
Not expecting a reply from Nia, Sherri continued.
“But what surprised me the most was his level.”
On the Status Plate, Myst's level was displayed as 1/1.
This has never happened in Yuvian history.
But since it was displayed in the same format as HP and MP then only one conclusion can be made.
“Doesn't that mean he cannot level up any further? So Nia, what are you going to do about a weak Hero who cannot even get stronger? ”
None of Myst's stats were above 4 and it was recorded in Yuvian history that the average stats of a person should be at least 10.
This makes Myst not only the weakest Hero ever summoned but he became the weakest human among all the residents in Yuvian.
“I believe your Hero will even struggle to complete an F-ranked quest. But compare that with our Shinji here...”
Sherri placed her hand on Shinji's shoulder and leaned a bit closer to him.
“Was able to complete an S-ranked quest with ease!”
“Please don't say that Sherri. It was all thanks to the help with the other girls.”
“Again with your humbleness. Don't forget who was the one standing at the front protecting all of us.”
“Well, because it's a man's duty to protect girls.”
Shinji scratched the back of his head as he became a little embarrassed from Sherri's praise and also his manly declaration.
Upon hearing this topic, the King's expression brightened up and quickly leaned forward on his throne.
"I have heard about this from the representative of the Guild Hall.” The King said. “I was told not only did you manage to clear a mine infested with goblins but also secured new resources for our Kingdom."
The King nodded a few times, he was delighted for the achievement of the Hero serving his Kingdom.
Completing an S-ranked quest was not an easy feat even for experienced adventurers.
For this quest, the mine Shinji came across was infested with goblins numbered in hundreds, almost to a thousand!
It would have taken a troop of soldiers or adventurers to clear the infestation.
But Shinji, along with Sherri and his party, cleared the mine without any additional help.
Nobody has ever achieved that.
The star amongst the Heroes was no doubt Kazehaya Shinji.
"To show my appreciation for your effort for completing an S-ranked quest I would like to grant you a treasured sword of mine."
"Thank you for your reward, King Maginus. But I cannot accept such treasure."
Shinji politely refused the King's offer.
The King was surprised to have his offer turned down.
"Oh, is there something you want instead?" The King asked.
"No, that's not what I meant. I am just doing my duty as a Hero to clear any threat that could harm anyone in Yuvian." He then gave a childish smile. "And plus I already got the reward from the Guild Hall."
His words moved both the hearts of the King and Sherri.
"Shinji..." Sherri gave Shinji a look filled with admiration.
"Gahahaha! That is what a Hero should be like. So if it's you, I wouldn't mind marrying my daughter to you."
"W-Wait, Father! T-This joke isn't funny!"
"Ahaha..." Shinji laughed embarrassingly.
Because of the King's joke, Sherri blushed and her face was bright red.
The King laughed at the reaction Sherri made and Shinji continued to scratch the back of his head out of embarrassment.
Looking at this scene, Myst sighed.
Geez… What is this, a family meeting?
Shouldn’t you guys be doing this when I’m not around?
Then he took a quick glance at Nia.
He could not see her face directly but he did notice her biting her lip.
"Talking about marriage, I have something to announce." The King turned to Nia. "I have agreed with the King of Faramel to marry you to his prince."
"What?!" Nia lifted her head in surprise.
But she wasn't the only who was surprised.
Shinji, Sherri and Thomas were all surprised.
"Ha, haha. Isn't this nice, Nia? Even though you are a Magic Zero but there is still someone willing to marry you!"
Sherri was the first one to react and placed her hand on Nia's shoulder as she laughed.
And that irritated Nia.
Nia slapped Sherri's hand away and this gave Sherri another surprise.
Then Nia glared at the King furiously.
"Father! That's not what we agreed on!"
"Oh?" The King narrowed his eyes.
"Did you not agreed to let me go on my own adventure if I was able to summon a Hero?"
"Yes, I did."
"Even though I did not use the traditional method but I did summon Myst here to our world through the Ritual of Hero Summoning!"
"But because you did not summon him using the traditional method so I don't recognize him as a Hero."
"What?! You can't just do that!"
Nia was angry at the King's unreasonable statement.
The King sighed and decided to give a proper explanation to justify his statement.
"I have heard you did a lot of research about summoning a Hero. Then you should know Heroes are given Hero's Blessings and their parameters will be higher than our knights of the same level."
Nia nodded.
The King proceeded by holding Myst's Status Plate in her line of sight.
"The Status Plate does not lie so tell me... Which parameters of his are higher than our most untrained knight?"
"Ah..." Nia's face turned pale.
“If his parameters are not higher than our knights then it can only mean he did not receive the Hero’s Blessing.” The King added. “Thus the person, Myst, is not a Hero. And since Myst is not a Hero then you have not meet the condition for me to fulfil-"
Nia shouted and interrupted the King.
Nia was desperate.
She grabbed her dress by her chest to ease her trembling body and shouted with all she had.
"I studied everything I could about Hero summoning! I did what should do for the ritual! There shouldn't be any mistake! i-I- "
"Enough!!" The King shouted.
The King angrily slammed the handle of his throne.
"If that's all you have to say then stay quiet! You are a princess who will be married to the prince of Faramel so behave yourself!"
Tears flowed down Nia's cheek.
Pain and sadness in her heart overcame her when she realized her years of hard work were for null.
She lowered her head once again as an indication that she gave up.
Shinji could not stand from what he was seeing and decided to say something but was stopped by a tug on his sleeve.
He turned to the source and saw Sherri shaking her head which tells him that he should not interfere.
"Is there something wrong, Hero Shinji?" The King noticed his strange behaviour so he asked
"It's ab- I mean, it's nothing." Shinji decided to not say anything.
"Is that so?"
The King nodded and looked at rest of the people.
"Is there anything anyone wished to report?"
No body responded to the King's question.
Ah, aah... It's over.
Even after all the hard work I still ended up marrying someone I don't know.
Becoming property of someone I've never seen before...
Becoming a sacrifice for political purposes.
Nia took a glance at Sherri and Shinji.
In the end I can't be like them.
To adventure around the world and see what many things I have only seen in books...
To experience what you have talked about...
She closed eyes and an image of a long-haired woman came up in her mind.
That woman had a gentle smile.
But all she could do now is wait for the final sentence from the King.
"If there are nothing to report then let's conclude today's-"
"Please wait. Dear Brot- I mean, King Maginus."
An unexpected interruption was done by the man who was quiet the whole time.
"What is it, Thomas?"
The man who interrupted the King from concluding the discussion was no other than the man called Thomas; the little brother of the King.
Thomas was a middle-aged man who wears his noble uniform very neatly.
His composure fits his title as a noble and his expression gives off a calm and dependable aura.
"Before we end I would like to ask if a certain someone would like to add anything?" Thomas said.
"A certain someone?" The King questioned.
"That's right. This person seems to have a lot in his mind during our discussion."
Thomas then turned to Myst.
"Isn't that right, our guest from another world?"
Other people, including Nia, turned their attention to him.
How did I forget? I still have him!
Nia show a small hope of ray that she could grab on.
But in the eyes of other people, they did not see what Thomas has seen.
Myst does not look like he was thinking about anything during their discussion and they expected him to wear a confused expression.
He has an intelligence of zero after all.
But unexpectedly, he grinned.
“Ah, that's right. Of course I have something to say.” Ignoring other people's surprised face Myst looked at the King. “Isn't it mean to just conclude this meeting without considering what I should do from now on?”
And he asked a very selfish question.
I was an idiot to depend on him...
In the end, he's just like the others.
Not noticing Nia who had lowered her head once again, the King responded to Myst's question:
"Ah. I'm sorry, Myst. I forgot to compensate you for Nia's foolishness in bringing you here to our world." The King said in a tone as if he was scolding Nia.
“Of course you have to compensate me for your sorry ass! I am really pissed after-all!” Myst said rudely. “Be sure to give me something good because I know the magic to return me to my world cannot be used if the Demon King is not defeated. So my precious time I could have spent in my world are all wasted here.”
“Y-Yes, of course.” The King frowned.
Even though the King's tone was calm but having seen his forced smile one can conclude he was irritated.
He was definitely not pleased by Myst's tone of voice and attitude in asking for something.
It's not just the King who was irritated but also Shinji and Sherri as well.
Because in their eyes, it seems to them Myst was a thug trying to knock off from the King as much as possible.
The King also noticed that but he still needs to make an offer:
“How about this? I will let you choose any object from my treasure room and also give you enough gold for you to buy a house.”
“Ahn?” Myst made an annoying sound. “What are you talking about? I don't want things like that!”
“What? Is it not enough? Then how about double the amount I just said?”
“You don’t get it, do you? Do I look like some greedy thug in your eyes?” Myst shook his head in disappointment. “What I want is fairly simple.”
In the next moment, Myst grabbed Nia's hand and held it high.
“All I’m asking for is a hand in marriage with your daughter, Nia!”
Everyone present in the throne room shouted in surprise.
And Nia who was on the verge of despair was forcefully knocked back to reality by Myst's statement.
H-Huh, what did he just say?
Did he just asked for a m-m-marriage?! With me?!
And wait, his hand! Let go!
Nia was the first one to break out of their dumbfounded state and tried to swing off Myst’s hand.
But she found out that his grip was really tight and she could not get his hand off.
Seeing this, Myst was about to burst out laughing but endured it and kept a poker face to continue:
“Actually, I was in love with Nia the moment I saw her.” He said with a blush.
He shyly placed his right hand on his chest.
Then he stole a few glance at Nia repeatedly.
What kind of maiden in love are you?!
Please stop! It's disgusting! STOP!
One of the King's eye brows twitched and he tried to keep his calm as much as possible.
“I am sorry, Myst. But perhaps have you not understood what we discussed earlier?”
“That's very rude. Of course I know what you guys were talking earlier. It's marriage, right? I heard you were talking about someone wanting to marry someone so I think I should also tell you my true feeling.”
Okay, this idiot definitely did not understand what we discussed.
I wouldn't even be surprised if he wasn't even listening.
Then, with a voice filled with passion, Myst shouted:
“Please allow me to marry Nia, King Maginus!”
“As a proud noble, there's no ways I will allow that!”
But it was an angry Thomas who responded.
That's right. This person is like that.
Though not many, Nia had met with the Noble Thomas in the past.
To her, Thomas was a strict person who cares a lot about keeping the rules among the royal family and image of the nobles.
Therefore Thomas will not allow the marriage of a royal blood with someone who was not even a Hero.
Thomas, with veins popping out of his forehead, pointed at Myst.
“You fool! Do you think you can just marry the princess like that?” He then pointed at the King. “At least call him Father-in-Law!”
That was the sound of the image of Thomas in Nia's mind shattering.
Eh? Did I hear it wrong?
“I understand.” Myst nodded.
Wait, what did you mean you understand? What did you understand?
Myst looked at the King with a serious face.
“Please, Father-in-Law! Let me marry Nia!”
Stop proposing that with a serious expression! It's embarrassing!
“That's how I like it. I, as a Proud Noble, permits this marriage!”
This person is also hopeless! And why are you the one answering?
“Thomas, you should know I will not allow such marriage.” The King shook his head. “Marriage between a royal blood and a commoner will cause a lot of trouble...”
The King politely disagrees with what Thomas has said.
But that did not stop Myst from pressing on.
"Then how about this, Father-in-Law? Just lend us your back gate, and let me and Nia elope together. I'm sure it won't be too much of a trouble just by doing that."
No, you are causing enough trouble just by doing that. And that's not something you should be asking your Father-in-Law!
"Fool! Do you think I, as a proud noble, will permit that?” Thomas roared. “None of the nobles and royal bloods should take actions that are unseemly to the public!"
Isn't it? Even for you eloping is a bit too much.
Thomas became even more eager and stood between the King and Myst.
"We nobles do things proudly so if you want to elope then do it through the front gate!"
You are focusing on the wrong problem!
"Father-law! Please lend me your front gate!"
Whether it's the back gate or the front gate, eloping is a no!
"I, as a proud noble, allow you to use my estate's front gate."
He’s not even asking you! And what's the point of using the front gate of your estate?
"Alright, thank you very much."
Eh, you are going to use it? Just what are you using it for?
"Enough with this foolishness!!"
The King slammed the handles of his throne.
His voice filled the throne room which stopped the chaos Myst and Thomas were making.
It also made Shinji and Sherri snap out of their dumbfounded state.
Seeing that he was also at fault, Thomas lowered his head as an apology and went back to his previous position.
When everything has calmed down the atmosphere in the throne room became heavy again.
The King was the one who broke this silence.
"Thomas, because of your position as a noble I would like to not act like that again."
"Yes, certainly."
The King then turned to Myst.
"Judging from your foolish action just a moment ago, it's safe to conclude that you really have nothing to say. I am correct?"
"Of course."
The King sighed and pressed his hand against his forehead to ease his headache.
"I only have a question to ask."
He was surprised by Myst's sudden add-on.
"I-is that so? Then please ask away."
This time the King did not try to put on a smile and his tone made it apparent that he was irritated.
His bad mood was made even worse when he saw the grin on Myst's face.
"Then please excuse my bad manners."
Suddenly, the Status Plate in the King's hand disappeared and then it re-appeared in Myst's hand.
Everyone in the throne room was surprised and their eyes were widened for a moment.
The disappearing and appearing Status Plate was a magic of the Status Plate.
Even though it was not well-understood at the current time but its basic principle was to allow its owner to retrieve the Status Plate even when it's not in the view of the owner.
For storage purposes, the Status Plate also have the magic to make it disappear into nothing and re-appear if the owner wish to do so.
Therefore, even a Magic Zero using this magic was possible because the magic was provided by the Status Plate itself.
What surprised the other people was not Myst using the magic but instead he was able to use it without trouble.
Myst only came to this world for not even more than half a day and being able to master such magic seemed impossible.
Ignoring the doubtful looks everyone was giving him, Myst proceeded with his question with the King:
"If I recalled correctly, you said I'm not a Hero and you also added that the Status Plate doesn't lie."
He then approached the throne and placed his foot on the throne.
This unexpected action further surprised everyone and their eyes widened even further.
Myst, using that same foot as support, lean his body forward and looked down at the King with his only available red eye; he brought his Status Plate closer to the King and pointed at the occupation field.
"How would you explain this?"
It was a simple question.
Even though it was a simple question but the King was not able to answer it.
Also, the King could not answer him because his mind was filled with fury towards Myst.
There were many actions that Myst has taken were beyond bad manners.
Nia's face became blue, Thomas' eyes were just wide open in surprise, and both Sherri and Shinji became angry.
Shinji was the one who expressed his anger first.
"What do you think you are doing? Take your foot off the throne! Show some respect to King Maginus!"
"Don't bother wasting your time on this, Shinji. His action is an assault towards Father and I will call the guards to arrest him!"
"Wait, Sherri. I wouldn't like to see a fellow Japanese ending up in the prison on his first day in this world."
Shinji placed his hand on Sherri's shoulder and gave her his charming smile.
"Can you let me talk to him first?"
"Shinji... Mn, I understand."
Sherri nodded.
Shinji then proceeded by grabbing Myst's left hand.
"If you still think yourself as a Japanese man then stop being disrespectful. You are embarrassing yourself!"
"Embarrassing myself, huh?” Myst repeated what Shinji told him then, “Pfft... Ahahaha!!"
Myst burst out laughing.
Shinji was surprised by him.
"What's so funny?"
"I was just wondering why you are so upset over this." Myst put his leg down. “I’m sure I was not doing anything that should make you mad.”
"You think you are not doing anything wrong? Think carefully what you have done! So far, all you have been doing is being rude to King Maginus! Show some respect!"
"Nonono, I think you’ve misunderstood this whole situation here. I am showing respect to this old man over here." Myst smirked. “I’m treating this old man like how he treats me.”
“What do you mean by that?! King Maginus is treating you with kindness! He is even giving you gold and treasure as compensation for Nia-chan’s mistake!”
"You think giving me money and a place to stay while sitting up there, acting all high and mighty, is showing kindness then I don’t know what ‘kindness’ means anymore. Plus the time I waste in this world cannot even be bought back with the money he gives!" Myst spat. “Furthermore, if it was the mistake Nia made then shouldn’t she be the one compensating m- UWAH!”
Suddenly, Shinji grabbed the collar of Myst's black coat.
“You have taken this joke of yours too far!!” Shinji shouted angrily. "Don't you know there things that shouldn't be taken lightly? Like you putting your foot on King Maginus' throne and the thing about Nia-chan's marriage!"
Even though Shinji was angry already but Myst only has a relaxed smile on his face which pissed Shinji off even more.
"Calm down, calm down. The question I asked the King wasn't a joke you know. Hey, King Maginus."
"What is it?" The King said without hiding his anger.
"Are you ready to give an answer to my question?"
"About that, huh.” The King sighed. “I believe I have said it clear enough that your parameters are not up to the standards of a Hero."
"Not up to the standards? You mean being stronger than a knight of the same level?"
"That is correct."
"Then that's easy to solve. I just need to challenge a knight to a duel."
"You said it didn't you? If I can prove I'm stronger than a knight of the same level then it means I'm a Hero, right? If that's not enough then you can even bring out the Knight Leader, I wouldn't mind fighting someone strong."
"N-No, we cannot allow that. It's good that you are confident about your ability but our knights have duties of their own. So I would like it if you do not waste their time."
"I see... pretty straight forward aren't you?"
The King sighed in relief when Myst accepted his objection on Myst's idea.
But that relief only lasted a short while.
"Then..." Myst looked at Shinji as he pushes Shinji's hand away from his collar. "How about me fighting him?"
"Can you stop overestimating yourself?"
It was Sherri who replied instead.
"Just from looking at your stats there's no way you can defeat a knight and let alone challenging Shinji to a duel. Shinji, just ignore this imbecile and his stupid games. He is not worth your time!"
"Of course he isn’t." Shinji smiled.
He seemed as if he agreed at Sherri’s suggestion.
Myst shook his head and sighed.
“Really, do I really have wager something to let you accept my challenge?” Myst said. “Then how about this? If Shinji ends up being the victor in our duel then I will admit my rudeness to this old man and publically apologize to him. I will also leave the city without taking anything from him.”
“That sounds like a great idea.” The King said, agreeing to Myst’s condition. He turned to Shinji. “Why not accept his offer, Hero Kazehaya?”
“This…” Shinji was still hesitating.
“I see, still not going to accept my challenge then…” Myst shrugged his shoulders. “I guess I will just ask Nia for compensation from her side.” He grinned and looked at Nia with perverted eyes. “I will be sure to get my compensation. Hee Hee Hee.”
Hearing that, anger grew inside Shinji.
“Don’t you dare!!” Shinji shouted. "Fine, I will accept your challenge!"
The duel between Hero Shinji and Myst was planned to be held in the Coliseum built inside the castle in 7 days’ time.
This event will be in collaboration with the Mask Festival being held on the same day.
Mask Festival of Yuvian was already well-known among the other Human Kingdoms and with a newly added event it will be even livelier than any other Mask Festival in the past.
Hero Kazehaya Shinji was already well-known among the Human Kingdoms in the past 3 years and many people, who admire his skills, from different ranks in their society would like to see him in action.
Everyone who knows of this event expects one-sided beating of Myst by Shinji.
"Why did you do something this stupid?"
While walking back to his newly allocated room in the castle, Nia shouted angrily at Myst.
"Don't you know Shinji has been in this world for 3 years? Not only is he a veteran in swordplay and magic but he also achieved a high level of 99!"
Myst just casually shrugged his shoulders and looked back at Nia with a bored face.
"So what?"
"'So what’?! Why are you acting as if it does not concern you? You will be dueling a person who is more than a hundred times stronger than you!"
"Wow, that's totally scary."
Myst replied in monotone as he turned his face to the front.
"Hey, at least be serious about this! I have never seen Shinji being this serious before and it was all thanks to you purposely provoking him!"
"You are welcome."
"I'm not exactly thanking you here! And you will be seriously injured if you take this lightly! It's a Hero you are going to fight! You are just a normal person!"
That’s right, Myst was summoned from a different world and without getting the Hero’s Blessing he was just the same normal person from his old world.
Myst stopped and without turning back, he asked Nia in a serious tone.
"What was your true reason for summoning me here?"
"H-Huh? W-What do you mean?"
"You summon me not because of the threat of the Demon King, right?"
Nia remembered she became desperate in the meeting just now and sprout out her true intention when she was talking to the King.
'Didn't you agreed to let me go on my own adventure if I was able to summon a Hero?'
It was not a grand mission like slaying the Demon King and saving the world but, rather, it was a selfish reason for Nia to leave Miastary.
She knew that there was no way for Myst to return back to Japan once he was summoned.
Nia became afraid that Myst will hate her for her selfishness.
Myst sighed when Nia froze up on the spot for a short while.
"Even if you don't tell me, I already know about it from reading your diary."
"Wait, you read my diary?!" Nia surprised and broke out of her frozen state.
"I did say I have read all the books I can possibly find in your room, right?"
"Respect other people's privacy, you stupid!” Nia, blushed in embarrassment, shouted. “Forget it! Forget what you have read! You pervert!"
"Can't do. Because of my 'Eye of Demon King' so I won't be able to forget what I've seen."
"Again with that?! Still making those weird excuses?! This is unforgivable!"
Nia ran at Myst to throw her punch.
Then, before her fist could reach, Myst turned around and gave a pat on Nia's head with his left hand.
Nia stopped and looked up at Myst to meet with his right eye.
"Even if I'm not a Hero but I'm the normal person who has responded to your summon. And because of that it's fine to rely a little on me."
A gentle smile formed on his face.
"I am not a mind reader so I won't be able to answer your help if you don't say anything."
Nia was frozen again as she does not know how to respond to him.
Seeing that, Myst turned around and continued his walk back to his room while waving his bandage covered right hand.
"Don't worry about me. Even if I am not a Hero like those in fairy tales but I will still be faithful to my duty as a normal person."
And that is to trouble the Heroes.
On the 7th day since the day Myst was summoned, there were already people on the street of Miastary even before the sun showed itself.
They were the vendors who are getting ready to set up their stores for the Mask Festival.
The vendors were too busy organizing their good that they did not notice a dim red light from the highest peak of the castle.
Maybe it was just too far for them to see.
Of course it was not a natural thing, the red light came from a person who was staring down at the busy street of Miastary.
It was a person wearing a red coat.
"Oh, they are doing it. They are doing it."
The man in red coat said it twice because he was excited.
Though, his expression can only be determined from the shape of his mouth due to the fact that half his face was covered by the red hood attached to his coat.
His hair style and colour was also concealed.
"W-Woah. That was close..."
The man in red coat almost fell from the roof because he leaned a bit too forward.
He then used both his hands that was covered in black leather gloves to stabilize his balance by holding on the tiles.
Finally, the sun peek out from behind the mountains far away from the city.
"Finally the Mask Festival, huh..."
The man in red coat stood up as the sun began to raise.
He then proceeded to stretch his body and revealed that his top to boots were all in black.
Inhaled some of the morning fresh air and exhaled the same amount.
The man in red coat completed his attire by putting on a white mask covering his whole face.
The mask was pure white.
There was only one hole on it allowing the man to see through his left eye.
The hole was shaped in an upside-down crescent, making him look like he was smiling.
"Alright, let's the festival begin!"
A red light came from the hole.
- In Serial62 Chapters
Dungeon Scholar
Girl meets dungeon. What could go right? A story of a good-hearted Scholar driven by her compassion and curiosity. She might be a little combat averse, but um, isn't that only logical? Love me a good grimdark, but sometimes I want to read feel-good fiction that isn't pure action, romance, or comedy. The plot and characters of Dungeon Scholar won't be all happy and fluffy, and the world will be more dungeons and monsters than rainbows and puppies, but overall the sweet moments should overshadow the bitter. Let's say three dollops of sugar for every pinch of salt, with lemon slices left on the saucers? Enjoy. Note: This is NOT a typical dungeon story. If you are here for the dungeon aspect, then fair warning this will seem incredibly slow-burn to you. The dungeon will eventually become the most important 'character,' arguably, or the second-most important narratively, but you might jump out the window in frustration long before that happens. At its heart, the story's core remains 'girl meets dungeon,' not 'dungeon meets world.' (To be clear, this does or will have a plot! It's just the more conventional story-like elements contribute to Rowena Loress's greater story, not the other way around; no conflict takes center stage until it becomes personally significant to her. Meanwhile, have some Slice of Life.) Updates every Friday Cover made using Waifulabs Written using 4thewords (referral code: UZJRY55368)
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Conclave of Tyrants
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] The Gutu Empire, a behemoth that stretched across the majority of the Western Continent, dominated all in its path. The Gutu themselves were a race of mighty beings, capable to destroying mountains and splitting oceans with a wave of their hands. A billionaire prodigy from Earth dies in his sleep and wakes up in the body of a child in a Gutu village. He quickly adjusts and slowly begins to formulate a plan to do what he had once done before. Take over the world! This time, not with money, nor with intellect, but pure might! In a world where demons, strange creatures, mages, vampires and all sorts of insanities run amok, Takunda keeps a calm mind, as his vision sees nothing but the top he desires! Watch the legend that swept the Western Continent of its feet, the story of the ultimate cultivator: The Smoke That Thunders! ____________ Will have at least 2000 chapters! At least 5 chapters a week! Please support my patreon, i really could use your support. Please also visit my facebook page. Follows and pledges will lead to more chapters guys. Thank you for reading my story so farhttps://patreon.com/theonionjunktionhttps://facebook.com/TheonionjunktionxComments and criticism are always welcome!
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Into The Valley Of Gods
Ying is an orphan who got kicked out in his orphanage. got involved into the underworld and worked as an intelligence agent. Then after his last job before his retirement. He saw a girl who is supposed to be carrying the payment on his job but instead he died without getting his money. After the accident Ying wakes up in a medieval looking world. and he became a crown prince. Follow his story on how will he adapt and struggle to this new world who he is not supposed to be.Release is MWF thanks!
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Earth Exodus
Elliot isn't the first one taken, he was the last, or one of them at least. Careless divines, gods, or higher powers had been snatching humans through numerous means over the years. Those that returned brought minor tokens of their previous power if anything at all. Over time unrestrained magic became commonplace on earth. Which must have brought attention to us. The earth is ravaged by increasing levels of rogue magics, divines, and a war over resources and experience. Eventually resulting in a mass exodus of the remaining powerless humans by a coalition of gods.Now translocated to Vauthia where everyone has been given a path to power. They're met with an unfortunate reality. They've only been rescued from one dying world to be tasked with saving the new one. While at the same time they're apparently supposed to compete with one another. Meanwhile Elliot wasn't just given a path to power. He was given a choice. The opportunity for true power is offered. When as he reaches for it the power isn't all it's cracked up to be.Systemless in a world where everyone else has access to one Elliot must grapple with a multitude of problems from without and within. The 'gods' might actually be incompetent, uncaring, downright malicious, or all three. His power is constantly three steps behind those who chose the quick path to power. There's also the antisocial tendencies he's brought with him from earth. Can he trust the 'god' who seems to be taking him under their wing? Will he be able to catch up to his fellow earthlings who're ever increasing in power? Is it possible he may just break out of his shell along the way?*** What to expect ***The initial start will be quite slow, building the setting, history, and individuals involved. There is a small bit of progression in these early chapters for the MC, but more along the lines of figuring out how their systemless power works. though once the story gains traction it won't stop.*** Don't tell Elliot, but ***Elliot hates to admit it but he's very clearly antisocial. Not to mention troubles with thinking that stem from several un-diagnosed disorders he'd rather believe don't exist.*** Image Copyright *** //In this satellite image released by Copernicus Sentinel imagery, 2020 twitter page dated Dec. 31, 2019, shows wildfires burning across Australia. COPERNICUS SENTINEL IMAGERY VIA AP
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Arata Akihiro, an introverted high-schooler, was transported to an unknown world called Zemuria along with his classmates. In that world, the only way to return to their original world is to play games. However, if they fail to complete the objective of the game, they will have to play a penalty game, and failing to complete that penalty game will result in their death. There are 12 classes in total, summoned in that world and were assigned as classes naming in 12 zodiac signs. But by their cruel fate, they were assigned to the lowest ranking and weakest zodiac sign. How will Arata Akihiro survive in this harsh world called Zemuria...
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