《The BLOODLANDS》Book one, Chapter Two - Prison.


Horrors appear during the war with the gods, and no one knows how they breed or how they seem to appear out of nowhere. There are many different types of Horror, and that each type is different than the next, some might have horns. Others walk on two or more legs, and some have tentacles, but all of them cannot stand the sunlight. The only thing that is known about the Horrors is that they kill everything they find, drinking the blood of their victims. Fire, black iron, holy magic, and totems seem to hold the creatures at bay. The thing about Horrors is that they hate each other, just as much as the rest of the world. It is not rare to find two Horrors battling over a kill or territory. Only a unique Horror will once in a while gather together a group of Horrors that could wreak havoc upon the land. Thanks to the Gods that the Horrors can not leave The Bloodlands.

Book of Horror by Kenshaw Blackfist

Four Months Ago.

Haygar Prison, Cell 39-B

Late morning of the Day of Silence in the Month of Death.

Sunny. Cold air. Winds are light from the Northwest.

“Captain David Hendrick?” A male voice floated through the cell door as he lay on the floor face down groaning from the beating he took earlier by the Watchmen, the local prison guards or more like thugs.

Rolling over onto his back and croaking out, “Yeah.” groaning again from breathing in, using his tongue to feel for the tooth that was missing. Wincing again as he breathes in knowing he either has some bruised ribs or cracks a few ribs.

The rattling of keys sounded as the lock click open and the door squeals from the rust on the hinges. Groaning from the noise that screams through his brain, David sat up, staring at the doorway through the right eye that wasn't as swollen as the left one which was completely shut. A small nondescript bald man in the robes of a fryer walk in and stare down at him.


“Captain Hendrick, you and your men are to stand trial for damages to a tavern, public brawling, and putting five guardsmen into the Healing Ward. I have here warrants for your arrest.” holding a scroll up. “It would seem that you and three-members of your mercenary band are wanted for the murder of Lord Frank Carson in the village of Lundenard. I read the report you wrote that you and your gang took down a bandit group outside of the village. It also states that you and three of your mercenary found the Lord was found dead on the north road leading out of the village. The interesting part is the bandits were all killed on the south road just south of the village. You care to elaborate?”

David narrowed his one eye, “I go by my report.” spitting blood on the floor next to him.

Crouching down, “I know Lord Carson was leading the bandits. I also know that you killed him with your rapier after you unseated him from his horse and that he refused to surrender. I know you then got off your horse and offer for him to surrender again. You gave this boy two chances to surrender. It doesn't seem to be your fault that he attacks you and you plunge your sword through his chest.”

“But,” pausing as he looks through the scroll. “Baron James Carson wants your head and any other men or women with you. What I didn't understand is why you stage a robbery by the bandits?”

Taking a deep, shaky breath, “I did not want the Barons's family to be mar by their son's action. I killed the boy and will confess that to the Baron if you release all my people. Sir Dobson, Duke Wallerson's Spymaster.”


Sir Dobson had a flicker of surprise cross his face, “What gave me away?"

“Too much information, we all would have been escorted to the gallows then read the death warrants. And I have seen you at a few functions, as a guardsman, a Mayor, even a rich merchant. What you need Spymaster? I do assume you need something?” Wincing as he touches his eye.

“I rarely get surprised. Not many people would notice me.”

Chuckling, “it is my job to notice things.” David shakes his head.

“I have a job for you. A young lordling is being sent to the Bloodlands to take over a holding there. The boy must arrive alive and survive for five years. You keep him alive for the next five years in return I make this all go away,” waving around him.

“So you have evidence of Lord Carson death?” ponder for a moment.

“A witness that I intercepted, he was trying to sell information about the death of the young lord.”

Mulling over the information, David then nodded, “You have your man, I need all my men release, and I will do it.”

“There is one small problem. The informer is one of your mercenaries. He was trying to sell the information to one of my informants, that is how I found out.”

David slowly stood up, testing his balance, “so what going to happen to witness?” watching Dobson as the man steps out of the cell nodding to someone. Turning back to David, he nodded toward the window as the sound of the gallows' trapdoor open and a body drop.

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