《Chicken Is Eat》Ashra Shrine



I am awaken by a cow screaming into my eardrums. The giant comes throws some pebbles at me. I enjoy them a lot. Once I finish eating I then started running around searching for stones. A minute later I find my first stone. I search for some water and encase the stone and move it. 8 stones later I just need one left. I've spent a few hours searching for it. I keep walking around but can't seem to find a stone with a circular shape on it.


A ginormous lightening flash strickes nearby. Rainfall starts up again but luckily with my new power I am able to walk through it with out getting touched. I walk back home to take a rest. I am about to nap but I see it. There it is. The stone is being protected by another chicken. I walk up to the chicken and attempt to take the stone. The chicken screeches at me. It is just a stupid chicken that mistook a stone for its egg. I try to move the chicken but it just sits there. I am so tiny that I stand no chance at stopping the Chicken. I pick up some water from a puddle and throw it on the chicken. The chicken stands up and starts screaming at me. It then tries to attack me with its beak. I dodge the failed attemps to hit me. I attempt to retreat by running away, but the chicken follows. As I run I throw water at its face. I trip and am trapped by the chicken. With a silo behind me and a chicken in front. It was pointless to try to escape but I did. I picked up a stone surrounded by water and just as I am about to throw it I get hit in the head. A idiotic chicken decides to hit me, I'll show him right. I pick up the stone and chuck it at the chicken. The chicken shouts in pain. I win but am slightly injured. I try to spot home but cannot see it. After lots of searching I find a place with lots of trees. The only thing I could think of was to cover more ground and see if I can find home. I find a glowing purple cube laying on the ground. It too has the yellow circles on the center but this time it is on every side. I pick it up and start walking around. A long time later I am still lost. I can see a silo in the distance. I head over to it but still can not locate home.



The cube drops. I cannot carry it anymore.

I ask my menu "Why can I not carry the cube anymore".

My menu responds "You have ran out of energy for today. You will regain it tomorrow. It was getting dark out and I decided to fall asleep.

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