《Murderous Loves》CHapter 8


It was going on to 11pm and Zeke was playing Grand Theft Auto, I sat next to him and watched him play but every once in awhile i would go on my phone.

“Hey princess?” He said

“DOn't call me that”

“What does everyone think of me?”

“Well they all hate you and wish you would go hide away” I said jokingly

“Your kidding right?” He asked nervously.

“Yes I’m joking” I said pushing against him slightly with my body.

“I should probably get going soon.” He said quitting the game and standing up. STretching his legs.

“Ok” i said crawling up towards my pillow and under my covers.

“Goodnight Princess” he said laughing turning off the lights and leaving through the window once more. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through Facebook until my eyelids felt heavy and I fell asleep.

“Lindsey were gonna be late!” Mia yells at me as i slip on my sweat pants.

“Put a sock in it”

“Lindsey I will shove this brush so far up your ass..”

“OK ok i'll go start the car” I yell interrupting her. I walk outside and out to her car. I get in the driver's side putting the keys in the ignition. I threw my backpack in the back and waited for Mia to come out.

“I net Zeke gonna be happy to see you” Mia said laughing


“Oh come on he likes you” she said buckling up

“Haha he'd never like me” i said and pulled out of our driveway and headed to school.

“Chelsi wait up!” Mia yelled when she got out of the car slamming the door running up to Chelsi. I grabbed my bag and locked the car once i got out of it walking towards the school.


“Lindsey Fucking Shay get your ass over here” Brandi yelled as i walked in through the doors.

“Heyyyyyy” i said doing a weird pose leaning backward and pointing at her.

“So Alex told me that a little birdy, also known as Zeke came home late last night from a certain girl's house” she said smiling. I knew exactly what she was talking about.

“Hmm must have a girlfriend” i said trying to throw her off.

“Ok no here's what i was thinking, after he took you home, he stayed at your place for awhile.”

“Well you're wrong, he dropped me off then left” i lied, i'd never hear the end of it if she knew.

“Whatever you say” she said laughing. We walked towards my 1 period class walking inside.

“Did you finish your photography homework assignment?” She asked sitting on my desk.

“Yeah, but he won't let me see the photo he took of me.” I smiled remembering last night.

“Oh my god jasper come here.” Brandi said then started doing a clicking noise with her mouth. I looked in the direction she was facing and there was Jasper our school campuses cat. He was white with little brown streaks on his face, a senior two years ago kept seeing this cat around school and named him jasper like the ghost because whenever a teacher tried to catch him, he disappeared. Now the teachers just let him roam the halls and classrooms some even put a cat door on the classroom doors.

“Awe come here kitty” Brandi said picking up Jasper and placing him on her lap.

“He's so cute” i said petting hm.

“Jasper better not be in my room!” I hear the teacher yell. Brandi quickly put Jasper in her sweater making it look like she gained 30 pounds.


“Ok class get in your seats, now!” He yelled going to his desk. He sneezed as he sat down. A few minutes later he sneezed again, and again.

“Where is that darn cat!” He yelled brandi gasped and left the classroom when the teacher wasn't looking. She came back and i guess let Jasper go my the sad look on her face. She sat down as the teacher finished sneezing and started teaching.


“Lindsey!!!” Jemma yelled as i walked up the bleachers to where everyone was.

“Jemma!” I yelled back laughing.

“You look really cute today” amber aid as i sat down next to her.

“Thanks” i said, i was wearing a pair of black jeans with a batman longsleeve, which was a mistake considering it felt like it was 90° out, i layed down on one of the benches and closed my eyes eating my sandwich.

“What's up Princess”

“Oh my god i see the Fuck-Up fairy has visited us again.” I said laughing quietly.

“Ouch princess that hurts” he said holding his chest. I looked around and everyone was staring.

“Did he just call you princess?” Brooklyn asked

“Yes even after i keep telling him to stop.”

“Why would i stop i think it suits you” he smirks. I shake my head and close my eyes once again.

“Princess” i he

ar slightly.

“Here Let me get this”

“LINDSEY!!!” I sat up quickly hitting my head on someone else's.

“Oww” me and Daisy both say as we run our heads.

“Hey you fell asleep.” Zeke said laughing.

“Is lunch over?” I ask

“Oh lunch has been over” alex said laughing.


“We skipped, well except for Jemma, Mia and Brooklyn.” Brandi said sitting next to me.

“Babe only stayed because she wanted a little action” alex said bursting into laughter

“you wish” she said hitting his leg.

“Awe you know you love me” he said kissing her forehead.

“Mhmm” she laughed and looked back at me.

“You can still make it to second period if you hurry” she said looking at me.

“Nahh” i layed my head back down but Zeke had other ideas

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