《Murderous Loves》Chapter 6


School finally ended and we figured out the rides for tonight, Alex dropped me off at the house and then went to go drop Brandi off. I walk inside and Mrs Lane was on the couch watching tv.

“Hey zeke how was school?”

“It was good i already think i have friends.” I said remembering everyone from lunch

“Oh thats good, wheres Alex?” She asked looking around.

“He's dropping Brandi off” i said walking up the stairs to my room. I set my bag down and sit on my bed looking at the ceiling. I must have passed out because Alex was shaking me and calling my name.

“Dude come on get ready we leave in an hour.” He said his hair was wet and he was holding a towel in his hand.

“Ok” i said and stood up walking over to my closet, Alex left the room and went to his. I opened my closet and grabbed a pair of black jeans and a white long sleeve. I stumble over to the mirror and brush my bed head. My phone buzzed and a unknown number texted me.

“You're still a murderer” is all it said. I deleted the text message and slipped on my shoes walking to Alex's room.

“Hey dude you ready?” I asked. He opened the door he was wearing jeans and a Oregon State University shirt.

“Let goes Zekey poo” He said and jogged down the stairs before i can hit him. We got in his car and drove to the store. I sat in the car she ran in and grabbed a few beers.

“Hey Alex” i said when he sat down on the car.

“Whats up?”

“Do your friends like me?”

“Dude they think you're awesome and i can tell one of them really likes you” he emphasized really I laughed and took the beers from his hand. He starts the car and drives to a house in a pretty nice neighborhood.

“So almost everyone is already here.” He said getting out of the car.

“Alex!” Some drunk dude yelled from the doorway. Alex walked over to him and they went inside. i slowly walked through the front door and into the part.

Lindseys P.O.V

“Hey i'm gonna go get some water, want some?” Mia yelled over the music, i nodded my head and she made her way through the crowd and towards the kitchen.


Great i was dancing alone i thought as a still swayed to the music. I looked around and could see almost everyone through the crowd. Amber was with a group of girls on the couch, Brandi and Alex were dancing across the room next to the kitchen. The rest of the group were dancing together close by. I looked around to see if I could spot Zeke and indeed I did he was playing beer pong next to the stairs. i turned around as someone gripped their hands on my shoulder i turned around and looked at the small group of guys behind me they were all wearing Summit high letter man jackets. The guys behind the one touching my shoulder split up in the crowd.

“Why isn't it lindsey” the guy in front of me said.

“Do i know you?” I asked

“Hm surprised you don't remember me”

“Yeah it's hard to recognize you you look like all the other shit heads in that school.”

“Ah but remember you used to be one of us shit heads.”

“Yeah used to be” i said and turned around so i could walk away but he pushed me against the wall. He stepped closer to me pinning me against the wall with his body.

“Get off of me” i said and tried pushing him away but he didn't budge. He rested his arm agAinst the wall next to me. His buddies were close by dancing with another girl from both of the two schools.

“What's wrong lindsey” he whispered in my ear.

“Well lets see theres a big fuck boi to close for comfort.”

“Oh come on you know you like it.”

“In your dreams” i said trying to push against him again.

“Why don't we go upstairs and have a little fun” he whispered in my ear.

“The only way you're getting laid is if you crawl up a chicken's ass and wait”

“Too sassy are we” he said right as he said it a hand gripped his shoulder pulling him around. Zeke stood behind him with a small grin.

“Hey i'm gonna ask you nicely to please back the fuck off from her” Zeke said.

“Fucking make me” he started turning around before Zeke turned him around again punching him right in the face. I put my hands over my mouth and stepped away from the bent over teen.

“Big mistake new guy” he said standing up and punching Zeke right back. I see Alex and Ashton running towards where Zeke and Ryan were. Alex and Ashton dug their feet into the ground holding Zeke back from attacking Ryan.


“You Need your buddies to hold you back” Ryan laughed

“You know what you need to shut up” Ashton said. The music turned off and everyone was looking at us. i can tell by the look in Alex's eyes he was about to let go of Zeke. Ryan laughed and started walking towards the door his buddies following him. When he was outside Alex and Ashton looked at each other and let go of Zeke. He immediately ,marched towards the door and outside. I followed him stood at the bottom of the step as he approached Ryan.

“Ah back for more” Ryan says turning around looking at Zeke. Zeke gripped his hand into a fist while scanning over Ryan and Ryan's friends. I walk down and in between the two my palms were sweaty and k was scared but i stood close to Ryan and looked up into his eyes.

“You need to leave, now” i said looking at him.

“What ever back off” he says and pushes me to the side making me trip over the sprinkler. I looked up at Zeke his eyes were full of anger as he looked at me in the ground he looked up at Ryan and his balled up hands finally loosened.

“Go now” he mumbled towards Ryan.

“Chicken” Ryan laughed. I didn't even see Ashton walk up but when I stood up Ashton was standing Next to Zeke.

“I can't fight you” Zeke said standing tall

“Oh why oyir afraid to get your ass kicked.” Ruan was asking for a fight.

“I'd rather not fight then go back to jail.” Zeke said and started walking towards the door to the party.

“Well you might not be able to hit him but i can” Ashton said proudly and swung his fist hitting Ryan in the nose. Ashton back up slowly laughing quietly to himself. I stood there in shock watching Ryan struggle to realize what was happening. Ashton softly grabbed my arm and we started walking back to the house.

“Come back here” Ryan said. I looked over my shoulder and he lunged towards us i put my arm up blocking my face ashton stood next to me and put his arms covering himself. Ashton yelled in pain i looked up and the ring Ryan was wearing has cut into Ashton's arm and noe blood was slowly dripping down Astons arm.

“Get the fuck off of my lawn now Ryan!” I looked on the doorway and there was 2 guys standing there the owners of the house the Rimes brothers. Ryan stumbled backwards and into his car driving off.

“Ashton are you ok?!” Daisy yelled pushing her way through the crowd and over to us.

“Yeah yeah i'm all good.” He said holding his arm ip.

“No your not i'm taking you to the hospital” Brooklyn said coming up to him and grabbed his shirt pulling him to where her car was parked, Daizy and Jemma both went with them. I stood in the lawn as everyone migrated back into the party. I rubbed my goose bumped covered arms. I started walking down the sidewalk towards my house. It was a decent distance but i didn't mind. The street lamps lit up parts off the street as i walked out of the neighborhood and onto a main road.

“Lindsey!” I hear someone yell I looked behind me and saw Zeke running up to me.

“Where you going?” He asked walking with me.

“I'm gonna head home.” I said and kept walking going through all what just happened.

“Here let me give you a ride.” He said smiling.

“You don't have a car.”

“Ahh but Alex does, and Alex has a girlfriend who does so” he said holding up Alex's car keys.

“Come on it's right up here” he said pressing a button on the keys a car in front of us across the street lit up.

“Do you even know how to drive.” I asked laughing.

“Hey i was. Only in jail not in a hole where books and drivers manuals don't exist” he said getting in the car. I laughed and got into the passenger seat.

“So how was your first party?” I asked turning the radio up slightly.

“Oh decent besides the fact that i had to save you from the summit dude and ashton bleeding down his arm” he said summing up tonight's events.

“Yeah last one of the parties Ryan crashed the police arrived and arrested him, but his father got him out in seven minutes.” I said. After he didn't reply i turned the music up blasting it and quietly singing along

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