《The Dungeon's Champion》Off to a healthy start


After leaving the gold shop, we walked a little further down the road to a phone shop. I thought that we would have a much better chance of getting sim cards without an id. in this neighborhood than in the center.

With a story of how we lost everything to the tower and a little something under the table, we managed to get two smartphones with sim cards, and I picked up a couple of OTG USB sticks as well.

From there, we hailed a taxi for Manhattan, and more specifically, the Mount Sinai Hospital. During the ride I configured the phone and explained a couple of basic features to Cara like how to make a call and how to take pictures and videos. She was fascinated photos and videos and took loads of selfies.

I was impatient to see my brother. His condition was critical and he likely only had days or at most, weeks to live.

Cara and I were still wearing our masks when we entered the clinic. We immediately made our way to the oncology department where Sebastian, or Seb as I called him, was in a room with three other patients with advanced stages of cancer.

It was heartbreaking to see how the cancer had ravaged his body. He had no hair on his head and his eyebrows were bare as well due to the chemotherapy treatments. Seb’s face was white as a sheet and he had lost a lot of weight. I remembered him before when he was the school jock and I used to be a little envious of his muscular physique, but now the person I saw looked like someone else entirely.

I approached Seb and I removed my mask so only he would recognize me. “Hi Seb, it’s me, Matt.” I said, my voice choking up slightly seeing him struggling to understand what was happening. “No one can know I was here Seb. You can’t tell anyone, do you understand?” Seb nodded that he understood, although he still looked confused.


“I have something here that I went to a lot of trouble to get, and it will make you feel much better, but I don’t want anyone to know where you got it from because you know how doctors can be about that kind of thing. So, if anyone asks questions, you say that you didn’t recognize the person, OK buddy?” Again, he nodded although but still trying to understand what was happening. More than anything Seb trusted me as we had always been very close.

I put the mask back on and asked Cara to start filming. I took a healing potion out of my storage space and gave it to Seb to drink, in clear view of the camera.

At first there seemed to be no reaction, but then Seb suddenly started looking panicked. It was a moment before I realized that it was simply due to the sensations that were flooding his senses as his body started healing itself. The pain and the pain killers were leaving his body and he was beginning to feel things like a healthy person again.

Color started returning to his cheeks and his hair started growing back on his head and eyebrows as well. He was still thin for the rest he was starting to look like the Seb I knew before he got sick. I wasn’t actually expecting his hair to grow back but I was really happy to see that it had that effect.

The other patients in the room were all struggling to see what was happening. Some of them started crying at seeing the miraculous change in Seb.

He grabbed my arm, his grip much stronger than it had been in a long time. “Please, help them, please. No one will say anything, I promise. Just help them like you did for me.”


I had received extra healing potions from Will before I left the tower, plus I still had some left from the original chest, so I had enough to treat them all, but the healing potions could be a question of life or death later, so I didn’t want to use them all at once. That said, I still had quite a few, so I decided to heal the others in the room as well.

With Cara still filming, I went from bed to bed and healed them. The persons in the other beds had no idea who I was, and I knew that Seb wouldn’t say anything.

Once I finished with the other patients, Cara stopped the filming. I saw that she had been crying and it was then that I realized that I had tears running down my face as well.

“Can you give me your phone for a moment” I asked her.

After she gave it to me, I copied the video to the OTG USB storage and handed the phone back to her.

“Have any of you heard about the tower that popped up recently? I asked everyone in the room.

“Who hasn’t?” one of the patients replied. “It’s all that anyone is talking about when they come in here and it’s all over the news.”

“Well, when anyone asked you how you were healed,” I explained. “you should say that it was someone who came from the tower. The drink I gave you is a healing potion from the tower. I would just like you to wait until we are gone before telling anyone. I don’t want to be stopped by the hospital security.”

“They will probably want you to go through a battery of tests before they let you go home,” I added. “but they can’t hold you here against your will.”

With that I returned to Seb’s bed where he was now sitting up. “Do not give this video to the doctors or nurses.” I added handing him the USB stick. “If you sell rights to the video to the press, you can probably make a small fortune. I have written down the number of one of the news agencies covering the tower story. Call them as soon as I leave, if they know it is related to the tower and miracle healings, I bet they will be here within the hour.”

“I don’t know what to say” Seb said in a hushed voice. “Thank you just doesn’t seem sufficient. I love you, bro. I will never forget this.”

“I love you too buddy. We will be going to visit the family a little later and it would be great if you could come by. I will explain everything to you then. Maybe best to wait before calling the family until we are there with them, you know how mom gets.”

We left the clinic as quickly as possible before the hospital personnel could figure out what happened.

Once the clinic was out of site, we hailed a cab. I made a quick call to my sister Ellie, to let her know we were coming and when I got off the phone, I asked Cara “How would you like to meet the rest of my family?”

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