《Building a nation and make its citizen happy》Chapter 17 getting out of this place


When I am far away I stop running because I'm so tired I put my hand at my shoulder because the wound is bleeding again.

I need to bandage it again maybe it is not enough.

Even I stop running I still fell the pain on my left shoulder.

I hope I can find a plant that can help to heal my wound because some plant here absorb the magic at the surrounding and I see so many strange plants here maybe some of them have the ability to heal my wound, Like the moving plant I know that plant absurd magic because it is moving but it is not what I need for I need a plant that can heal my wound, But I don't know what kind of plant that can help to heal my wound I don't want to pick all the plant that I see and put it in my bag I cannot do that because I need to stock food for my self so I need every storage in my bag to store a food so if I pick any plant that I see I cannot store many foods.

I will pick some plant that I think that can help me to heal my wound.

I look at my surroundings and looking for the place that I can set down.

I walk at the big mushroom and when I am beside it I set down and lay my back to it.

(SFX sound of Heavy breathing)

I need to get out of this place fast but I need to rest first.

I'm so tired that I don't want to run again, I think this place is safe, I run so far away to the place that I kill the wolf.

How far I am going to walk to get out of this place?


I really don't know how far away I am going to walk.

I think I am near to the mushroom that changes color.

I look at my surroundings and I see a mushroom that has many small mushroom sprouts in his body.

I think this is the place that I hear so many sounds of the beast when I walk here earlier.

I remember seeing that mushroom that has many small mushroom sprouts on her body.

I need to walk carefully In this place so I will not encounter a monster again.

I remember that I don't have many bullets left.

I put my hand in my pocket to see if how many bullets left I have.

Just 3 I need to buy more but I don't have many points.

I forgot that I kill a wolf how many points did I get.

I then open the menu.

Points - 10,000

this is enough points to buy 20 bullets But I am going to buy 10 because I am going to buy a better gun so I need to stock points.

I stand up and start walking again and while I am walking I pick a plant that I can eat.

While I am busy picking a plant that I need I hear a sound at my left.

When I look at it I see a giant ant running towards me.


When I see the ant running towards me I run fast.

Why did I not see this ant?

A pull up my gun and shot at the ant.

(SFX sound of the firing of the gun)

I finished shooting my 3 bullets but It did not even slow down.

I 'm gonna die.

When I look at my back I see the ant catching up with me.

I'm really gonna die today?


While running I see a fog in front of me.

A fog I can go through there so the ant can't find me but what if the fog has a poison.

What I am thinking this is not the time to hesitate if I don't go there I am gonna die a food for this ant.

When I am inside that fog I don't feel strange at all and I see is all white even my hand I can't see because the fog is so dense.

I can't see anything so I just run in a straight line.

I look at my back to see if the ant is still following me but I can't hear a sound.

What is wrong with this fog it is so quiet.

This is strange.

Don't tell me that I can't go out of this place is this a trap?

I don't know what to do I can't think of any plan to get out of this place.

Maybe this is an illusion?

I look at my surrounding but I really can't see anything or hear a sound.

A few minutes later.

why is my vision is going blurry?

I think I am gonna paint.

I fall down in my back.

I close my eye because I can't see anything.

”A human”

Why I hear the sound of a loli.

What The Hell is this I'm not a lolicon even I am going to die I don't want my last sound to hear is a loli voice.

Wait a minute that not my brain playing with me I hear the sound in my back I try to open my eye and move but I can't move and speak or even open my eye.

"So this is a look of a human"

Don't tell me it is a talking beast like I saw earlier.

I hear her walking towards me and when she is beside me she stops and he pokes my face.

Don't poke my face.

When I think she atop.

She pokes again my face.

“I thought that human have a horn but is like our race to“

"Anna where are you"

”I am here brother”

”What are you doing there”

”I find a human can I keep him please“

What the hell I am not your toy

”A human doesn't go near him? come here, if you see a human again don't walk close to it

“But this human is sleeping“

”Even it is sleeping they are evil”

"But what are we going to do to him"

I'm losing consciousness.

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