《Building a nation and make its citizen happy》Chapter 15 fighting the wolf


When the wolf is Infront of plant he smells it and walks while circling the plant and when the wolf is done it's swinging ts tail like he excited and discovered an important to him.

What is the wolf doing?

the wolf is excited about something?

What is he discovered about this plant?

If the wolf is going like this maybe this is the plant that the system needed but before that, I need to distract the wolf because maybe it will eat it.

I don't want my mission to fail even it is in my front.

Please don't eat the plant I need it and I don't want to go to waste my effort finding it.

And I am the first to find it not you if you can just understand what I am saying I am gonna yell at you.

I don't want to fight the wolf because I am scared that I will miss all my shoot and I am going to die.

I don't want to waste my life because of the plant but I still need it to level up.

When the wolf opens its mouth I pointed the gun and when I am going to pull the trigger the wolf close its mouth again.

What the fuck.

That's scared me

I don't want to shoot my gun because the sound of the gun is loud and maybe some monster will come here to investigate.

I don't want to fight another monster and if a giant monster will appear I am gonna die.

So If i shoot and killed the wolf I am gonna take the plant and run.

But if I did not kill him with one bullet I don't know what will happen.

That was really close.

What is the wolf doing now it walk around again?


This wolf is a strange one.

When the wolf is done he set in front of the plant and he keeps looking at it.

This is my chance to distract the wolf.

I need to find a rock that I can throw.

I look under my feet if I can find a rock. I pick the rock and look at the wolf.

When I look at wolf it is still staring at the plant.


I throw the rock far away in the grass under the mushroom.

When it makes a sound the wolf stand up and look at where the sound comes from.

I hope it will work because it is not I am gonna shot the wolf so I can go home now.

When the wolf is walking to the grass that I throw the rock I am ready to take the plant and run and if the wolf follows me I am gonna shoot him while running so it cannot go near me.

When I am ready to walk to the plant I stop because the wolf turns around and start running back to the plant.

And when he is beside the plant he is looking at the surrounding.

What the hell.

Is this wolf know that I distract him? This is a really strange place even the monster is strange too.

I peep at the wolf and look if he stops looking at the surrounding but it is still looking and it is in a defensive move.

Now, what I am going to do should I shoot it now.

But it is too late now because he knows that he has an enemy in his surrounding.

I just wait a few minutes and see if he still worry about his surrounding.

A few minutes later.

When I peep again the wolf is not in a defensive move he turns around and looks at the plant.


What is he doing now?

The wolf opens its mouth and ready to eat the plant.

I can't allow you to do that I pol up my gun and pointed at the wolf and pol the trigger.

(SFX sound of a firing of the gun)

The bullet is fast while moving at straight line to the wolf but the wolf turned his body to the right and avoided it.

What the hell.

The wolf sees me beside the mushroom.

I can see in its eye that is angry at me.

It is glaring at me.

The wolf starts running towards me.

I pol the trigger again

(SFX sound of the firing of the gun)

This time the bullet hit the body of the wolf

The wolf howl but it is still standing and it's running did not slow down it is running toward me while his blood is flowing at the ground

When it is near me it jumps and he is going to bite my head I turn my body right and avoided it to hit my head but he bites my shoulder


I poll up the gun and pointed it to the wolf head while he is biting at my shoulder I pull the trigger of the gun

(SFX sound of continues lay firing of the gun)

I pull the trigger until my bullet is gone.

The wolf that is biting my shoulder lose its bite and fell to the ground.


I touch my shoulder because of its hurt and still bleeding.

I need to stop the bleeding I don't want to die in this place.

I open the menu and buy the medicine and put it on my shoulder.

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