《Building a nation and make its citizen happy》Chapter 4 house


If I chose the house what will happen?

I chose the house because it was my only option and my level is not that high to open the other building.

Woden house - Your points are deductible it defend in your work size.

Stone House - Your points are deductible it defend in your work size.

Brick house - Your points are deductible it defend in your work size.

So I need points to build the house

How can I get points maybe if I kill an animal or beast?

This is really fell fantasy world now.

I chose the brick because it is durable and long to brick.

The brick is good in this place because the monster cannot destroy it will if a giant monster appear he can easily destroy it but if a goblin they cannot destroy the house

(Design your own house)

When I chose the brick a 3d design appears on the menu that I can use to design my own house.

This is really cool like in the game that you will design what the house you want.

So can I design a mansion but I am alone in this forest and I am the only one who will live in the house so I need one room, kitchen, and bathroom

50,000 points you're going to spend. are you sure of your design?

What the hell this is so expensive and I don't want to lose so many points so I can still buy what I need.

I'm going to lose so many points if I click yes.

I cancel my design

I chose the Woden house maybe it cheaper than a brick house

I know that this will be cheaper because it is wood but I am not sure.

My design is still the same in the Woden house.


30,000 points you're going to spend. are you sure of your design?

Will it is fine but it is still expensive for me but I really need a house if I want to live in this forest because maybe they are a scorpion in this forest and I am sleeping in the ground and bite me.

And when I woke up I don't know how I die.

I don't want that to happen I want to explore this world.

I click yes and my house appears in front of me but it is blurred.

This is really my magic?

I search for open space that I can put my house in but I cannot find any open space that's why I'll try to put the house even there are trees in the way.

I don't have a chose so I will put my house in here I searched everywhere but I can't really find an open space

When I click the yes.

suddenly the blurred house is shinning and when the light is gone there's now a house in front of me unlike earlier that the house is blurry and the tree around is gone.

It is really amazing if you have a magic that can build anything.

But it is still not cool.

This magic is not for an attack I want a magic that I can attack so I can kill if I have an enemy or an encounter a beast

I walk to my house and touch if it is real

Even my magic is not good it still amazing.

I can build anything I want with this magic

If I am now in America trump is going to hire me to build his wall

But I am not in America am here in a deferent world where danger is everywhere.


I open the door and went in.

this is really amazing there is no mistake to what I design for.

The missing in this room is just furniture but if I'll get some furniture how am I going to protect my self if the beast attack me especially I don't know what kind of beast living in this forest

I need some protection so I can defend my self if a beast attack me

I will open the equipment so I can see what kind of weapon I can get to protect my self.

Revolver - 15,000 points

(another gun is close because your level not that's high)

I know this will happen that I cannot buy other gone because of my level.

I click the revolver and it appears in my hand but it does not include the bullet so I check the supply.

This is my first time holding a gun.

So I got 5,000 points remaining I hope I can still buy many bullets.

I open the supply

the bullet is so expensive 500 points per bullet.

What the hell it is expensive

What kind of system is this it is the bullet is so expensive

I spent all my points in bullet

Now all my points are gone because the bullets are so expensive

How can I buy food if I don't have a point to buy it

I need to level up so I can earn more points and I can buy what I need

I look outside

It's getting dark.

I went outside and grab some brunches and when I have already many brunches I went inside my house

Tomorrow I'm going to search for food because it is dangerous in the night in this forest especially I don't know what kind of animal is living in it.

When I wake up tomorrow my first to do list is hunting

I don't have many bullets in my revolver what if I encounter a big beast I will lack bullet.

When I entered the house I forgot to put the chimney I went outside again and get a dirt so my house will not go to burn when I finish all around me is the dark good thing that I watch survival I start the fire easily after a few hours I sleep

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