《Apocalypse Step》Step 06: Cube ex Machina


Floor 30. Human Royal Castle.

Like your traditional Summoned to Another World story, after their breakfast, Ein's group of tree was invited to meet the King. On the way, they plan on how to talk with a King of a medieval kingdom, something three high school student of a modern world could never dream of. Well, Drei did dream about meeting and marrying a prince, while Zwei has always been acting like a princess.

"They dragged me here! Why do I have to lower my head?"

"Zwei, even though you are right, the other party is still a King rule over a kingdom. We at least have to act like a civilized person."

"Don't you always dream of something stupid like this, Drei? You are the reason why I was dragged to this mess!"

"Calm down you two." Ein steps in between the two girls. "Let me do all the talking."

Floor 0. First Pivot Town. Adventurer Guild's Hall.

The staff behind the counter pulls out a sheet of paper along with a quill and pushes it toward me. "Fill out this form please. You should do it quickly, there are a lot of people waiting."

I pick up the quill then glance at the sharp tips. There isn't any ink, so how am I supposed to write? Instead of embarrassing myself by asking, I pretend to drop the quill tip-first on the table and it leaves a slight glowing blue trace. "Sorry sorry." I pick it up again and hover it above the sheet of paper. At that point, I remember something important. "Um… I don't know how to write."

The sheet of paper is written in unknown characters. It looks like squeezing broken rings of an eye-test chart together. Most of the symbol looks like the letter "U" and "V" but they point in all four directions, some even has a dot inside. A few symbols are circles, with or without dot.

"Are you kidding me?" The staff frowns and stares at me… no, at my t-shirt. "You have the word 'Magic' written on your clothing but you can't write?" My t-shirt is indeed printed with a huge 'Magic', however, it's in English!

"You can read this?"

"You doubt my ability to read Ancient Terra's words?"

Seriously? Isn't 'Terra' how Alien usually calls Earth in science fiction? Dad used a Spaceship to get here, so this is actually another planet!?

"Um, can I fill my form in this language?"

The man almost lets out a laugh but he covers his mouth and turns away in time. I simply sigh at how weird the situation become.

"Sorry… Yes, you could." The man says after regaining his composure. "Can you read?" I slightly shake my head in response. "Okay, then write your name here…"


The form was pretty simple. Name, age, "floor of birth" and a few trivial things that I don't have to fill. At first I wrote Floor 0 for my "floor of birth", but then I remembered that dad is claiming to be a merchant from floor 30, so I wrote an additional 3 in front of the 0. Glancing at the form, the man says something like "Floor 30, make sense."

"Am I done?" I say after filling out the necessary blanks.

"Stamp here." He points at a rhombus drawn on the lower right corner I stare at him confusedly. After a moment of silence, he understands my confusion. "Your Cube, stamp here." He says pointing at the semi-transparent cube in my left hand. "It's your own Cube, right?"

"Ah, sorry I… forgot." I look at the cube then stare at the rhombus whose four sides are the same length. I adjust my cube and press it down on the drawing, finding the surface of the cube perfectly overlap the rhombus. Through the semi-transparent material, I could see a symbol is being printed onto the paper under the cube, from the top to the bottom like a scanner. After the cube stops printing, I lift it up, revealing the Guild's symbol on the paper. Wait, isn't this… Oh I see it now, the symbol represents both the Elevator buttons and the Cube!

"Very good." The staff picks up the paper and store it somewhere under the counter. "You are now officially an Adventurer. Good luck on your Adventure." The man bows after saying. Before I could ask anything, he calls out with a hoarse voice. "No 22, please!"

"Ah, thank you and good bye." I understand the hint and quickly walk toward the door where dad is waiting for me.

"Now you can legally use the Gate." He says while nodding to himself.

"Dad, I have some question about my power." I hurriedly ask.

"That power is pretty straightforward." He pretends to look around. "Do you want to talk about something like that in the middle of the town?" Noticing someone approaching the door from behind, he pushes me out of the Guild Hall.

"Hey kid!" Suddenly the woman who was approaching calls out. I move aside, thinking I was blocking the entrance but she keeps standing there. "You are pretty young to start adventuring." Ah, so this is the fist conflict in my protagonist life.

Let's see, what would the protagonist say in this situation? "And you are pretty old to continue adventuring."

"What are you saying? I'm only twenty!" The woman cups her chin with her palms. Dad simply shakes his head in silence.

"You look like you are at least thirty." Although the woman's figure is decent, I'm not into older women. I remember one of my classmate calling his girlfriend as 'big sis'. Pretty unmanly in my opinion.


Before the woman could answer back, dad steps in between us. "Sorry for my son's attitude. He is young because we came from Floor 30."

Seeing my dad's timid expression, the woman place her hand on her hip, sneering. "Ah I see. You came here but still act like a noble brat. I will teach y… Eek!" As she was putting on a superiority air, she abruptly stops. Her face quickly turns pale as she falls back onto the floor.

Before I could understand what happened, my dad turns back toward me, his constant smile doesn't look any different than usual. He grabs my hand and pulls me away.

"Good bye aunty!" I lean back and call out, only to be pulled harder by dad.

"Rex, why are you keep searching for trouble?" Dad speaks under his breath. Despite all the mysterious things he did, he is still a pacifist. That's pretty unusual since I inherited "Step of Apocalypse" from him.

"Dad, about my power…" I try to ask him for the third time.

"You need some equipment first." He avoids the question directly this time.

Before I could ask again, we have already reached the armor shop next to the Guild. I took a look at it earlier. This is the most extravagant shop on the street. I'm not sure about the price, but most of the price tags are two digits long, some even reach the third digit. It's like dozens time more expensive than dad's orange juice. He is pretty rich, huh?

As we step into the shop, dad releases my hand. Looking at all the beautiful equipment, my delusion starts acting up. I involuntary get close to a red scaled armor.

A woman in delicated clothing step out from behind the shop. "Welcome to my little shop. Are you here to buy some armor?"

"Don't you say?" I exclaim then turn toward her, only to find she was talking with my dad.

"Ah, I'm buying some armor for my son. He will start adventuring today."

"At this age?"

"We are from Floor 30." Dad explains.

"Oh. You made the right choice. Having him start from Floor 0 would be the best for his personality." The woman says while nodding.

This is the third time someone think I'm too young for adventure and accept "Floor 30" as an explanation. I kept asking dad about my power so I didn't have chance to ask about that.

"Dad, I want this armor." I say then lightly lift the price tag for him to see. It's three digits long so I wonder if he could afford this.

Understanding my action, he says with a wry smile. "Rex, the equipment on Floor 0 are pretty cheap. You are going to change them for Magical equipment later anyway."

Change? Doesn't this Scale armor looks like the best equipment in a game already?

"What is Magical equipment?" I drop the price tag down and ask.

"We don't have something expensive like that here." The shop owner shakes her head.

Dad lightly shakes his hand, summoning his Cube. That reminds me, I still carry my Cube on my hand. I silently shake my hand and suddenly I can't feel the Cube anymore. I look down to check my hand but it has nothing special. When I look back, dad is twisting his Cube a few time then suddenly and magically pull out a smaller cube from it.

"You actually have a Magical equipment!" The shop owner exclaims in amazement.

With a slight shake, the small cube in Dad's hand 'explodes' and turns into a pair of gloves.

"This gloves has no enchant so it's not that powerful. If only they have a Forge on this floor, I could enchant it and give it to you." He says some nonsense again. Indeed, they are only a pair of blank white glove without the finger parts. Even if someone say it worth a fortune, I couldn't believe it.

"Even without enchant, these gloves are at least 2000 Gram. Do you want to sell it to me?" The shop owner raises two fingers as she says. "That's enough to buy a decent set of starting equipment for your son."

"No thanks. I pay with cheque." Another non sense enters my ears. But I soon understand it.

As dad point at the red Scale Mail, the shop owner hands the price tag to dad. Using his Cube, he stamps the price tag like I did with the registration form.

"Thank you." The shop owner says after receiving the stamped price tag, aka cheque…

After I don the set of red "scaled" armor, we leave the shop. Although it looks really nice, I soon find out that the scales were actually carved from wood, making the armor really light. I thought this was a late game set but in the end it's nothing more than a set of costume, both in this world and on Earth.

About my weapon, I don't really want to talk about it… The entire Floor 0 is full of costume made of wood. The more extravagant shop has more beautiful costume. At least they satisfy my delusion of looking cool.

Ah, so life in another world is just like this.

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