《Superhumans from the Past》Chapter 11, Master at work


The Andromen ships met no resistance in disabling key weapon systems, and cloaking capabilities. The overwhelming numbers of prisoners required special attention by half the armada to process and presented a major problem.

Once the Kalar forces were processed, Stargazer and the group flew into the flagship conference room bypassing the hull.

The computer sounded the alarm, but it was turned off at the admiral’s command. The large oval table accommodated fifteen seats, all magnetized to the floor. Spot looked at the center seat which was moved away from the table much more than the other chairs.

Admiral Novis entered with an entourage of Soldiers. His body was long with six limbs and four wings. The specially designed spacesuit tucked in the wings on his back. The long arms and legs were characteristic of giant basketball players. He extended his four arms and greeted the humans with firm handshakes; then had his people scatter to their normally designated seats.

Stargazer examined every detail of this incredible insect-like alien. The admiral’s spacesuit covered his exoskeleton made of chitin, which seemed to be able to withstand a space environment for a good half hour. However, like most other living beings, the admiral’s lungs would not be able to work without a supply of air. The admiral, like the rest of the crew carried a personal helmet by his side, a combat ready procedure while in space.

“Admiral, I apologize for the shortness of the situation, but we need to talk to all the ship captains and second in commands as soon as possible.” Stargazer sat facing him.

“It will be some time to get all of them to a secure conference call, unless you need them in person, which will take longer.” Novis replied.

“A conference call will work.” Master chimed in.

“Commander.” Novis motioned to his battle commander.

“It should take us about 15 minutes, Sir.”

“While we’re waiting, we would like to tell you what our plan is before the conference.” Stargazer assured the admiral, motioning to Master.

“Admiral, I have plotted a path to the outskirts of the Tritany 10 system. As you’re aware, it’s a system of low population with massive resources. According to your intelligence, it’s also the least protected at this point. Perhaps because the Kalar believed that this armada would’ve been destroyed or be used for a direct attack against a larger military target. The intent is to get the Kalar to divert their forces from the Dortin and Jifu sectors of space to attempt to attack us. We’ll lure those forces into a kill zone, where we’ll conduct hit and run tactics until we get to sector Hansis 2. Once there, we should have destroyed all of the forces, and have to focus on the Kalar Supreme Guard forces which will probably be moved to intercept us. The armada’s firepower was diminished greatly by having to devote ships to prisoner transport and security; but this plan to compensate for that loss will work properly as long as the captains understand to hit and run and not try to gain a full victory by pressing the attack on stragglers.” Master explained as a 3D star map displayed above the table.

The admiral raised a hand in thought. A moment passed in silence, “Even with two armadas at full strength, we don’t have the power to take control of Arlos, and we don’t know where Queen Cassandra is at the moment.”

“Admiral, things have been set in motion, and there will be enough firepower when the time is right. In addition, the armada itself doesn’t have to be at full power, we just need the enemy to think so.” Stargazer politely retorted.


“The legend of the Burik’dir is taught in the academy as an elective for many; but for officers, it’s required. The Queen thought it was important enough to keep it in the curriculum since its conception. I don’t dispute the legitimacy of the Burik’dir, but as for your legitimacy, I can only speculate. You are asking me to put the lives of trillions in your care, and the only assurance I have is your unorthodox combat skills and a Vorg crew under your command.” Novis glanced at MAJ Krodis and then back at Stargazer.

“Actually you have more than that; you have our willingness to help you in the face of death, and our word which so far is true.”

Novis’ semi-ocular mandible slightly tightened. “I guess we can start the conference now.”

“Sir, all captains are standing by.” The communications officer reported.

Stargazer and Master looked at each other in unison. “That was a very fast fifteen minutes.” Master commented.

“I just wanted to make sure I didn’t get blindsided, and my captains need to see that I approve of the plan first before they travel to this spot in space.” Novis pointed at the 3D plot of the Tritany 10 system. “May the living stay alive.”

The conference occurred without a hitch, and the armada quickly started its movement to Tritany 10.

Crew Quarters A112, Andromen Flagship

“I hope the Captains don’t mess this up.” Master drank his new favorite protein mix.

“Everyone seemed to have liked your plan.” Rat Bastard replied as he laid in his assigned bed cubical; the soles of his feet barely pressing on the outer edge of the one foot tall transparent steel railing.

“Three hundred twenty-seven ships, that’s a lot of chances for one to spook the enemy or send out a treacherous message.”

Rat Bastard turned his head, his brows tighten. “Why don’t you have any faith in people?”

“I have faith in some people. Just not in everyone. Do you know how many people have died due to wars and crimes, because of people making mistakes or just being evil?” Master propped his feet on a small table extending out of the wall.

“I’m sure you’re going to tell me.” Rat Bastard crossed his arms behind his head amidst his pillow.

“More than I’m willing to count.”

“Wow, that’s a lot. But I think you’re forgetting something.”

“What are you talking about? I don’t forget anything.” Master relooked at the plan on his tablet.

“The good guys always win if you have faith.”

“Sorry to break it to you, but in real life not all good guys win.”

“Hmm… as long as there’s one victory, the good guys always win.”

“I really don’t know why I put up with these philosophical discussions.” Master signed.

“Aaah..” Rat Bastard lumbered out of bed, the railing automatically detracting. “It’s because I’m a good listener and very smart.”

“If you’re so smart, why didn’t you come up with this plan to fight the Kalar?”

Rat Bastard moved across the room towards the door. “It’s all in my master plan, to let you do the strategy. While you’re reading that metal clipboard, I am going to enjoy the company of some female aliens.”

“Where’re you going?” Master’s picked his head away from the tablet, showing an annoyed posture being temporarily distracted by Rat Bastard’s remarks.

Rat Bastard turned his head as he walked out of the room smiling. “Walk around the ship and find out what they think of us. If you’re not going to have faith in people, I guess I’ll have to do it for you.”


Master stared at the closed plastic looking sliding door for a long while. “I have faith… But we need a miracle.” Master looked back down at Cyer’s image and computed statistical energy output of a star.

Crew Quarters A114, Andromen Flagship

Stargazer opened his eyes from a long restful nap. His gaze went out through the starship and into a wide view of millions of stars. He jumped from one light source to another as was habitual for him as a child. Earth was his home, but the universe was his visual playground.

“Do you think we’ll make a difference?” Stargazer softly said.

“If we save the queen and stop Korvax, yeah.” Ghost instantly replied.

“No, I mean.”

“On Earth?.. I don’t know.” Ghost interrupted.

“Can I ever complete my sentences?” Stargazer turned his head, Ghost sitting in front of a computer screen reading historical records.

“Sorry Star, but since we’re in the future and everyone’s telling us the Earth’s past and future are at stake, then yes, I think we’ll make a difference… and I’ll stop ending your sentences.”

Stargazer sat up on the bunk. “I thought I was one of a very few people with powers. Now it seems that there was a revolution of super people on Earth and we missed it?”

“I think we might be more use here and honestly, our future is not fully written, so how do we know that we didn’t start that revolution.” Ghost turned off the screen and stretched his arms.

“Whatever happens, I need you to promise me, no one is left behind.”

Ghost looked at Stargazer’s eyes. His thoughts were very clear, maybe too much. “So you think I have a thing for Queen Cassandra?”

Stargazer smiled. “If she has the same strong feelings for you, I don’t blame you if you want to stay with her, but seeing how things have hit the fan lately; you should look at what’s best for Earth… but it’s your call and I’ll honor it.”

“Thank you my friend.” Ghost wondered how he would have slapped himself, not less than a week ago he thought Cassandra was some pushy female, and now he was falling in love with her, if he hadn’t already.

“No thanks necessary. Hopefully the woman I want to be with will be waiting for me when we get back.”

Ghost didn’t say a word and thought about how screwy romance could be when you least expect it.

Lower Deck L8 A, Andromen Flagship

Spot walked into one of several manufacturing decks. The repair and customizing material modules were constantly calibrating or producing needed equipment and ship parts. The supervisor on duty walked up to Spot while the rest of the workers momentarily glanced at them as if the Captain of the ship had walked onto the deck.

“Lord Spot, we were not expecting to see any of the Burik’dir here, but it’s a pleasure, welcome, I’m Ensign Gran.” The middle aged man stood proud as he saluted him.

“Call me Abaddon.” Spot returned a perfect salute.

“Yes, my Lord, but may I ask what does that mean?”

“On Earth it means the destroyer.”

The Ensign smiled, “So it will mean the same here. He extended his hand toward the twenty modules the size of large dump trucks, “Please let me show you our department.”

Spot smiled back seeing they didn’t fear his name, knowing he was an ally and would bring much destruction on the Kalar.

“The modules here receive raw parts and materials from the floor above us. We repair or synthesis improvements into the matrix of template jobs for all things from personal hygiene items, clothing, body armor, weapons, up to hull material for the ship.” The Ensign walked around the modules explaining the details of their important work.

Spot listened intently to all the words and scrutinized the modules and people running them as if inspecting troops for battle.

The Ensign completed his tour with assembling the twenty five workers in the very large room. “Lord Abaddon, told me he has some questions for you and if you have any for him please ask.”

Spot walked in front of most of the workers, as a few where in the back of the crowd. “You know my name, but I would like to know each of your names, where you call home, and what you plan to do after the empire is saved.”

“I’m Chief Petty Officer Dolas Hem, my home is Liwar Prime, and I hope to start my own manufacturing company someday.” The smiling and tall light blue skinned woman was the first to reply.

Spot couldn’t believe how handsome and beautiful all of the people he had met in this galaxy were. ‘What kind of vitamins do these people take?’ He thought to himself having never seen any overweight, underweight, wrinkled or malformed humanoids.

The last worker gave his spill, and added a question. “Lord Abaddon, do you really think we will win and see our families again?”

Spot looked at him calmly and stepped back as if wanting to take a group photo. “I think we have a very good chance to win, now that my friends are here, but you’re probably wondering if I can kill this Destroyer of Ordis. Time will tell, but I would ask something from you guys. What’s the smallest and most powerful energy storage pack or source you guys can create?”

The Ensign looked at Hem to answer the question. “Lord Abaddon, that’s easy. We can make a fission pack capable of storing two-trillion kilowatts and creating two-million kilowatts per second.”

“And how big is that?”

“A pack, about 3 feet square by 2 feet deep.”

“If you can make things like this, why haven't you used nuclear weapons strong enough to defeat the Kalar?”

The Ensign stepped in, “Nuclear weapons are used by other races, but they are crude and Queen Cassandra outlawed impure nuclear weapons. The plasma cannons on warships like this one do not leave radioactivity like a old style nuclear weapon.”

“I don’t think the Destroyer of Ordis or the Kalar care about that.” Spot interjected.

The Ensign’s face stopped in time as in deep thought while his jaw slightly dropped. “We must be the ones to stand for what’s right and our future generations.”

“So we do, and that’s why I must ask you make ten packs for me, and if possible make them quickly portable for fast loading unto any ship I get on. Thank you all for your warm hospitality. I will not let you down, I promise.”

Spot stayed with them for a moment talking about Earth, the ship and their specific jobs but work had to continue and he left the floor to find out as much as possible about the people he was fighting for. Something he was not really able to fully do back on Earth as politics, gossip and false ideology got in the way of doing what was right in a time of war.

The voyage was uneventful for several days, but the emptiness of space was once again filled with distress calls from the planetary system in Tritany 10.

Master tapped the armrest slowly to the beat of an imaginary sonata. “Okay, you can start jamming now.” He almost boringly commanded.

“Affirmative, Master.” The communications specialist replied.

“It seems like your plan is working.” Rat Bastard whispered as he stood next to Master.

“Of course it is.” Master, mumbled.

“So why are you so excited?” Rat raised his voice.

Master exhaled in frustration and looked at the three sensor technicians, “Is there anything?”

The long range scanner technician picked his head up in response. “No, Master. We see no changes to the parameters you indicated.”

“Take it easy. Chances are he’ll show when we get near Arlos.” Rat Bastard tried to comfort the teenager.

“He’ll show when he finds out where we are.”

“But he knew where we were going to be a few days ago and never came. I mean if I were him I would be thinking why come to us when all he has to do is wait for us near Arlos?”

Master looked up at Rat Bastard’s face. “Sometimes, your logic baffles me.”

“My mom used to say that all the time.” Rat walked away from Master, kneeling beside the life support specialist. “Hi there, I was thinking once your shift is over, if you wanted to have lunch with me.”

The female specialist smiled; Master squinting his eyes and rolling them in disbelief. “Oh, brother.”

The Kalar forces were overwhelmed by Spot, Ghost and Stargazer’s surprise attack in the rear defensive perimeter of the weak garrison bases. The deactivation of automatic weapon systems left an open door for Andromen starships to force a surrender. The battle lasted less than an hour, before the entire system was under Andromen control.

Stargazer and the group quickly reunited in the flagship bridge, looking at the next step in their plan.

Rat Bastard eyed Stargazer’s torn and burnt spacesuit. “Too bad they don’t make indestructible clothes.”

“If they did, there’ll be a lot of stores out of business.” Stargazer smiled.

“Hmm, I guess there would be.”

“Captain Olac, we’re ready when you are.” Master announced. The main screen changed view to Captain Olac. Her short black hair defined a slender beautiful young face.

“We’re in position Lord Master.” Olac’s mild tone sent chills down Rat Bastard’s back.

Ghost smiled seeing the big guy’s one tracked mind of being the center of attention for the opposite sex.

“Excellent. Lead the way Captain.” Master replied.

Twenty starships warped toward deep space with the flagship in the center.

“Okay, I’m going to change. You guys seem to have a handle on all of this.” Stargazer walked toward one of three exit doors.

“Lord Stargazer off the bridge.” An automated voice announced as the double doors opened.

The Andromen crew paused, turning heads, to see Stargazer leave.

Ghost walked up behind the science officer. “What’s going on?”

The science officer kept his attention on the multiple screens and readouts on the console. “Lord Ghost, there’s unusual activity around Hansis 2. There are indications that warships are being ordered to rally in that system.”

“Master, we might need to re-think our plan.” Ghost spoke loudly. “Continue monitoring, and you two find out everything there is about that sector.” Ghost commanded the other two science officers assigned to monitor for the Destroyer of Ordis.”

“What’s up?” Rat Bastard and the other two walked up to Ghost.

“It seems they’re not going to send any forces this way.” Ghost stated as a fact.

Rat Bastard and Spot turned towards Master behind them.

“Oh my God. How could I have not seen this?” Master raised his hands to the ceiling with wide eyes. “You two continue with your original orders.” Master lowered his hands, pointed a finger at the science officers, and slightly frowned.

“Computer, bring up Hansis 2 information on the main screen!” Master quickly got back into the Captain’s chair.

“As you can see. The sector has three star systems with twenty six planets. They will try to suck us into this area.” Master moved his hand and finger as if touching the screen from ten meters away. A yellow arrow, line and box appeared in a zoom of a very large planet, labeled Utro-mes. The Kalar even though they have the power to radiate the entire population of the planet, do want the resources without having to worry about hazardous wastes in the atmosphere, oceans and land.”

“You’re the man.” Rat Bastard interrupted seeing that Master had anticipated the Kalar maneuver.

“Yes, well as I was saying.” Master paused with an annoyed smirk. The Kalar have been trying to take over the planet’s inhabitants since they arrived there. The Utro people have been able to defeat many assaults; however, the Kalar have air supremacy and will take the planet over time. It’s possible they’re diverting forces to reinforce the sector, but more than likely they’re trying to get us to attempt a rescue of the planet.”

“What makes you think that? There’s so much space out there, why don’t they think we can’t just bypass them?” Spot interrupted.

“You’re thinking in one dimension my friend. Hansis 2 is key because it’s close enough to a direct path to Arlos. If we bypass the sector, we’ll have the enemy in our rear. If we just destroy the space forces and leave the ground troops there, a Kalar force just needs to come in and us the planet as a base with no opposition. So, yes we will go destroy the space forces, and destroy the ground forces. And use the planet as a launching point. What the Kalar don’t know is we have the advantage.”

“We can only do so much, and destroying the ground forces will take a very long time.” Rat Bastard said.

“We’re not the advantage. We’re the distraction.

“The short term advantage is time. If the Vorgolings are sticking to the timeline, we should have two extra fleets to occupy the sector when we’re done, and assemble for the final attack on Arlos.”

“So I assume you have a detailed plan on taking the planet?” Spot asked.

“Of course. Rat will be with you, but you’ll lead the rebellion as the great warrior. Stargazer and Ghost will take care of the space forces.”

“And what will you be doing?” Rat Bastard asked.

“Keeping us all alive.” Master said as an absolute.

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