《Superhumans from the Past》Chapter 6, Legend Has It


The reserve security forces sprinted towards Stargazer’s group. A few dozen men and women spread out as they approached, surrounding the three men. “Get on the ground!” Several of the Soldiers commanded in their Arloian language.

Stargazer looked over his shoulder but did so only to assess the situation behind him. “The natives don’t understand us.”

“Maybe you should have said, take me to your leader!” Rat Bastard barked; Spot chuckling.

“Huh, maybe I’m being too submissive.” Stargazer lowered his hands by his side and walked up to the nearest Soldier.

A projectile along with a short beam of light burst out of the Soldier’s rifle. Stargazer saw the trigger squeeze and guessed the trajectory. Without hesitation, Stargazer continued to walk as the round hit his left leg. The metallic energized round hit hard, pushing his upper leg back a few inches. “You guys aren’t playing around.”

Another round was shot once the intended effect had failed to put the intruder down. But this time, Stargazer was in no one’s sights, as he flew and ran beside what he thought was a leader in the back of the formation. The round instead of hitting Stargazer continued onward and hit Rat Bastard in his lower back.

“What the hell! That could have killed someone!” Rat Bastard yelled in anger and turned into the Rat.

Half of the guards jumped back in shock, the other half were confused as Stargazer had simultaneously subdued a male guard in their rear with a chokehold.

Stargazer grabbed the rifle and wrenched it with great force from the man, dropping it to the floor. “Don’t do it Rat! They might still be friendly!”

Rat Bastard twirled around to face Stargazer and where the shot came from.

“Weapons hold!” A Soldier ordered, but this time it was in English. “Stand down!”

Stargazer looked at the Soldier giving the commands. He was in the middle of the group and had Stargazer known the meaning of the small insignias on their uniforms, he would have gotten a leader instead of a private.

“We’re not going to harm you. Arbitrator sent us here to save your galaxy.” Stargazer announced, letting go of the Soldier.

Rat Bastard stayed in rat form, and was ready to attack at Stargazer’s command. Spot turned to him and eased next to him. “It looks like they know who’s the boss, you can relax big guy.”

The slight pain on his back told him otherwise, but it quickly left him once he realized this was his chance to get to know more than one alien who spoke English.

“Alright Spot, but next time you take the rear.” He turned back into human form, as all the Soldiers lowered their weapons and half of them started to go back to their duties.

Stargazer walked towards the leader and waved for Spot and Rat Bastard to come to his location. The shredded fatigues now had an extra burn spot from the bullet, but it was the last thing on his mind. “Why didn’t you guys speak our language before I got shot?”

The guard stood the same height as Stargazer, but the armored helmet and boots had much to do with it. “My apologies Sir, but the universal translator didn’t initially recognize the ancient language.”

“Do you normally trust what strangers say?” Stargazer looked at the man through his helmet. The man had a rugged prehistoric frame with thick brown hair fibers covering most of his face and body.

The lieutenant raised his helmet visor, revealing what Stargazer already saw. He resembled a cross with chimpanzee eyes and forehead; and a human male nose, mouth, cheeks and chin.


Spot came up to the two men. “Where are we?”

“You are… we are on the Vorgoling system space station. I am waiting for my commander and the historian for us to be able to answer all your questions. But in the meantime, I have questions of my own.” The lieutenant’s mouth moved but it didn’t reflect what the speakers on his helmet said. A tiny echo of the real language could be heard in the background as the translator did its job, but the echoed noise was there mainly because the men were standing close to each other.

“Excuse me Sir. But my name is Lord Rat Bastard. May I ask who you are?” Rat stuck out both hands and grabbed the lieutenant’s unoccupied off hand, shaking it rapidly but with care.

“Lord Rat Bastard, it’s my pleasure to meet you.” The lieutenant’s stiff posture showed a little bit of confusion. “I’m Lt. Ostarnie, Assistant Security Officer for this station. I’m assuming you are not from this sector of the galaxy?”

“No, we’re from the Milky Way Galaxy.” Stargazer replied.

“We’re real aliens.” Rat Bastard smiled.

Lt. Ostarnie had a blank emotionless ape-like face. “Are there fake aliens in your galaxy?”

“It all depends on which government is in charge at the time.” Spot grinned as he gazed at the details of the bay and what seemed like a small group of Soldiers coming their way.

The metallic alloy on the floor and ceiling was primarily bright gray with very thin ten meter long black straight lines as texture. The walls were off white, with large embedded lights all throughout the ceiling. The ceiling was at least seventy-five meters high, and sectioned off with the bay itself covering a rectangular area roughly four hundred meters long. Spot was very impressed, knowing they were probably in a small section of the space station.

“It all depends on perspective, but back to the why we’re here. I would like to know why you’re so accommodating since I subdued one of your men and ignored your warnings and commands.” Stargazer placed his hands behind his lower back as a sign of calmness and confidence.

“The station computer indicated you were a priority VIP. I don’t know why, which is also why my commander and the historian were alerted.” Lt. Ostarnie turned to face the small approaching group of people in similar spacesuits.

The group was standing on a large circular platform with thin railings at waist level, moving rapidly in front of them. The railings collapsed into the four inch thick platform once it stopped in front of the four men, and landed gently on the metallic floor.

The helmet visors were open on all the aliens, exposing the white hair of the commander and red haired historian. The historian was smaller and a female, but the chimp-like appearance was minor compared to the males, which light makeup helped to cover. The chest plate design also made it easy to identify the genders, but Stargazer ignored the importance even though female Soldiers in combat were not a routine practice in his native United States of America.

“Welcome aboard this station, I’m Commander Exleter and this is Major Krodis.”

“Thank you Commander, Major. I’m Lord Stargazer.”

“I apologize for interrupting my Lord, but according to the computer recordings, I must say that it’s critical that all of you come with us to a secure debriefing room.” Major Krodis excitedly responded by quickly standing into Stargazer’s personal space.

The commander grabbed Krodis’ arm and pulled her away. “Excuse her zeal Lord Stargazer, but we’re in the middle of a war and the only reason I’m not ordering my men to imprison you is because the computer and Major Krodis believes you and your men are the Burik’dir?”


“The what?” Spot replied.

Krodis put her hands in front of her as if praying or giving a lecture to a small group of students. “Legend has it that the Burik’dir are five saviors from the planet called Earth. The origins of King Alexmarks; Queen Cassandra’s father. Many people have been waiting for your arrival in the mist of our greatest despair.”

“But I only count three saviors.” Commander Exleter’s tone was cynical as he looked at the would-be saviors, and then at Krodis.

Krodis looked around in anticipation for someone to answer the question, or get a glimpse of two more strangers.

“There are five of us; Lord Ghost and Master are hiding because Lord Master was injured during the trip here.” Stargazer relieved her anxiety. “But since we’re skeptical or intrigued to some degree or another, we’ll be willing to go to your debriefing room, but would ask for medical assistance for Lord Master first.”

The Commander turned his head towards one of the Soldiers in the background. Two Soldiers quickly reported next to him. “These two specialists will attend to the injured Master.”

“Thank you very much commander.” Stargazer said and turned in the direction of where Ghost and Master had disappeared.

Ghost and Master reappeared in the middle of the assembly. Master let out a grunt and slight whimper as he held his forearm.

Stargazer looked at the two Soldiers who were surprised by the unnatural appearance. “Lord Master needs your help.”

One of the Soldiers gave a fleeting look at Stargazer before following the other Solider in a quick jog.

“One of the saviors is a boy?” Exleter asked, astonished.

“He’s a little man genius, and is willing to fight for you, so please don’t get on his bad side.” Stargazer warned.

Master was sat down on the floor by the medics. He eyed the silver ace bandage with mixed painful emotions. “This isn’t a sprain. You guys know this, right?”

“Lord Master, this is necessary to immobilize the arm.”

“What I need is a cast for a few hours so the bones will mend.” Master said as the Soldiers finished wrapping the arm. A small coin size digital electrode was placed on top of the bandage. One of the medics touched the quartz screen on the electrode and the bandage harden like steel.

“What the… cool.” Master’s eyes widen with joyful interest. One of the medics held a small lens like object in her hand and scanned his arm. The other medic touched the digital coin and the bandage softened so they could adjust the arm into the perfect position.

“Ahh, when will the pain subside?” Master asked, wanting to know if he was going to get a highly advanced alien aspirin.

“It should be going away about now.” The medic replied while touching digital numbers and settings on the electrode.

“Awesome.” Master scrutinized the silver fabric and electrode with great intensity, ignoring the aliens or other neat gadgets around him. The medics helped him up and gave him instructions on caring for the cast.

Ghost had left Master, walking towards Stargazer, while Spot and Rat Bastard talked to Soldiers near them. Major Krodis talking to someone in her helmet making arrangements for the escort and integration of the Burik’dir into a new era of change.

Stargazer casually walked up to meet Ghost halfway. “I was hoping you could read my thoughts to let you know everything was fine.”

“I don’t know why, but it’s very easy for me to read your thoughts, even from far away. Normally I can read people’s minds for several hours and after that it is very sporadic. Sometimes, I can’t read any minds at all, but I could always read my mom’s thoughts no matter what was going on or how far. I could also mentally communicate with her sometimes. I think it’s because she gave birth to me.” Ghost looked at Stargazer. “She died a long time ago, but now you seem to be the only one I can read all of the time.”

“So you’re saying I’m like your mom?”

“Don’t worry Steve. You’re not my new mother.” Ghost eased his sarcastic thoughts.

“Good to know. Besides I’m sure I’m not pretty enough to be your mom.” Stargazer smiled.

“You can be my mommy if you want.” Rat Bastard stepped in between them with a wide grin.

Stargazer looked up at the man. “I’ll put you in time out if you ease drop like that again.”

“You know that rats can hear better than dogs and cats. Maybe you and mom should be talking softer.” Rat Bastard addressed Ghost first, then turned back around, smiled, and moved away from them.

The two men looked at the big guy walk down the bay. Spot blissfully slapped Rat Bastard on the back for a job well done having also overheard the conversation.

‘I like this group.’ Stargazer thought.

“Yes, we sure have a good team. Do you think that’s why we were put together?” Ghost whispered.

‘We don’t know what’s going on, and I don’t trust people on face value, let alone aliens from another galaxy, if we really are in another galaxy. We need more information and not from one or a few people. I need you and Master to find out what you can from computer systems or documents. Hell, even ease dropping on conversations will work. If things are advanced like in Star Trek episodes, their computers should have the answers to confirm what is going on and who we can trust. But don’t let anyone know what you two are doing. The rest of us will get information the old fashion way and talk our way into whatever crazy thing is next.’ Stargazer glanced at Ghost.

“I’m on it.” Ghost nodded and flew to where Master was being treated, whispering into Master’s ear.

The Soldiers looking in the same direction paused their duties in wonder, having never seen someone fly without the use of a flight device or gadget. Stargazer noticed the reaction through their visors and body language, and erectly flew next to Major Krodis.

“I think we need to go to the debriefing room right now.” Stargazer said while Spot grabbed Rat Bastard away from his new audience.

Krodis’ blinking eyes and awe were honest. “Yes, we really do.”

Commander Exleter motioned them to stand on the platform, and kept unexpectedly quiet.

Ten figures jetted across the bay on the platform. “I assume your people have never seen a person defy gravity like we have?” Stargazer continued the conversation.

“No, Lord Stargazer we have, but only recently. I will explain in detail in the debriefing room. I have heard of such innate powers but only in the legends of books.”

“Queen Leavan can’t fly?” Master asked.

“You mean Queen Cassandra.”

“Isn’t her full name Cassandra Leavan?”

Krodis smiled. “I think you don’t understand the naming dynamics. Leavan is the station which the Queen holds as ruler of many races within the entire galaxy. Since many races have two titles assigned to their origins and authoritarian status, the Queen’s authority is Queen. Leavan is the origin of her power and species which is accepted by all the races.”

“So to sum it up, Queen Cassandra of the house or station of Leavan would be correct.” Master replied.

“Yes, that’s perfectly stated.” Krodis’ impressed tone said it all for her growing admiration of the humans.

“So Queen Cassandra can or can’t fly?” Stargazer refocused the conversation.

“I really don’t know. I assume she can if she wanted to, but I have never met her in person or know of any instance when she flew like you did. But she doesn’t need to fly since she can appear where ever she wishes.”

The platform stopped in front of the lift doors. “Where’s the Queen at this time?” Spot asked.

Ghost kept quiet seeing many things inside the five aliens’ minds, but it was visions more than anything else. The foreign language was a mystery to him and it seemed like he was viewing clips in a mixture of Greek, Asian, Russian, and babble he couldn’t compare with any coherence. The information he and Master would be expected to gather would be much harder than he thought, but hopefully the computer would translate in his spying activities, whenever that would begin.

“That’s another thing we need to talk about in the room.” Major Krodis said as all of them entered the large multidirectional elevator.

“Well since we seem to be compartmented at the moment. Could you tell us why we only see one type race in this space station if it’s supposed to be for many races?” Master asked.

“Not all races interact efficiently with one another, so our people are tasked to sustain this station, to include security. There are other races here which you will see once we enter the upper levels and sections, but this is a unique station and in the process of evacuating.” The commander answered.

“Are we in danger of being attacked?” Stargazer asked.

“Not at the moment, but Kalar forces are moving in our direction.” The elevator stopped at the intended destination and the conversation changed to a quick introduction and tour of the level.

The group walked down several hallways and into a large conference room. The level seemed to be deserted of people except for a few technicians working on the ventilation and electrical systems in the passages.

Stargazer scanned the area as a habitual precaution against foul play, but only saw advanced construction material of a space station and people moving about with a purpose. His guard tempered as he sat in what seemed to be center stage for a briefing. The room seated several hundred people, resembling a large university tier seating classroom with no students. The three man security team that followed the group standing at the entrance.

Once the entire group was seated, Major Krodis started the briefing. “Station computer, please record entire session, and present ancient historical file Burik’dir.”

“Affirmative.” A male voice replied through the surround sound speakers. The lights dimmed and a display of written text in Greek came up on a theater sized screen. The video backed off the book and a young woman dressed in an elegant blue silk dress sat on a glass chair. Her medium golden blonde hair frizzled with static electricity as she turned towards the camera.

“Welcome. I’m Queen Cassandra and these writings I hold in my hand is what many would call a holy book back where my father was born. There will be many people who do not or cannot believe that our destiny has been chosen for us. Destiny and time is complex, but what you, the viewer of this video need to understand is that destiny is set in stone because my father made it that way. How we get there is what, might change, and also what I call life and death; free will, if you prefer. I’m not going to lecture you on what might or will happen, but I will tell you that this text must be protected from alteration or misinterpretation. The Burik’dir will save the galaxy, and this book is for them and whomever it concerns.”

Cassandra’s eyes were crystal blue with a hazel brown inner ring, and had the perfect skin of a young adult. Her smile was mesmerizing as the video faded into darkness.

“As you can see, this book was created for you.” Krodis placed a very thin eight inch tablet in front of Stargazer.

The tablet displayed the book contents as Stargazer tried to make sense of how to work the technology.

“There are tablets underneath the table for you to use.”

“Is there a translator on this thing?” Stargazer asked.

“You don’t know the language?” Krodis’ eyes narrowed.

“It’s written in Greek. I can understand it, but my friends here probably need it translated into English.” Master replied.

“Computer, please translate the language text into En-glish.”

“Affirmative.” The screen highlighted into a dark color and text changed into English.

The group read through the book, which at first was like reading a science fiction story about the Argonian Empire and Galactic Guardians. The story got personal as descriptions of each of them ended the last chapter.

“How old is this book?” Rat Bastard asked.

“King Alexmarks wrote it almost seven hundred Earth years ago.” Krodis automatically converted to the correct chronological terminology.

“How old is Queen Cassandra?” Ghost asked while viewing her video on mute.

Stargazer turned his gaze at Ghost, then at the tablet and smiled.

“The Queen is six hundred forty-one years of age.” Commander Exleter answered.

“That’s some fountain of youth.” Stargazer continued to smile.

Ghost half smirked. “So where’s Cassandra now?”

Krodis looked at the commander. “Queen, Cassandra is believed to be imprisoned by Korvax Bac’dir. He is leading the Kalar in this war and winning at the moment.” Commander Exleter replied and stood up to take Krodis’ post in front of the group.

“Computer, display campaign highlights until present time.”

Commander Exleter explained how the Kalar forces from a neighboring galaxy, known to the Earthlings as Pegasus Dwarf or Andromeda 6, attacked the capital world of Arlos. “The surprise attack divided the Andromen Empire’s forces, which is being exploited as we speak. Friendly forces had momentarily stopped the invasion, but the neighboring forces were not able to retake the Arlos system. In addition, we the Vorgs, joined the Queen’s able forces twenty Earth days ago. But yesterday, a Kalar doomsday weapon caused the generals to divert all forces to the Pasik sector of space. This is the doomsday weapon.” The commander pointed at the screen as the broadcast of Cyer’s destruction of Ordis was played for the group.

“So the generals diverted all forces to find and kill this thing, instead of rescuing the queen?” Ghost asked after the broadcast ended.

“And this is why this station is so barren?” Stargazer added.

“Not everyone was in agreement, but they thought it would be useless to commit on two major objectives.” Exleter replied as he sat down in front of the group. “I don’t believe in the legends, but if you really can do something… I’m willing to hear how you can help.”

“I don’t have any answers right now commander, but I think we need to do more research before we go off to save the day.” Stargazer replied.

Exleter looked at the group in thought. “The Kalar forces are two Earth days from the station. Unless, the Andromen armada has stopped their advance.”

“Are the starships traveling faster than the speed of light?” Master asked.

“Yes, the fastest ships travel eight times the speed of light.”

“Is it possible for us to spend some time here to analyze a way to help you?” Stargazer asked.

“Major Krodis will stay by your side. The guards posted outside are there for security and your assistance, so if you need anything they can escort you to the right locations, like the mess area, or a room for sleeping. At the moment I need to get back to the command center to finalize the evacuation. So please excuse me.”

“Thank you, commander.”

Major Krodis sat in Exleter’s unoccupied seat while the commander left the auditorium.

“Major Krodis, I would like to know more about Queen Cassandra and the capital.” Stargazer placed the tablet on his lap.

Major Krodis started to explain as Ghost disappeared and then Master. She stopped talking with a concerned stare at empty chairs.

“Don’t worry, they’re going to look around. No one will be bothered or hurt. Please continue.” Stargazer said.

“You don’t trust us?”

“You are as alien to us, as we are to you.”

“There have been false saviors in the past, but I can feel in my heart that you are real. I will show you that you can trust me, as I have faith in you.” Krodis said and continued to tell the three men about the queen and Arlos system.

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