《Superhumans from the Past》Chapter 4, Destroyer of Ordis


Destroyer of Ordis

Janu Barrier Defense Grid Command Center, Andromeda Galaxy

A lively group of reserve Soldiers and technicians watched the broadcast of the Ordis defense campaign. The war started days ago, but the first signs of enemy ships making an aggressive action entered the star system minutes ago commencing the Battle of Janu, an orbital outpost. The central news signal brought up a live transmission by the enemy forces of the Kalar.

A very large stone like giant with a modified space helmet resembling a Roman gladiator, articulately spoke their language. “Inhabitants of Ordis, you have failed to surrender and have been sentenced to death.”

The transmission was replaced with a view of a glowing yellow figure of a man flying through space besides a star cruiser. The cruiser was half the size of a US aircraft carrier, but the brilliance of the figure overshadowed the spaceship as if a small star passed by it in seconds. The camera view changed several times as many sensors tracked the star like figure blaze into an Ordis Battlestar spaceship, coming out the other end as the ship exploded into a nuclear ball of light and heat. The audio was on, but the vacuum of space made it look like a silent color movie clip in high definition.

The Ordis space fleet maneuvered thousands of ships to attack the figure. Small and large armored and energy protected ships warped within weapons range of already destroyed ships near the figure.

Thousands of laser beams burst out of the figure in all directions expanding into arches defying the laws of energy as the beams moved faster than the speed of light. Many of the sensors sending the video transmissions in space blacked out as the beams passed through anything in their way.

Aboard the bridge of the Kalar flagship, Commander Paldar, Chief Executer Bhala, a scientific task force, and crew members viewed the battle screen. A three dimensional computerized representation of Cyer’s assault clearly showed his progress and destruction.

The scientific task force comprised of eight experts in warfare and genetics. A narrator spoke as Cyer dashed across the battle screen, the onboard computer matching his movement. “Sir, the battle damage assessment computer cannot keep up with the genowraith.” One of the scientists reported.


Commander Paldar turned his head to Bhala. “Did you expect this to happen?”

Clusters of explosions and light followed Cyer’s movement on the screen as the viewpoints constantly changed trying to keep up with him. Executer Bhala’s stone like face smiled. “I didn’t expect it to be this fast. He’s already obliterated the fleet and I don’t think they had enough time to decide to try to escape.”

“Sir, the genowraith’s energy and speed has increased after every attack. But there seems to be irregular readings as if the genowraith paused slightly prior to destroying and moving on to new targets.” One of the scientists at a bridge console reported.

Executer Bhala walked up to the console, reading the results.

“Why has he stopped his assault?” Another scientist asked.

Commander Paldar turned his chair in Bhala’s direction expecting an explanation.

Bhala signed as he raised his sight back on the screen.

Cyer’s golden yellow brilliance showered the planet Ordis. His presence was a mystery to anyone still alive on or around the planet. The space fleet was over a light year away from the planet, now there was a small star like object a thousand miles from the surface and inside the planetary defensive barrier. Cyer’s speed was unmatched by any spaceship, friend or foe.

Cyer floated above the northern axis of Ordis with folded arms, but his brilliance hid that fact.

“What’s he doing?” One of the scientists asked.

“He’s waiting.” Bhala signed again.

“Waiting, waiting for what…? Sir.” The scientist was almost belligerent, but caught himself.

“He’s waiting for them to attack him.”

“What happens if they don’t attack him?” Commander Paldar calmly asked.

“He will keep his word and kill them all.” Bhala said and started to key in commands on the console.

Cyer looked down at the inhabitants. Ordis was eighteen thousand miles in diameter. He could make out small insects on the deserts and microscopic life at the bottom of ocean beds. The planet was simplistic for his liking, and held nothing of importance to him.

However, plasma beams shooting all around him caught his attention. One beam engulfed his body, but as fast as it hit him, it had dissipated. The plasma energy seemed to be drastically weakened because it hit his body, with no visible damage to him. Cyer looked at the origins of the beams. Thousands of anti-planetary ground turrets were trying to kill him.


Cyer put a hand in front of him, palm exposed toward Ordis. A bright light came out along with an immense amount of heat. The beam hit the lower atmosphere causing a nuclear reaction, but continued into the crust of the planet. Clouds, ground and water moved out of the way. A ripple effect of massive tsunamis made of liquid and earth refaced the surface of the planet. What would have been a five hundred mile wide crater turned into a thousand, and then half of the planet imploded into ground zero of Cyer’s constant energy attack.

The onlookers aboard the Kalar spaceships witnessed the apocalyptic event in horror. Half of the space traveling warriors had seen planet destroyers at work, but none compared to what Cyer was doing in less than a few minutes.

Ordis cracked in half with most of it already vaporized by Cyer’s energy attack and nuclear explosions to match. The once richly populated planet was now a rich source of exposed minerals in a very large area of space orbiting a star. Minuet rare patches of intact ground holding super-microorganisms were the only survivors of the extinction of countless of life forms.

Cyer heard the transmission Bhala was sending, but he didn’t warp off towards the call. He flew several hundred thousands of miles away from the planet, landing on a far moon which was now chaotically spinning out of control through space.

Cyer was almost seven feet tall, but the rock mountain peak he stood on made him look puny. His skin seemed pale, but most of it was clothed with a shinny yellow skin tight metallic looking suit. His yellowish hair was short and spiky as if hair gel was part of his genetic makeup. His human figure suggested he was a human, but that was far from the truth. There was a genetic influence of some human like form, but the energy which supplied his destructive powers were kept at bay in the inner core of his body. He looked at a moon base, housed with probably the last few survivors of the Ordis race.

He looked through the ground and superstructure of the complex. Ordinians were scrambling to survive the disrupted change in orbit and intermittent quakes. “If you’re strong enough, you will live.” Cyer said to himself.

The Ordinians weren’t about to send out a distress call. That would only attract the attention of the Kalar forces, which meant instant death. They would have to wait it out and hope an opportunity presented itself to send out a message for help once the Kalar forces left the area.

In an instant, Cyer warped towards the Kalar flagship. A bright light surrounded him as he entered the flagship bridge. The bridge crew were frightened by the ease in which Cyer entered the sealed room like a glittering spectral without a need to enter through a docking arm or airlock entry chamber.

The scientists and Bhala were unsurprised, but their expressions quickly changed.

“I did what I promised I would do. But you failed to give me what I wanted.” Cyer floated inside the bridge with arms by his side, a few feet in front of the battle screen.

“You’re referring to the challenge?” Bhala replied.

“Yes.” Cyer’s voice was clam, strong, and reflected perfect pronunciation.

“There are stronger forces we have yet to fight.” Bhala countered.

“No, there are no other forces here worthy of me.”

“What are you trying to say?” Commander Paldar interjected.

“When you find someone worthy of killing, let me know.” Cyer flew out of the bridge, continuing into outer space and vanished into hyperwarp.

Commander Paldar looked at Bhala. “I hope you can explain this to the Emperor?”

“The Emperor will listen to me... I will take care of this.” Bhala’s iron pale stony face hid his fear as he left the bridge and prepared to communicate with his master.

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