
Cliff left the room and headed straight to the lobby. Cliff is still deciding which skills he will learn; occupied by his thoughts, someone called him behind. “Cliff!” Lily shouted as he approached Cliff. Cliff turned around and saw Lily approaching him. “Your orientation is also finished?,” Cliff said to Lily when she arrived. “Yes, we finish up early because the instructor cannot demonstrate the skill and just let us watch demo videos while she explains and gives tips for each skill,” Lily replied. “Will you also be returning after three days?” Cliff asked. Lily nodded to Cliff question; the two started to head towards the lobby expecting that Marvin and Mel are waiting for them. Cliff and Lily arrived at the lobby to their surprise the other two have not finished their orientations. Cliff and Lily decided to sit down on a nearby bench; Lily again took out her phone to listen to music. Cliff also busied himself by playing mobile app games while waiting. Cliff remembered that he have to stopped by to Mr. Zen before going home. He stopped playing and texted Mr. Zen to let him know he is dropping by later. Cliff immediately opened the browser on his phone to search for a suitable weapon he is going to ask Mr. Zen make for him.

Cliff opened the site called Crafters Market, this website is manage by the Crafters Association. This site sells and buys materials for weapons and equipment. They also auction equipment here. Cliff immediately went to the link that sells and buys Druid equipments. Upon entering the page, Cliff saw tons of equipment for sale but most of them are maces, clubs and armors. Cliff trying to decide which weapon is suitable for him.

Maces weigh around 6-10 kgs and are made of runic steel or special type of wood. They are durable but somewhat heavy by Cliff’s standards and they can hinder movement if not used correctly. Cliff still browsing looking for a suitable weapon for him and suddenly he saw a potential candidate for a weapon. What he saw is a cudgel; it weighs around 2-5 kgs and also can be made of runic steel and special type of wood. This is very similar weight and length the practice sword he is using when sparring with Loraine. Though it is lighter compared to a mace, it can still a decent amount of damage besides he is a support, most of the time he will just heal and lock-down opponents than do damage. Cliff decided to ask Mr. Zen to make him a cudgel rather than a mace. After that he kept browsing looking for good armor that he might buy in the future, then left the site to find basic cudgel techniques and styles for him to learn.


Finding a suitable technique, Cliff closed the browser and continue to play mobile apps to pass time. Around 15 minutes of waiting for the two, Mel and Marvin arrived in the lobby looking for either Cliff or Lily. Cliff saw the two looking for them and proceeded to call them out. “Mel! Marvin!” Cliff shouted while waving at them. Mel turn towards to the one who called him and saw Cliff waving towards them. Mel waved back and immediately dragged Marvin towards where Cliff and Lily is. “Sorry we’re a bit late both our orientation took a while,” Mel said upon arriving in front of the two. “So how did your orientation go?” Lily asked her brother. Marvin gave out a thumbs up and then replied, “The orientation when smoothly but my instructor gave out a detailed explanation about aggro control; did your instructor did the same Mel?”. Mel nodded and then added, “She also did that and also gave tips and tricks about my job which took a long time. From the looks of it she is a very experienced diver.” Cliff interjected, “By the way, Who is your instructor Mel?” Mel trying to remember the name of his instructor and after some time he replied, “I think its Rubia Vermillion.” Cliff was shocked hearing this name. Cliff enlightened Mel who his instructor was and replied in amazement, “You idiot, your instructor is one of the few rank five Diver that still actively doing missions, Most Divers call her the Undying because when she on the job she cannot be stopped and can tank for days even on an injured state. Most praise her for flawless aggro control.” Mel was shocked knowing this piece of information, this also stunned the twins when they heard what Cliff have said. “Man I really need to read more,” Mel sighed looking disappointed on himself. This explained why most people in Mel orientation approach her after the orientation. “I could have gotten her signature,” Mel said while sighing.


Cliff also sighed because he could have met another incredible Diver. He looked at the twins and asked, “How about you two, who are your instructors?”. Marvin was first to answer, “My instructor is named Rick Evers. Don’t worry I know who he is. He is a rank 4 Diver that rising in prominence this past couple of years.” Cliff know who Marvin is talking about. Rick Evers, the vanguard that rose to prominence by doing missions beyond his rank. His shot-calling is superb and most guilds and parties try to recruit him in doing mission.

Lily then answered next, “My instructor is Raine Summers...”. The group immediately know who Lily mentioned. She an excellent mage from the Elemental Wings Guild. “She is still a rank 3 master mage, I think her promotion exam is coming up but she postponed it because of this instructor job because her niece is attending this year Diver’s orientation,” Lily added. But the group know Raine as the face of the Elemental Wings guild, she also part timing as an endorser and a model.

After conversing, Cliff looked at his phone and saw that it is almost lunch time. “Hey guys want to eat lunch before going home?” Cliff suggested to the group. The three nodded in agreement to Cliff’s suggestion. The group walk towards the exit and left the Tavern to look for a place to grab lunch.

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