
Cliff walked toward the station, upon arriving he saw Marvin and Lily waiting for him. Marvin saw Cliff and waved at him and shouted, “Cliff we’re here!”Cliff waved back and approached the twins. “Are you ready for today’s orientation?”, Cliff asked as he arrived in front of the twins. “Of course, I can’t wait to get started!”, Marvin replied and Lily also nodded in agreement. “Lets go inside and buy our tickets to avoid rushing.”, Cliff said and started to walked towards the station.

The twins followed his lead and also head towards the station. As they were walking towards the ticket booth, a sudden question hit Cliff, He did not know what class did the twins qualified. After buying their tickets, Cliff took out his phone and texted Mel that he is on his way to the Tavern and they should meet up in front of the Tavern before entering.

There still some time before they get warped so Cliff asked the twins on what class did they qualify. “Oh yeah we forgot to tell you in the park, I qualified to the juggernaut class while Lily qualified to the slayer class.”, Marvin replied to Cliff’s question. Cliff was kinda shocked that the two did not have the same class, because most twins have similar energy when they are born. “I didn’t expect that you two have different classes.”, Cliff said to the twins. “There some recorded cases that twins have different energy when they are born.” Lily said.

Cliff convinced to what Lily said, he asked, “So what Jobs are you aiming for?” Marvin replied first, “I aiming to be a vanguard!” and Lily replied, “I think being a mage is suitable for me.” Cliff seeing the two, agreed to their decision. Marvin is an outspoken guy, so a flashy front line is really suitable for him while Lily being shy and timid, a back line damage is suitable for her. Ending their conversation, the three walked toward the designated platform for people going to the Tavern. On the platform, the three looked for a good spot and found one. Hearing the person on the PA system starting to countdown the three closed their eyes and waited to be warped. “Warping in 5..4..3..2..1! *Whoosh!*

Upon opening their eyes, they saw that they have arrived to their destination. Cliff and the twins left the station and started to head towards the Tavern. Cliff is looking around, as they are walking along, trying to look for Mel as they are nearing the Tavern. He saw Mel sitting on the nearby bench as he is waiting for him to arrive and Cliff shouted, “Mel!”. Mel, looking for the one who called him out, he saw Cliff waving to him and he immediately stood up and run towards Cliff. “Man, I thought you backed out!”, Mel jokingly said. Cliff replied with a smiled and said, “You wish! Oh these two are from my neighborhood. They are also here for the Tavern orientation.”


Mel greeted the two and said, “I’m Melsion Walter, I’m a friend of Cliff in high-school and aims to be a Berserker.” The twins also greeted back and Marvin was first to reply, “I’m Marvin Taylor, a friend of Cliff and aims to be a Vanguard”, Marvin said. Following his brother, Lily introduce her self next, “I’m Lily Taylor, also a friend of Cliff and aims to be a Mage”, Lily said. Cliff was happy that the three got acquainted before the orientation started. Mel added, “so Marvin, we have the same class.” Marvin nodded and feeling excited for the upcoming registration. “Come on guys lets go inside and register, people will be arriving just right about few minutes from now”, Cliff said as he started walking towards the building. The three agreed and followed Cliff.

Inside they saw a huge lobby, then the group started to approach the Information desk. Arriving in front of the desk, Cliff politely asked, “Good morning, I would like to ask where do new Divers will be registering?”. The lady at the desk smiled and replied, “You just need to take the escalator behind me and you will immediately see the registration desk for new divers. Also the registration for different class is separated; Window 1 is for Juggernauts, Window 2 is for Slayers and Window 3 is for Supports. Upon registering, You will be presented with an ID, which tells your rank and proficiency and other important details. Also a Diver’s watch and a drive, that contains the upgraded soft ware of your current Diver program, will be given out after you register.” Cliff thanking the lady then the lady added, “The job orientation will held after you register, please head to the designated room.” Cliff again thanked the lady and proceeded towards the escalator with the three.

Cliff saw the registration desk upon arriving at the top of the escalator. The number of people registering is still a few because of how early their group arrived. “Lets line up to our respective windows to register”, Cliff suggested to the group. Marvin, Lily and Mel agreed immediately. “Marvin lets head to the window right now, a line is starting to build up.”, Mel said as he invited Marvin. The two separated from the group and lined up to register. “I will be going to.”, Lily said excusing herself. After Lily left, Cliff heads towards the third window. Looking towards the third window, he saw that someone just finished registering. Cliff walked towards the window and upon arriving a lady greeted him.

“Good day! What job are going to register?”, the lady said. “I’m registering to be a Druid, is there anything I need to do?”, Cliff replied. “Just place your hand to the scanner in front of you and we’re just going to run your information in our database.”,the lady said as she pointed to where the scanner is. Cliff place his hand onto the scanner and a green line started to scan his hand. After the scan ended, the lady said, “This will just take a few moments.”


A few moments passed then the lady started to talk, “Clifford Weller, 20 years of age; currently living at District 2 of Greenville City. Parents are Stanford and Elize Weller, both died during a mission. Taken custody by his father’s sister. No criminal record or minor offense. Passed both the written and energy test. Energy point is 45 and qualified to be a support class Diver.” Cliff heard this and then the lady added, “Is the information correct?” Cliff replied, “Yes!”. Then the lady said, “I just need to see your National ID to confirm.” Cliff took out his wallet and showed his ID. “This will take a few moments to issue your ID.” the lady said.

As Cliff waiting for his ID, his phone vibrated. He took out his phone and saw that Loraine sent him a message. The message read: “Cliff, Mr. Zen ask me to tell you that you should drop by his work shop later.”After reading the message, he replied to his aunt that he will drop by later. The lady called the attention of Cliff then said, “Here’s your Diver ID, your Diver’s watch and drive that upgrades your software. Please proceed to towards room 303. It is located on the third floor. The orientation will start at 9. Good day and welcome to the Tavern.”

The ID of the tavern is not an ordinary one. It is also an electronic device. This ID updates the status or rank of the Diver and also have a transmitter to locate the owner if in case he/she got lost. The ID showed a picture of him on the left side and his basic info on the right side. It also showed his rank and proficiency on the upper right corner screen, which read: Novice, Rank 1 Apprentice Druid. Flipping the ID on the back side, Cliff was amazed on what he have seen.

The back side of the ID keeps track of the missions you have completed. On the top left shows his rank below it the mission proficiency which is three, Apprentice, Elite and Master. Just across these three are three small screens that tally on how many mission you have completed on each proficiency, right now the numbers show zeros on each screen, because he have not completed any missions yet.

Then there two LED lights below, this lights up when you have increase in proficiency or when you are eligible to rank up. The LED on the right glows orange, when you have increase your proficiency. This will trigger the ID to transmit the information to the Tavern and updates both the database of the Tavern and your ID. The LED on the left glows green when you are eligible for a rank up. This will also transmit the info to the Tavern and then Tavern will send you a message thru your watch, scheduling your promotion exam, which usually gives you a week of preparation upon receiving the message. Cliff took the ID, the watch and the drive and put it in his pocket.

Cliff left the desk after the lady gave out her final instructions on what to do next. He waited for the three to finish their registration and out of boredom he started playing on his phone. Lily arrived first in front of Cliff; she saw Cliff was playing on his phone. Cliff stopped playing on his phone when Lily arrived and asked, “How did your registration go?” Lily shyly smiled and replied, “Everything went smoothly, I just got caught up with an old friend on line. The two should be arriving in a few moments.” As she was talking about the two, both of them arrived as if it is on cue.

“Man I thought that you left without us, we were just comparing our photos in our ID to know which one of us is uglier, sorry for being a bit late. On a side note Marvin won the ugliest picture award.” Mel said to Cliff. This made Lily laugh and Marvin retorted, “Fuck you man! As you can see I’m more handsome than you.” Cliff laughed and said, “Okay guys enough with the jokes lets head towards our orientations.” Cliff looking on his phone for the time, it read 8:00. There still an hour before the orientation starts.


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