《Count of Frozen End》Chapter 7: Prime Candidate
*** 4971 ***
Staring at the wall, my mind is working into overtime, trying to figure out a path out of this mess. Three choices that represent my potential future are marked in separate columns.
No name. No name. No name… Of course they are all no names. If it wasn't for an image of themselves displayed, I might have even forgotten who they were. Under their portraits, among countless pieces of information, clues and details that even they might not be aware of, a score is displayed in big red numbers. The only problem with that is that none of them even passes the hundred mark.
I still remember the good old days when I would receive prime requests from young vampires with scores in the thousands. Back then, I thought I could do better… Damn; I was such an idiot back then. Nowadays, I'm not even allowed to refuse if a high-ranking vampire were to choose me as his prime… Not that would ever happen.
"4971, can you relax a bit?" from the corner of the room, a lazy voice distracts me from my choices. "I told you already, in a couple years father will get hold of enough royal blood for me to awaken. Then I'll make you my prime!"
"Empty promises." With that remark, I return to my list, but my mind is thinking about that possibility.
89... A third-year moloch and my best friend and roommate. Being part of a rather wealthy family, her becoming a vampire soon is not a fantasy, but inevitable. The only problem is that her family would never approve of her picking up an Outer as a prime.
Although I'm certain she would go against her family's wishes and do as she pleases, I just refuse to put her on that spot. If push comes to shove, I'll just have to give up on all my dreams and follow the standard path of a moloch living as a no name under the banner of a random noble.
"4971… If you think I'll give up on you, then you are insane. Screw my family. I don't care about them." From the back, the sweet voice that keeps eroding my will continues to tempt me. "Even a baron would be happy picking you up as his prime, much less someone like myself."
"A baron? That's not even funny…" Not to mention a legendary existence like a baron, even a knight would not look twice in my direction after hearing about my situation… Unless it's one of those freaks that just enjoy changing their primes every other month. "At the very least, you didn't say a duke. That would have been blasphemous."
"I'm not that insane… But really 4971, relax. It will be fine. I'm sure of it!" With absolute certainty, the bum hidden under a bunch of blankets tries her best to encourage me.
In less than a month, the mid-term re-examination will take place. At that point, my ranking will go above the 5000 mark and, at the end of the year, I'll be expelled. At that point, without a miracle, my life would be over. Given the circumstances, I'll have to either pick up one of the three no names, accept 89's offer, or find a noble family to take me in.
"Oh, come on… R.E.L.A.X." grabbing me from behind out of the sudden, the frail-looking girl with wavy blonde hair drags me towards the door. "Come, let's eat something. I'm sure you'll feel better on a full stomach."
89 is a genius. She has risen through the ranks of molochs like a comet, reaching a top position in less than three years. That is quite a tremendous feat, to say the least.
Knowing too well that resistance is futile when she is like this, I just follow her towards the dinner hall. On the way through the large underground corridors that connect the dorms to the academy, countless other molochs are buzzing around. Once in a while, a young vampire can be seen, usually surrounded by numerous molochs fanning over them, trying to attract their fancy and get picked up as primes.
For the average moloch, doing everything in their power to be chosen is half of their daily life. Unfortunately, I can't relate to this because, for me at the very least, it used to be the other way around, with countless young vampires being by my side at all times.
'Being a top candidate has its benefits.' Going from rank 3 all the way to 4971 in less than two years is without a doubt one of the greatest falls from grace in the academy's history. Unfortunately, that is what's to be expected if you were to be revealed to be an Outer out of the sudden… Although I'm only a halfling, my father being a local. Still, for many, it makes no difference.
While passing through the busy streets, vampires and molochs alike stop in their path, looking in our direction with a mix of desire and jealousy.
'Still, it feels great being the centre of attention, doesn't it?' Although I know those gazes aren’t directed at me but at the petite girl by my side, I don't mind… I've had my moment, now it's her time.
Soon, the massive entrance of the academy makes itself known. Despite seeing it countless times, I still can't get over how over the top it looks with all that crimson crystals and inscribed telirium representing over 90% of its framework. Based on its size, weight and materials used, I guess it would cost someone at least 10 azure crystals to build something like this, an absurd amount of money that only the Sanguins would spend on mere decorations.
Inside, the number of students increases tenfold with some of the top tier ones also scurrying around busily, with no time to spare. In the academy, the competition is extremely intense. If you lag even a bit, someone might just steal your spot. Unless your place is already cemented as mine used to be, you don't have time for anything else.
From the corner of my eye, a familiar situation catches my attention. There, in the centre of the great hall, a young dirty-looking moloch is being ignored by everyone while trying to catch their attention. Based on his looks, attire and decorum, he is most likely a no one…
For every moloch that joins the Academy, there are three others that are never given the chance. For us, blood is not an issue as the Academy supplies it, but for those living outside, unless they will venture into the wilderness and put their lives at risk in order to get resources, blood is a scarce resource. It's not like they can just bite one of the farm animals either, as those are protected. They have to buy it. And that is easier said than done.
"4971, what are you dangling about? Come, let's hurry. I heard they have pig blood stew today. That's like my favourite." Chirping in an enthusiastic tone, 89 grabs my hand once more and tries to drag me after her.
'This glutton…' For a girl of her size, she sure as hell eats a lot.
"89. Do you think you could spare one extra ticket?" That is almost a rhetorical question considering that she has a chest filled with meal tickets, but I have to ask her… A bottom feeder like myself is given only 100 tickets per year, having to work for the Academy if I want more. Fortunately, with 89 by my side, I never had to go to bed on an empty stomach.
Following my gaze, 89 notices the tramp and, with a slight smile on her face, gives me a sudden hug. "Who else away from you would care about the well-being of a nobody? I sure as hell wouldn't. But you do. And therefore you are the best 4971."
Approaching the young moloch, acrid smells touches upon the corners of my mind. Although not overpowering, it's still not pleasant.
The moment he notices our presence, the moloch approaches us and, with no decorum he talks in a slightly frustrated tone.
"Hello there. I know you don't have time but if you could spare a moment…" Pausing out of the sudden, he stares at as with a bit of awkwardness written over his face. "Weird… This is usually the moment they just walk off, ignoring me." Talking in a low voice to no one in particular, the moloch smiles.
"Hello. I'm 89. And this is my BFF 4971. Come with us. Resisting is ill advised." Ignoring the stunned moloch, 89 grabs him by one hand, dragging him towards the cafeteria.
"What is happening?" From the side, I can hear the moloch questioning me with doubt and confusion written on his whole being.
"No one should ever stand before a glutton and her favourite food…" With that last comment, we just follow 89 in silence.
Pig's blood stew. In reality, the blood is added at the very end so that it doesn't lose its properties, but the taste is far beyond average. Taking a spoon full of the meaty dish, I put it in my mouth, allowing the sweet flavour to comb my tongue before swallowing it. Small bites, slow eating, enjoying the food while allowing the blood to be properly ingested; those are all basics of the decorum anyone should know.
By my side, a blond piggy stuffs herself while another one standing on the other side of the table is joining her in a symphony of munching noises. This situation reinforces my theory that the difference between a hungry tramp and a glutton when it comes to food is just semantics.
"Th-this is amazing!"
Finally finishing his plate, the tramp looks with a hungry gaze towards my portion.
"I know, right?"
By the side, the glutton licks the plate before looking at me, or, to be more exact, at my still half-full dish.
"Hah… I'm surrounded by piggies." With an exasperated sigh, I just ignore the two gluttons and return to my food. No matter what, I need to keep myself in my best shape in order to have even the slightest chance of powering through the current crisis.
"So anyway…" interjects the moloch in a subdued voice. "Thank you for the meal. It was amazing. I'm Tony. I didn't really catch your names earlier."
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Answers the blondie. "I'm 89 and my fancy friend over there is 4971. Glad to make your acquaintances, Tony."
Tony… Most likely a self-chosen name. There's no way a no one that can't even afford blood has a real name authorized by the Sanguins.
"Huh? Those are your… Names?" asks the moloch.
"Ranks." I interject. "We don't have names. You know… Being students without a master and everything…" I complete with some obvious knowledge that somehow seems to have eluded him until now.
"That's new…" exclaims the moloch with surprise.
"By the way, could you help me with something?" asks Tony.
Stopping myself from taking another spoonful, I redirect my gaze towards the moloch across the table trying to analyse what kind of person he is… At first I thought he was not the type of guy who would grab your whole hand when offered a single finger but it looks like I might have been wrong, which is quite unusual if I dare say so myself.
"I'm looking for the Matriarch. Could you show me the way towards her office?" continued Tony.
"Huh?" "Hah?"
Simultaneously, both me and 89 express our surprise at that statement… I mean, even I’ve only seen the Matriarch only twice or thrice over the years. As such, a random trump looking for her is akin to an ant trying to get an audience with God.
"Is there a problem? Please don't tell me Academies don't have Matriarchs anymore… "
Not even listening to his ramblings anymore, I exchange a look with 89 and it seems we came to the same conclusion at the same time: this guy is insane or plain stupid.
"Oh, come on, don't give me that look… Listen… Could you just pass to the matriarch this little thing? That's all I'm asking of you." Taking from the pocket of his jacket a small silver token with a skull engraved on the middle, he pushes it across the table towards us.
Giving 89 a pleading look, she just stand up, grabbing the token in the process and heading towards the exit of the cafeteria. In reality, I doubt the matriarch would take even a second look at said token, if she is even willing to waste her time on this issue to begin with.
"Thank you. I owe you one!" says Tony with excitement.
Ignoring him, I return to my now rather cold but still palatable dish.
"You know… You should learn from your friend. Being this cold towards others will make it difficult for you to be selected as a prime." Continuing his background ramblings, Tony tries to give me advice on a subject that I'm well to familiar with.
"I'm an Outer." Not in the mood to listen to 89's copy while she is not even around anymore, I tell him that pivotal piece of knowledge.
"I don't know what that has to do with anything, but I cannot see the problem…" replies Tony in a casual tone.
Unable to hide my surprise at such an out of the ordinary answer, I drop the spoon and stare at him.
"Are you an Outer yourself?" I question the one reason he wouldn't care about my condition… I mean, even 89 hate Outers, me being an exception.
"No, I don't think so…" answers Tony.
Giving him a genuine smile, my interest in him spikes.
Everyone hates Outers. The only difference is how much. Meeting someone that doesn't care about that kind of stuff is exceedingly rare, especially here in the Northern Desolate. Presented with such a great opportunity, I put on my game face on and start pushing him to see if he is truly someone interesting or just another false pretender.
"So, if you really don't care about Outers, would you consider taking one as your master?" This is the kind of question that would stretch a pretender's nerves to the limit. Based on his answer, I can gouge how genuine he is or isn't.
"I don't really enjoy having a master, you know," says Tony, "but I wouldn't mind having my prime be an Outer."
"But you don't seem to be a vampire yourself now, do you?" He is obviously a moloch… The lack of an aura gives him away.
"No, I'm not one yet… But I will become one soon enough!" answers Tony with confidence.
'Weird… Is it possible this is the reason he wants to see the Matriarch?'
"So I assume you are here for an awakening ceremony?" In order to confirm my suspicion, I ask him straight.
"That's right Lizzy! I'm here to become a proper vampire!" Answer Tony with pride on his face.
Wait… "Who is this "Lizzy" that you are talking about?"
"You…" answers Tony, like it would be the most obvious thing in the world. "I refuse to memorise that random string of numbers that represents your name or rank or whatever, so I'm just going to call you Lizzy for now!"
"I understand…" No, I don't understand, but let's just go with it for now. "Nevertheless, why Lizzy? It seems like a really childish name, no offence…"
"What can I say? I thought giving an icy beauty like yourself a silly name would balance things out."
He thinks I'm beautiful… Like that was not obvious already. But why cold? I'm not cold. Just…
OK, I might be cold… But what's wrong with being a cold, calculative bitch? That is how I survived and thrived until now.
"So say, Liz, how long do you think will take Elvie to return?"
Wait… Again… First and foremost, did he just shorten my temporary name? And Who is Elvie? 89 I assume…
"She reminds me of elves with her thin frame and blonde hair so Elvie." as if reading my mind, Tony answers my question before even having the chance to say it out loud.
"Hah… You are a weird one, you know that, right?" I ask him while a strange sensation spreads through my body for the first time in a very long while.
"I know! And I'm proud of it." Answers the strange moloch who, despite knowing for only less than an hour, I’ve already started treating like a friend.
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