《Bloodmancer System》Chapter Seven - Claiming a Ghost - Warning R-18
Catherine Higgins pushes the mortal man before her onto the bed, staring at the man in surprise and desire. Her husband killed her, so she is free from his hands, but she can not make herself want to part with her husband yet. She has always been obsessed with her husband since she saw him for the first time at fourteen. Begging her father, that is a Knight Tier, to allow her to marry into the Higgins family. Little did she know that the man's family was nearly broke. Only the manor was left of their estate. All of his family seemed to have disappeared over the years that they had been married. It was not until her father became mysteriously ill and, being a Knight Tier person, that was unusual that her father was sick. Then her father cut off all contact and money. At that time, she learned that her husband was a leech and a bastard, but she still forgave him for trying to kill her father and later the women he bedded. It was the women around him that was at fault. The maids, the cooks, even local high-class women in the area. She always had to clean up his mess. But the desire for this man before her who reminds her a little of her husband blurs her memories.
A small smile came to Henry's face before frowning from the coldness on his arm as she grips him. "You can always find a human or a ghost to have revenge sex on."
"Revenge sex?" She turns to look at him with a glint in her eye.
"But I'm sorry, I can not help you. My class and my father's bloodline as an incubus would dishonor you. I need women to give me blood once a month, and those I turn could feed on me and will make you jealous." Shaking his head sadly. "I would never want to hurt you."
Leeka's words came into his mind, "You a bastard, you know that?" he could sense her smirk.
[+2 resistance to ghost touch]
[+15% claiming her heart]
Lady of the Night
Lady Catherine Higgins
Blood red ghost
Heart claim 73%
Gold tier sixth rank
Seven more points to seal the deal!
"What you mean you need women?" her eyes narrow.
"Well, I can do men, but it just... I like women more, and I need a loyal staff, and the women I turn will always be loyal to me." Watching her nod to my explanation. "Anyone that is mine will always be mine. I will always treat them like a queen when I am with them. Why have several women and not care for all of them? I can not understand that. If you have several women, you need to take responsibility."
Shaking his head in thought. "I have a little bit of incubus blood in me, and I need some of their sexual essences to survive." No clue if that is true, but it sounds good. "I do not want to feed on one woman and make her die. It is better to have several women to spread it out. The more woman, the safer they will be."
[+15% claiming her heart]
Two more, Thinking about what to say. "I just can't treat you like your husband treated you. It would be unfair and hateful!"
Seeing a thought popping into her mind, thinking she might kill him to make him into a ghost.
Staring at her and figuring she might kill him from the thoughtful look she is giving him. "It would not be good to make me into a ghost. If I died, the next owners would just destroy the manor and let both of us fade away or at least weaken us enough to kill both of us. I am an immortal that can't die of natural causes unless I get killed. As you can tell, I have been touching you for a long time. That is impossible for a ghost unless it is anger or stored energy that will drain a ghost and take days or even months for a ghost to get it back. With me as the owner of the manor. You would be able to move around the place and help me fix it up the way you want it to be done." Seeing her frowning, "besides, if you die from becoming weak, your husband would win in the end."
Her eyes go wide and then narrow at the thought of her husband getting the last laugh. Henry is pushed down by the woman's incredible strength onto the bed as her cold lips kiss his mouth. A cold breath enters his mouth.
[+3 resistant to ghost touch]
[You have claimed 82% of her cold heart]
[You have seduced a ghost 100% and have achieved Seducer of the Dead!]
[Warning Ghost touch is causing harm to your body. Do you wish to use store Bloodmist to heat hor body?]
Panic as he feels her coldness flow into his mouth and into his body. He thinks yes.
Signing in relief, knowing he could have been dead upon seeing the gold tier as her rank. He knows both he and Leeka are not in her league. His body turns red as he feels the bloodmist flowing through his body, heating his body up. Making him want to tear off his clothes and have passionate sex with the woman before him who is kissing him. Before he realizes that he has been pushed farther onto the bed, his shoes and pant magically are pulled off of him and thrown across the room as she continues to kiss him. His shirt began to unbutton and remove itself as his body moved without his permission. His seduction raises by ten times, causing Catherine to want to fuck the man's brain out as she loses control. After a few minutes, the only thing left was his boxer shorts that kept from falling off by drawstrings. Fear of this woman's strength. It scares him if she ever found out that he somewhat lied to her, but at the moment, all that far away as he fell into his lust for her. In the two worlds that he has lived in, he is about to lose his virginity to a ghost,
His boxers slid off him as the woman gasped as she looked down at his large hard penis in shock. After his class evolution, he notices that his size below has increased from his memories. Wilber was on the small size. She stares at how huge and thick the young man before her is compared to her husband. All thoughts of her husband fade sways. Feeling the ghost hands encircling his penis brought immense pleasure to him and a bit of shock from the cold that he almost didn't know that he should cum in her hands or go limp from the cold. But the spirit in her body seems to make him harder, as if he is pulling apart of her essence into himself.
Moaning at her touch as she strokes him faster. Within moments, her clothing disappears as she climbs on top of him and impales herself fully on his penis. Moaning in pleasure was both pleasing and chilling at the same time to Henry. She can feel his heat and the tingling of his spirit mix in his precum inside her as she begins to ride him like a horse. Each stroke went deeper into her as her ghostly pussy gripped his shaft like a cool glove. A scream and convulsions from her as she cum on his shaft tightens the gripe sending him over the edge. He shot loads of molten cum into her insides. That shot of immense pleasure into the ghostly body, she nearly blacking out from the overload of pleasure and warmth that had warmed her body for the first time since she had died. For the first time since that night, she had felt warmth. He looks down and can see a golden glow rising from inside her, where his cum painted the walls of her uterus. Turn into flashes of golden light that infuse her. The glow grew until it engulfed her in a golden light that lit her body from within. Catherine fell on his chest as her two soft mounds pressed against his chest. The woman snuggles her head into his neck contently as all thoughts of her husband fade from her mind.
[100% claiming of the heart]
[100% loyalty]
[+50 spirit to Lady Catherine Higgins Stats]
[+20% solidification]
[+10 spirit]
[+10 Charm]
[Lady of the Night's heart and loyalty is 100%. You have claimed a ghost. Do you wish to bind her?]
Staring at her as she slept on his chest. "Charm? Spirit?" he mutters.
'Yes!' he says as she turns into a black mist that burns into his left wrist. A blood-red rose with a cracked heart that is tied with barb wire as if to keep it from breaking apart appears with capital C in the middle of the heart. She slowly disappears into the tattoo.
[You may summon your second summons in twenty-four hours.]
Laying there, basking in pleasure as the pain on his wrist fades. After calming down, he slowly got up. He got dressed, chuckling to himself over the fact of losing his virginity to a ghost, a very hot mature ghost at that. Still wonder where his sperm went. Did it turn into power for her?
What is the achievement called Seducer of the Dead?
[Seducer of the Dead: the ability to claim an undead as your own increase by 50% when talking to them.]
Patting his chest as he smiles. So that what the achievement does that will be a great ability in the future. After calming down, he got dressed, chuckling to himself over the fact of losing his virginity to a ghost, a very hot mature ghost at that. Still wonder where his sperm went. Did it turn into power for her?
"Mary, what is bloodlust? I was not in combat. I don't think I was in combat." he mutters.
"Bloodlust has a different meaning to a Bloodmance. Every time you use Bloodmist, there is a chance that your body will heat up and want to have sex. Since you were a virgin, the impulse to have sex with someone was not as intense. As you use bloodmist more, it will build up in your body until you have no control over having sex with someone. Now that you lost your virginity, the feeling of having sex will only intensify as you delay releasing your urges.
Seeing the body of one of the assassins. He decides to test how much he can endure since he has three dead bodies.
As he walks to the front door, he cast blood mist on each of the three assassin bodies. They all disappeared into a red mist that flew into his mouth and nose, leaving behind the skeletal remains. After ten minutes, he collapsed on his knees, feeling bloated, full of power, and the urge to have sex with someone seemed to ooze from his pores. His seduction and charm have increased several times. If a woman were nearby, they would have had the urge to strip naked and rape him without realizing what they had done until they awoke the next day exhausted. After an hour of fighting the cravings, he slowly got to his feet and cast a summons skeleton on one of the bones. The spirit in the bones merges into the skull as green spirit fire appears behind its eyes. After the Skeleton stood up, leaving its clothes pile on the ground, the creature bent and picked up its dagger and held it, waiting for its master to give it a command. Henry felt some of his sexual urges leave him as he used up some of his spirits to cast spells. He rested until his spirit energy filled up as he cast another spell and watched as the second skeleton burst apart in failure. Turning to the other skeleton, he checked his spirit and saw he had enough for one more spell. Crossing his finger, he cast another spell upon the last set of bones and watches as its spirit turns into a green burning fire and flows into the eye socket.
Leaning against the wall in relief, he watches as both skeletons holding a long knife stare back at him. The urge to have sex has died down enough to handle his cravings. Spell casts help negate the desires. Going outside. The two skeletons follow him as he heads out in the dark to the gates. Locking the gates, he places a skeleton on each side of the double gate to stand guard. Traveling back inside after staring at the explosion of colors that fill the sky as the billions of stars stare back at him from the massive galaxy. One of the moons lit the land from the west. Gazing around at the grounds in the moonlight seeing everything in his night vision as if it is daytime. He can see that a lot of work needs to be done to this mansion and land. Closing the front door behind him and locking the place. He pats the lock door and heads upstairs.
He pulls out a cork on a jug while climbing the stairs. He spied an urn to piss in when he walked into the master bedroom. He took a long drink of warm water and corked the jug, and placed it back in the bag. Feeling his bladder is about to explode, he groans in relief as he fills the urn. The house is out of date. The magic bathroom started appearing fifty years ago, from what he remembers. They are a long way from flushing toilets. Still, they have a crude idea of burning away waste after using it by putting a rune in the bottom that incinerates everything. This manor will cost a lot to update and add a modern feel to it. With his ideas, he could modernize the manor.
He remembers reading in the book that Shane gave him about building an obelisk on his property. The more enormous obelisk is, the more undead he can bind to his property without using up tattoos on his body. If placed in a family graveyard, the stronger it becomes. He could attach his troops guarding the place without injecting spirit into them every few days. He could even summon servants. Of course, he would have to clean them and cloth them to lose part of the death smell.
An alchemy bath can coat the bones and completely rid the smell from them that he might do when money becomes not a problem. Speaking of money, he will have to find a way to make some or become broke. Setting on the bed after casting a cleaning spell to eliminate the ghostly fluids that lay everywhere. Chuckling as he shakes his head upon realizing his life will change more as he gets more women because of his class.
"Mary. You said I gained a silver chest for completing a quest today?"
"Think of inventory."
"Wait, you say that I have an inventory? Why did you not tell me?"
"You never ask."
"Inventory," he said that reveals one hundred square feet of space with a two cubit feet chest setting inside." After a few tries, he finally pulls the chest out. The chest looks like a dome pirate chest made of beautiful wood and silver metal studs and hinges. Looking over the chest, he figured he could make a lot of money just selling one.
As he touches the chest, admiring it for a moment, he opens the lid and flashes a silver light. A scroll, a bag of one hundred gold, another bag of one thousand silver, and a dagger.
'So I got one hundred and ten gold in all.'
[Dagger of Blood. 10 damage +3 bleeding per second for a minute that is transferred to heal to the owner.]
"Okay, nice dagger. Money will come in handy."
Opening the scroll, the scroll breaks up into many golden lights and enters his forehead. Words appear in his eyes.
[Eye of Awakening: This ability, when used, allows a person to sense and awaken one spirit magic.]
Henry's eye goes wide for a moment, "This is an ability. Only priests on this world have this ability! I will have to check this out tomorrow." Shaking his head. "I'm too tired right now." Weariness filled his body as he lay down on the bed. He fell asleep after he cast clean on everything and pulled a blanket he found to cover himself.
From his shadow, a skeleton in a tatter red dress appears. Staring at the sleeping man for a moment, she disappears into the night, searching the house and grounds. Except for two spots behind the house, one is a graveyard. The other are hidden graves she can sense are victims of former servants and women that the lady of the house has buried upon the property. Both locations have huge resentment and hate but an immense fear of the ghost in the house. A feeling of relief fills her bones. At present, there is no current danger to her master. Entering the bedroom, she moves to the double door to the upper terrace. She senses her split soul in the city on the south side for a brief moment. Staring that way for several hours until the sun rose in the East, and the feeling faded away. She walks over and sits on the bed to guard her master. Stroking his hair with care as she watches him sleep. She can sense the kindness within his troubled soul. She knows that the person's spirit before her is not the original soul for some unknown reason. The longer she stays within his shadow, she can sense a fragment of the previous soul being consumed by him. That soul is weak and frail compared to the man before her. She has this strong feeling that he will make her whole one day. Worthy of being by her side. She has a lot of work to make him stronger so that he can be strong enough to walk beside her. Turning her head and staring into the morning light, Her enemies will regret killing her!
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