《When The Gods Sleep, I Wake Them Up》Phase Evolution Ch 9: Jhonny Jr. The Revenge


O my god it's a double kill!


The pain lasted almost 20 minutes, where Marcus wished he was dead, for how much pain he had.

Marcus tries to contact Khali to ask her about the sudden pain but she doesn't answer, so he instead tries to think 'why was it so painful?' and comes to the conclusion that either the bug was poisonous, but it didn't have the purple color in it's essence, or either the life essence was too strong to digest safely, discarding the first possibility he accepts the second until further investigation.

After the pain that was probably caused by his stomach acids trying to 'eat' the beetle that was more powerful than Marcus, he make a promise to himself.

'Never ever ever ever, eat something with a lot more life essence than you, just let it fly, Marcus let it fly'

New Title Acquired

As long as the boat goes, let it go

You have learned from your errors, and know that 'if it ain't broken don't fix it'

This title gives you:

3 Luck

5 Intelligence

'Wooohooo some remedy to my shitty luck! As for intelligence I don't need as I am pretty genial myself '

Humility certainly doesn't falls in Marcus merits, bur for now at least some positivity returned at him as he looks at the newly acquired title and the bonus in EvoPoints that the beetle gave him.

After some time of rest Marcus returns to his hunt, this time with more luck, as he got to eat 5 more bugs in 'only' 2 other days, that passed with him changing from joy to boredom then annoyance until he became angry, the most positive thing that happened was him not having other pain fit from eating the bugs.

For eating a Feathered Lion Beetle you got 10 EvoPoints


For eating a Minor Water Longicorn you got 5 EvoPoints

For eating a Feathered Lion Beetle you got 10 EvoPoints

For eating a Hovering Bicorn you got 7 EvoPoints

For eating a Jumping Cartunis you got 10 EvoPoints

The last one was a bug that jumped from the ground and didn't come flying towards him, so Marcus just opened his mouth and the bug fell directly in it.

Instead the Hovering Bicorn had got him some problem as it didn't let itself fall directly but instead just hovered while it was on top of his closed mouth, Marcus had to wait 10 minutes before the Hovering Bicorn let itself fall completely on Marcus.

Marcus started thinking hard 'Evolution', and after some seconds a white screen appeared in front of him.

You require 199 EvoPoints for the next evolution

Marcus continued slightly depressed his work getting to eat 10 other bugs in other 3 days, from Wind Winged Crickets to Water Jumper Worms.


You require 77 EvoPoints for the next evolution

'Just a little more!'

But a familiar essence came towards him, crushing his dreams.

The beetle.

After the battle that seems more like a dejavu Marcus managed to eat the beast that was just slightly less red than The death beetle, in the same manner as the first.

For eating Jhonny Jr. The Revenge you got 150 EvoPoints

For eating a named monster you got 25% of bonus in EvoPoints

And then the pain, this time just a little less strong than the last time.

After 10 minutes of pain a message woke Marcus from his mental slumber.

Congratulations you can evolve in the following speciesRoeumundia Gattel Media (Normal rarity)Trapping Beauty (Rare)Roeumundia Prison (Rare)A slightly bigger version of yourself.

The bigger the better...Who did say beauty isn't deadly?

They say hope is everlasting...

Not for those who fall for this species.

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