《When The Gods Sleep, I Wake Them Up》Phase Evolution Ch 5: Roeumundia Gattel


'Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck this is maddening!!! "

Cursed Marcus in his mind, before starting to concentrate at only one thought ' Sprout time' suddenly a blue screen appeared in his mind.

After reading it Marcus despaired even more, and started thinking about his life.

His mother was always too good with him, and she is probably the only one he will miss from Earth, she always had faith in him, even when the police came and said that they found him with 3 grams of Marijuana at school, she defended him in front of his father wrath, even when he was sent to the jail for selling drugs, she always was there for him going to the jail every day to speak and show him her brightest smile,and never saw he her cries,because even if she cried she will do it where no one can see her.

He also remembered his father, always taciturn and cold outside but loving inside, just not really good at showing it, he didn't really let Marcus love him but instead what he felt for him was a respect, his father didn't speak too much instead he gave a feeling of "Be aware of the wrath of the mute" (famous Arab saying) he helped him to go to the high school in the north.

He also remembered his little sister, she was a very bright child, always doing the right thing, she was the pride of his family and also his pride, the only strange thing was that she never showed interest in other men out of her brother...


In what seemed to him 70 years (In reality it has been just a little more than 2 weeks) Marcus changed his personality in 360 shades, from the depressed 'I am worthless, I know my father sent me to study in Milano just to get rid of me, my mother probably isn't even saddened because of my death and she is organizing parties with the help of father in all Italy' to the extra optimist 'This is the best! I really love the black, I always loved the black and now what? It' s all black!!! Yeeee I am super happy!!!! ' he also remembered his life and also analyzed his future plans, but couldn't really make anything good because he doesn't know the world outside and his new form.


Suddenly a familiar voice resounded in his ears, it is Khali.

"H-hi Marcus'"

"Huh? Is that you Khali? Or am I starting to become crazy? " (A/N weren't you already crazy Marcus?)

"Y-yes it is me Khali, I m-managed to get a connection of tought" (A/N I was very tempted to put 'It's me, Mario!' instead of Khali...)

"Ufff and here I thought you were here, so when are you coming? "

Marcus voice is very annoyed like the refund assistance.

"A-a year is n-needed for preparations"

"Preparations for what!? "

Marcus echoed in Khali mind scaring her to death.

" Kyaaa I'm sorryyy, I-I need t-t-to prepare a-a vessel for me to d-d-descend!! "

" Calm down Khali, calm the fucking down!!! You are macking me crazy!!"

Marcus randomly erupting in ager fits is suddenly stopped by a *DING* sound.

A white screen appeared in front of Marcus in his blackness making contrast between the two colors.

Congratulations you are sprouted as a Roeumundia Gattel Minore

Roeumundia Gattel Minore Specifics

Plant form: You aren't one with nature, you are nature. You can communicate with those attuned at your natural rhythm.

Essence vision I: With the utilize of your cells you can sense the life essence in the zone.

Trap form I: You wait for the prey to come to you, and when they think they are in a safe haven, you devour them.

Natural reign: Nature is the supreme queen of the plant and even reign on top of the gods themselves, with the trait of the Natural reign you can evolve faster than everyone, and keep a spec of your previous evolution.

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