《The King’s Silhouette》Chapter : 10 The Week of Engagement (Day 1)


Preparations for the engagement were underway. The ones in charge were busy selecting the venue of the Engagement, while the servants were busy preparing for the event itself.

Most noblewomen were worked up about their dresses and accessories while the noblemen were worked up over the news of their Princess being betrothed to some outsider.

While the Princess herself was dejected about the sudden engagement that her father had brought upon her.

She was sitting in the Arch of the Flower Garden, having her afternoon tea. Thinking to herself: I knew a day like this would come but I didn’t expect it to come this soon. I still have a lot of things that need to be done. Sigh…

As Rai was passing by, he saw the Princess sitting in the Flower Garden and wanted to greet her. As he approached her, he saw the dejected face on her face. He felt sad as he thought: It isn’t fair for her. Her father wants her to engage with someone she doesn’t even like. Why else would she look so glum? As these thoughts were crossing his mind he had already arrived at the Arch.

Rai with a slight bow said “Greetings, Princess.”

Lady Vennessia feeling a little startled and nervously replied with a slight bow


Rai seeing her in low spirits up close, made his heart ache a little, he said with a sad face “Hearing the news of getting engaged to someone like me who is unworthy of someone as great as you. It must be quite unpleasant.”

Lady Vennessia surprised by his concern immediately replied “Ah! no, it is not like that, it’s just the feeling to get engaged to someone you just got to know and even to a Hero. I was just a little nervous that is all. “


Lady Vennessia while looking down with a sad face continued “I knew from the start, what it is like being a Princess and the duties that come with it… But I still can’t seem to accept it.”

Rai saw her eyes, which were now less lively compared to before. Rai with a slight sigh replied “It’s fine if you don’t want to marry me. After all, you are a beautiful Princess and gifted in magic at that. All the Kingdoms and Nobles want you as their Daughter. I am just a guy from another world swept up in all this.”

Rai with a slight smile continued “You don’t have to marry me, I will be going on an adventure of the entire continent soon, and you will have plenty of years to talk about it with your Father.”

Lady Vennessia replied, “How could I dare oppose a marriage with a Hero and my Father holds you very dear, so I don’t think it will be as easy to change his mind.”

Rai with a smile said “I have already said this but you are beautiful, gifted in Magical Arts if you want you can achieve anything in this world. So you should never give up, even if I am undeserving of you, but I am still willing to help as much as I can, so do tell me anything you want, I will try to the best of my abilities.”

Lady Vennessia smiled and said “I just thought that you liked someone else and that I was unworthy of you. How could I possibly come between you and your loved one?”

Rai shocked by her reply, said “Ah… No how could I possibly like someone, after all, it hasn’t been that long since I came into this World. And… you are by far the prettiest girl I have ever seen. And I have no one I like for now…”


As soon as Rai said that she was the prettiest girl he has ever seen Lady Vennessia started to blush. She was as red as a Tomato, she was flustered “O-oh, is that true?”

Rai nodded in return. They were both blushing not daring to look at the other’s face.

And at that time, Marcus from a little distance said “Ehmmm!”

Rai immediately turned, while he was flustered he tried to calm down and said “O-oh Marcus what might you be doing here? Aren’t you supposed to have a lot of work?”

Marcus with a slight grin said “Milord, I was ordered by the King to find you and give this message to you that the couple cannot meet until the engagement day. So please refrain yourself.”

Rai seemed like he would blow up from embarrassment and said “A-ah, is that so… I didn’t know that.” He turned towards Lady Vennessia and with a slight bow said “Till the Engagement day Vennessia.”

Vennessia blushed the moment she heard him and said “Till next time, Rai”

Rai smiled and walked away with Marcus to his room to complete his duties such as choosing his dress for the Engagement and preparing a gift for his fiancé.

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