《Marvel elixir: Rise of mutant empire》chapter 13


X Gene.

Such a mystery for me and for the people of my previous world. What is the X gene?

Marvel never truly explains it. They just said that once there were celestials and then they died in the war. Who killed them and how no one truly knows.

One of those Celestials who died turned into earth. With time life blooms on earth. Different kinds of species come to life. Humans were one of them.

One day from the sky the other Celestials came to earth and humans took them as gods which they were in a sense. These celestials experimented on humans and those humans became Eternals. The loyal dogs of celestials. And then one day they all left without giving a proper reason.

Then the Eternals laced with Celestial tech also experimented on humans and these humans gained a dormant power in their genemon. The X gene.

Now X gene doesn't give only one power to everyone. It grants different different powers to different people.

And in some cases like Franklin Richards case, the x gene power even exceeds the Celestials but how.

And This confusion doesn't stop there, it grows bigger. Now many people just get one specific power from the X gene but people like Emma frost are able to get 2 powers. Why? Why? Why?

Apocalypse never talked about it. Dr. Sinister never talked about it. Or maybe they were never able to get an answer to this question and moved on.

But I get the answer. The answer is in the Blood of David Haller. You see X gene is a work of art.

The first factor is how compatible you are with your x gene. If you are 20 to 25 percent compatible then you are at the level of level 3 meaning a beta-level mutant. If the compatibility is between 25 to 50 percent compatible then you are a level 4 mutant otherwise known as an Alpha. If you are 50 to 75 percent Then you are an Omega or level 5 mutant. If you are between 75 to 100 you are God level.


How do you know about compatibility?

Well, you see the X gene is ever-evolving. It will continue to evolve and grant you powers as long as it gets enough energy. So your body conditions matter. If you are malnourished then your X gene might never be able to evolve again which we called second awakening. So a superior body type is a must. The first awakening of the X gene is always due to the emotional turmoil or high energy levels of the body which is the case for Franklin whose mother was exposed to cosmic energy. So his powers manifested instantly after the birth and in the same case for Kurt his father is a Fallen Angel.

Now the X gene upgrades DNA till the X gene host is 100 percent compatible. But this process is so slow that the slowest being would look like the most powerful version of Flash compared to that.

Selene is around only 73 percent according to me. And she is older than 17000 years.

Now there is a way to make this process fast and that is high energy. Like the apocalypse did. He has access to Celestial energy cores and Technology so he became powerful. And according to me, he is around 80 percent.

Now let me tell you my compatibility, it is 52 percent. Also, another shocking thing is that I have 2 X genes, not one. And my compatibility with that is 100 percent. I was not aware of it. I only got to know about it today. I can feel this X gene power is even Covering my atoms and molecules.

What is the power of this X gene, I don't know. And this is something off about it.

The thing that I have 2 X genes is somewhat shocking while even David has only one.

"This is frustrating , I don't know it's powers "

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