《Kail's Life of Adventure [dropped]》Chapter 7: Meeting is always Unexpected
Chapter 7: Meeting is always unexpected.
… Fluffy… the bird is chirping… is it morning? Ah… I don’t want to wake up… bit more…
“… !!”
In a hurry I woke up from the fluffy pillow [the wolf body], damn! It was the first time I over slept! Why no one wakes me! Oh… I never ask them to but… Argh!! Now I miss my chance to sell the hunt item to the traders… grr…
“… Master?”
Infuriated, I glance toward the voice direction. It was Akai, and he freezes by my glares… he woke earlier than I did… the other wolves too… The kids are still sleeping; I tried my best to not make noises. Hah… I sighed and glance toward Akai… The rage cools down just the moment I see them. After calm myself, I voice my plan to Akai.
“Though it a bit late, lets go hunt.”
“! Let me wake Master Reno then.”
“Sure, I will get my stuff while you do that. Snow, you will stay here protect Eline… ah no… you can go anywhere you or Eline want. Here the money inside the money bag, shop all you want. Your job is to protect yourselves and Eline at utmost cares. Have fun.”
“Awroo!! (We abide your order Master!)”
“Be sure to come back before noon or I will make sure you regret disobeying me.”
“-squeel-! (We will never dare to disobey you even if you don’t say that.)” (Snow)
I gave them a money bag with 5 silver and 8 copper and 25 black coins [60,500 y] for them to shop. By the way, I had around 680,000 [y] the yesterday profit and minus to the money I gave them, I have around 619,500 [y] left in my money bag. Thrice the amount of day ago profits.
After warning them, and gave out order, I wear my casual cloth and bring the usual hunting stuff. Today, I didn’t wear the adventurer cloth because… I’m not the one that going to hunt. I am going to teach Reno and Akai, skill and train them to fight. Though the trader is still not leaving, but by the time I finish train Reno and Akai, they will leave the town. So, my only option is to sell the goods of today hunt, tomorrow. By that time, I can enchant the item a bit and sell for an even better price.
Also, the leftover meat of yesterday hunt that was not for sell, I put them in a wooden box around 8” x 12” and cover it with ice magic. I did not forget to hide it under bed because it is an emergency food. Then I’m done preparing, Akai also have wakes Reno up.
After Reno woke up, Akai carries the hunting stuff while I carry the chalk board and chalk in my medium size rear bag made from black leather cloth [self-made]. Then we head to the Clam Forest and start to train. Abandon the plan to sell any of the hunts good, I try another plan.
Oh, the gate guard didn’t greet us or says anything. Rather than normal disgust, or yesterday friendly look, today they look cautious. My appearance is one of a gentleman, Akai is wearing Barbatos old casual, with small blade at his left rear and he look like normal mercenary if he does not have any ear or tail then… Reno looks alike one of the aristocrat son. The guards just let us pass and bow, without saying much.
Then, we arrive at my usual hunting spot, near the river.
“Alright.” I say and clap my hands once.
“Akai, Reno… Before I teach both of you skill, I need you to check something.” While saying such thing, I show them a crystal ball from my small bag which commonly sees at any adventurer guild. I bought this at the guild a bit morning before heads out to the Clam Forest.
“How to…” (Reno)
“Imagine, something light blue thin aura flowing from your brain to your vein then to your forefinger and point it to the ball. That is call, magic force aka energy which allow you to check your level if you point it to this ball.”
“Such a thing… isn’t this expensive?” while looking at the crystal ball, [Reno] he holds it like it is something very fragile and important.
If you not holding it carefully it will fall you know? Not that it’s matter.
“Cost me one gold coin. But it can keep being used and we need it the frequently so, it is not a pain to own one.”
“!” His eyes open wide while muttering “one…one gold??” and “Ahh!” his hand slip the crystal ball “Urgh!” He falls to the ground on stomach first protecting the crystal ball…
“u..uuuhh…” With teary eyes, he stares at me while his ear as red as cherry.
“*cough* Ehem. It won’t crash no matter what you do… unless, you put a really huge amount of magic force to it, and then it will break. But that only if your level surpasses level 7 or so the girl behind the counter says…”
When I say such thing he calmly stands up and mutters again.
“Is that so, then I’ll start…”
Without hesitating, Reno does as I told him. Meanwhile, Akai behind me has been staring me all along.
“W-what is it…Akai?”
“Master, what is the point of checking?”
“Oh? Didn’t you hear that I--”
“Sure I hear Master well enough, and it was something that Rem told master before too. But I don’t see the point of doing it?”
“Ah… Well, I’ll explain it later in full details. But I can say that this is essential for me to teach you skill.”
Proudly I put my arm to arm and grin while explain it to him. By then, I notice Reno crystal ball shone bright but unlike mine, the crystal ball glow yellow bluish and much dimmer than mine. The spirit inside only touch his energy and have pleasant expression.
“…Nii-sama… What is my level?”
“hm? Ah… Your level is 2 with 3 stars and to be expected, your elements are greater water and lesser light.”
By what I mean star is, level point.
Mine in exact is level 5 with 5 star.
Full star mean 5 stars.
The higher the amount of star, the greater the quality of your level.
“Akai, you’re next.”
“By no mean of delay.”
As to be expected. The crystal ball glows brightly crimson red and the spirit eat the energy with full satisfaction expression inside the ball.
“Your level is 3 with 5 stars. Element is Pure Fire.”
“What does it mean by the level, star and the element pure or lesser?”
As expected for my number one disciple, Reno asks me with great curiosity and the question is great too.
“I’ll explain one by one.”
Hence I explain it to them, starting with skill.
Skill, a type of magic action, which anyone capable to do it if they know what their level is.
Where as Level is a perimeter of our total strength.
Everyone inside the world has magic inside themselves, but not everyone can make full use of it. Even those that were said to have no magic; they actually have magic but no element within them, those magic is called Magic Force or Energy to be exact.
Therefore, the level exists.
And skill rank is divided to Less, Mid, Great, King, Heavenly, Godly. Lesser skill can be used by everyone accordingly their element or some skill can be use with no restriction at all. Mid is the same with lesser but only those with level 2 and more can use them. While Greater skill can be use by those levels 2 and more but need at least 4 stars concentration quality. King rank is skill for those level 4 and above. Heavenly rank is skill for those level 7 and above and Godly almost didn’t exist at a certain point, but I’m sure it exist somewhere in this world.
Stars, is the quality of concentration of the magic user. As the quality rose up, you can control your magic better.
Then I explain to them about the element rank. There are lesser, less, average, great, greater, pure, unique, and ancient. For example, Reno lesser light element, even if he is level 2 and star 3. His light element does not have great power to it unlike his greater water element. Even if, he doesn’t have good control of magic or great skill, any water magic skill can definitely kills. I didn’t teach him any light skill for now because I didn’t have any skill in mind for it.
Akai, Pure Fire is different. Unlike Reno, he doesn’t have any other element, and his element is surprisingly powerful. Pure rank is not that rare, but it is indeed something valuable. Plus he have 5 stars of concentration quality, he isn’t something to made fun of.
Then unique and ancient isn’t introduced to them, because I see no need and wanting to quickly train them.
“And so, you guys understand all of it?”
“Yes, Nii-sama(Reno)/Master(Akai)”
After having they take up simple poses, which is standing. I decided to have Reno step aside and train him the yesterday skill with the dummy that I made. Then I upfront Akai, with chalk and chalkboard at my hand.
“Alright, as promised, I will teach you skill.”
“! Thank you for your generosity, master!”
“The name of the offensive skill is Fire ball [Less], Flame circle [Mid] and Flame Thrower [Great]. Enchant skill, Fire enchanting [Great].”
Starting with fire ball, I drew fire ball at the chalk board and have him do it. Then I ask him to make 4 more and have them circle his body within his arm length.
I explain that it was called Flame circle. After that I made fives earth dummy to surround him.
Then, I ask him to imagine the entire fire ball to thrust at fast speed to each different direction.
“Ta-daa~” I say and explain that it was a Flame thrower. All three skills are in a set, but fire ball can be use as solo skill. “It is a… set?” with an eye brow frown and another raise in question, Akai look confused.
“Yup. How was it?” While asking that, my right palm point to the earth dummy.
Every each dummy had a hole and is burning furiously. To avoid having the forest burn, I order Reno to put it out. But as the fire is too powerful, Reno only able to put out by bit since he miss the target and I myself also almost had bit trouble to put it out with ice skill.
Ah, forgot to explain, even though Akai fire is pure element, my ice able to put his fire off.
In a line, my earth element ranks unique, light ranks pure, dark and wind rank greater, ice ranks great, poison and fire rank average.
Then, even though my ice ranks lower than his, my level and his differ by 2 steps. It’s complicate but I understand how it works. Even if one element is pure or ancient, if their level is much lower than yours then, you could still win even if your element is a lesser rank and you have higher rank skill. Also your experience is count. So in real battle, no one can expect what could happen.
Since Akai and Reno look confused by what happen, I decided to explain to them all of it.
“And that’s how it goes. So in battle, you need to have extra cautious of what happen, so no carelessness [no plan] allowed.”
“We understand.”
“Therefore, from now on, have your concentration rose and I’ll teach you even more skill, Reno. Akai, I’ll start to teach you how to enchant.”
“By any means, I’ll follow your order.”
“So, I have to play with the dummy until my star reach 5?”
“Yes Reno. Don’t get upset, not everyone born with exceptional talent, so you have to appreciate what you have and work hard!”
“um. Mm!”
‘There you go~ that’s the spirit.’ After console and having Reno continues his training, I have Akai in poses standby with his right hand grip the blade holder.
I start have him imagine the blade to cover in flame by the time he drew the blade out. This is the skill Fire Enchanting.
Success! I shout. Then I have him slash the forest tree.
“Da-Dangerous!! Whew!”
If I hadn’t jumped, I’ll be the one that got slashed. Again, I have Reno break out the fire. This time, he doesn’t need my help because the control is getting better but just to be safe, I say that he still need more training but that will take for later.
Right now, I make a competition. It is up to them to use skill or not.
“Two hour starting from…Now!”
Both of them scatter while I sat down planning (relaxing).
Right now is around 10 o’clock morning, the trader should leave the town by noon. So I gave up upon the idea of selling any of the good to them but the meat still can be sold to the inn. Ah, about that I can’t sell any more meat to Barbatos or Lena inn because they have 1 year worth of stock since they buy some from me and some from the other random seller. I have to seek for new place to sell them out.
About money, I have enough of them now if I want to buy other things for the Dark Forest exploration~ But it won’t hurt to have more than needed. I can buy more cloth and necessity for the kid, me and Akai too…
Then Akai… I need to do something about his cloth… is there any magic cloth that can automatically disappear when he become wolf and reappear when he become human?
After obtaining all necessity… isn’t it a pain to carry so many thing when travelling, is there any magic bag or skill that… AH!
“Come on, concentrate…”
On the leather bag, with white chalk I drew a circle and another circle, with some scribble scripting and a symbol. Then, by bleed my finger; I place the blood to the center of the circle.
“Whew… hope this work.”
I place my palm to the ‘magic circle’ and imagine, pouring my dark element to it.
「A new skill is created. Will you name the skill [??] or leave it to World Voice.」
?? The heck? Of course I will name it!
(Skill name [Inventory].)
「Inventory has been scripted as Dark Element King Rank skill.
Info: Magic Circle that can be scripting to an item like ‘bag’ by Dark Element user. The space inside the item is according to user Energy level.
Level 4 users have a space of 1 store house.
Level 5 users have a space of 1 castle.
Level 6 users have a space of 3 human kingdoms.
Level 7 users have a space of ¼ World size.
Level 8 -10 users have a space of unlimited/error size.」
“Damn cheat~ muhahaha!”
「Extra: This skill is named by Raphael Frey Alder, just by cast the skill name. You can use this skill without having to imagine.
Since the skill is in scripting. To not have the bag with you, you are not able to cast the skill.」
Ah… That one is my fault, I should have script it at my body part but seeing as it already done, it isn’t something that troubling. Plus, the item is not really inside the bag, but in the space.
Which can be called space create, it really inside the space. I test the skill by putting a stone inside it but when I shook the bag, nothing came out. But when I cast ‘Inventory’, and reach inside the bag, I able to take out the stone. Dor**mon!
Since there is inventory, I try to make Inventory Box!
Failed. But since the skill is ready, I put the magic jewel from the previous hunt into the bag.
I didn’t know what element or what to imagine…
To organize the item inside the space isn’t possible I guess…
How to talk with the World Voice?? Is what I thought, because I got few question to ask. Then, I try to create another skill.
This time, without using element, just magic force… I focus flows it to my abdomen, muscle and vein then to the outer skin all at the same time. Then I imagine the force to keep repeatedly circulating from the brain to the other part and back to the brain. The force is continuously flowing unless I imagine them to stop.
「A new skill is created. Will you name the skill [??] or leave it to the World Voice?」
(The skill name is [Inner Strengthen]. And I would like to learn how to chat with World Voice.)
「Inner Strengthen has been scripted as Less Rank.
Info: By using magic force flowing from your brain to your skin, abdomen, muscle and vein all at the same time, you are able to strengthen yourself for any length of time unless you wish to stop it.
Extra: This skill is named by Raphael Frey Alder, just by cast the skill name. You can use this skill without having to imagine.
By using the skill, you are able to block any physical attack and weapon attack without have any injure according to your level and your opponent level.
Also, it is not possible to talk with World Voice. But it is possible to talk to World Guardian by using dark element and imagine you inside a dark space [Mind] combining with [Telepathy]. Calling out to the Guardian name, you are able to talk to one of the Guardian.」
It was unexpected, I didn’t thought that it would actually converse with me. Perhaps there is a company somewhere up there higher than the sky that been managing this world.
I would like to try talking with the guardian at least once but unfortunately the two hour has end. My two disciples also have return… The first one to return is Reno and he has been grinning until he sees Akai’s hunt. Follow up with Akai that came late 2 minute later than promised time.
“Master, I beg your pardon for my late return.”
Albeit, looking regretful he brought back 2 giant horned deer.
“Not much to worry about. But if we count the time of the competition, Reno wins this time. While that, I am looking at both your hunt, I can officially announce that Akai win today competition.”
After announcing such thing, I glance toward Reno. While looking regretfully, he mutters “Uh… I admit the defeat… but isn’t the age also d-different…”
Noticing his complain, I casually object his opinion. He still too young, ah~~ I need to become even stricter in teaching starting from now or all he would do is complaining. Perhaps… I will even add physical training!
“In a real battle, no one cares about your appearance, level, age or gender. They care about the result!”
That’s the number one truth which I read in many shonen manga! Even if you are a girl, weak or beauty, no one cares about that in a battle especially if they want to win #desperate.
“Master Reno, though Master Kail is a bit harsh, he hopes you to become stronger and wiser.”
E-eh? Huh? Did he read my mind? By saying I’m harsh?
“Is... that the truth?” Looking so pitiful, he glances toward me
“Of course it is. (Not)… E-enough about that! Let’s return to the town! Oh wait, I need to dismantle those hunts first… ”
Reaching the riverside, I try to make use of wind element. By imagining the air dividing the water that contain the fish, then threw it to the ground. I obtain new skill~ But, since the world voice didn’t appear, there must be someone who has named it first. After all this is such a basic skill. Somehow, Reno tries to imitate me but failed. I suggest him to imagine parting the water that fill with the fish, and throw it to the ground. He did it but he missed the fish.
Any way, right after I done catch fish, I take off my cloth and give them to Akai. Then, in just black short pant into the river, I start to butch the meat according to the weight.
Akai, hunt is 2 giant deer, I got total of 270 part of deer meat. 70 is for sale, the other 200 ground meat frozen and put into the space bag [inventory]. While, Reno’s is 3 rabbits, 2 forest chicken and 5 pigeon, I didn’t butch them and only cleanse them thoroughly.
The fish that I caught is 3 poard and 7 stoneface fish.
Done with the chores, I wear my cloth back and let Akai carries the basket. Reno wanted to be of help, so I let him carries the hunting stuff. Then we return to the town, and I start to venture searching for place to sell stuff.
I only went alone since I ask Reno to wait at the Inn to take care of Eline while Akai went to the magic shop to buy list of thing that I ask him to buy. With him are 6 gold, 1 silver, 9 copper and 5 black coins [619,500 y].
I venture far ahead to the outer part of the town, where the area is tropical south. The town name Rolarindo (if I still have the Japanese tongue, I’ll have hard time to pronounce it). At that town I see a tall building, which interests me a lot because of its name.
‘Asakura Hotel’.
In detailed, the building height is 3 to 4 stories house, the front door is made of clear glass, there also lots of carriage parks around the building, and some are even for rent. When I step forward to the building, the door open by the workers and I was greeted.
Inside of the building is a main hall that has a counter and the design is one of elegance like Mid-age European style. Classic, elegant and systematic, all of it makes me wonder who is the manager and the owner of this building.
I head toward the counter, asking the girl behind the counter and request to meet with the chef or cooker of the place.
She then asks one of the workers with butler figure to guide me to the kitchen.
“Mr. Sawaki, there is a guest.”
“Hm?” A man of his mid-30, black hair yakuza-like face biting cigarette at the corner of his lip, glancing toward my direction.
“Who…? Hmm… not someone I know… Major, you can continue your work; I’ll take care of ‘it’ from now.”
The butler bows then leave the kitchen. Without wasting anyone precious time, I start introduce myself and get to the point.
“Sorry to bother your work, the name is Kail and I am here to sell you some goods which you might be interest in.”
“hm? Let me hear you.”
“Here I have 70 parts of deer meat, 3 whole rabbit and 2 forest chickens adding with 5 pigeon. Make a good deal and they are yours.”
“Are the fish for sell too?”
“Yeah, but I plan on selling them only if you buy the ot-”
“All for 5 gold coins, Deal or not.”
“!? Oh my, doesn’t it a bit higher than the real price?”
“Ahaha, not at all, this town is far from the forest. So the meat and the fish here are all rare to see unless you go to the other town. By the way, notice how the place is extravagant?”
“Yeah, and I have been wondering who is the manager and the owner of the place.”
“This place is for those aristocrats and every meal here is double the price at normal inn. So don’t worry about those price, ‘kay?”
“Then it is a deal. By the way, your name… could it be you are… (japanese)”
When I was whisper such thing to him, his eyes went wide, his cigarette drops to the floor and he start grabbing my shoulder.
“YOU! Ops, you… are Japanese too?”
“I was… but I incarnated into this person just recently.”
“Oh, oppositely to you, I actually enter this world without dying and have been living around 13 years already…”
“Rather than saying I was dead, I really don’t feel pain or anything that indicating that I was dead. Plus, I was working, then suddenly (dozed off perhaps?) when I woke up. I notice that I was at a slum with two kids besides me, and memories from previous world and this world get combined.”
I could say that for sure, a new soul was created, which was ‘Kail’ since Raphael soul is nowhere to be found and I have no recollection of his memories or messenger mission, then I am confident that I ‘Daiki’ didn’t die.
“That is complicated, hmm… any way since you are just recent in this world, if you want to know more about this world and its cuisine, come and seek me. By this address, not here.”
I tilt my head a bit when I saw the address written on the small card, No.8, 2/3 royal road, Main city, Uldia of Grecirea. Hence I ask him, “You, live in aristocrats area?”
“Does it matter?”
“… I’m curious.”
“hahaha, well… In 13 years of living here, I have been travelling here and there to search for ingredient that could create new type of cuisine in this world, this kingdom’s king has fall in love deeply for my cuisine.
I exchange the recipe for something like permanent place to settle down for my life since I am not that youth anymore.
I am now in wooing mode seeking for lady to be married.”
“…ha…ha… (I hope I would not become like you in the future.)”
“Huh!? You brat dared to make fun of me?! Don’t let me c--”
“Since my business have done here, I will excuse my self. Thanks for the money.”
“Oi! That’s not fair, let me at least punch you once.”
“No, Thanks~ hahaha”
Leaving the hotel, after having unexpected meeting with someone from the previous world, I return to Greenwell town. Then I notice there was someone with familiar figure and few animals that also familiar to my eyes, is fighting with someone looking so dangerous.
Angrily, I already understand the whole situation, hence I make my move.
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