《Kail's Life of Adventure [dropped]》Chapter 5: Today is 'Tiring day'
Chapter 5: Today is ‘tiring day’…
“Brother Kail! I want to learn everything you know! Please!” That is the first thing in the morning that was said right at my face after I wash my face at the inn public bathroom. Reno suddenly said all that and bows 90 degree. H-hey… what do you mean by everything? What are you rushing for?? Plus, I have plan for the morning which is to hunt at the Clam Forest and might as well go deeper today to hunt more.
“Calm down, what do you want to learn?”
That doesn’t answer my question at all…
“… how about later? I need to go hunt first.”
“… Is that…so…”
Ah, he is sulking… What should I… Ah! That’s it. Arithmetic! The basic mathematic which is number, plus and subtract, I should teach this first since he says ‘everything’.
“And so… I will be teaching you arithmetic, will you learn?”
“E-eh? But, I want to learn to be strong…”
Ah, that’s what he means by that ‘everything’… But I think he should learn it after all, because arithmetic is to train the brain, to train the brain means mental training and mental training can increase your energy [magic power] which he really need it.
“I will teach you magic after you doing well at arithmetic, will that be okay?”
“If-If that so, then please teach me!”
Then, the first thing to do in the 3rd morning after incarnate is to teach Reno basic number. I went to the lower inn to borrow their chalk board and some chalk, then give it to Reno. And, I check for Eline health, she is fine but probably tired, so she has been sleeping soundly. After told Reno and Eline that they should eat breakfast, I went to the lower inn to eat something.
“Uncle, what is today’s menu?”
“hmm? Oh, Kail. Today is hard bread with mushroom cream soup, or beignet with sour cream, Rose tea or just milk. So, what do you want?”
“I’ll take just the first one and rose tea for now.”
“Alright, go wait at the table.”
I sat down to the round wooden table number 1 next to the cafeteria counter, Uncle Barbatos bring my meals and he sat down opposite side of me. Just when I want to eat the food, he takes away the meals and says something.
“Kail, what’s the deal with you recently?”
“Hey~ that’s mine.”
“Don’t avoid my question.”
“Alright, alright… I’ll tell but first my meals.”
“And… So?”
“I plan on leave the town.”
“HUH?! Where? And why?”
“Uncle is worry-wart. I’m tired of stealing and living a dishonest life, plus Eline and Reno is kids… They need to know that life doesn’t really mean pain and bad. They need to know the fun to live. Which is why, I took a drastic measure.” Just reminding… those are just excuse for my thrill to adventure and urge to fight.
“So that’s the reason, huh? But just until recently, you are a muscle-brain aren’t you?”
“I fake it all… I have no special reason to fake them, but I can say that, I’m too weak to protect them to show that I am clever.” Nah… I am still that of muscle-brain but more knowledge and experiences of living that is all…
“Ah, you mean by when you were young, eh? But at that time, the two kids are not with you yet, and there are four more kids which now not here.”
“Yep, regretfully, I am strong now but there left only two kids for me to protect. That is why, I will definitely protect them. Which is why, uncle, I am going to go to Clam Forest now and probably be late, so please take care of them while I’m not here. I will pay 2 silver coins for taking care of them, but that going to be after I come back.” That one is true, and I will probably make lot of money from now on, so it not a pain to have him taking care of my little brats.
“Should I trust you…?”
“You should, because it’s 2 silver coins that we are talking about now~ don’t worry… I’ll definitely be back plus money loaded with me, because there still something to be protect here.”
“Hahaha, you now know how to talk! Alright then, leave them to this uncle! I’ll take good care of them!”
And then I stood up after finishing my meals, to leave for the hunting, but I stop for a while and complaining.
“Ha… I need to change outfit… to hunt with this clothes feel like waste; I just bought this clothes…”
“You want some clothes, Kail-san? Here~”
A young girl bit younger than my age hands me an outfit. Did you read my mind young lady?
“My name is Emily; I am Barbatos only daughter, pleased to meet you.”
Her hair is dark brown and braided separately at the left and right side with small blue ribbon at the end of her tip. Her eyes are also dark brown, small face, fair skin, and red cupid lips. Overall, a cute lady, then I took the cloth from her.
“It is my pleasure to meet you too. Thanks for the cloth.”
“D-Don’t worry about it… That is father old cloth, he use to wear it when he was young and was an adventurer but since he has no boy as his child, it is wasted once he got old.”
“Is that so, so I must give thanks to your father then? But still, thanks for noticing my needs.”
“He-he… your welcome~”
The cloth is something that you can see adventurer would wear. Short sleeves brown hooded shirt. Also, pair of black arm inner, and black belt, brown slack pant and brown tied boots.
Now, rather than a gentleman, I look more like an adventurer. After picking up my usual set for hunting, ah… no, something is added up. Steel wire and sharpening stone, added to my set for hunting. Then I walk to the Clam Forest. Something is unusual?
“Hey, there. Going to do your mission?”
The gate guard is… talking to me? Plus, there is no hint of seeing me as trash in his eyes. He was the different guard from yesterday, but still, to not see me as a slum child is rare. Oh, I look like an adventurer, might be the reason.
“Ah, no… I am not doing any mission; I plan on hunting something though. Will you let me pass?”
“Sure, sure. Good luck at that.”
“Thank you very much, sires.”
I feel something soothing in my heart. This feels nice… I wonder what they would say if they saw me as the gentleman appearance next. I walk straight to the Clam forest, but a bit deeper this time.
As usual, I set my traps, making wooden spears, checking for the environment to see the probability the trap will hit and to see what animals that can be hunt. But something is different today…
“Kuh… I didn’t think you would come. But, I have expected this anyways.”
Pack of wolves suddenly come out from the bushes when I was setting the traps and it seems one of them fall into the traps, which is probably the reason they start attacking me. But, as if I was expecting this, the roll of steel wires at my hand, I straight them using both my hand and prepares to attack. With wooden spears at my back, I am confident, even if the enemies are a pack of five adult wolves.
“Come! I will cut you up only using this.”
Four wolves run straight to me from each different direction to trap me, of course I will avoid them. With rope at my side, I threw it to the tree branch and pull myself toward the tree. I didn’t expect them to do that… It was accurate move like they was receiving command from a strategies. Probably the huge black wolf is their leader. I need to kill their leader!
“Earth Holes!”
Four holes appear at the wolves ground, left only their leader under me [tree]. Though I don’t need to cast it loudly, I do it anyway without thought. This is a thrill, I am best at one-on-one. Though it does not matter to be cornered, it still does me bad because it not my special area. Now, I am confident, as I was thinking that, confidently I taunt the enemy.
“Now your turn”
*blood splutter*
The big black wolf runs straight to me and had his body separated by half. I did it!
Using the steel wire, which he didn’t notice it, I tied it to the wooden spear that I stab toward the ground hiding behind the big tree.
“Now, what do I do with the other wolves?”
Oh… My… God… They manage to jump out of the holes. Ahhh, they jump on me! They are licking on me!!! They are going to kill me! E-eh? They lick me?
Huh? Aren’t you pretty tame?
“You five [the other wolf that fall into the ground also jumps out]… what are you?”
I finally regain my composure; I sat down opposite side on the ground to them.
「The Clam forest wolves Tribe wishing to become your subordinates. Do you want to accept them?」
E-eh?? Who?? Uh… do I say… yes?
「It is now able to use telepathy with your subordinates. Telepathy is an ability to talk by mind. 」
Who are you??? Anyways, thanks. Talking in mind eh? Should I try?
(Uh. Test, test. Pleased to meet you, I am now your little master…was I doing it right? )
(Yes! Master!) White Wolf
One full white fur wolf answers me.
(Oh~ so, what to call you?)
(We, the beast have no name. But would be very happy if Master would give us the name, because it is a symbol that we are yours.) Black female-like wolf
(Hm? Can explain it further?)
(A name given by someone to beast is like, Master giving your energy to us, and with that energy, we able to evolve to the level of your strength.) White wolf
Wow, so… if I am strong, they will evolve? But what if they didn’t evolve at all? Plus how to know how much energy does me have and the level of my strength.
(Master seems trouble by that fact?) White wolf
(I am trouble and worry. What if I am not strong enough? You will not evolve do you know?)
(About that, didn’t something that human call guild have the crystal ball to check your power?) Brown wolf
(?! Really?)
(Uh… I might be wrong though, master…) Brown wolf
(Alright! I will check them later, but first… will you help me hunt. I plan on goes to Dark Forest two days later. I am a bit late now because I was fighting with you guys.)
(!!! Allow us to help you! We are not strong enough to go to the Dark Forest but it is indeed our dream to go there! You are strong master, so you are our hope!) Black male-like wolf
(Oh? Hahaha, alright! I’ll depend on you for the hunt then.)
(Leave it to us! You! Stay here protects Master!) White wolf
He leaves a strangely dark red-colored wolf with me and takes the other wolves to hunt.
They should be able to hunt something like an adult male deer easily. I should go hunt the bird for now.
Just when I found the rainbow rooster and forest chicken group, I found something even better. Shining gem stuck at the earthlike wall. I leave the hunting to the red wolf and start working on the gem.
“How to get that out…”
I try to imagine the earth wall to push the gem out but didn’t work. Probably the reason is that the gem itself is a magic gem. Then I got one crazy idea.
“Since the wall didn’t work… I should just straight fully attack the gem”
By saying that I imagine the earth ground to rise like a hand and holding a large stone that is under the gem, and start throwing it to the gem.
“It’s working. I am Genius!!!”
I gather the gem and put it to my basket. Then I return to the spot where I promise the wolf I would wait for them. How surprising! They bring 2 adult male giant deer, and 5 white bunnies. The red wolf also manages to bring the entire forest chicken group.
(Aw… Awesome! All of you are doing it great!!)
(!! Is… is that so??) White Wolf
(Yeah! You guys are good at this! So you can take one deer and few bunnies to eat. Then the others, allow me to sell them.)
They are too much for me to put in the basket. So I offer some of the goods to them but was flatly refused.
(!! The bunnies are enough for us, Master!) White wolf
(Alright then, Wait here, I need to butch them and I will be going to the river to wash myself. So you guys take your time eating.)
I will need to cut them into small portion and organize them well inside the basket.
(Yes, Master!) All except red
When I notice it, the red wolf is helping me dragging the hunt goods to the river.
(Hey, you are not going to eat the bunnies?)
(No. Master.)
(Is that so… I appreciate that you help me, thank you.)
(… It is my pleasure, master.)
Then I continue to butch the meat to 1 ground each. To measure the weight is something really simple if you are single Japanese. When you buy the meat at the market, you will definitely pick it up and put it on your palm to check its price, by doing that, your body unconsciously knows the weight for the meat. Since the wolves are taking the bunnies. I have 2 giant male deer and 7 forest chicken to butch. Adding to that, while I wash myself, I also catch some fish and totals for 68 pieces of deer meat, 7 forest chicken as whole and 10 fish for sell. While I kept few deer meat to my stock, just in case.
The fish that I catch this time mostly are poard and stoneface. Only 2 silver trouts. Other is all the delicacy of river fish.
Adding to all that, I can sell to the trader are this list. 2 giant deer horns, 2 high-quality deer skin, 20 piece of self-made accessory. The gem, I decided to not sell it yet until I know its function.
Like that, the morning hunt ends. I go back to the town but was stopped by the guard gate. Why? Of course it because of me got a pack of wolves following behind me. I explain it all and they let me pass. Apparently, it is not rare to have beast as pet or slave.
I went to the trader market first to sell the goods because, it seems that they are in rushing to leave knowing aristocrats from higher class want to inspect the town. I settle down and sit between the fabrics merchant and spice trader with the wolves sitting behind me. A middle age man merchant-like figure came close to the item that was at front of me.
“Wow! This is all high quality goods! I will buy it at high price! Offer me, youngster!”
“Oh? You will? 1 gold and 5 silver coins for both horns.”
“!! You are still green at this aren’t you? Since I am a fair person, I will tell you this. The price for such is at the least 2 gold for one horn.”
“!!! E-eh? If that so then… I will sell both to you for 3 gold in exchange. Please teach me about the entire item price that you know.”
“I have the book of the world trading item. There should be most of the norm, here.”
“Thank you, very much sire!”
“Good luck at selling the other items! The wolves pack behind you also looks awesome. Are they yours?”
“Haha, thank you. Yes, they are mine.”
(Do we look awesome, Master?) White wolf
(hm? You really look strong and cool in my opinion.)
(! Is that so? Once we have our name, we will look even cooler.) Black male wolf
(Alright, for that you will have to wait awhile, I need to sell few more things, then we will go straight to the guild to check my power level and I will give you your name.)
(Does that mean you already think of our name?) Brown wolf
(Yes, I already have it all.)
(!! Alright!! Amazing!) All
After the chit-chat with the happy wolves, other traders came and I manage to sell the other things. The high quality deer skin, I refer to the ‘trading item book’ and manage to get 1 gold coins[100,000 y] for each skin, both for 2 gold coins, and then following with the accessory, I sell for 1 copper and 5 black coins each [1,500 y] and manage to get 30 copper/3 silver coins [30,000 y].
Then I go to Aunty Lena Inn. Before that, I ask the wolves to stay outside the inn waiting and I went inside to sell the fish, [Aunt Lena] she was very happy to see the catch and immediately offer a good price for it. There are 4 poard, 3 stoneface and 2 silver trouts. She buy the poard for 2 copper coins each, stoneface for 1 silver coins each and the two trouts for 2 copper coins.
By the way, she also buys 14 grounds of the deer meat which I sell 1 ground [100 gram] for 4 copper coins and 1 whole forest chicken meat for 1 silver. Saying that, she buys it for the people back in home, so the total she spent 4 silver and 64 copper coins but I give her discount and it became 4 silver and 60 copper coins equal to one gold coins. [100,000]
Finishing my business there, I go to Uncle Barbatos Inn to sell the meat. Only 54 ground of deer meat and 6 forest chickens left with me. Then Uncle says “I will buy 40 ground of deer meat and 5 forest chickens for 1 gold and 5 silver coins, the rest, let’s make party for your little siblings.” While I was wonder about that, I accept the money anyways. Then straight away, Uncle and the kitchen staff start working on the rest for party’s deer meat and the forest chicken, and Emily start pushing me toward the counter and explain things.
“Your sibling does extremely great at arithmetic! They says that they want to be of help to you and start asking for my help to teach them more than basic number but they show great result even though I only teach them the basic adding, subtract. They also do extremely well at divide and multiple. So, I thought of celebrating it for them, but father plans to wait for you and your hunt to celebrate as you are their reason of success.”
She talks so fast [excited (?)] that I almost don’t understand any. But I understand most of them, so does this mean Reno does well? He should be able to follow me to the forest tomorrow but I will need to teach him few skills by the night.
“Awroo! (Master! The Guild!)”
“E-eh? Kyaa! Wolves!!”
“Emily! It is alright, they are mine.”
“Ehh?? Is that so… are they tamed?”
“Awroo! (Master! The Guild!!)”
“Ah? Alright, sorry to delay. Emily, I will be back before night so could we celebrate it later then? Before that, let me to change my cloth, since I smell like blood here. [Only my cloth smells like that, I have washed myself perfectly at the river.]”
I change my cloth back to my black long sleeves cloth and white slack pant with black borsalino hat on my head, then went straight to the adventurer guild with only red wolf and brown wolf with me. The other went upstairs to play with the kids. The red wolf as my guard and the brown wolf as my guide, we walk to the guild without delay.
When I walk inside the adventurer guild, all the people around that sitting or standing stares upon my step… what the heck??
“Excuse me; I would like to check my energy level. To whom do I refer?”
“Uh… You can refer it here, to the crystal ball by flowing some of your energy to it.”
The lady at the counter replied upon my question. Hmm… this is the ball eh? Quickly I flow the energy to the crystal ball and it shone brightly with something like element ball inside the crystal ball went craze.
“So, what is my level?”
“!!! Sire, you are level 5!”
Eh? Level 5, pretty low eh… from one to ten, I only score 5?
“So low…”
(Master! That is high for a human! Or even magical beast. It only 2 level lower than the Demon Lord)
(Oh? Is that so?)
“Thanks for the crystal ball. Do I need to pay or something?”
“Ah… No, it is free of charge to check your level but if you want to register or taking mission from our guild, then there is fee.”
“I don’t plan on becoming an adventurer though~ thanks anyway. See ya.”
“E-eh??? B-But sire! If you become our adventurer, you can have free room for yourself and there are special treat if you success fully doing the B to S class mission. Please Register~~”
“Nope, thanks for the offer.” After ignoring the girl offer, I just exit the guild, or I was trying to exit. A buffed man with big sword behind his back stopping me from exiting.
“Such a swindler. I know your trick. You confuse the spirit inside the crystal ball to raise your energy level! If you are so strong then fight me!”
While he was wasting his time talking, and pointing his uselessly big sword to my direction, I was telepathy-ing with the wolves.
(Attack him, he waste our precious times.)
(Yes Master!) Red
The red wolf attacks him by jumping and biting him from limp to limp.
“Ah! No! Don’t! Don’t kill me!!! I’m sorry!! Urk--”
*Blood splutter*
And it the ends of the buffed man life.
I’m glad, the kingdom has rule like [1] It is alright to kill someone if it was a duel that been accepted by both party. [2] Anything that is yours can be count as part of your weapon or armor.
With the feeling of satisfied, I walk leisurely outside of the guild. The detail of the man corpse is too gory to be explaining, so I won’t tell. Please put some mosaic on him. The guild probably will have problem cleaning my mess, so I throw a gold coin to the corpse and told them that the gold coin is as thanks for the guild to clean my mess.
Everyone on-look nodded furiously showing that they understand and the girl at the counter call someone to clean the mess.
And so, I walk back to Uncle Inn and sit at the yard behind the inn with all the wolves plus the two kids.
“Alright! I will start be naming all of you.”
“Awroo(Yes!) Yay~”
“Not you two.”
“Quiet! …Alright, I will start now.”
As I have been thinking for their name, I gave them their name. The white wolf, Snow even though he is male, I think its fine because Snow can be androgynous-like name, then, the black female wolf as Meg and the male as Orb, the brown wolf as Rem, the red wolf, Akai as in Red.
After I was naming Akai, suddenly fall into a state where I feel really weak. Why?
「Clam Forest Tribe evolved to Greater Wolves Tribe. Individual named Akai has evolve personally into a rare being called were-wolf.」
Ah… So that… is why…
“Master, Thanks for the energy, I will work hard to assist you from now on.”
A man with dark red hair and wolf ear on his head whispers that while carrying me in his wide arm. If my sister from the previous world… she will probably scream out of happiness for this… she is an extreme fujoshi… ah, how I miss her and the kid… I should sleep now, I feel very tired…
“! Eline! Close your eyes! Wolf, no, Akai-san. Please wait here while I bring something to cover you lower body!”
“I obey your order, master Reno.”
(Hey~ how come you able to change into human?)
(… I wish to protect him… Not to serve him.)
(Uh… your wish is deeper eh…)
S…shut up… let me sleep peacefully…
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