《Debts Come Due!》Day-6 Roping in a Druid.


"How are you my child, what have you been up to? Have you done anything of worth with the power that I have given you?" A voice sounded from behind me startling me for a moment.

Turning around I came face to face with a succubus that I had made a pact with not a week prior. Thinking that this must be a dream for her to contact me like this so I bit my lip. Yep definitely a dream.

"No my Lady, I have yet to use it for anything. I am trying to lay low and gather up a team before I go about using the power. I hope that is OK." I say hoping that I have not accidently caused offense in any way,

"NO problem to be had, I was just curious as to what you have gotten up to sense last we spoke." Said the Lady of Bargins with a faint smile on her face.

"I have been preparing for the future and may have found a bargin that I myself could make. I just need to prepare the right contact to handle it for me with money that I can get. If I do it right I shall break even on the profit side of things and come out in the green for favors and power collected from compleating the mission." Sasha said before explaning about the kid that may or may not be a demon lord coming to the mortal plane.

"Oh yes I remember that, I helped to set up the child by introducing his parents. Two cultsist that wanted to do something to be known by across the entire world." Stated the Lady quite simply.

"They birthed a child into this world with no will or soul of its own. It sits and waits for the day that more then a smige of the demon lords power can be held inside. For the day where he can wear the body like a suit of armor."

"It is better then some other ways that this has been attempted throughout history but also worse. Make what deals that you can to stop it if that is your will but know that you have time, no less then fifteen years to complele your task."


"Be ready to do what needs done and don't throw your life away with this. There is a fisherman in the port of Tamtanson who might be able to get you what you need to start. Good luck on your endevors and be prepared to get your hands dirty." The Lady of Bargins said as she faded out of exitance before I wake up.

Ah a new day and a new dawn, I wonder what today will bring. What fortunes and favors will come to greet me on a day like this.

I can not help but to wonder what my team has gotten up to over the night. It is a good thing that we got Tess on board with the pups and if he can train them all the better. We could track our pray to its din and set up an ambush right out side before smoking them out into the trap. Land slides and having the forest come alive to attack our foes. It makes me drool just thinking about all the ways we could take out entire armies with this.

He would probably get angry if we set a forest on fire so we will need to be very careful of using fire to take on the challenges that come our way. On the other hand if Tess can move the earth from under a group of foes we can just rost them from above without any worrys. Drop in alchemist fire and add in hitting them with every single spell that we have should be enough to take on any that come at us.

I can not help but wonder why I get such a thrill out of creating traps that can take on strong foes like this. I wonder if it is just the exercise of the mind that excites me or if there is something else wrong with me. Who is to say what the answer is for certain.

After getting ready for the day and scuffing up her armour Sasha put on her best poker face and prepared to go swindle a druid into joining a team when he has better prospects avaliable to him. Those three pups should be great swings in our favor and if we can get him to comit to a long contract then we will have almost everthing we need for raiding dungeons and robbing dragons. Just have to remember not to mention robbing dragons out loud or the City's Dragon Lord will probably have some words for me.


'There it is the guild hall, going going in the guild hall now, going going in the guild hall now!'

"You're doing it again Sasha."

"Damn it! Do you always have to call me out on that Teamasa." Sasha exclaims across the room at her new friend.

"Yes, yes I do. The faces you make when you realize what has happened is priceless so there is no way I could not do so."

"Don't mind the little git, she has always been nothing but trouble. She once blew up the house of some boy that would not leave her alone." Smithy says jovialy.

"He totally diserved what he had coming when he would not let me read in piece. I just wanted to sit at a cafe and read a book but no, he had to pester me for a date." States Tea icely.

"A little extream but I like it, just donot mention the fire bit to the druid and we will probable be good. Now where is our tree changing friend with the fluffy wolf pups. I really want to pet them right about now." After waiting a bit more for the druid to arive they go over and start petting the pups.

"So will you join us Tess or will you wont? Does anyone know what I just said because I do not?" Stated Sasha confused.

"Do not even try to figure out half the things that she says and you will have an easy time of it Tess, take that from an expert on not knowing what she is thinking." Mused Tea, "She also talks to herself out loud kind of a lot. Just so that you know ahead of time and are not supriese by what she says."

"If the girl insults you it is probably because she was talking to herself and did not realize it was out loud." Smithy informed the confused druid helpfully.

"Well if that is the case I would be happy to join you lot for the long haul. Is there anyone else that we need to get? Any other roles to fill before we take on the big request?" Asked Tess openly wondering about what they were going to need and who else they would need to split the loot with.

"A healer of some kind. I do not plan to throw us into that much danger but a healer for emergancys will be nessecary. I would also like to get our hands on a warlock for reasons that you will be informed of in private." Stated Sasha to the druid.

Now as the leader I must consider where we could find a healer that would be willing to go out into danger. Most will only do so if they are with an army, royality, nobility, or under orders to do so that they can not refuse. They do this because healers are the weakest in combat with almost no methods of defending themselves.

I smell an oppertunity on the horizion if I can convince a healer to become a warlock to go along with their healing then I will kill two birds with one stone.

Now the only question is where I will find a healer that is not a coward and is also willing to become a warlock. Three steps forwards and two steps back as they say. This will not be an easy search but I think with the help of some locals I can pull it off. Just got to convince them that there is nothing shady about the requirments needed to join for the healer.

Why is my life so hard all the time?

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