《Existara: the RRD. Book two》The Red and the Blue
“You don’t have to come meet us at the entrance every time.” Laira says leaving the carriage.
“It's our pleasure.” Breeze smiles. Somehow that smile seems different. Right...
“How did he do?” Crile nods to Ether.
“Quite well, he didn’t get scared of the beasts.” I answer proudly. To my surprise Ether hugs Crile's legs. It lasts an instant only but I definitely saw it. He lets go and does the same to Breeze.
“Well now, how lovely.” She manages to steal a quick stroke of his little head before the boy rushes over to hide behind Laira again, this time even his hiding feels different. I get it...
“I wasn’t expecting that.” Crile snaps out of it. “Somehow, I feel embarrassed now.”
“He managed to ambush you, an Assassin of your caliber should be ashamed...” Breeze pokes fun at Crile. I can barely contain myself...
“I’ll let it slide just cause you’re the mother of my children.” He throws a quick glare, followed by a smile. I find it somewhat amazing how ridiculously effortlessly they make it seem...
“Well? How was it? Did you enjoy your Celodian experience?” The Assassin greets our Cleanser.
“It was different, for sure.” The kid nods. “But yes, I have to admit, I enjoyed it.” A quick redness flashes on his face.
“As long as you liked it, I'm happy.” Breeze comes over too. “And? How did you find Venatus?”
“Quite extraordinary! I’m so happy I was able to use this opportunity to visit the Original Nations. The Stone Archives in Primerias, The Marble Palace in Noxanda, the Sand Castle Towers in Cobalus and the Earth Cave Array in Venatus! Each land is nothing short of otherworldly!” Percy gets so easily excited it's adorable to watch. We follow him in as he shares his impressions.
“Not to mention the Greenhouses and the Stables! Such an honor!” The kid stops and bows to the Royal couple at the front. “Words cannot express how grateful I am to you, Commander, for taking a chance on me. If you hadn’t accepted me into Team Deathbreeze I would have never had this experience of a lifetime.” Ok, that caught me by surprise. Judging by the faces of the others - same.
“You only have yourself to thank.” Breeze puts a hand on the kid's shoulder. He looks up. “You were the one to approach us that time.”
“It took guts.” Crile points out. I'll say... Percival blushes again.
“Please just let me thank you.” He mumbles shyly, causing a wave of laughter.
“In that case, you're welcome.” Breeze gives the kid a warm, motherly smile.
“Percival keeps calling you Commander, you ok with that?” I ask her.
“Oh, I stopped trying to correct him... He tried his best for the duration of our trip but I guess after that, he was away from us for too long and went back to his old habits instead. I wish he'd loosen up... He's not a child anymore...” Breeze says.
“Says you, I kinda like how respectful he is.” Crile joins in.
“Well sure, I appreciate it too but I feel like he's over-glorifying us sometimes.” Breeze pushes the issue.
“I can understand why you’d see it that way.” Crile answers.
“I worry about him though... I wish he would experience life a bit more freely...” She continues. Why does it feel like the conversation belongs to those two only?
“Is that the mother in you talking?” The Assassin continues with his shenanigans.
“Are you making fun of me again?” She glares and Crile laughs.
“Not much in particular...” He shrugs his shoulders. The kid is in a daze. He probably isn't sure if he needs to say something here. Crile notices his puzzled expression.
“At ease.” He ruffs up the kid’s hair. Another wave. We go straight to the royal bedroom. Breeze makes herself comfortable on the bed. Feeding time. Crile hands her the twins, one at a time.
“Now then, Laira. Your report?” Crile gets into his King mode. I’ve seen him like that twice now.
“Yes, milord.” Laira bows. “I handled the situation properly this time. We had a few snags but luckily for us, they did not cause any inconveniences and we were able to carry out our mission smoothly. I admit I made the mistake of not double checking the new regulations that Venatus have set in place, for visits of such degree, but all was resolved. I did not resort to any of the previous antics that had brought you shame. I hope that with this, I have redeemed myself in your eyes.” She remains bowed.
“Well done.” Crile says. “You're allowed to keep your standing.” Laira straightens out.
“Thank you, my Lords.”
“You are also allowed to relinquish your status, should you wish.” Breeze speaks from behind the bed screen.
“We're not pressuring you to keep it.” Crile takes over. Laira shakes her head.
“It's fine. I'd prefer to keep it, if that's allowed.”
“Of course.” Crile nods.
“That was slightly nerve wrecking...” Percy exhales.
“You too, huh?” I laugh.
“Well? What did you find out then?” Breeze asks us.
“Not much.” Laira answers.
“Basically, nothing about diseases.” I add. “They don’t bother with infected goods.”
“Somehow I’m not surprised.” Crile remains standing between us and the bed.
“But we did gather valuable information.” Percival raises his hand.
“Right, you two were discussing it on the way back.” I vaguely remember hearing something I have no understanding of.
“Oh, well that's fitting too.” Crile's tone changes. “Primerians and Cornutese value information above all, afterall. Sharing it does not come easy.”
“Exactly.” Percival agrees. “That is why I can’t say that we came back empty handed. The Miss and I have an idea how we could apply the Chimera making in medicine. Nothing as gruesome as you might think!” He adds that part as soon as he sees the look on the Assassins face.
“Oh? Sounds interesting. I'd love to hear more about that.” Breeze says.
“Well, it's an idea. I'll work on it more once we get back. For now, lets just say, that I'd only be borrowing the idea behind the Chimera making. I believe this will take a series of experiments before we can have anything tangible.” Laira answers.
“Now I'm even more curious.” Breeze's voice reaches us again. “Can you take her, please?”
“Sure.” Crile walks behind the screen. He steps out again with the little Reina in his arms. “Laira?”
“Can I?” She stands up before he answers. Crile smiles and gives her the baby. Aahh why must you torture me so... That image... I burn it into my brain...
“Please take her.” She whispers. Voice trembling.
“Are you ok?” Crile asks taking his daughter back.
“Mhm.” She nods and kneels down to hug Ether. Nobody says anything. I watch Ether hug her back with a bright smile on his face. Laira lets him go and takes him into her lap as she sits back down.
“Well, since we're already in the mood, Percival? Don’t you think the Godfather should hold his godchildren?” Crile walks over to our Cleanser.
“Huh? Are you sure? I...” Crile sits down next to the kid. I put my arms out in a half circle.
“Like this.” I tell Percy. He copies me. “Slowly now.” Crile places his girl in the Cleansers embrace.
“Oh wow.” The kid stares with a frozen expression on his face, something between an awe and a damn? I smile.
“She's heavy...” He says. I laugh.
“Yet another one calling my baby girl fat...” Crile slaps his palm over his face, shaking his head...
“What no! That's not!”'
“Relax, I said the same.” I wave to him to calm down.
“Would like to switch them out?” Breeze shows herself with Xander in her arms.
“Oh, sure.” The kid nods and the girl's father takes her back into his embrace, laying her back into the cradle. Breeze sits down in Crile’s place. Percival continues sitting with his arms the same way. Waiting. The boy's mother lays her son down into the kid's arms.
“Oh no, I take it back, he is heavy...” The Cleanser says and I roar with laughter again.
“He has his father's appetite after all.” Crile says with a smug grin. I can’t believe he said it...
“Ugh, I can’t believe you said it out loud...” Breeze gives the man a disappointed look.
“What's it like to be a father?” Huh? Percival has a serious look on him... Come to think of it. I'd like to know that too... Crile takes a moment to answer.
“Well. It's different from when you’re with your lover in bed and wish for time to stop, so you could just stay like that, in that ecstasy, forever. It's more like anxiety and anticipation mixed together. You want to see more of them. Like you look at them as they are and you can’t wait to see them all grown up. You can’t wait to teach them things, watch them explore, see their reactions...” He gazes over at his son... “But at the same time, you want to preserve these moments you have with them as they are, because you know, they won’t ever be like this again...” He takes his eyes of the baby and looks at us. “Or at least that's how I feel.”
“Is that how it is for you too, Mistress?” Percival asks Breeze.
“It's similar...” She too takes a long moment to gaze at her son... “I may not know what will happen in the future but at the same time, I cannot remember my life before them... They've become my entire world. Nothing else matters to me just us and our kids.” Breeze raises her eyes to us. “I worry about them hating me. I don’t think I could live with that. I love them more than life.” She takes a quick breath. “Or at least that's how I feel.”
“Thank you.” Percival says, handing Xander back to his mother.
“Anything else you’re curious about?” She asks the kid. He shakes his head.
“That was plenty, thank you.”
“Well, I am curious about something but after what you guys just said, I'd be ruining the mood.” I confess.
“No need to be shy, what is it?” Crile urges me.
“Where do Celodians come from? It's been on my mind ever since we saw the Ritual.”
“Ah, I see.” Breeze sits down next to Crile, on the couch by their bed. “Yes. You are correct. They are man-made.”
“So, you offer dead body parts in exchange for mode of transportation?” I can’t hide my disgust.
“I can understand why you'd think that but no. We breed them. The Cornutese Forbidden Magic was the basis for our mounts but luckily for us, the tiger-horses are able to breed.” Crile answers.
“Have you ever seen a baby Celodian? They are the cutest!” Laira squeals.
“Uh-huh.” I take a second to process this. “Ok, no questions anymore. Sorry about that.”
“It's fine.” Crile brushes it off. “Riding a regular sized horse isn’t easy, neither for the horse, nor for the rider. We had to improvise.” He adds.
“Makes sense. Next topic?” I try to play it off.
“I was thinking.” Laira begins. “What are the chances we could get the King to agree to let us make regular visits to the Old Continent?”
“Not much, I'd say." Crile's quick to answer. “Not without a reason, at least.”
“What if the reason is "to show good faith" to our Rebirth-Alliance members, say every five years? The whole trip here and back plus time spent... It would take roughly six months, if we want to take it easy sooo...”
“I see. You want to use this as an excuse to come visit?” Breeze catches on. “Five years is a lot. The King is no spring chicken either. You’re gonna have to think of how to make his "authority" for this last too. Visiting the Original Nations, reporting back to them with new development for the Rebirth would make a sound excuse.”
“That'd be nice. We'd get to see the kids grow up too.” I add. I see Laira blush. She cares more than she lets on...
“You'll have to convince the King.” Crile says. “Only this time, do try to do it without any dirty tricks.” He gives Laira a look.
“Will try.” She answers with a grin.
“Now then. What's our back up plan for the disease part?” Breeze steers us back on track.
“We'll have to get in touch with lady Hannah's successor. I'll have Zaltem get a move on that one tomorrow night.” Laira says.
“You're working the kid to the bone, I see.” Crile points it out.
“We have to show the King that we're not here on vacation.” Laira makes a good point too. “Speaking of, I wanna leave before Cobalus ships their first order. I think it would show good faith if we escort their goods from Ballista.”
“That means we leave in less than two weeks?” I ask.
“More or less. We can take a ship from Ravenna, it'll be quicker. But just to be on the safe side, may I ask to dispatch someone over there? To keep us informed?” Laira makes the suggestion.
“Of course. We have trading rights with all of the Nations here. There shouldn't be a problem having someone as a look out.” Breeze answers.
“We'll look into it tomorrow morning.” Crile adds.
“Perfect.” Laira smiles.
“Percival? You’ve been weirdly quiet.” I nudge our Cleanser.
“Ah, well, I was thinking about the disease treatment. I’m frustrated with myself for having so little knowledge of them...”
“I knew I was worried about him for a reason.” Breeze gives us a motherly sigh.
“He's too responsible for his own good.” Crile agrees.
“Percival, you’ve done enough.” Laira adds. “Take the time to rest and leave it to me. You can worry your head about it again after we return to Araneum. Alright?” The kid hesitates.
“If that's alright?”
“I insist.” Laira pressures him. Our Cleanser nods.
“Good boy.” Breeze mocks him.
“Well then, guess this is as good of time as any to tell you something.” Crile begins.
“More like ask you.” Breeze adds.
“Oh? Something happen?” I ask.
“Not yet.” Crile smiles. Ok? The three of us steal confused glances at each other.
“We'd like for all of you to attend our wedding ceremony before you leave.” Breeze says. Huh?
“Can we!” Laira jumps out of her chair, with Ether holding on for dear life around her neck. “I’ve been waiting for this FOREVER!! I need a dress!” She gets excited the same way Percy does.
“You’re not the only one...” Crile murmurs coyly... Riiight.
“Well excuse me...” Breeze pouts.
“Is it ok? I mean for me to attend too?” The kid mumbles.
“Of course, we'd be honored to have such a future VIP of Araneum attend.” Crile answers. Our Cleanser blushes and doesn’t argue.
“When are you having it?” I ask.
“We haven’t decided but we can have it two days before you leave. There's not much that needs to be done anyways.” Breeze says.
“Of course, there is! The four of us need to do some shopping!” Laira disagrees with gusto.
“Four?” I look at her a bit confused.
“Ether needs something fancy to wear too!” She answers as if I was the one being ridiculous here. I roll my eyes.
“You just wanted an excuse to shop.” I rumble under my nose.
“Maybe a little.” She doesn’t even try to hide it! Breeze and Crile laugh together.
“I'll be looking forward to seeing you dressed in Noxian attire.” He gives me a look. Oh boy...
“What do you mean she refused!!” Laira screams out in my sleep. I shake my head and look around. She's pacing around the room in her night robe... See-through... Mm... I grin. Gotta love the Noxian fashion...
“Does she not know what’s at stake? How can she refuse! Did you approach her by yourself?” Aah. Issues on the other end...
“Get the King involved then! His obsession should work in our favor!” Silence. “What? What do you mean they refuse to...” She puts her hand over her face... Seems this is more serious than it looks. I sit up. My eyes are finally able to focus. I notice Ether watching Laira with a worried expression on his little face. I wave to him. He climbs down his bed and rushes over to ours. I pick him up and set him down on the bed.
“Fine! We'll leave it alone till our return. Damned geezers...” She frowns. “One other thing though. Begin training the Ravos and Earth Shamans to enclose the ships in Vines. Yes. Just like that time. No need to pull them underwater. Forming a protective dome should be enough. I'll explain why later. But you have till our return to practice. I’m putting you and Aodynna in charge. Consider this part of the RRD mission. Oh, and before I forget. Please have a ship of ours docked in Crepitus in about four weeks? I'll give an exact date later but keep it in mind.” She pauses. “Thank you, Zaltem. That will be all.” She exhales hard.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?”
“Maybe a little.” I grin. “Trouble?”
“Some.” She sits down on the bed. Ether carefully approaches her. She picks him up.
“What’s that about the domes and ships?” I ask.
“Percy's idea. Breeze cast a dome around their ship on their way to Crepitus that time, along with some help from Zaltem and Aodynna. Together the three of them managed to protect the ship and the crew from the Rebellion, by pulling the ship underwater...” Yikes...
“Breeze can be scary sometimes...” I whisper.
“I'll say...” She agrees. “Anyways. That's also the reason why I want to travel together with the goods from Arrdus.”
“Makes sense. Think you can manage? Replicating?”
“For our sake I hope so...” She looks worried. I kiss her on the cheek.
“Shall we lazy around a bit more?”
“Why not.” She smiles at me and the three of us cuddle up for a snooze.
“Really? I wasn’t expecting that.” Breeze says.
“Neither was I.” Laira admits.
“Maybe she's afraid of competition?” Crile suggests.
“In what? Saving our world as we know it?” Laira rolls her eyes. “I mean.”
“My lords. Pardon the intrusion.” Glen emerges from the shadows.
“What is it?” Crile says.
“It's ready.” The guard says and slips back into the darkness.
“Well, that's nice of them.” Breeze stands up. “Come on, there's something you need to see.” Crile gets up too. The rest of us hesitate for a moment but follow their lead.
“Whats this about?” Laira asks.
“You'll see in a minute.” Crile answers. She looks at me. I shrug my shoulders. We get out onto the Balcony above the front square, right where the entrance is. A giant statue stands in front of us. A man and a... Oh.
“I was wondering why it was closed off...” Laira speaks quietly. “How wonderful.”
“Is that your father?” Percy asks.
“Yes.” Breeze answers.
“I see. They look good together.” The kid points out. I pick Ether up and let him take a look too.
“She belonged to him before I inherited her.” Breeze keeps her voice low. Our party stands quietly, gazing upon the marble statue of Noxanda's first King - Sir Wykren and his loyal mount - Lady Emerald. The saber has been carefully incorporated, circling around the legs and the back of the great warrior. Her face frozen in an eternal roar. Just like the war cry coming out of the Bladed Wind, as he stands guard, with his axe held high, above his head and his sword firmly planted between him and Emerald. I notice people laying flowers by their feet.
“Is that part of the unveiling?” I ask, gesturing down.
“Something like it.” Crile answers.
“They are paying their respects.” Breeze adds.
“Why only blue and red flowers?” Percival asks.
“It's our funeral tradition. Red for the blood and blue for the sky. It symbolizes our origins and our lives.” Laira explains.
“From stars to dust?” I whisper.
“Exactly.” Breeze answers.
“Ours usually involve white flowers.” Our Cleanser mentions. “I always thought it was too bland somehow...”
“Yeah, you never question certain things until you see them in a different light...” I agree.
“By the way, that reminds me.” Laira says. “I should take some of the seeds back with me, to plant them by the grave-tree back at the cabin too.”
“That would be wonderful.” Breeze smiles at her. Right. We had a tree planted in the back yard, by the swing in memory of Emerald and Tonso, while Breeze was in her coma... Laira didn’t want to include Burla in but since there are no names engraved anywhere - there's no difference. It was our way of showing respect for our fallen comrades. Apparently, the tree that the swing hangs down from is for Amana Starlight. Crile planted it long ago... It's a Noxian tradition - planting trees in memory of those that have no body to bury... Although, Laira said that it even though that's how the tradition started out at first, it doesn’t have to be like that... It's simply a sign of grief, respect and love... I wonder if I will get a tree like that someday?
“Right, we're going!” Laira announces suddenly.
“Going where?” I ask, coming back from my wonders.
“Now?” I look at her.
“Yes! Now!” She takes me and Percival by the arms and drag us after her.
“Um, a little help here, please!” The Cleanser calls out over his shoulder.
“Have fun!” Breeze waves at us.
“Traitors!” I call out. Crile's roaring laughter is all I get in return.
The four of us come back late evening. The Royal couple awaits us at their bedroom with the tables already set. Sir Marcus and I put the bags down in the corner. The Lady is busy with the twins.
“Well, how was it?” The Sir does not hide his amusement for the situation.
“Miss Laira is merciless...” I have no strength left in me to even lie out of respect... “I never had to try on so many different things...” I slump down in my usual spot.
“Same here...” The Mage raises a hand stretching out in his chair.
“Oh, quit your complaining.” The Miss puts little Ether down in his place and covers him with a blanket. “How often do you get the privilege of attending a private wedding ceremony for the Royalty.”
“Even if!” Sir Marcus straightens out. “Don’t you think we bought too much?” He points to the bags.
“No. Araneum doesn’t have half of my favorite things. Shipping the goods there is considered too expensive, so they make them locally but the true craftsmanship can only be found here.” The Miss explains.
“I agree.” I find the armor to be better here in Astri. The Lady shows herself.
“So, the armor that you wore to battle?” I begin...
“Yes, it was from here.” The Lady answers my question before I can finish it.
“Interesting.” I mumble.
“Pardon me, but I don’t think that was the only reason for splurging...” Sir Marcus gives the Miss a certain look. “I’m pretty convinced you simply got too excited and couldn’t stop.”
“Is that so?” Sir Crile smiles.
“Yeah.” The Mage nods. “More than half of everything in there is for Ether and not just for now, she got all kinds of things for later too...” The Sir and the Lady laugh.
“Well now, that explains it...” Commander says smiling warmly.
“Oh hush...” The Miss blushes.
“No wonder he looks worn out.” Sir Crile teases the Miss one last time. Watching all of them like that... I can’t help but love them... How fortunate I am to be born a mere Primerian... I won’t have to watch my loved ones die... Over and over again... Eternal life doesn’t seem all that great when you think about it...
“Earth to Percival! Helloooo!” I feel a hand on my shoulder.
“Huh?” I come back. I hear a heavy collective sigh. “Did I miss something?” I ask looking around. Laughter. “What?”
“Nothing nothing, you got lost in thought again.” The Miss tells me.
“Sorry.” I murmur.
“It's fine.” The Lady answers. “It's you, after all, there's nothing wrong with being you.” She smiles at me. Damn it. Every time I see that smile it makes me want to curl up in her lap and cry... I clench my fist tightly. Lucky Ether and stupid me. I let my fist go. True power doesn’t lie within magic...
Laira slips into her dress. She lets down her lilac hair and takes one last brush through the waves with her hands.
“How do I look?” She asks fixing her dress. The pale, almost nonexistent blush of a color makes her rosy skin shine even more than usual... The drizzled shimmer, going half way down her chest and curving to the back gives off an impression of a falling star...
“Magical.” One word is all I manage. She turns around and I see pure surprise in her yellow eyes. A knock on the door snaps me out of it.
“I need some help...” Percy's voice reaches us. I walk over and let the kid in.
“I'm sorry to bother you but I’m not sure if I got this right...” He finally gazes up and freezes.
“Beautiful...” He whispers.
“See, Percy thinks so too.” I grin proudly. Laira comes over to us.
“Thank you, let me see now.” She takes the ribbon from the boy and ties it around his neck in a loose fashion. I fix the collar for him too. The grey colored light armor suits the kid.
“Thank you.” He nods. “I have a question.” Doesn’t he always? I roll my eyes with a smile.
“Yes?” Laira says, messing around with the kid's locks.
“Why are we wearing light gear? Usually for occasions like these we’d wear high class robes and such? Encrusted with gemstones and whatnot? And the colors would be vibrant, but here it’s pale, rather plain? Although the silky smooth material is rather nice to the touch…” Our Cleanser pats himself down. I chuckle.
“I believe that was more than just one question…” I tell the kid. “But actually yeah.” I take another look at my almost colorless gear.
“Believe it or not but weddings are a rare thing for Noxians, we usually don’t bother with that. However, during times of war, we adapted this tradition. The attire is based on that. Back then, there weren’t that many options what to wear and when everyone is in battle ready mode - it seemed natural to wear your gear, just in case. Over time we went from battle gear to something lighter, fancier, but we kept the concept.” Laira gives us a quick history lesson. “As for the color - you’ll know later. It's about time anyways.” Laira gives the both of us a coy smile.
“Is it for the same reason why the ceremony takes place at night too?” Percy hammers in another question. Laira keeps the same smile.
“Guess we'll know that later too.” I roll my eyes, again. Ether comes over in his barely blue-ish-green-ish gear and Laira takes him by the hand. His dark hair is growing out nicely in a funny looking fuzz on his little head. His sickly pale skin is beginning to show signs of a healthy shade of beige, maybe even a slight tan... Even his grey eyes seem brighter lately. Thanks to our Royal chefs, the boy has been putting on some weight too. The bony walking skeleton is slowly turning into a child... We leave our room and walk through the Palace, all the way to the other end. I see a giant door gaping open. We step inside. Well, outside, apparently. An area with no roof opens up in sight with trees surrounding it. Red lanterns hang in waves on the branches, barely lighting the ground. I notice something like a tomb stone under one of the trees, a bit of to the side... I glance up. The stars. I smile. How fitting... The Priestess and Sir Ira stand in the middle. Both dressed in plain white.
“Lairy, how wonderful you look.” The man approaches Laira.
“Thank you.” She smiles shyly.
“It seems our clothing fits you three rather nicely.” The Priestess smiles at us. Percival only manages to nod, whereas Ether hides again.
“You flatter us, Priestess.” I respond rather clumsily.
“Take your places.” Ira tells us and I look behind me. Crile steps out into the light. Ah. I get it now... He greets us with a smile.
“What should we do?” Percival whispers.
“Follow my lead”. Laira says stepping to the side. “Form a half circle.” She gestures. I stand next to her, with Ether between us. Percy places himself next to me. Crile walks past us and kneels for a quick moment in front of the Priestess. She smiles at him and nods. Crile turns around, facing the entrance. We watch the doors too. Breeze steps out into the light. Wow. The colors of the dress make her look like she just got out of a blood bath... Strangely fitting, I must say...
“She looks like she just killed someone...” Percival whispers with a chill in his voice. “And enjoyed doing it...”
I grin. “No kidding.” In comparison, the pale colors of our getup make Breeze and Crile stand out even more. Well, it is their wedding. Why shouldn’t they be the center of attention. Breeze stands next to Crile. His deep, dark green and navy colored, almost black, light gear accentuates the tones of Breeze's dress even more. At this angle, her hair floats down her back, creating a waterfall impression... The Priestess takes her daughter's face into her hands and whispers something, giving a quick peck on the forehead. Sir Ira stands next to the Priestess, holding a silver ribbon. The happy couple face each other, taking each other’s hands and locking them together. The Priestess takes the ribbon from Sir Ira and begins wrapping it around the laced hands of Breeze and Crile.
“Dearly beloved. We are gathered here tonight to witness two hearts become one. May the road ahead be full of feeling and emotion. Anger and affection. Silence and chatter. Passion and calm. Let them, be your guides, as you walk through life. Let each other, be your strength in times of need. Let the love you share, be your salvation from despair. May the stars shine upon you for the rest of eternity. You may now kiss each other.” The Priestess steps back and Crile pulls Breeze in for a rough kiss, with their hands tied... Cheers spread from the darkness. Ha! The guards were watching... Laira claps her hands. Percival snaps out of it and cheers too. I see Ether clapping his little hands excitedly. I smile and get to cheering too. Crile manages to slip out of their restraints and puts one arm around Breeze. That's one Hell of a kiss... They finally break off and bow to us. The ribbon has its grip on them still. The Priestess hugs the both of them. So does Sir Ira. Laira walks up to them next. We follow her.
“May the stars shine upon you.” She tells them and hugs them both the same way. Embracing them both at the same time, as she stands in the middle of them.
“Thank you.” Breeze tells her. I catch tears in her eyes. The smile hides them well. Laira lets the happy couple go.
“Do we do the same then?” I ask nervously.
Crile nods. “Pretty much.” Ok then. I take a tiny breath in.
“May the stars shine upon you.” I tell them and hug them the same way. Ah damn, even their scents are rich with fragrance... I pull away and pick up Ether. Breeze and Crile hug the boy quickly. To my surprise, Ether responds nicely with a bright smile.
“I see. So this is the Noxian tradition.” Percy murmurs behind us. I set the boy down.
“You’re next.” I pat our Cleanser on the back. He staggers for a second and quickly pulls himself together.
“May the stars shine upon you!” He makes more of an announcement out of it and stands on his toes, as he reaches in for an embrace. Crile and Breeze hug the kid back. The two of them seem to have a more parental look on them as they hold on to Percy for a moment longer before letting go. The kid lights up bright red, just like the lanterns. Glen and the exclusive guard join the celebration too. Well, in their own way. All eight kneel in front of the newlyweds in a crescent moon lineup.
“May the stars shine upon you for the rest of eternity!” They say all at once. Did they practice that? The couple bows, showing their respect.
“Let us feast and drink tonight like there's no tomorrow!” Someone yells.
“Let the stars burn up in envy of our joy!” Ha! That's a good one. For a handful of people, they sure make enough noise. I smile and watch Laira for a long moment...
- In Serial194 Chapters
My Hollywood System
Will, an aspiring director and a college student, was busy dreaming about becoming a successful figure in Hollywood when he found himself on an alternate earth. The world is almost the same, but wait... all the celebrities, brands, and even renowned works from his world are no more!?Armed with the Hollywood System, Will Evans will rise to the very pinnacle of stardom. . . . MCU and D.C.? I will create them!F.R.I.E.N.D.S. and the Office? I will write them!Harry Potter and the Lord Of The Rings? I will direct them!
8 364 - In Serial7 Chapters
I Dream of Spiders
The move to the remote town of Quarry Hill, Pennsylvania was supposed to help Griffin McGuire start over and forget the two people who betrayed him. As a paramedic at the local hospital, he would still have to interact with people, but the rest of the time he could hole himself away in the secluded cabin he was renting. It was perfect. For the first time in over a year, he felt like he could finally breathe. That was until he met her. A woman who doesn’t know her own name or why she was covered in blood and standing in the middle of the road when he found her. Griffin knows he should contact the police, but something is preventing him from going to the authorities. It doesn’t take long for him to realize that he was correct in trusting his instincts. Every time she falls asleep, she dreams and another memory is unlocked. Memories that are horrific and make him want to protect and hide her from the world.
8 176 - In Serial28 Chapters
Trapeze (Wattpad Books Edition)
WATTPAD BOOKS EDITIONHow do you trust the ground when all you've known is flight? In this breathtaking debut, Leigh Ansell has created a compelling, heartbreaking, and truly engaging story about a young girl used to flying high only to be faced with living life with her two feet firmly on the ground . . . Seventeen-year-old Corey Ryder can't remember a time when she wasn't gliding through the air of Cirque Mystique's big top. As a trapeze artist in a traveling circus, Corey wakes up every day in a different place, buzzing for the moment she can suspend gravity during the night's performance. When the circus pulls into small-town Sherwood, California, everything seems normal - aside from meeting the exceptionally cute Luke Everett at a local diner. But that night, in the midst of the performance, tragedy strikes and flames overtake the tent. While Corey narrowly escapes, in the ashes of the circus pitch lies the only home she's ever known. Repeatedly thrown out of her comfort zone, Corey must learn how to push toward her future without forgetting her past, what it means to be a daughter to a mother she's never known, and how to navigate the confusing magic of first love, even as she performs the high-wire act of being true to who you really are.
8 218 - In Serial69 Chapters
Undercover Gangleader
You know the normal cliche of the nerd secretly being a street fighter and the bad boy just so happens to find out? Well this is like that.... But nothing like that at all. Meet Xavier, he's your average bad boy who so happens to be the leader of a feared gang. But what happens when strange things begin to happen and he has to go undercover and go back to high school? But not as his role of the bad boy. He has to be the school nerd. Meet Asher, she's your average nerd.... Not. At school, she's pushed around, bullied, and made fun of because of her grades. To some people she's just an ordinary nerd who will most likely go far in life. What they don't know is that her father was one of the worlds best street fighters and that she's following behind his footsteps. Conflicts are resolved, secrets are told, and friendships are broken. But through all of that. Can the two find love? Warning: unedited. Many mistakes within this book but I'm very slowly going through and editing chapters.Also, this book contains major character growth. These characters mature a lot from the first to second book so if you don't like them at first, you most likely will in the second book.
8 136 - In Serial42 Chapters
Hiding Out in Hollywood (Celebrity Love / ChickLit) ✔
☆ FEATURED BY WATTPAD AND COSMOPOLITAN ☆After her romance with superstar singer Cory Sampson nearly cost Emily Watts her career, she's determined to never make tabloid headlines again. So when her flirtatious new yoga classmate, Raine Kingston, asks Emily on a date, she isn't sure what to do. Raine is funny, madly attractive, and he's one of the most charming men Emily has ever met. He's also a sought-after actor who tops Hollywood's A-list, and Emily knows being seen with him will destroy the privacy she's worked so hard to get back.She can't deny their connection, though, and Raine is willing to spend time together in places they won't be seen. Just when Emily is on top of the world with her new romance, her past finds its way back into the tabloids. With all eyes back on her, it gets harder to keep her dates with Raine a secret, and Emily is forced to choose: stay with Raine, who makes her the happiest she's ever been, and have her life back in the headlines, or give up the best relationship she's ever had to keep the privacy and normal life she craves.Featured on Cosmopolitan.com and called "an absolute must read!" by Fangirlish.
8 454 - In Serial9 Chapters
【Low Life】ReverseHaremxBroke Reader
You can only get better from here. Or so you thought.
8 170