《Existara: the RRD. Book two》The Effort
Percival doesn’t say a word. I’m getting anxious.
“Can you save her or not?!” I snap. “It’s been weeks now, Percival, I need answers!”
“I don’t know!” The boy raises his voice at me for the first time since we met him. “I don’t know…”
Laira steps in. “Ok. Let’s all calm down and think about this one more time.”
“All we have been doing is thinking!” I feel my blood boil.
“There has to be a way. We just haven’t found it yet.” I’m amazed at Laira’s ability to stay calm. Although right now it’s seriously pissing me off.
“Percival.” Laira speaks to the boy. “You’re bright beyond your age. I know you have thought of something.” The boy hesitates. I restrain myself from yelling.
“There might be an option.” Percival speaks shyly. “But I’m not sure…”
“One option right now is better than none.” Laira encourages the boy again.
“In that case.” The boy looks at me now. “I need to poison her.”
“What?” I glare at him.
“I can pinpoint the location of the poison in a person’s body without needing a visual confirmation of it. “
“Then why don’t you use Torch on her instead? That spell does not need a visual confirmation either. Right?” I ask.
“True. However. The wounds are too tiny. If I sear the healthy tissue, it will do more damage than good.”
“I’m confused here a little.” Laira says.
“A Temeros can manipulate poison at will. Liquid, solid or gas form. Well, not gas per se, it’s more like a dust cloud. Anyway. If I can find the right kind of a combination between the healing herbs and the enchanted ones… And inject it into Commander, I might be able to follow the poison along with the blood flow and, well, simply plug the wounds up.” Percival explains.
“But Breeze is frozen.” Laira has a point.
“Only her body. She has a pulse, remember?”
“Oh my! It completely slipped my mind.” Laira proclaims.
“I made sure that the Commander’s heart was not affected by the freeze. The Casters did a wonderful job following my vague instructions. I have to admit, under the circumstances I was not sure if it would work, that’s why I had my hand frozen along with her but she has been stable ever since. Sure, the pulse is weak but it’s there. As long as the heart is working – she can be saved.” Percival looks at me. He seemed to be confident a second ago, yet his eyes are grim.
“What is it?” I ask the boy. Percival averts his gaze.
“Speak.” I pressure him.
“Right now – it’s all a theory. Plus – “the healing poison” is the tricky part here really…”
“Then I suggest you get to work.”
“I have been. Ever since the Castle of Despair… I am not able to…”
“Percival. As gifted as you are – you are only one person. We have a theory now. This is as closets as we have been for weeks. We are one step closer. That’s what matters now. We will figure out the rest too. Together.” Laira has a knack for kind words and encouragement. Sometimes she reminds me of Starlight… Starlight.
“Does it have to be poison?” I ask.
“What do you mean?” Laira looks at me.
“Can we not use the blood itself to locate the wounds?” I look at Percival.
“I understand what you are trying to say. I have thought of that – yes. However, that would mean having a Leto helping us, I don’t think…”
“Starlight was a Water Healer – whenever Breeze would be passed out, she would slowly force mana potions down her throat to speed up her recovery. There are potions that can help wounds heal too?” I stare at Laira.
“Well yes…” Laira thinks about it.
“I get the idea, however, Commander is frozen. Flesh wounds can’t heal on their own like that. Not even internal ones…” Damn.
“What if we use Vines?” Laira asks Percival.
“Vines?” Percy’s doing the calculations. “If you can make them small enough...”
“Don’t you need to see where the Vines are going to be able to control them?” I ask Laira.
“Not to mention the wounds are microscopic.” The boy adds.
“I won’t be going after the wounds. I’ll cast a net over each of her organs to prevent the blood from spilling out…”
“That would take forever!” The Cleanser’s mildly surprised.
“Maybe.” Laira’s expression seems more focused now. “But it’s an option. If we can’t find another way – that will have to be it.”
Percival thinks about it. “It will be like making her a new set of organs… It’s too much.”
“Only the outer shell. It should merge with the tissue and help the organs repair themselves. In time – there won’t even be a trace left…”
“It will take forever for you to do it, though.” Percival seems rather concerned.
“Doesn’t matter.” Laira’s determined.
“Then get some rest for now.” I stand up.
“Right. We’ll get on it first thing tomorrow. I’ll need your help, Percy.” She looks at the boy.
“Of course. Whatever I can.”
“Percival.” I come up to him. “I’m sorry for lashing out.”
“Oh.” He blushes. “It’s fine. I understand.” The kid nods.
“Thank you.” I put my hand on his shoulder. “You’re a good kid.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“We should all get some rest. It’s getting late anyways.” Laira suggests.
“You two go on ahead. I’ll be up in a sec.”
“Sure.” Laira and Percival leave the cellar. I stay behind a bit longer.
“Once you’re awake again – I’ll tie you up and pound you non-stop.” I look at my frozen Breeze. “I’m insane.” I laugh quietly. “The world is not the same without you in it, Breeze… I miss you.” I whisper and go upstairs. I hear voices coming from the living room. I get out there. Jack. Rixa and Culebra are sitting on the couches. A bunch of bags are tossed to the side, by the front door.
“What’s all this?” I ask.
“We can’t stay at the Palace anymore.” The Ram’s the first to answer me.
“How so?” I feel like mocking them a little.
“It’s suffocating.” The Mancer stands up and tosses me a bag. “At this point, this dump is a better option.”
“Why not leave then?” I ask again.
“Where else can I get this much gold doing nothing?” The old Primerian woman clangs a pouch of coins in her hand and walks upstairs.
“You too?” I look at the two warriors.
“Will that be a problem?” Rixa stands up.
“There’s enough space here for everyone.” Laira stands up. “Percival is welcome to stay as well.”
“I’m better off at the Palace. But thank you for your offer.” The boy nods.
“By the way;” the CC asks picking up his bags; “what’s with the layout of the cabin?”
“What about it?” I ask glaring at him.
“Oh.” Marcus cuts in. “He’s never been here before.” I sigh.
“The canopy of the trees provides us with cover. When looking down from above – you can’t really tell there’s a house here.” I explain. “We chose the diamond shape like that on purpose. There’s an underground water stream at the far end, where the stables are. The bathroom and the restroom are set up at that end for the same reason. Easy access to the water. The whole system is set up the same way it is back at the Marble Palace in Noxanda. There’s no shower here, only a tub. You can use it as one, just don’t splash around too much. Though it will be one freezing shower…” I give the quick breakdown on the facilities.
“Besides;” Laira takes over; “since the roof is below the canopy. You can’t really tell that there’s less trees here at the front either. This way it’s easier for the dragons to land and take off too.”
“Any other questions?” I look the War over. Rixa shakes his head.
“Well then?” The Ram stares at me. I toss him the Mancer’s bag. He catches it.
“Do as you please.” I tell them and go upstairs…
Laira spends the next couple of weeks practicing her Vines blindfolded. Usually, the Vine spell is adjusted by the visual of the situation. However – there is no way of accessing the inside of Breeze’s body without cutting her open and killing her. Laira’s practicing diligently. On Rixa. The two healers were talking it over and decided that they need a live volunteer to be able to do this perfectly. Percival suggested using a rabbit or something, however, Rixa overheard Percy and Laira talking and immediately offered his assistance. I can’t say I’m not enjoying the idea of him becoming a victim of a freak accident… But I know Laira would never let him die. Shame… On the other hand – if this can help save Breeze – what do I care. As long as I can hold her in my arms again…
“So which organs are you reinforcing then, exactly?” Rixa asks.
“All of them.” Laira answers.
“We have no way of knowing which ones are damaged, so we must assume that it’s all of them.” Percival elaborates. Rixa’s dumbfounded. I smile.
“That will take you forever…” He finally manages to speak again.
“Yes, well, there is no other way.” Laira sounds a bit off today. ”That’s where you come in. I’ll only do a few major ones on you. One kidney, one lung, your stomach, liver and your heart. If anything goes wrong – you’ll let me know and we can fix you up immediately. I would prefer to practice maneuvering around the intestines more, those might be a bit tricky, however, I need to have a better grip on my overall casting before that happens. So, to start with, we’ll pick the kind you have a pair of: kidneys and lungs.” Laira explains.
“Very well.” Rixa easily agrees. It’s kind of out of character for him to not make a joke or some kind of a remark here.
“Consider yourself to be a rough draft. Organ size does vary between males and females, I have been practicing to replicated the shape and the size, however, I can’t know if what I am doing is not hurtful to the patient. Therefore…” Rixa cuts her off.
“Evergreen. I’m not backing down on this. You can’t scare me. Let’s go.”
Laira inhales. “Alright then.”
“I’m sorry it’s taking me so long.” I look up. Laira stands next to me.
“I thought it would be easier… I thought I could do it…” Laira’s shaking.
“No.” I get off the swing and hug her. “You’re doing great. Don’t do this to yourself. If anyone can bring her back it’s you two. Ok?” I look at her. “I have complete faith in you.”
Laira doesn’t even say anything. She covers her face and weeps. I hold her. That’s all I can do.
“Mind if I cut in?” Marcus approaches us.
“Not at all.” I step away from the girl. “She’s all yours.”
He nods, taking the girl into his embrace. I go for a walk to keep myself busy…
A knock on the door wakes me up. Must’ve dozed off. Laira’s out in the hall.
“Yeah?” I ask her.
“We’re ready.” Is all she says. We walk downstairs. Percy, Marcus and Rixa are here.
“Percival.” As soon as I say his name, the boy jumps up.
“Break it down for me.”
“Commander has a pulse, however, it’s too weak. We need to de-freeze her in a few spots here and there and make incisions in her body, providing miss Laira with access to Commander’s internal organs. We’ll do this one organ a day. With a few days rest in between. For miss Laira’s sake. I’ll be monitoring Commander’s pulse as miss Laira casts Vines. If all goes well – which all of us hope for – we should be done in a few months. Here’s the risky part – we won’t know how well the spell worked till Commander wakes up after we de-freeze her completely. That could take a while…” The boy explains.
I wrap my brain around that. “Alright. So where do we start?”
“Her liver. I’ll leave the heart for last.” Laira steps closer to Breeze.
“I have some acid here that will dissolve the ice.” Percival shows me the flask.
“Won’t it damage her?”
“You make it sound like she’s an object.” Rixa gives me the look.
“Don’t start now.” Marcus steps in.
“Yeah yeah.” Rixa mumbles.
“It won’t.” Percy answers me.
“Ok. Go ahead.” That’s all anyone says. Percival carefully makes an incision in Breeze’s side and sticks a pair of metal pliers in, to keep the wound slightly open, making it easier for Laira to gain access. Hours go by. Nobody says a word. Marcus is right beside Laira – feeding her mana potions. With Percival monitoring the weak pulse that Breeze’s heart manages to pump – me and Rixa are the only two that have no reason to be here. Not a medical or helpful reason anyway. Our Basement Four spends days cooped up in that chilly cellar. On the days when Laira’s resting we train. I usually pair up with Marcus while Jack keeps Rixa busy.
“How’s the hand working out?” I ask Jack.
“It took some getting used to but it’s better than nothing.”
“I know this won’t mean much to you but I’m sorry it turned out like this.” I lower my gaze.
“I could have lost my life. Instead – I only lost a hand. I’m not sorry I was among the few of the lucky ones who lived to see another day.” Jack stares at his wooden hand, then at me. “It reminds me of how fragile life is.” To hear a Ram use the word fragile is kind of hilarious in a way. I smile. Jack doesn’t seem like the sensitive type. But he has a point. I don’t say anything else…
Six months later.
“That’s it.” Laira says quietly. The strain reflects in her voice.
“Are you sure?” I ask her.
She nods.
“Alright.” Percival takes a few more flasks.
“My turn.” He starts at Breeze’s feet. The ice evaporates slowly, exposing Breeze’s body bit by bit.
“Put these under her.” Laira points to some towels. “To soak up…”
“Got it.” I stand up and get the towels. Marcus and Rixa help. They pick Breeze up slightly and I put the fabric under her to soak up any excess water.
“Now what?” I ask Percival.
“Now – we wait.”
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