《Cultivating with Anime System》Chapter 8


Chapter 8 2 hours before the raid . . . Jian was sitting, readying himself for something. "system, why my rinnegan hasn’t woke up yet? didn't my multi-elemental affinity granted me wood element?" [host is correct, but rinnegan can only be awakened with the unique characteristic of Senju bloodline.] "hmm…. how much is the cost of Senju bloodline?" [senju bloodline: 200000 current anime point: 171330] "Just my luck! I'm close but still can't reach it! tonight there will be bloodshed, I have to get stringer right now or I will die tonight!" after a few moments, he spoke again after some calculation. "fuuu…. even though the system said that there won't be any pain, but I must be ready for any unexpected thing. system……integrate Uchiha and Hyuga bloodline. [80000 anime point will be deduced. Proceed?] "what? damn it…this will completely ruin my plan to become op super-fast! fuck it, ok do it" boooom as his words finished, energy began to fill his entire body, but this time no pain invaded him. but on contrary, he felt pleasure and power coming from every cell in his body. Katcha [host has reached grand warrior tier after reaching grand warrior tier, virtuous demon form has unlocked from your cultivation method] Jian's body was going through many changes, his ears grow and became longer like that of an elf, his skin became a bit darker with some white-glowing lines and runes on his skin. blood came out of his eyes that were about to finish its evolution, red like blood, with five white tomoe that kept rotating and emitting a beautiful shining glow. "this…. this power, can't believe it! is it because of my new forms or my eyes?" [both] Jian kept looking at himself in the mirror with his eyes wide open. "but…damn, I became more feminine!" [that will change in another 3 or 4 years according to my calculation if nothing important change.] "with everything I have, I think I can go toe to toe with peak grand warrior or maybe even early-stage masters! this is amazing! now let's revert to my original form and try to generate my own Zanpakuto with Shinigami manual." in just 4 or 5 seconds, he had the same human appearances with normal eyes, ears, and without any glowing runes. "according to the manual, this is going to be hard. I have high energy and reiatsu because I am a cultivator and for some reason I will acquire my Zanpakuto different than any other Shinigami! I just hope that I won't die trying." Jian was in deep meditation trying to connect to his soul and the power within it, but after many hours he didn't succeed and completely lost track of time. When he finally realized that he is late for the raid and might miss his chance, he hurriedly opens his eyes with worry. "shit I'm late, I have t……. what the fuck?" he wasn't in his room anymore! In front of him was a palace that seemed very old and ancient, and when he looked around, he found out that he is floating in the air. he couldn't see anything else other than the palace! everything else was in complete darkness. even with his new eyes and observation haki he couldn't see or feel anything else besides the palace. But the strangest thing was that he couldn't even feel the palace! Like it wasn't even there. "is that my Zanpakuto? ouch!" while he was thinking, suddenly the gravity pulled him to the ground and he fell……. on his butt. the problem was that, that it hurt! he was a grand warrior. So, something like this wouldn't be able to inflict pain upon him but now he seemed…...normal, like any normal 14 years old kid. Jian stood up without caring for it anymore, after looking at his goal a little more, he walked toward it but after 1 hour he still didn't reach it and was out of breath. "hah…. hah…...what is going on? is it supposed to be some sort of test?" as his words were some sort of key, a door appeared behind. "leave? haha, in your dream" his determination only grows more and pushed him forward, but not long after, the situation changed once again. "are you kidding me? the heat is…. unbearable….and it's only getting hotter" his body was full of sweat, it seemed that he would break any moment but that didn't happen and he kept on moving toward the unmoving palace. "what? now it's freezing? are you trying to kill me?" the heat suddenly changed to freezing cold after half an hour and kept changing each half an hour for an unknown time. "I’m…. dying" his body was breaking down, literally. his long silky hair was there no more! his smooth white skin has been blackened and corroded and seemed to fall off by a single touch. Blood was constantly coming out every pore in his body. "even though I know that…...that this isn't real…….it-it hurts…. I can't keep on…. like this!" once again, a door appeared behind him but this time, Jian turned around and slowly walked toward it. upon reaching the door, he slowly raised his weak hand to try and open it. but then he hesitated and turned back without any word. "oni-chan come back…I miss you" "that…th-that's impossible" the blood that was flowing out of his eyes only intensified by hearing the voice coming from the other side of the door. he clenched his fist, causing blood and skin to fall off. then closed his eyes for a few seconds and after reopening the continued to walk toward the palace. "Are you leaving me?" the voice continued to call for him, but he just kept on walking and crying blood. "you are leaving me again, everything that happened to me is your fault! you couldn't protect! you never wanted to…YOU ARE A MONSTER" "noooo…i-i-I tried! but…but…...I was weak" finally, he couldn't bear it anymore and turned around talking to the girl behind the door. he clenched his teeth trying to calm himself down. "yes, you were. but you are still weak… noting changed and never will" her words instead of weakening his resolve, only made them stronger. Jian soon calmed down and turned his back toward the door and ignoring her voices. ummmmmmmmmm gravity multiplied and brought him on his knees, he still tried to move forward but…. Katcha his knees and legs broke and he completely fell. "hahahaha, you are weak and worthless! you can’t even save yourself let alone others. just die already and let the world be a better place by removing yourself from it" she laughed and mocked him while he was crawling…leaving traces of blood behind. "haha…little Zanpakuto, I will spank you to death when I finish this trial!" suddenly he stopped and spoke with confidence. "What? are you stupid? you already failed! you are weak and that will never change!" the voice seemed a little shocked and nervous but regained her calmness in a short moment. "you always tried to make me admit defeat and walk out of that door, but you made a fatal mistake." she was still silent so Jian kept on saying…. "When I began to get closer to death, you showed yourself more and more, and now you are trying your hardest to discourage me…...since death seems the only logical way for me to win and since I can't stand this pain any longer…. then." "what? that is idiotic! wait…what are you doing no wait" after saying his words, he reached his head with both of his hands while she was shouting at him, and with a little twist, a new pain on his neck overtook others in his body and then…there was nothing! . . . . . . . . [you have succeeded in passing the first, seven Labours of ascension. Shikai unlocked. Shikai store tab unlocked until you reach the next stage, you can only use 2 other Shikai or merge them.]

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