《Cultivating with Anime System》Chapter 4


Chapter 4 "hey look, isn't that a boy? and…look, she is the sect leader" "no, that would be impossible. I think she is a tomboy" everyone was whispering too each other looking at Jian. "haha, boy it seems you have an interesting life ahead of you" she seemed very amused by all the incidents and kept teasing Jian. "here, this will be your new home and this is your clothes. You must have it on when you are in the sect. work hard to reach the grand warrior tier to become an inner disciple and have a better house, you still have the permission to use the royal heavenly pool for 3 days, I will permit you to use the teleporter. Go to the royal capital and raise your cultivation and this a ticket to take one skill from the martial art hall, normally outer disciple can only use the first floor but since you are talented you have access to all floors just this once. We have an outer sect tournament in 20 days, participate if you could, I will have matters to attend…take care" "thank you for your kindness sect leader" Jian bowed while the sect leader left. after entering his small house, he stopped and looked at himself in the mirror. "sigh, finally I have some time and solitude. so, this is me! huh, I'm quite handsome despite my age! I think I should be about 13 or 14! from my memory I should Be one of the top geniuses in the whole kingdom with my cultivation" Jian was admiring his handsomeness, white short hair, blue eyes and a very fit body, he was even taller than others around his age. "hahaha finally its time, SYSTEM OPEN SHOP" [affirmative items bloodline skill summoning(locked) portals(locked)] "what? so some functions are still locked! system how can I unlock them?" [no data is available] "hm, ok fine show me all the top bloodlines that are affordable according to my anime point" [processing . . . . task completed the host should note that the merging function is currently locked devil gene 20000 ghoul bloodline 10000 Hyuga Clan bloodline 15000 Shikotsumyaku 10000] "just 4? it seems I'm quite poor, well …let see…. devil gene might get out of control and result in me going berserker which I can't afford right now, the ghoul is…. well I'm not ready for it until I have a way to counter its cannibalism, and I have Sharingan, so Hyuga is out of the picture until I unlock the merging function and that leaves only Shikotsumyaku……ok purchase Shikotsumyaku" [affirmative] fuuush after a few seconds, he felt a refreshing sensation in his body along with bearable pain. now that I am doing this, system …. use Uchiha and Sayajin bloodline. boooom every muscle in his body began to twitch and break then recover. the process of Shikotsumyaku isn't finished yet and it too began to break and recreate all his bones. his eye began to become bloody as blood was flowing out of it. 1 hour passed by he lying on a bloody carpet and biting a piece of wood, he was breathing heavily and seemed half dead. "fuck, it finished. I thought this will keep on forever. good thing I predicted this and told the system to not integrate them when I earned them, otherwise everyone would see my foundation changing" he tried to get up and go Infront of the mirror. His eyes were red with two tomoe on it and a monkey tail on his back. "two tomoe? so I skipped 1 stage, lucky me. ok let's do this first" Jian grabbed a knife and… whooosh "ouch, that hurts, but now I shouldn't be afraid to lose control of myself when looking to the full moon" he sat down again after throwing his tail to the fire. "and for the next part…. system how much is the cost for Yami Yami no Mi?" [Yami Yami no Mi 10000 purchase? y/n] "yes" suddenly a dark fruit with a weird pattern and shape appeared in front of him out of nowhere and Jian directly ate it without any further ado. boooom he felt something exploding inside him and changing his body, luckily this time he didn't felt any pain. "ho, so this is the power of darkness…" "tomorrow I will go to the capital, so until tomorrow I will cultivate ancient heavenly demon cultivation method and Shinigami beginner's manual" …………………………………………………………………….. in a small house, A young boy was meditating, around him, demonic aura and holy aura were constantly rotating forming a natural balance, he had a black robe forming from energy which was in contrast with his long white hair which reached to the middle of his back. Katcha "stage 3 warrior tier, this cultivation method is weird. I have to use both demonic energy and holy energy which will fuse and form new energy, this must be a very high ranked method, it is fast and keep me more powerful than others same stage as me, maybe even one or two-stage higher and adding Shinigami form, Sharingan, Shikotsumyaku, Sayajin and darkness fruit plus hirashin, Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū and getsuga tenshou techniques I might even be able to go face to face with peak warrior tier!.” {note than the assassin was caught while his guard was down and he also underestimated Jian, otherwise, the result would've been different} "I think now everyone must be asleep… I should leave before they wake up, even though it a blessing living between this many girls but still it feels weird and I'm not used to it yet, hmm I wonder why my hair has grown this much! bet I look better with it" ……………………………………………………………………………. the capital city is a buzzing place, there are many people from all over the kingdom and some from others doing their business in here, from poor and beggars all the way to royalty, but not all of them are cultivator, around 10 percent in all of the realm are cultivator because the resources are low and not many have the aptitude for cultivating. in a big building with the sign 'teleport station', a young man was panting heavily and trying to prevent himself from throwing up. "ahhhh, damn it what the fuck was that? it felt like my body broke up at molecule level and then merged again…. that felt very…whoooow" "hahaha look at that idiot" "shit I should leave before I lose more of my face" after an hour of walking, he finally arrived at a small building, around the size of a normal room with the sign of 'royal heavenly pool'. "Is this the pool? Maybe I got to the wrong place" there were many guards around it and one that seemed to be the leader came Infront of Jian. "Hey kid, what are you doing here?" the guard was looking at him with suspicious eyes, Jian when saw this, showed him a golden ticket. "I have 3-day permission to use the royal heavenly pool. is this the place?" the guard eyes got wide and then spoke to him respectfully: "yes young man, follow me please" here, enter please "the guard said this while pointing toward the small building. upon entering, what greeted him was…. nothing, there was nothing in there not even dust. "There is nothing here!" "you will be teleported there and after 3 days you will be automatically teleported back again" the guard then closed the gate. "TELEPORT? NO WAIT NOOOOO…..." ……………………………………………………………………… in a beautiful garden which seems something like from a fairy tale, Jian was on his knees……throwing up. "why? why this keep happening to me? I'm on the verge of crying right now" after getting himself together, he stood up and looked around. "wow, I thought that I'm dead and in heaven for a moment, oh…. that, I think that’s it. a pool filled with energy" Jian got naked and happily jumped to the pool. "haha, feels good, I feel every molecule of my body is being filled with energy" [a highly concentrated source of holy energy is detected beginning absorption, time until the source become dried up is estimated around two and half day] "what no no wait, they will kill me if the find out" [operation can't be canceled] "no, no WAAAIIIT"

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