《Cultivating with Anime System》Chapter 2


Chapter 2

In the arena, a middle-aged man was vomiting blood.

"you dare to attack a participant? Who do you think you are?" an old man with long white hair and beard but with a domineering aura was looking at the heavily injured we cheng with angry eyes.

"so…sorry lord rei, he killed my son and i lost control of my emotion"

Wu cheng tried standing up while coughing blood, then he gazed at Jian and left the stage after bowing to elder rei.

'bastard…. I will torture you and your mother to death after this'

'shit…. That was close, if it wasn't for this man, I would've died already' before cheng could take Jian's life, elder rei kicked him away and if he wasn't a stage 7 grand warrior, he would've died front that attack from the peak master, elder rei.

"Jian, run away after this don't worry about me, mon will be fine…. Don't come back"

Wu mei shouted at Jian while crying, she knew the fate awaiting before them.

"shit I forgot about this body's mother, I should protect her if I can."

"elder rei after this me and my mother would be slaughtered, I know I am not in any position to ask this, but can you help us get through this? I would be forever in your debt"

Jian bowed to the elder and asked him for his help, he is a high ranking official of the kingdom and the manager of the sects and factions so he probably can help him.

"hahahaha there is no need for that. young man, you have won the tournament and many sect and faction are eyeing you, so you can join one of them and they will protect you and your mother from any harm" after that he smiled at Jian and got off the stage and announced:" wu Jian from wu family won the yearly tournament his family will be exempted from tax for 1 year and wu Chen will receive 1000 lower spirit stone and permission to use the royal heavenly pool for 3 days"


"you fucking bastard, even if you and mother run away… I will eventually capture you and rape your mother in front of you and then kill both of you" wu Chen was angry cause he was powerless against other sects and factions; he can just bid his time and wait for his chance.

After the end of the awarding ceremony, a middle-aged beautiful woman came in front of Jian, she had silver hair with silver eyes, her beauty was truly otherworldly.

"young man, I am the slaughtering sword goddess sect leader, you can just call me sect leader, I invite you to my sect… you have a great talent both in cultivating and swordsmanship, there is no better sect for you to join"

after the argument between all the sects and factions she came out winner, her sect was number one in their whole kingdom, but there was a little problem that Jian will find out about later.

'this is my chance, even though I want to be like other novel protagonists and be a lone warrior but reality is very different than a story, and this way I can protect my mother until I get stronger….besides, she is super-hot so I won't have any regret serving UNDER her. Hee-hee'

Jian thought to himself then kneeled in front of her and respectfully said:" wu Jian greet sect leader"

"ho, you are quite well mannered despite your age, I am satisfied with my decision already, go and pack your belonging…we will leave 3 hours from now, your mother can live in the sect civilian's area"

After hearing this. Jian eyes shined and said while bowing: "I am forever in your debt sect leader"

"just don't disappoint me young man "sect leader smiled and left.

'what great find, I came looking for silver and found gold, when wu Chen grabbed him, he quickly slashed at his vital point. pity his sword couldn't penetrate his middle-ranked robe or else he would've died on the spot, such a reflex, accuracy and calmness is almost impossible for any around his age to have. it almost like a veteran warrior…no to be more exact, an ASSASSIN"


Half an hour later he arrived at the courtyard of his house where his mother and patriarch with a few family members were waiting for him.

"wu Jian…. You killed my son and you must pay for it"

We cheng said and unleashed his killing intent.

Jian was sweating and after a few seconds spoke.

"This is the badge from the sect that I have joined, if any harm befalls me and my mother… then wu family will cease to exist, "Jian said while holding a silver-white badge depicting a woman embracing a sword.

"what? Impossible!"

"How can you join them?"

"How did they accept you?"

The elder voice could be heard one after another.

"that…that is the genuine badge! My daughter has the same one as that"

Wu cheng said and clenched his fists.

"This isn't over yet let's leave"

After they left, wu mei ran toward him and embraced him: "my little tiger…. I thought I'm going to lose you like your father!"

She was crying for a few minutes.

"mother… pack your stuff, we are leaving…. And when I gain enough power I will come back and demand justice"

he was actually in pain because his mother was hugging him so hard, he thought he is going get squished

'how is she so damn strong!'


After a few hours, a caravan arrived Infront of a beautiful white palace, not just but many….it was almost as big as a big city or a small country.

When Jian and mei entered they were greeted with an amazing sight, there were all sorts of shops that sold everything from a simple potato all the way until middle-ranked treasure and many martial arts and even cultivation methods.

'ah…. The female ratio to male is like 1 to 10! I wonder why? Could it be that in this world women’s papulation is more?? Wow, that would be awesome, god thank you for this blessing.'

Jian was in a daze until they reached the civilian's residence area.

"Jian, you help your mother settle in and after 2 hours come to the sect register area… I have some matters to attend so I'll be leaving"

Half an hour after they arrived and the sect leader left Jian had an ominous feeling, he quickly grabbed his mother and...



"what? Where is he?"

a figure in dark hooded clothing and holding two daggers said dumbfoundedly.

"huh, that was close…. mother wait here I'll go take a look"

Jian marked many places with his hirashin and when he felt danger, he quickly used hirashin to teleport himself and his mother out of the house.

"no, that is out of the question, you can't go! I won't lose you!"

mei was trying hard to prevent him from going back.

"mother relax, just trust me in this one. please! I am a cultivator and my path is full of danger… I can't be a coward"

after seeing his determination, she couldn't stop him. "just be careful"

"don't worry I will be back soon"

he said while walking toward the house, upon closer look you can see a devilish smile on his face.

'hahaha this will be a good reward'

[new quest

objective: kill the assassins before the sect enforcers arrive (+S difficulty)

Reward: full elemental affinity-15000 anime point-observation haki- Shinigami beginners manual.

detail: your opponent is peak warrior and is way more powerful than you, you can reject this mission if you wish]



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