《D.W》Chapter 9: A boy and a girl walk into a dungeon.


The carriage becomes silent from the dismissal of the butler.

With nothing to talk about we just stayed in silence both examining the other for around 5 minuets till a knock was heard on the carriage door, leering out of the carriage window I see the butler with a small trunk that I guessed held what I asked him to collect.

"Is this what i asked you to get?" While opening the carriage door and handing me the trunk he nods silently.

I take the trunk and leave the carriage while looking around to see if there is anyone else except the princesses escorts, from checking I see no-one, turning back to the carriage I say "my dear Velka I ask you to follow me."

From hearing that I wished her to follow she left the carriage and want to my side,"Royal guards I ask you to go ahead and wait at the Dungeon nexus, I will personally escort the princess there."

Coming from me was clearly the request for them to leave us alone even so the princess nods and the guard's and staff go ahead.

After all of the other people are gone the princess asks "ok then what is the reason that you sent my guards away ?" I replied with "All will be explained when you follow me."

Once I finished saying that we walked towards the transport gate.

The princess tries to get an answer out of me while we walk there but I give no real answer to her questions.

. . .

At the gate to not spoil the surprise I used my mind to send a message to Megan to open the gate to a specific location, I also told Velka that I lied about needing to go to the nexus to open the gate making sure that the adventurers and her staff would leave.


Hearing this she just nods, seeing that I took a lot of measures to get us alone but she reply's since she thinks i would be more open to answers"So Sir Ryan, where you gonna take me in this blasted dungeon, that would need the use of the gate ?"

In response to the question I simply say, " follow and see." In the next moment I walk though the gate with the princess right behind me.

. . .

We both appear in a granite coloured room with cracked walls and floors, the room was roughly 5 meters by 10 meters with single entrance that appeared behind us, on the war side of the room was a Distinct pedestal, that held a large crystal that was embedded into it facing the door.

We went from the dungeon entrance, to the Dungeon crystal room.

From seeing the Pedestal then Megan, Velka is instantly stunned.

It isn't everyday that you see an alive dungeon crystal, sure you could get dead dungeon crystals for Mana batteries since they suck up mana like a sponge, but once a crystal is removed from its dungeon it loses its artificial soul and losses its capability to grow.

The princess turns to me with a face showing slight shock but I expected that, walking towards Megan, me and Velka exchange silence.

Just after reaching in-front of the pedestal I pull out the earlier Trunk and open it.

At the moment the trunk opens the princess who was observing finally realized the secret.

Inside the trunk was the head of the adventurer who tried to push me.

At that time no one noticed but instead of just chopping off his arm, I lightly cut into his other arm as well from this I was aiming for all of his major arteries in his other arm, causing him to die thought severe blood loss, but since I did the speech his existence was overlooked quickly, this is why I sent the butler to collect the head.


From the Clues given Velka realizes what the surprise was, Ryan wanted her to become a dungeon manager and she was ecstatic, in the history of this world kingdoms and dungeons are counteracting forces but with this, its near impossible for the dungeon and kingdom to go to conflict, its like a political marriage in no other words to describe it more aptly.

Without Me even having to say anything Velka grabs the head before walking to Megan, on the way she pulls out a ornate knife and starts peeling it like an apple to leave the pristine white skull once she is at Megan.

Like me she does the Quickest way to get the brain out of the skull and that was smash it but unlike how I used my knife's hilt she just smashed the skull against the pedestal causing bone to fly everywhere but the key part its that the brain starts to disintegrate into the dungeon pedestal with a black hue, after the brain is gone Megan's gem pinpoints on Velka and she starts screaming, it seemed so painful to the point that she fell to the floor but since I knew the pain already, I was sympathetic slightly.

I laugh slightly before Megan speaks. "Hello, my name is Megan, I'm the dungeon, its nice to be working with you now."

From hearing a voice in her head Velka looked towards the Dungeon gem directly from her position on the floor."yeah sure it's nice to meet you. . ."

thank you for reading.

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