《Path Of The Cultured Uncultured One》Chapter 28


Yang's clothes were given back to him, and after getting dressed, he was escorted to the gate and left.

Yang: What the hell happened here? The entire sect is in ruins!

Yang looked around but couldn't find anything. Not even a single drop of blood was on the ground. Then he decided to go home instead of going to the dungeon.

Yang: I don't think I should trust those two. I have a feeling they are the ones responsible for wiping the sect out. I must prepare as much as possible. Somehow I managed to reach Foundation Conception 6 while I was out, but I still need to cultivate...

Yang reached the barrier's end, and he was surprised to see that it was purple and was clearly visible. And behind the barrier, most of the trees were demolished or severely damaged.

Yang: What could have happened here? I think I should stay and cultivate here instead.

Yang sat down on the road and started cultivating. He was so immersed in his cultivation that a day had passed without him noticing. Finally, after a day of cultivation, he decided to go back to his home.

Yang: I don't think I am prepared enough without a weapon. My axe and knife will hopefully be enough.

Yang starter walking back to his home.

Yang: Somehow, I am starting to understand the fundamentals of cultivation, but I am not very sure about my knowledge yet.

On the road, the snow level was so high that it covered almost his knees, but once he got home, he noticed that the snow level was barely even noticeable. After grabbing the axe and the knife, he placed his knife into his pocket and took out the ring that was in his grip when he woke up.

Yang: So this is it. I will put you on. I hope it is not some kind of trick created by that perverted girl.


Yang put the ring onto his right index finger, and nothing happened; thus, he headed back to the sect.

Yang: So I should head forward after I reach the end of the trail.

Once Yang got back to the barrier, he started looking up, searching for the Sun while he was still walking. It was almost noon, but the sky was clouded, so the Sun was barely visible.

Yang: I should have grabbed some food before I left; I am starting to get hungry, although it is strange that I get hungry slower. Could it be one of the benefits of cultivation?

Yang soon reached the end of his small road, so he walked forward, and as he walked, the forest got denser and denser. As he was going deeper and deeper into the forest, he found some bushes with some exotic fruit. Since he was hungry, he walked to the bush, picked one of the berries, and then smelled it. The berries were light blue with tiny yellow spots at the centre of them, forming a circle.

Yang: What sort of abomination is this? I have never seen anything like this... Well... it's eat or starve, so I don't think I have a choice. At least it smells pretty nice.

Yang ate the berry and was surprised because the fruit was very tasty. He harvested every single berry and started walking again. He collected a few dozen berries, and as he was walking, he was eating them slowly, enjoying their taste.

Yang: These berries are tasty but will not be enough for a more extended period. I either have to finish this quickly or have to find some more berries.

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